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Procylon's Call to Power Project

Just downloaded, installed, and played for about 120 turns. Have to say I like many of the features thus far. The economy seems to work well, and allows continued growth throughout the early part of the game. Will continue testing, but have not run into any problems with the version 8. Please keep up the good work.
The CIV5GlobalDefines.xml file wasn't listed in the ModInfo file under OnModActivated. I updated my local copy.

You rock Fred. :) That explains why culture acquisition was stopping at 5 instead of 9, culture bomb cooldown was 10 instead of 5, and some other things. :)

I will report how my game goes. I went legindary with fast production. Oh unit spam though; has anyone looked into changing the number of units allowed per population? There is hard coded pretty harse results if you go over that number. It was tweaked for vanilla but I bet it is to prevent a sea of units. You notice this if you play a occ as you can't have as many units supported with only one city.

Given the massively high populations you can get in this mod, that would not be the best route to take. Quite a few global mechanics won't work well with this mod simply because of the vast changes that take place throughout the game.

As it reads now it loads vanilla, than the mod. I will look into seeing a visualy nice way of displaying them so you can compare. I can just duplicate every column; but that is a huge table for something like buildings who have 12 columns (or so).

Does it color the modded files in a different manner than the Vanilla files? This could be super useful to have both in the same document which a clear distinction between them.

The xml output will read from the top down row by row. So if you order the table in excel how you want it will output that way. So that is yes it will be based on your sorted order.

Alphabeticly, your special order you picked, etc.

That would be excellent. One of the huge problems with Lemmy101's tech editor was that it output the XML's in a fashion that was vastly different than the order I had set up. So when I had to manually fix things, it was a lot of work rearranging things to ensure that everything was there.

For me it is best if the order goes by the placement in the tech tree. So all buildings and units on agriculture would be first, units/buildings on mysticism second, etc. And of course separated into their building and unit categories. And of course the techs would be the same way.

So if your editor can let me easily set this order, it would rock.

Would it be possible to sort by tech placement in the manner I described above? So perhaps the tech gets sorted according to its X/Y coordinates, top to bottom, left to right, and then each unit/building can then be sorted based upon the tech order. I don't know if this requires your program to give the techs a temporary ID for the units/buildings to relate to, but either way, if you could make this happen it would definitely help out.

That is what I'm useing to make this table. So you will be able to see them. I will try and get that up today on a post here for you. I don't want it in the xml reader yet as it is a side to that. I think they will help each other out though.

I'm not trying to re invent the xml like the tech tree did. I am just trying to make them friendly tables so you can build me a better MOD. All about you building a better MOD.

With some of the abilities above, it should definitely make my job easier. :)

I guess I find that funny and informative. Funny as I just know VBA, smattering of other languages. I do have a good understanding of databases and relations. This is just a big database. So I can administrate the usage of such; but wouldn't know how to use it myself. Funny; that is how it is will most my databases.

Informative bcause I didn't consider myself to be that more knowledgeable. Thank you for what I perseive as a complement on my knowledge of programming. Maybe I will end up helpig out more than I figured when dll stuff comes out.

See I don't even have a clue as to what the dll is going to look like. If it looks like a more complicated version of lua, then it will make my life that much harder. :p

LUA is just uncomplicated enough that I can look at it and see what kind of use it would have for me, and maybe change a few things here or there within a completed LUA to tailor it to my needs. I couldn't create a LUA from scratch if I tried though.

I kind of went into this with the idea of learning LUA, but it would take more time than I thought to get into it.

XML in general is pretty easy. I bet you could do it pretty easily if you took the time to look at the game XML's and compare them to some MOD XML's. Pretty much what I did.

Well see my response above. I will tell you how it goes. Once I get the schema file up maybe it will help you find this value. I know it is in there. Basicly from the occ I played I just went pure army to defend deity onslaught. I hit a wall were I had negative effects to to many units my population couldn't support. This might be an ai deturant to IUS.

Since the patch it has seemed as if the AI doesn't use IUS anymore. I will probably take some screens of my current game to show you what they are doing after I finish. Basically I have a giant maginot line down the middle of a huge map, and the AI has a unit maybe every 2-3 hexes on their borders with me and the other AI. Also, spying on the coast has shown that they keep very few units where they are not needed.

I gave russia 100k+ gold though, and they haven't spent a dime of it though. Not sure why, but that is an annoying problem.

I would like it if you added an option that you get at begining of game. Basicly throw away production option. The puppets can do this; but I don't know if you can. Basicly it is a build nothing. Once you research the ability to build those than great though. I know you can force end turn; just a thought.

Ah, the endless balacing act.

That is kind of what they slaves were supposed to be. I have been considering how to thematically add in a mini-wealth process. If I could use culture in the processes, I would add a 10% culture process that would be some kind of ritual/religion related process. Once the DLL is released, I imagine I can add this in.

Yes. Can you make it infinite? What is the disadvantage to that? I don't see why they limited it. It isn't like you will realistically be going much beyond 5 unless you wiped everything out anyway and are playing just one more turn.

Infinite is a bit much. For now I will leave it at 9, with the possibility to increase a couple more hexes with further testing. 9 is a pretty gargantuan distance really. 18 hexes across just from 1 city. I consider that to be the size of alaska. :p

For now if you really need to stretch out your borders even more, there is the culture bombs. :)

When I upgrade the crossbowman to the machine gun, the upgraded unit doesn't get the logistics promotion. I haven't built a machine gun from scratch so I don't know if the unit itself is missing the promotion, or only the upgraded ones.

Is the logistics actually missing or is it merely hidden due to the promotion display limitation(can someone please fix this in the UI? :p)?

At some point, the ranged units extra promotions won't have an effect due to their limited movement. IE, if a unit has 2 moves, but 3 attacks, he only gets to attack twice. This is why I increased movement to 3 starting with the combat controller I think.

If that isn't the issue, let me know.

Civilopedia has many text bugs in tech, units and bulding.

Are you saying that the Civilopedia only has bugs with those mods running, or separate?

I know there are quite a few Civilopedia text strings that I have not updated because so many things are changing. Once I have mostly finished with the tech tree I will hit all the text strings in the tech tree and update them accordingly. :)

Hey guys, I love the Mod.
I have entered a Bug for Civ5 but I am not sure if this Mod is the cause of the Bug since I only play Civ5 with your mod. (Civ is unbearable without your mod.)

I invite you to check it out just in case.

Ai keep building units until all Hex are filled, then start teleporting

I have heard other reports of this. Civ 5 is the base cause of the teleporting bug, but the extra units in this mod is kind of pushing it to that point.

Have you played on V8 recently? Personally I have noticed that the AI builds much less units, why may get rid of this Wall to Wall Teleporting Units bug.

Just downloaded, installed, and played for about 120 turns. Have to say I like many of the features thus far. The economy seems to work well, and allows continued growth throughout the early part of the game. Will continue testing, but have not run into any problems with the version 8. Please keep up the good work.

I have made some progress with balance into the renaissance age, but the AI still seems to fall behind when the player hits their industrial revolution. So when you hit this point in your game it may come unhinged. :)

Thinking of new tweaks to get this under control, including some AI handicaps for gold generation or something.
When they said rebels they weren't kidding. 3 hunter killers next to my capital, took 6 gauss tanks to suppress.

There is a serious problem with the fact that once you get enough culture you HAVE to take the next policy. I was sitting pretty on freedom/liberty and piety, and then was force to take Autocracy cause it was that or rationalism. Ok no biggie, my happiness went from +500 to +5-20. At least I got 60-70 alluminum/oil/coal now.

But I knew what was coming in the future. I would be forced to take rationalism. And sure enough, I was -500 happiness in the hole. I should be able to remove myself easily enough, but it is pretty annoying to have to bounce back and forth like this.

Going to have to look into changing the forced policy adoption. Or something. Don't really want to make across the board cost raises on the system just to stall the inevitable.
It seems that uploading to the Modhub is finally working again, so V8 is now live in the game. :)

Also, I uploaded the newest version to Source Forge.

Latest changes include:
1 ~30% increase in cost to units and buildings, industrial era through diamond.
2 5% increase in research costs in all ages.
3 New Civil Engineer unit available at Dynamite. Upgrades from the worker, builds 150% faster than the worker. Bonuses such as the pyramids and policies do not currently affect the Civil Engineer, however it should still be faster nonetheless.
4 GlobalDefines.xml now updates the database properly.
5 Hospital and Medical lab reworked. Hospital reduced from 25% food kept to 10% and +6 happiness. Medical Lab food kept removed, but now gives 1 Science per Population. This is a total reduction of 40% food kept in the late industrial, early modern era. Hopefully this has a profound effect on the AI's ability to keep up in science, gold, and production.
7 New Wonder Images added, courtesy of DrBalthar.
8 Unit Maintenance tweaked. Hopefully you see larger maintenance later in the eras(though still nowhere near ideal).
Going to have to look into changing the forced policy adoption. Or something. Don't really want to make across the board cost raises on the system just to stall the inevitable.

For now when you start a custom game you have the option to allow policy and promotion saving. It's in the check boxes at the bottom.
For now when you start a custom game you have the option to allow policy and promotion saving. It's in the check boxes at the bottom.

Didn't see those, thanks for pointing them out. :)
You rock Fred. :) That explains why culture acquisition was stopping at 5 instead of 9, culture bomb cooldown was 10 instead of 5, and some other things. :)

Given the massively high populations you can get in this mod, that would not be the best route to take. Quite a few global mechanics won't work well with this mod simply because of the vast changes that take place throughout the game.
I guess I was just thinking if you made it a crazy number it could help. But again AI changed as you and I talk about below.
Does it color the modded files in a different manner than the Vanilla files? This could be super useful to have both in the same document which a clear distinction between them.
I have improved this actualy. My current progress is trying to get just one sub routine that will work for all tables. Regardless of clumn numbers. It reads default values and puts them in. Than it reads MOD values and puts them in. When it puts in a mod value the cell gets turned yellow and I am adding a comment that will state the default value. Mouse over and you can see the default value pop up! That work for you? :)
That would be excellent. One of the huge problems with Lemmy101's tech editor was that it output the XML's in a fashion that was vastly different than the order I had set up. So when I had to manually fix things, it was a lot of work rearranging things to ensure that everything was there.

For me it is best if the order goes by the placement in the tech tree. So all buildings and units on agriculture would be first, units/buildings on mysticism second, etc. And of course separated into their building and unit categories. And of course the techs would be the same way.

So if your editor can let me easily set this order, it would rock.

Would it be possible to sort by tech placement in the manner I described above? So perhaps the tech gets sorted according to its X/Y coordinates, top to bottom, left to right, and then each unit/building can then be sorted based upon the tech order. I don't know if this requires your program to give the techs a temporary ID for the units/buildings to relate to, but either way, if you could make this happen it would definitely help out.
I just checked my giant schema file. You can sort on Erz, so that they go in the order you want. Might need to do a special sort and specify order. You can also sort on gridx or gridy. Default order that civ 5 looks to be programed in is gridx, gridy. I think that is what you wanted.
With some of the abilities above, it should definitely make my job easier. :)
I think it is comeing along. See below, but must not play. Must code....
See I don't even have a clue as to what the dll is going to look like. If it looks like a more complicated version of lua, then it will make my life that much harder. :p

LUA is just uncomplicated enough that I can look at it and see what kind of use it would have for me, and maybe change a few things here or there within a completed LUA to tailor it to my needs. I couldn't create a LUA from scratch if I tried though.

I kind of went into this with the idea of learning LUA, but it would take more time than I thought to get into it.

XML in general is pretty easy. I bet you could do it pretty easily if you took the time to look at the game XML's and compare them to some MOD XML's. Pretty much what I did.
See I thought lua didn't look to hard to learn. It looked like a standard script language. Maybe I will see if I can help you out of some of that stuff on that side too. I will have to sit down and look at it though.
Since the patch it has seemed as if the AI doesn't use IUS anymore. I will probably take some screens of my current game to show you what they are doing after I finish. Basically I have a giant maginot line down the middle of a huge map, and the AI has a unit maybe every 2-3 hexes on their borders with me and the other AI. Also, spying on the coast has shown that they keep very few units where they are not needed.

I gave russia 100k+ gold though, and they haven't spent a dime of it though. Not sure why, but that is an annoying problem.
I have noticed this. In my last game france put units along the border next to my units on the border. I had no idea what he had inland but we had a sudo wall running our borders. He never attacked; we were tech parity.
That is kind of what they slaves were supposed to be. I have been considering how to thematically add in a mini-wealth process. If I could use culture in the processes, I would add a 10% culture process that would be some kind of ritual/religion related process. Once the DLL is released, I imagine I can add this in.
I guess we will have to see where it goes.
Infinite is a bit much. For now I will leave it at 9, with the possibility to increase a couple more hexes with further testing. 9 is a pretty gargantuan distance really. 18 hexes across just from 1 city. I consider that to be the size of alaska. :p

For now if you really need to stretch out your borders even more, there is the culture bombs. :)
I guess your right. wonder how long 9 squares would take.
Is the logistics actually missing or is it merely hidden due to the promotion display limitation(can someone please fix this in the UI? :p)?

At some point, the ranged units extra promotions won't have an effect due to their limited movement. IE, if a unit has 2 moves, but 3 attacks, he only gets to attack twice. This is why I increased movement to 3 starting with the combat controller I think.

If that isn't the issue, let me know.

Are you saying that the Civilopedia only has bugs with those mods running, or separate?

I know there are quite a few Civilopedia text strings that I have not updated because so many things are changing. Once I have mostly finished with the tech tree I will hit all the text strings in the tech tree and update them accordingly. :)

I have heard other reports of this. Civ 5 is the base cause of the teleporting bug, but the extra units in this mod is kind of pushing it to that point.

Have you played on V8 recently? Personally I have noticed that the AI builds much less units, why may get rid of this Wall to Wall Teleporting Units bug.

I have made some progress with balance into the renaissance age, but the AI still seems to fall behind when the player hits their industrial revolution. So when you hit this point in your game it may come unhinged. :)

Thinking of new tweaks to get this under control, including some AI handicaps for gold generation or something.

It seems that uploading to the Modhub is finally working again, so V8 is now live in the game. :)

Also, I uploaded the newest version to Source Forge.

Latest changes include:
1 ~30% increase in cost to units and buildings, industrial era through diamond.
2 5% increase in research costs in all ages.
3 New Civil Engineer unit available at Dynamite. Upgrades from the worker, builds 150% faster than the worker. Bonuses such as the pyramids and policies do not currently affect the Civil Engineer, however it should still be faster nonetheless.
4 GlobalDefines.xml now updates the database properly.
5 Hospital and Medical lab reworked. Hospital reduced from 25% food kept to 10% and +6 happiness. Medical Lab food kept removed, but now gives 1 Science per Population. This is a total reduction of 40% food kept in the late industrial, early modern era. Hopefully this has a profound effect on the AI's ability to keep up in science, gold, and production.
7 New Wonder Images added, courtesy of DrBalthar.
8 Unit Maintenance tweaked. Hopefully you see larger maintenance later in the eras(though still nowhere near ideal).

doh, I want to start a new game again. I must prevent myself though. I want to get my xml project going. No playing civ, no playing civ; must code instead....
Are you saying that the Civilopedia only has bugs with those mods running, or separate?

I know there are quite a few Civilopedia text strings that I have not updated because so many things are changing. Once I have mostly finished with the tech tree I will hit all the text strings in the tech tree and update them accordingly. :)

Only with one mod: Balanced- City Development v12. With others mods looks ok.

When you use only Procylon's mod, you must change text In CIV5GameText.xml like this:
        <Text>Magellan's Voyage</Text>

Because in civilopedia in promotion folder its small bug. You see very long text on the promotions list. Sorry for my english.:mischief:

Your mod its my favorite. :goodjob:
I have heard other reports of this. Civ 5 is the base cause of the teleporting bug, but the extra units in this mod is kind of pushing it to that point.

Have you played on V8 recently? Personally I have noticed that the AI builds much less units, why may get rid of this Wall to Wall Teleporting Units bug.

Thx for the mod again, I will try V8.

I don't believe your mod is responsible for this bug. I believe your mod only make more obvious the hacks that have been used by the programmers to hide the fact AI isn't really a decent AI.

Logically, the AI should not be allowed to build more units once he reached a certain threshold using variables like population/owned landmass(hex)/food etc, but that is missing in the game.

Design tweak such as upkeep cost might be a way to compensate for the lack of code for the AI.
But the more tweak, the more problems since the Hacks or cheats for AI get worst the higher the difficulty is set. Something that might work just fine at Prince will not work at king or emperor...

I play at king now, not to make the game easier, but just to reduce the aberrations of the AI hacks and cheats due to bad AI programming.

Anyway, Thanx a lot,
I'll try V8 now.
I have improved this actualy. My current progress is trying to get just one sub routine that will work for all tables. Regardless of clumn numbers. It reads default values and puts them in. Than it reads MOD values and puts them in. When it puts in a mod value the cell gets turned yellow and I am adding a comment that will state the default value. Mouse over and you can see the default value pop up! That work for you? :)

That sounds pretty good. :)

I just checked my giant schema file. You can sort on Erz, so that they go in the order you want. Might need to do a special sort and specify order. You can also sort on gridx or gridy. Default order that civ 5 looks to be programed in is gridx, gridy. I think that is what you wanted.

As long as the buildings and units can also sort to the x/y, then that is perfect. :)

I think it is comeing along. See below, but must not play. Must code....

Take your time. I am pretty focused on getting these extra tech pages working with the mod at the moment, so there is no rush on your end. Besides, it's the holidays. Drink some eggnog. :)

See I thought lua didn't look to hard to learn. It looked like a standard script language. Maybe I will see if I can help you out of some of that stuff on that side too. I will have to sit down and look at it though.

I thought that as well, and perhaps compared to other languages it isn't, but I don't have any programming experience and not enough free time to sit down and learn it.

I have noticed this. In my last game france put units along the border next to my units on the border. I had no idea what he had inland but we had a sudo wall running our borders. He never attacked; we were tech parity.

I forgot to take a screenshot of my last game. I had a line of armor 90 hexes wide in the middle of the map, with a big V shape in the middle flanked by rivers on both sides. It was pretty sweet. The AI didn't have a chance. Unfortunately I hit a CtD wall about 3 techs from the Nanotech science victory.

I guess your right. wonder how long 9 squares would take.

It doesn't take too long really, especially with all the extra culture in the game and the culture plot cost reductions I have put in place. In OCC your capital can hit 9 on all sides by about renaissance.

doh, I want to start a new game again. I must prevent myself though. I want to get my xml project going. No playing civ, no playing civ; must code instead....

Like I said, no rush. :)
Ok, taking break playing. Have to say I love trireme (sp?) ranging ai that dow on you till your sword can walk in. :) I am doing good. and ai doesn't seem to have issues with the legendary more units mod I added to yours.

Some have same amount of army it seams. Can't say for all... will see where it goes.
I'm having a ton of fun with your mod but I find that hammers come too easily in the early game.

It isn't even 3000 BC before I got Moscow producing a spearman per turn. My neighbor to the south was the same way and it wouldn't be a problem but I'm playing on marathon.

Paris was the same way so I had to declare war on them just to make sure I don't have to worry later.

Overall, fun mod.
love the mod, loads of new options and routes to try out.

but have noticed a couple of things so far, and since this is a test dev, thats not so surprising!

generic testing is on a standard world, std speed, prince diff, abundant resources

1) the tech tree is tooooo ssslllooowww
- it takes ages to research anything, i find the tech costs are really high. I am a third of the way through the turn count but not even out of the classical era yet

2) tile resources are REALLY high
- i like the higher count as it means things get built faster, but its kinda ridiculous to put up a wonder in under 5 turns because your production is pumping out huge sums
- also, the higher yield means i build everything available then sit around waiting 10+ turns while my research completes

3) trading posts are over powered in the start
- the yields of a tile with a TP are better than with most other improvements. Normally i never use TP, but now its all i'm building

otherwise, i like everything else so far - outstanding job!
Ok, taking break playing. Have to say I love trireme (sp?) ranging ai that dow on you till your sword can walk in. :) I am doing good. and ai doesn't seem to have issues with the legendary more units mod I added to yours.

Some have same amount of army it seams. Can't say for all... will see where it goes.

What is the legendary more units mod?

I'm having a ton of fun with your mod but I find that hammers come too easily in the early game.

It isn't even 3000 BC before I got Moscow producing a spearman per turn. My neighbor to the south was the same way and it wouldn't be a problem but I'm playing on marathon.

Paris was the same way so I had to declare war on them just to make sure I don't have to worry later.

Overall, fun mod.

I may need tweak marathon a bit if you guys are pumping out spears every turn that early. Though, I generally want more units and more action, even on marathon.

You guys that play on marathon, which areas need increased/decreased? Building construction, unit training, research speed, improvement building, etc.

I had begun work on implementing the optional tech pages, but I have run into some snags and am waiting on the mod creator for some technical support. So, since I found myself in a lull, I got to thinking about the direction of the mod and what that means for balance.

Specifically, I got to thinking about the government system that I will implement once the multi-social policy pages mod is published.

In CtP, the governments are pretty clear cut in their functions. In fact, let me attach a screenshot of the government/terrain printout that came with the game(note that much of the strengths/weaknesses changed with subsequent patches to CtP).

As you can see at the top of the page, the governments have clear cut strengths and weaknesses across the breadth of your empire's systems. Now, obviously some of those either don't exist in Civ5, or exist in another fashion. I may try to bring some more of that into this mod if it proves feasible and fun.

Anyway, in terms of gameplay, those strengths and weaknesses could be roughly translated into % modifiers to those aspects of your empire.

For instance, you can see that Corporate Republic is "Rich" under the economic column. Generally speaking, if you went from fascism or communism to corporate republic, your gold per turn could double, or more.

Generally there were 6 tiers of government as you went through the game. Starting as a Tyranny, you would up-shift to Monarchy, Theocracy, or Republic, and from there to Democracy, Fascism, or Communism,, then Corp Republic, followed by Technocracy, Virtual Democracy, or Ecotopia. It greatly depended upon your strategy and who was knocking at your door at any given time, but I usually went Theoc-Facism-Corp Repub-Technocracy. Communism was also a highly used clutch government for it's huge production, but I was normally fighting wars by that time and preferred the Fascists.

So anyway, % modifiers from the governments. To make this happen, among other things, I am going to have to vastly modify the way most of the buildings in the game work. I am sure many of you have built a factory, with +50% production, and witnessed not a 50% rise in city production, but maybe 10-30%.

To make the governments work in a clear and predictable manner, I am going to have to remove most or all of the % mechanics on buildings and replace them with per pop, straight yields, and other modifiers. This way when it is time to choose a new government down the road, you will know exactly what it has to offer. Some governments might be +50% production, others might me +200% production. All will have their tradeoffs and purposes in life. :)

So, while I am under the hood changing the way everything works, I decided to also move to the CtP method of tile yield presentation.

The terrain chart on the attached image is roughly how the terrain will look when I upload V9. Initially, I have increased all unit and building production costs to match the terrain yield increases. The single biggest change will of course be more gold. Perhaps lots more gold. I have raised building maintenance to follow suit. I am also going to implement flat unit maintenance values on all the units to also help soak up the gold.

And if any of you are afraid of the average tile having 5-20 gold on it, don't worry, it costs ~2k gold to rush a warrior now. :)

One of the main reasons(besides nostalgia) for moving to the base 5 values is that doing math in your head with multiples of 5 is much easier than doing math with multiples of 1, 2, 3, 4, through X. Also, as I am at a point where I may be adding more buildings and systems in the future, I wanted to solidify the base before I added even more items that need to be balanced against it.

I can now streamline the way improvement upgrades work. Instead of dozens of small upgrades, each gets 2 sets of 2 of upgrades. The first set is around late renaissance, early industrial. Each upgrade is 5 each. So farms are 10 starting out, and by early industrial they are 20. Same for mines, plantations, and every other improvement. The second upgrade comes at late modern, early digital, and raises them to 30. This basically corresponds directly to CtP apart from the fact that these upgrades are free, and CtP's were not. If we get some feasible worker AI and decent art for 3 of each improvement, I will surely move even further towards CtP in this area.

Oh, and you can now plant fishing boats on every coastal and ocean tile, regardless of resources. The boats are invisible though, so that is something I have to work on. Fishing boats also upgrade from +10 to +30 by the digital era.

Also, generally resources give +5 base. Improved they give another +5, with the base 10-30 from the improvement, as well as the base tile value.

Rivers now give +5/5/5 instead of +1/1/1.

So, now that I have completely crushed everything you have become used to, I now have to begin converting the buildings over to the new system.


  • ctp1_govs+terrain.jpg
    489.6 KB · Views: 79
love the mod, loads of new options and routes to try out.

but have noticed a couple of things so far, and since this is a test dev, thats not so surprising!

generic testing is on a standard world, std speed, prince diff, abundant resources

1) the tech tree is tooooo ssslllooowww
- it takes ages to research anything, i find the tech costs are really high. I am a third of the way through the turn count but not even out of the classical era yet

2) tile resources are REALLY high
- i like the higher count as it means things get built faster, but its kinda ridiculous to put up a wonder in under 5 turns because your production is pumping out huge sums
- also, the higher yield means i build everything available then sit around waiting 10+ turns while my research completes

3) trading posts are over powered in the start
- the yields of a tile with a TP are better than with most other improvements. Normally i never use TP, but now its all i'm building

otherwise, i like everything else so far - outstanding job!

Glad you like it. :)

1. A third? 165 turns? And still in classical? This doesn't sound like my mod. lol Do you have any other mods running?

2. I wanted the resources to feel a little more special, but yeah the relative value of them will be reduced in the next version.
-And wonders are a little cheap, but I added many of them so I didn't want to have them too high. I will likely tweak their values up over the next couple updates.
-This is true during the early game, but becomes less so as you have more buildings than you can build, and new cities are constantly drawing your attention.

3. This is probably why you are stuck in classical. You need more population. TP's aren't as OP as they appear. :) Personally I am a farming/mining fanatic.
I just realised a correction - found the tech tree slow in the early game UNTIL population started increasing, now that pop is higher, techs are averaging 4 - 9 turns

yep - got a custom mod of mine but its limited to increasing units per tile to 3, raising max barb xp to 100 and enabling fire support of ranged units. but thats it

I just realised a correction - found the tech tree slow in the early game UNTIL population started increasing, now that pop is higher, techs are averaging 4 - 9 turns

yep - got a custom mod of mine but its limited to increasing units per tile to 3, raising max barb xp to 100 and enabling fire support of ranged units. but thats it


Did you leave your citizens in the specialist slots or did you keep them working the tiles? That can also explain low population growth.

How is the AI faring? About even in tech?
1. A third? 165 turns? And still in classical? This doesn't sound like my mod. lol Do you have any other mods running?

Yeah, its the same with me. I saw that you changed the research speed to 400% in marathon games. You really should change it back to its vanilla, 300% or even less. I am in 2240 BC on a marathon game, and only have researched 4 techs. Three of those techs are on the first tier.

Anyway, I did a quick game instead, and really like V8. You did a great job, and this mod has progressed a LOT in a short amount of time. Thanks for your modding, it makes the game 3x better.

I just have one request. A nuke with a GIGANTIC blast radius in the nanotech era.:nuke: One that, if you fire it is sure to hit more than one country. Mainly, it would be in desperate measures where you have everyone ganging up on you. Just a substitute for the nuke in the future :mischief:
Yeah, its the same with me. I saw that you changed the research speed to 400% in marathon games. You really should change it back to its vanilla, 300% or even less. I am in 2240 BC on a marathon game, and only have researched 4 techs. Three of those techs are on the first tier.

Anyway, I did a quick game instead, and really like V8. You did a great job, and this mod has progressed a LOT in a short amount of time. Thanks for your modding, it makes the game 3x better.

I just have one request. A nuke with a GIGANTIC blast radius in the nanotech era.:nuke: One that, if you fire it is sure to hit more than one country. Mainly, it would be in desperate measures where you have everyone ganging up on you. Just a substitute for the nuke in the future :mischief:

I think the 480% was from some very early balancing. Would you prefer all of marathon raised from 300% to 400% with research staying at 480% or would you rather just see it evened out again? On standard it is 160% instead of 100%.

I might be able to make a nuke that big, though I can't guarantee that the animation will scale to the damage. :p

Also, I am considering making it so that golden ages also give food to each tile, in a similar manner to the gold and production. Anyone object outright to this? I am dropping the % food modifiers from many/all of the food buildings, so this wouldn't be as huge as it could have been.
How is the AI faring? About even in tech?

the ai seems to be keeping pace, noticed that i am only now catching up to them tech wise - they were churning out wonders at high rate, wonders which the tech was many lvls from me still. but now that caught up, notice that they are not building as many any more (at least, i'm not getting as many popups of late)

still waiting to get in contact though - lots o ocean and still on triemes :(
the tech for the caravel is far away

perhaps an intermediary ship type is needed? like a 12th centuary european hulk or cog?
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