New DLC: Polynesia

Hittites would be awesome. Assyria may have too much overlap with Babylon as far cities go.

Agreed. The Hittites would be very nice to see. Some bonuses to metal working of some type would be appropriate.

I also agree on the Assyrians being a likely no go.
Hittites would be awesome. Assyria may have too much overlap with Babylon as far cities go.

I can certainly find different cities for both (even better if we don't have the Sumerians, then there is a clear north/south divide). But the Neo-Babylonians copied so many military things from the Assyrians and the Assyrians copied so many cultural things from the Babylonians, that I agree having both would seem duplicative. It also doesn't help that the Assyrians would be either speaking Akkadian (like Nebuchadnezzar) or Aramaic (like Darius). It was an amazing empire and very impressive, but even that was copied and surpassed by the Persians. So, in spite of my love of them, I don't see it happening.

The Hittites would be a fascinating pick (they had them for C3C, but I'd love to see another take). If you want to pick a historically lazy power balance in the region, it would be Egypt, Babylon, and Hatti. I'd view it much the same as England, France, and Spain in Europe/colonialism. It's sorta the Carthage of the region. Dominant at one point, but never quite managed to do what the power that surpassed it did (although that power would be the Assyrians in this case :p).

One of the Pueblo peoples would be VERY interesting indeed.

Oh yes, absolutely. The Hopi are the ones I learned of in elementary school, so that comes to mind. Very cool Indian group. I also like the Haida visually (Totem Polls FTW) but I would concede that they should take a backseat to a whole list of other civs.
I was tempted to start a thread devoted to civs that have never been included before, but I'll bite for that thread (even if it's an overdone topic).
I would imagine the download begins after midnight. Of course I have to wait until I get home from final mid terms tomorrow.
where are they? obviously, somewhere in the states, so eastern right now is 6:43pm, central is 5:43pm, mountain is 4:43pm, pacific is 3:43pm
It's 3:46 there. They use Pacific time (CA based, I think). Of course, the question is if you use Firaxis time (Baltimore based - EST) instead?
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