Procylon's Call to Power Project

I am alive! :)

I live far enough from the quake that it didn't do more than knock a few things off my shelves and drop my power/internet.

Tsunami hit the local beach though, so I am heading out tomorrow to go help clean that up.

I wanted to go to Sendai to help, but they won't let us within 100km of that place until the nuclear situation settles down. I saw the search and rescue teams head down there yesterday though, hopefully they can find some people who have held out.

I will try and catch up on the thread over the next couple days. Not sure when the next update will be, but keep the feedback coming and I will see about including it all.

Anyway, thanks for your concern.
I am alive! :)

I live far enough from the quake that it didn't do more than knock a few things off my shelves and drop my power/internet.

Tsunami hit the local beach though, so I am heading out tomorrow to go help clean that up.

I wanted to go to Sendai to help, but they won't let us within 100km of that place until the nuclear situation settles down. I saw the search and rescue teams head down there yesterday though, hopefully they can find some people who have held out.

I will try and catch up on the thread over the next couple days. Not sure when the next update will be, but keep the feedback coming and I will see about including it all.

Anyway, thanks for your concern.

Glad to hear you're okay :)
Some good news. Really good news.
Good to hear you are fine d:-
Really pleased you are OK. I know the UK's thoughts are with the people of Japan but I hope the world pulls together on this one as it should on every one of these horrific events.

To the future.................... and rebulding lives and livliehoods.
Glad to hear you are ok Dec...i think everyone sends their best wishes to the Japanese people and anyone living there, puts things in perspective in your daily life when you see the scenes of devestation
I am alive! :)

I live far enough from the quake that it didn't do more than knock a few things off my shelves and drop my power/internet.

Tsunami hit the local beach though, so I am heading out tomorrow to go help clean that up.

I wanted to go to Sendai to help, but they won't let us within 100km of that place until the nuclear situation settles down. I saw the search and rescue teams head down there yesterday though, hopefully they can find some people who have held out.

I will try and catch up on the thread over the next couple days. Not sure when the next update will be, but keep the feedback coming and I will see about including it all.

Anyway, thanks for your concern.

Hey Decimatus don't scare us like that. I was getting to the point where I was like f- the mod, I just wanted to know you were safe. Lol I guess I was getting a little attached. I'm really happy to hear that you are safe. Stay that way man.
I am alive! :)
I will try and catch up on the thread over the next couple days. Not sure when the next update will be, but keep the feedback coming and I will see about including it all.

Anyway, thanks for your concern.

Five long days (so far) of the unknown is scaring the hell out of me. One more friend off the list of formal contacts to verify.

I'm guessing the CTP mod is the least of your problems right now.
We can certainly wait until everything is reasonably stable - electricity, heating, infra-structures - no sick joke or pun intended, btw.
Well thank God you are ok Dec!! I was really starting to worry and was throwing some prayers your way(and all over that way as well, hope that doesnt offend you). Im just glad you are ok and very happy you are helping out!!
I've been having the CTD problem in almost every game, vanilla or modded, small to huge maps. I had verified the cache via steam several times and they still kept happening.

Last night I finally uninstalled, deleted all the local files in My Documents and Steam/steamapps/common and reinstalled.

Now all is working again. I have no idea WTH happened, as I didn't change anything in the game folder, and I've deleted the entire My Documents\My Games contents several times.

Bottom line, after a month of constant random crashes :mad:, its working again :). I am so happy!

PS: The crashes did start right around the latest patch release, but I don't recall if that was the cause or not.

It sounds like you had a corrupted file, possibly corrupted during the patch or one of the earlier crashes. It seems it's a good idea to reinstall the game if you are having regular crash problems.

Also, this top down, or chess mode, as some have called it, is the world builder from the tools package. I've spent a lot of time in that program working on my scenarios, and I didn't even know you could get to it in game til I read it here. I think it looks pretty ugly, but I'm going to see if using it helps my computer handle the larger maps. It seems like several factors are coming together and Civ 5 may be experiencing a resurgence. Here's hoping. Shameless plug-Check our Civ 5 Downloads/Modpacks for new versions for 3 of my scenarios, especially if you want to help me make them compatible with CTP mod.

Very glad you are safe D, take care of everyone, and worry about this game when things are back to normal. We'll hold down the virtual fort til then.
I would like to point somthing that i noticed. Time line between classical and medival seemed too short playing marathon on a standard map maybe adding key techs in pipeline or making the important techs a little higher so that we may enjoy the units ect from the era. Also second and third cities from ai grow way too fast even without the benefits if citystates at prince level. no mods added.
I've noticed that I cannot start a game on the "Earth" map type since it crashes. Dunno if it's caused by this mod.
Also I saw there are 2 Foundries: One from vanilla, which gives +20 production and the other from this mod that requires Iron and gives +200 production. Intended?

And, also I noticed that the AI get too much advantages early game, so much that I was in the first era and some AI's were on renaissance. However they slack off late game, at least for me.
Decimatus Real Life is more important and just as i see the news 5 mins agoo i want to really say:

be safe!!! this f876876876g nuclear stuff aren't the more nice to meet.....

and of course i hope all your friends and familly around are safe too..

keep your time we here can wait we all think about you.

it's more important to just come and shoot :"i still alive" than nothing :)
I am alive! :)

I live far enough from the quake that it didn't do more than knock a few things off my shelves and drop my power/internet.

Tsunami hit the local beach though, so I am heading out tomorrow to go help clean that up.

I wanted to go to Sendai to help, but they won't let us within 100km of that place until the nuclear situation settles down. I saw the search and rescue teams head down there yesterday though, hopefully they can find some people who have held out.

I will try and catch up on the thread over the next couple days. Not sure when the next update will be, but keep the feedback coming and I will see about including it all.

Anyway, thanks for your concern.

Oh, thank god ^^

Your so kind! Woah! :p
Ok, I think I tried everything. I tried the two links explaining what to do in order to avoid crashes, I tried uninstalling and installing everything again,lowering the graphics and everything else down ,and I tried playing a standard map with 10 civs and 5 city states to see if I could avoid crashes.

My pc is as follows:

AMD Phenom II X4 955 processor 3.20 Ghz

4 GB of RAM

ATI Radeon 5750

And my OS is win7 64 bits

Can anyone think anything else I can try so I can play this game at marathon speed, prince difficulty and at least standard map?

If not, can you recommend another mod with at least half the stuff this one has?

Another thing, I just ran the steam "SYSTEM INFORMATION" but I cant make a lot of it. Is it ok if I post it here so you guys can give me your opinion and see if there is something I'm laking?
Ok, I think I tried everything. I tried the two links explaining what to do in order to avoid crashes, I tried uninstalling and installing everything again,lowering the graphics and everything else down ,and I tried playing a standard map with 10 civs and 5 city states to see if I could avoid crashes.

After a point it becomes neccessary to play in strategic view to continue the game. For me and my horrible video card, that point comes around turn 160 when playing on standard map/speed, 6 Ai, 7 cs, legendary resources, and emperor difficulty. My advice is to (auto)save often until you find the point for you. I must mention that some saves don't work after you have progressed too far in the game, as the system can't handle all of the loading features.

Game Report- This game was played as Rome, with 5 AI oppenents, 6 CS, Legendary resources, Standard map/speed, Emperor difficulty. I had to stop playing right after I hit Modern Era due to the load bug.

Spoiler :
-Soybeans only give 10 food when improved by farms, as oppossed to the 25 on wheat and corn, among others
-Poppy only gives 10 food when improved by farms
-Golden Ages give +1 gold on terrain in addition to the +10% food/science/prodution/gold
-Workshops only give +15% to buildings
-Industrial Warehouse only says +15% where I guess should be +15% food. It does mention the 15% to gold and production though
-After building a Medical Lab in one of my cities, all of my units gain the medic promotion
-National Treasury only gives 20 gold
-Something I have had for a while is that whenever I click "View City" in a puppetted city, the rest of my cities act like they are puppets; I can't purchase any tiles nor select production in any of them until I restart the game
-Civil Workers, when building railroads, only build them on the starting hex and the ending hex, skipping the hexes in the middle. The regular workers try to do this to when building roads, but it is more noticeable when the Civil Workers do it (perhaps a wonder could be built that transforms the roads into railroads until a fix can be found)
-No "We Love The King Day" with the lack of luxury resources. A weaker (5-15%)perminent state might be useful for whenever a city has more than 50 happiness.
-AI rarely improves their territory after a certain point. When they do, they often build the wrong improvement (mine on coffee) for the bonus. I think the AI need stronger flavors for workers and for improving the resources given to them

Happy Faces
-Early game they are much easier to come by. I still think it is a good idea to stay in monarchy, but with the boost to temples & abbeys, combined with the -10% Unhappy from pop social policies, it becomes much more manageable. If one goes through the Social Tree until Classical Era, happiness will be taken care of for a while.
-Mid game, turn 250, mid-late Industrial Era, the happy faces distribution was:
187, 140, 72 (me), 49, 33. The two civs behind me had less than 4 cities
-Eternal Golden Ages are easy with to come by with Chitzen Itza. Once I built it, I jumped into a 38 turn GA with the Great People I had saved up

-Turns people reached next eras (played with goodie huts so this may be off a little)
Medieval 1480BC (turn 63), Renaissance 250 BC (turn 106), Industrial (me) 1380 AD (turn 198). I like that I reached Industrial only around 1400, but what bothers me is that I was last to reach the previous eras, but now I jumped to first. I think this shows that the ai tech progression slows down after Renaissance. The next person to enter Industrial was the handicapped Arabia on turn 253, almost 60 turns after me. I think it's time for another reduction of the specialist slots. Honestly, I don't think any are needed until the Medieval Era, and even then only a certain few buildings/wonders with only one slot for each
-Most techs at turn 225: 98 (me), 61, 58, 57, 57, 41
- I think the Research Agreements are less powerful than they were, because you can get a tech from a branch that you are persuing (military) or one that you don't have any need for (social). It would be nice if the player could sign multilple RAs with each AI (up to five at any given time). This would also apply for the AI trading with each other. This could prove to be a good "money dump" for the AI.
-Principle Matamatica took my science from 571 to 671, significiantly speeding up my research times

-Still require three huge X buildings, but I am starting to like it like that
-I feel like the monopolies are too strong. I think a gradual step up system (+2%, +4%, +6%, +8%, 10% empire wide) would be better. The same goes for the trade routes.
-Alternatively, you could make each resource important for something besides the monopoly building (like iron and horses are used for units/buildings). This will stop players from investing all resources into monopolies
-Or, you can scale the number of huge X buildings to the resource distribution method chosen, with Legendary costing something like 4, and sparce only 1
-The ai still doesn't get the system. I think stronger flavors will help, at least until the .dll is released
-A player can build mulitiple monopolies of the same resource. This ties into the point about them being too strong; if is start with a copper heavy start, I can get to +40% Production empire wide by about Medieval Era
-Money always seems high. There was never a time when I was in the negatives, or even close to it. This probably has a lot to do with playing with Legendary resources, but I think it could be toned down a bit

Military AI
-The AI is once again building huge armies. On turn 132 my neighbor declared on me and sent an army of longswords and lancers. I was caught completely off-guard, to the point where I restarted the game and bribed another civ to attack them early on :mischief:
-Unfortunately, the AI hangs on military advancement around the time it gets longswords/muskets and cannons. When they first had them, I was working with legions. They still had them as I rolled through with my mechanized infantry.
-Had an epic battle that was started by Arabia around turn 200. I had infantry and artillery against their muskets/longswords and cannons. I had the quality, they had the quantity. After about ten turns I mananged to push their forces back, and I was starting to push into their territory. Once this happened, they surrendered, and gave me a lot of resources (not sure if it was all of them), a large sum of gold, and about five nice sized (18+) cities. This move effectively gave me the game. I was in third place before the war; I jumped to first (2400 to 2100) after.

-Production slowly becomes unbalanced as more monopolies are put up. By the time I stopped, I had a +80% production bonus from just the monopolies empire wide. By the middle of Industrial (turn 236) I was caught up on all of the old buildings and could build the new ones in four or less turns. I had production of +1900 in all my cities.

-Broadcast Tower seem especially strong. Doubling the Culture was cool when the game ended in Modern Era, but now it is overpowered. I think something like 20-30% culture is more fitting.
-This was the best game I have played so far. Thanks for all your hard work!!
I am alive! :)

I live far enough from the quake that it didn't do more than knock a few things off my shelves and drop my power/internet.

Tsunami hit the local beach though, so I am heading out tomorrow to go help clean that up.

I wanted to go to Sendai to help, but they won't let us within 100km of that place until the nuclear situation settles down. I saw the search and rescue teams head down there yesterday though, hopefully they can find some people who have held out.

I will try and catch up on the thread over the next couple days. Not sure when the next update will be, but keep the feedback coming and I will see about including it all.

Anyway, thanks for your concern.

Luckily the quake didn't cause a meltdown or all hell would've broken loose. Sure there may be cracks that need detoxing but nothing a hazmat can't handle.
My last game was standard size, high resources, 6 ai, 10cs, deity.marathon
Like the things chrome-rome noted, i was wondering why the ai do not build special wonders.
In fact i build the pyramids and stonehenge and other vanilla wonders after i hit the renesaince.
At this time, for 4 ai where overall better than me. So it seems that the ai was scipping some wonders have not seen this until now.
The other point was the monopolsystem, i am not sure but the hf from monopols are not working, or are them now limited by the population? In the last version the hf worked different for me.
Also the terracefarms give sometimes only a productionbonus, but it should be both food and production(f.e two near mountains, riverside, only +15 production).
BTW the ai was never offering my money, resources or cities for peace( i was overall Nr1, at this time).And trading with the ai is now very expensive, f.e. 1 corn cost me about 7000 gold and openborders, yes the ai was not friendly.
Just got back from some cleanup. Cars in trees, giant boats on land, buildings filled with mud and debris everywhere.

I didn't quite expect to see that much damage this far north(200 miles north of Sendai). This area got hit by a 9-12 foot tsunami, but it kind of sounds small at first(coming from someone who grew up landlocked).

They didn't have houses floating away around here, but the water damage is about the same as Katrina was out to 500 meters from the coast.
Ok, I think I tried everything. I tried the two links explaining what to do in order to avoid crashes, I tried uninstalling and installing everything again,lowering the graphics and everything else down ,and I tried playing a standard map with 10 civs and 5 city states to see if I could avoid crashes.

My pc is as follows:

AMD Phenom II X4 955 processor 3.20 Ghz

4 GB of RAM

ATI Radeon 5750

And my OS is win7 64 bits

Can anyone think anything else I can try so I can play this game at marathon speed, prince difficulty and at least standard map?

If not, can you recommend another mod with at least half the stuff this one has?

Another thing, I just ran the steam "SYSTEM INFORMATION" but I cant make a lot of it. Is it ok if I post it here so you guys can give me your opinion and see if there is something I'm laking?

Sorry for posting this here, but this is the only MOD I Play and the one I want to keep playing.

this is the report of my pc from STEAM:

Processor Information:
Vendor: AuthenticAMD
Speed: 3209 Mhz
4 logical processors
4 physical processors
HyperThreading: Unsupported
FCMOV: Supported
SSE2: Supported
SSE3: Supported
SSSE3: Supported
SSE4a: Supported
SSE41: Unsupported
SSE42: Unsupported

Network Information:
Network Speed:

Operating System Version:
Windows Vista (64 bit)
NTFS: Supported
Crypto Provider Codes: Supported 323 0x0 0x0 0x0

Video Card:
Driver: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series

DirectX Driver Name: aticfx32.dll
Driver Version: 8.821.0.0
DirectX Driver Version:
Driver Date: 26 Jan 2011
Desktop Color Depth: 32 bits per pixel
Monitor Refresh Rate: 60 Hz
DirectX Card: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series
VendorID: 0x1002
DeviceID: 0x68be
Number of Monitors: 1
Number of Logical Video Cards: 1
No SLI or Crossfire Detected
Primary Display Resolution: 1280 x 1024
Desktop Resolution: 1280 x 1024
Primary Display Size: 17.80" x 14.21" (22.76" diag)
45.2cm x 36.1cm (57.8cm diag)
Primary Bus Type Not Detected
Primary VRAM: 1024 MB
Supported MSAA Modes: 2x 4x 8x

Sound card:
Audio device: Altavoces (Realtek High Definit

RAM: 4095 Mb

UI Language: English
Microphone: Not set
Media Type: DVD
Total Hard Disk Space Available: 1430703 Mb
Largest Free Hard Disk Block: 688851 Mb
Steam Hard Disk Usage: 4854 Mb
OS Install Date: feb 20 2010
Game Controller: None detected

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