Civ5 Patch!

'Library now has no specialist slots.'

What?? How did they come up with that one? Dont they like slingshots or something?? Seriously, reducing it to 1 was fine but 0?

I am not playing CIV5 either at the moment and this patch doesnt make it a lot likier i think..
I do like the extra national wonders though.

As for tactical warfare? Wait and see. Computer certainly doesnt seem more intelligent when it comes to peace treaties after reading the above posts...
I didn't see it mentioned in the fix list, enemy units getting a friendly territory bonus in your territory during a war against you. That is an ender if it is still around.
So... It's finally playable??? Really honest and TRUE??? I've been waiting almost 3 months! ZOOOOOOOM! (I'll edit with what I've found playing on LOWLY "normal" difficulty (Noble? Prince?) since everyone's doing it. I haven't played since September so this should be interestin')

Game 1: I had to exit out to switch the interface and when I tried to load the game, Civ 5 crashed... twice. NEEEXT!

Game 2: I'm loving these changes. I feel much less in the dark about diplomacy and the beaker fix is much appreciated. Just like I expected.
I've not finished a game yet, and there have been some negative comments here, but so far I am having great fun.
When I try to play a a saved game, after a couple turns the game crashes. I believe this happened with my ongoing game after the first patch. Is this a common problem? Is there a way I can prevent the patch from updating until I'm finished a current game?
The newest patch for Civilization 5, version, has now been released. Steam should auto-update the game whenever it is opened next.

To view the details of the new patch, please visit this page.

I didn't buy Steam. I did not install Steam.

I paid my money for a game that has so many errors it has needed X patches. Where do I download the latest patch for this game I paid for?

Where do I download any patch for my game? TPB, of course but I paid real US money.

Please help me believe that capitalism is better than piracy by providing a link for me to download this latest patch.

I didn't buy Steam. I did not install Steam.

I paid my money for a game that has so many errors it has needed X patches. Where do I download the latest patch for this game I paid for?

Where do I download any patch for my game? TPB, of course but I paid real US money.

Please help me believe that capitalism is better than piracy by providing a link for me to download this latest patch.


Just install Steam and update the game. Really, it's not that bad, and I'm sure it's capitalist-friendly :)

That said, maybe a standalone patch will never be released, since it pretty much says on the box you need a Steam connection to install/use the game. Maybe it will and you get lucky, however, time will tell :)
The "denounce"-thingy in the diplomacy seems to work like a rumour that spreads to all civs. I get permanent war with everyone very easy, just because some civ denounced me. it seems like when one civ denounce you it spreads to every other civ as well. This means its almost impossible to build relationsship with anyone. The new patch merely made it more obvious how stupid the AI´s are. In Civ4 the AI was not perfect, but when it comes to to Civ5 you dont care building relations with other civs after a while since they will all just go to permanent war with you without any reason. So much for improved diplomacy. This and other factors makes the AI look like he is getting even dumber than before the new patch....or just as dumb... It seems this game will continue to be a disappointment...
I had problems with continuing a saved game started before the patch. The program would hang, not immediately, but after a good many turns. I have played through a new game with the same settings with no problem, so maybe there is an issue with pre-patch games.
tbh im havin the opposite in terms of dimplomacy, most people wanna just be friendly and sign open borders all the time just like on the last patch but anyone whos not on good terms with me doesnt really do anything about it, i find myself just engaging in wars for no reason because the games got dull.., hopefully mods can fix some things with this.
Just finished the game since the new updates. some say its more like a new civ game or expansion but for me, still didnt resolve many issues if not all.

in diplomacy, the new features of declaration of mutual friendship is something quiet difficult if not impossible to achieve and its useless. the civ leaders are most often dont agree at all with my political proposal. another thing I notice is thier facial expressions, when they get angry it never change, even though we have friendly status, they still looks angry or hostile at me with insulting or not friendly subtitle till the rest of the game.

during war IA remains idle or dont make initial attack even if they have upperhand or numerical advantage, they instead converge around their capital. the worse thing is they dont sometime move away from my artillery fire. AI still deploy bunch of AA guns, missiles and very few fighters or bombers. still didnt enjoy the swap option in fighter plane since Ai remain unconvince about the strategic importance of fighter plane.

In general, the new patch considerably improve the game play, especially the money making and culture acquisition. I'd built almost all building in many cities and train more units and still have positive income. before, I maintained sea and air units of 1 battleship, 3 destroyers, 1 carrier, 3 bombers, 1 stealth and a jet. land units of more or less 5 infantries, 2 tanks, 1 heli, 3 artilleries and income of more or less 60 minimum per turn. now, I deployed units more than double what i used to maintained and with 160 income per turn. my culture acquisition also increases though i played as french which have a cultural bonus at early game. and lastly i didnt experience crashes or reloading problem during the entire game. its a good thing, they fix it at last.
The "denounce"-thingy in the diplomacy seems to work like a rumour that spreads to all civs. I get permanent war with everyone very easy, just because some civ denounced me. it seems like when one civ denounce you it spreads to every other civ as well. This means its almost impossible to build relationsship with anyone. The new patch merely made it more obvious how stupid the AI´s are. In Civ4 the AI was not perfect, but when it comes to to Civ5 you dont care building relations with other civs after a while since they will all just go to permanent war with you without any reason. So much for improved diplomacy. This and other factors makes the AI look like he is getting even dumber than before the new patch....or just as dumb... It seems this game will continue to be a disappointment...

Are you sure you don't have a weak army/navy? Even Gandhi will declare on you if your military power is weak. Furthermore, if your military power remains weak, civs will be much less likely to sign treaties -- and why should they in this situation?

There are three ways to sign a treaty with a civ when you have a weak military and they are: when someone more powerful than them declares and is whopping up on them, they are really far away and don't have the inclination to sail their military to the other side of the world, or your rag-tag military is shellacking them -- negating any numbers/power advantage they have (EX: Fort on a forest/hills tile "tunneled" by mountains with a hills tile in front of it -- a major choke point.)

EDIT: Oh yeah -- I forgot the giving into their insane demands to give them 10ish cities, but why do that?
Just finished downloading the new patch, I'm giddy to explore diplomacy (again.)

Edit: Played a game with the new patch. Egypt declared on me while being 'Friendly' after amassing a nice looking army on my border a turn after signing an open borders aggreement AND a research agreement, which was bad for them seeing as it bankrupted them while I was able to buy some units to fight.

They failed to take my city close to their capitol, and after I lifted the siege, Egypt sued for peace offering 2 of their cities, a majority of their gold, 5 GPT, open borders, and their iron surplus (we were in the medieval age.)

Seeing as I didn't pose a real threat to their homeland (had about 3-4 units near their border) and wasn't even close to taking an important city I have to believe this isn't intended. I'll chalk that up to crazy A.I. that has to be fixed going forward.


The AI may NOT have been crazy if they were bankrupted, and you had "lifted the seige" by destroying their entire field army. Remember how long it takes to build a unit, especially in Marathon.
i dont find the new diplomacy difficult at all. since im not really a war monger, i remain friends or at least neutral with all of the civs i compete with. if you really play around with it you can some can get some interesting results. i have gone through an entire game without waging war with anyone, but instead letting other civs (and city-states of course) do my dirty work for me :D
Hi, steam auto updated with latest patch and since then it crashes as and when it feels. Any ideas out there?:confused:
It plays a little longer than before the patch, BUT it still crashes often. If it helps in the analysis the crashes happen if you try to buy or move a unit before you set production in all of your cities for that round ???? And it also crashes if you try to do any 2 things in one city in one round. This is really frustrating....can you save this game too often ?? I am at the point where I save 2 times a round to keep from having to redo everything again. This is such a great game to have such great problems. I just wish they could make it playable before fine tweaking gameplay..
So reading all of this, the games still is no improvement.
I'm half way with a game and must confess, that it indeed is.

I never started a war, got denounced by Washington and am treated around the globe as the bloodthirsty one.
No that's what I call clevr AI at work !!!
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