Civ5 Patch!


Retired Moderator
Jul 23, 2004
Red Sox Nation
The newest patch for Civilization 5, version, has now been released. Steam should auto-update the game whenever it is opened next.

To view the details of the new patch, please visit this page.
just wondering if this '- Fixed save format which causes saves to increase the memory footprint of the game drastically when loading frequently over the course of the game. This heightened the risk of late-game out of memory crashes significantly.' now makes it so that when you get to medieval era and further the end turn load times are similar as start of the game? as on the last patch turn 1 etc would take like 5 seconds but in 1880 or something it would be like 2 minites, or is it just that my computer still cant handle the game with the settings i force upon it?
The changes make the Mongol scenario really difficult. If you thought it easy before go back and re-try now. Even on Prince level it's tough.
A lot of good balance changes (hah, take that Ignore Happiness!). I'll have to rethink my strategies now when I return to playing this game.
How do you get the update to download? It does not seem to automatically occur for me.

If I try to start the game, it says "The game is currently unavailable. Please try again later".

Anyone else having problems?
This update looks good enough to pull me away from Rise of Mankind: A New Dawn :D
It looks like they addressed most of the complained issues, they do listen to us! :eek:

Just finished downloading the new patch, I'm giddy to explore diplomacy (again.)

Edit: Played a game with the new patch. Egypt declared on me while being 'Friendly' after amassing a nice looking army on my border a turn after signing an open borders aggreement AND a research agreement, which was bad for them seeing as it bankrupted them while I was able to buy some units to fight.

They failed to take my city close to their capitol, and after I lifted the siege, Egypt sued for peace offering 2 of their cities, a majority of their gold, 5 GPT, open borders, and their iron surplus (we were in the medieval age.)

Seeing as I didn't pose a real threat to their homeland (had about 3-4 units near their border) and wasn't even close to taking an important city I have to believe this isn't intended. I'll chalk that up to crazy A.I. that has to be fixed going forward.

Speaking of crazy A.I., I declared friendship with Germany to test out the new feature. He expectantly asked me for a nice chunk of gold, which I agreed to send him. I was expected to see though that there seems to be no escalation of good diplomatic relations beyond 'Friendly'. Bismarck even asked for my entire treasury and my resources when I asked if he would help against Egypt (once again testing seeing as the war would have been over with me conquering Egypt by the time he could get his army there.) I hoped with the friendly relations/diplomacy aspect of the patch I'd see something along the lines of the A.I. offering to help the player in a war, or at the least giving the player a good 'discount' when negotiating entering a war on your side.

I'll give feedback on the other additions/changes of the patch later on.
Just won a tech victory and it looks like the rocket takes off on the map - don't remember it doing that before... Makes it a little less anti-climactic.
Just finished downloading the new patch, I'm giddy to explore diplomacy (again.)

Edit: Played a game with the new patch. Egypt declared on me while being 'Friendly' after amassing a nice looking army on my border a turn after signing an open borders aggreement AND a research agreement, which was bad for them seeing as it bankrupted them while I was able to buy some units to fight.

They failed to take my city close to their capitol, and after I lifted the siege, Egypt sued for peace offering 2 of their cities, a majority of their gold, 5 GPT, open borders, and their iron surplus (we were in the medieval age.)

Seeing as I didn't pose a real threat to their homeland (had about 3-4 units near their border) and wasn't even close to taking an important city I have to believe this isn't intended. I'll chalk that up to crazy A.I. that has to be fixed going forward.

Speaking of crazy A.I., I declared friendship with Germany to test out the new feature. He expectantly asked me for a nice chunk of gold, which I agreed to send him. I was expected to see though that there seems to be no escalation of good diplomatic relations beyond 'Friendly'. Bismarck even asked for my entire treasury and my resources when I asked if he would help against Egypt (once again testing seeing as the war would have been over with me conquering Egypt by the time he could get his army there.) I hoped with the friendly relations/diplomacy aspect of the patch I'd see something along the lines of the A.I. offering to help the player in a war, or at the least giving the player a good 'discount' when negotiating entering a war on your side.

I'll give feedback on the other additions/changes of the patch later on.

I am sure it was all your fault. :p

Seriously, it sounds quite exciting to me.

I found this in the patch list: "- AI is now capable of denouncing friends (aka, backstabbing) and added backstabbing info to diplo overview screen."
"- AI is now capable of denouncing friends (aka, backstabbing) and added backstabbing info to diplo overview screen."
This is ridiculous, they didn't change a thing it seems...
Edit: maybe I'm being a bit harsh, have to test it for myself first.
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