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Lionised and Vilified

Looks good from what I can see. Only things I would have done here would have made sure our vassals were not trading with the other AIs - add that request to the trade deals. Also, I would have put more cottages in Hamburg instead of watermills and windmill those mines.

I'm not concerned about health right now or units. Just keep pushing towards Fridge as fast as possible. We need to check all cities to make sure they are working optimal tiles and specialists.
Interesting. At the start of the last set Cat wasn't trading with Sully, by the end of the last set she was, no notification of the change. Maybe the no trade agreement expires after a fixed number of turns which could potentially make it an expensive strategem.

Agree about health buildings, shortage of food costs us a specialist or two, recouping hammer costs of buildings will possibly take longer than the potential end of the game (and cereal mills gives extra food to compensate).
the stop trade is unreliable i usually don't use it and don't like it... it feels more like flipping coins...

it depends from leader to leader... I had some games where I accepted request to stop trading and didn't get any trade from the AI for few thousands years... other AI's are more forgiving.
Even if stop trade is temporary, it still helps abate the advancement of enemy AIs. It does not hurt to through it in on a trade deal if it is not costly.
Some comments: we're running mostly engineers again (still?). That's very suboptimal when building wealth/research. We're better of hiring scientists.
Now we have our GM, Frankfurt should hire scientists as well; no more need for merchants as we can reach 100% research without merchants.
When building wealth/research, it is better to hire scientists instead of working a pure hammer tile (so we shouldn't work plains workshops or plain hill mines at this point).

I'd stop building anything but research/wealth (units in Munich), even the courthouse can be skipped, as long as we don't spread the corp there.
^^^^ha...totally agree and that is what I've been saying. We may have to run a few merchants to balance out the deficit research, but scientists would be better. Anything to cut turns off as we head to Fridge. Next player should do some city micro to optimize everything.
I thought you were the next player :confused::crazyeye:
ok...this should be pretty straight forward:

First, I may have missed something, but why in the world are we in Nationhood?

My TS looks like it will coincide exactly to the push for Fridge. I tested some adjustments that will shave at least a turn off our time. Heck, we have several cities running citizens that could be running scientists :confused:

I can also try pushing out a GP in Berlin in 4 turns, which we can use on a Golden Age. If the team agrees that I can use the GE and whatever GP we get (hopefully not another GE) on a Golden Age in my turnset, the combo of the GA and a switch back to Bureau should further shave off turns. We can switch back to Natio at the end of the GA if that is what the team desires.

Other than that, I will just continue pumping the wealth/research in cities. Other than finishing current builds in the cities that are building stuff (in some cases I just may switch them to research now), I see nothing that I will be building this turnset unless something changes dramatically. Also, I will obviously continue to monitor things with the AIs and possible trades and stuff.

Lastly, is Berlin the city we want to found Cereal. I may just stop the TS when we get Fridge anyway, so we can decide afterwards.
As Cabert noted, Berlin already has both a Market and a Grocer, so it does look suited to being the headquarters.

Just when I'd talked myself out of needing a Bank in the Cereal Mills HQ city, with Bureaucracy as proposed now it looks like there's possibly a case for one in Berlin.

Sounds good otherwise.
oh...for some reason i thought we moved our cap to Hamburg. Bureau would still provide some boost in Berlin regardless. Anyway, it would be better to be in that for the golden age anyway. I can switch back to Natio at the end. Drafting at the point would not be an issue at all.
Apologies for poor tile management in the last set. I'll try harder next time (though I don't expect it will be this game).

Is it worth trying for a GA to culture bomb Berlin past 20k?
Once we get Fridge, teching anything else is really unnecessary. At that point we can raise the culture slider which will put Berlin over in a few turns - and I'm not accounting for any accrued culture in Berlin (right now Berlin can generate about 1000cpts) between now and when we raise the slider. In other words, getting a GA is not necessary.

The extra culture should also speed along our Dom win.
I agree with the plan Lymond (trying to get a GP for a GA, switching to bureau and back to nationhood at the end for drafting for the last war). Undecided on the bank, really.
Ok....about 10 turns play:

Mostly uneventful other than just keeping strictly to the objectives. Summary:

1) With serious micro action plus the golden age, I think I shaved a good 6 turns, but I think it was actually 7, to get to Fridge. Thus, Fridge was done and Cereal found about 6 or 7 turns in - not bad considering we had 5t on Electricity on t221 when I started. Timed perfectly with Nappy getting in Corps so that I could trade for that and found Cereal on the same turn.

The Founding:

Spoiler :

2) Spread Cereal to Hamburg and 2 new execs about to finish in Berlin and Hamburg. We can chain the execs from there.
3) Made trades with Nap and Cathy. Note that I also changed their civics and got them in FR and stopped trades. I put Cathy in Merc and stopped her trading with all 3 enemies and she gave us 120g. The civic changes should boost their tech rate a bit, although none of that really matters now. This game is over.


Spoiler :

She wants me - you can see it in her eyes and those pouty lips:

Spoiler :

4) Reworked a bunch of trades for gold and stuff, but also prior to Cereal coming in, I traded for every consumable I could find.

5) Founded the whale/uranium city in the East FWIW. It will be up and running quickly and a WB just arrived on the whale last turn - built down below.

Spoiler :

6) A coupla turns left in the golden age. I starved Essen to pump out another GP which turned out to be a GS. We can try to go for more GPs and a GA but I think that might be irrelevant. Another option is to put an Academy in Hamburg which will help with culture much less research. However, I have tried pushing for other GPs in Frank and Berlin. I could have starved Berlin a bit to hurry it but I wanted the production for execs. it would be nice to get a GE though to rush Broadway or something...whatever

7) ha...Gustav is being an ass and sending privateers at us. I can tell because I could see them parked in his city. I upgrade the tiremes to frigs and Gustav promptly killed is privateer on us. He did not send the other our way.

8) Started some cities on building units, including Munich (after a much needed supermarket). Some cities had no barracks or forges, so I got those in or started them.

I think we can go full on unit spamming other than getting out the execs we need and end this thing quickly. Spreading Cereal should be VERY quick and we have plenty of money.

We should bribe Otto on Vicky and then attack Otto and Maria from both sides.

edit: We might want to switch Cathy to Steam Power since Gustav is taking forever and it would be nice to at least get Railroad


  • Frederick AD-1605.CivBeyondSwordSave
    279.4 KB · Views: 176
Looks good, lymond! We'll finish this off soon I guess. Maybe next up can take care of that. Take your baby home, Cam! :D
didn't check the save so I don't have idea with what we plan to war, but vicky is 5 from machine guns and that surely isn't welcome news if we're still mounted.
Numbers will do a lot to MG's, and we can manage numbers easily.

Very nicely done Lymond.
OK ... got it, but bear with me as I'm very time-pressed with RL and I'm also 'up' in another SG (which also looks set for a final round, or if not, a penultimate one).

As always, happy to hear any thoughts or plans the roster has on the game in the meantime.

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