[RFC-DoC] No Cities Left Behind (The Super Secret History of the Mongols)

Things are looking bleak...

They sure are. At one point I was thinking I should stop reading this History and start to translate another one with Mongols facing Monarchs and Spears, instead of Emperors and Pikes. But since I've already started the current publication my academic honor dictates to continue the reading and translation no matter what the next Chapter, or rather Part, is holding for Mongols. All can I say is that we have to brace for even worse news:cry:

Great update. I have an idea. Become turkey. Doesnt turkey spaw at 1300 or so?
I thought the turks already spawned... but wouldn't it ruin the story?
Become turkey! That is a good idea!
Spoiler :

Up until... about 1623 or so. At which point first turkey is shot for thanksgiving dinner by encroaching Puritans :).

Things are looking pretty bleak, but whips and drafting are still a viable option, right?
Things are looking pretty bleak, but whips and drafting are still a viable option, right?

Not with the size 3 lonely city.
Many historians believed that Mongol victories were due to an overwhelming superiority of numbers. Further research disproves this excuse of medieval historians and shows that often the Mongols were outnumbered. Their superior fire power and military tactics led their opponents to believe the Mongols outnumbered them. During the initial states of battlefield contact, while camping in close proximity of their enemies at night, they would feign numerical superiority by ordering each soldier to light at least five fires, which would appear to the enemy scouts and spies that their force was almost five times larger than it actually was.

Another way the Mongols utilized deception and terror was by tying tree branches or leaves behind their horses and letting the foliage drag behind them across the ground; by traveling in a systematic fashion, the Mongols could create a dust storm behind hills, in order to create fear and appear to the enemy to be much larger than they actually were, thereby forcing the enemy to surrender. Because each Mongol soldiers had more than one horse, they would let the prisoners and the civilians to ride their horses for a while before the conflict also to fake numerical superiority.

How can one give up in view of all this inspirations? :rockon:

So is this game already finished and you are just writing up the story?
So is this game already finished and you are just writing up the story?

Well, I am still reading the History, and I don't know how it will end. But, sure, I have read more than I translated and published here. :)

MaxWar said:
Become turkey! That is a good idea

When Europeans first encountered turkeys on the American continent, they incorrectly identified the birds as a type of guineafowl (Numididae). Guineafowl were also known as turkey fowl (or turkey hen and turkey cock) because they were imported to Central Europe through Turkey. The name turkey fowl, shortened to just the name of the country, stuck as the name of the American bird. The genuine belief that the newly-discovered Americas were in fact a part of Asia, and the tendency during that time to attribute exotic animals and foods to a place that symbolized far-off, exotic lands contributed to this confusion. And now professor MaxWar is trying to confuse us again :nono: :)

I said it before and i say it again : Genghis khan is truly a great source of inspiration.

I am still waiting for ultimate Mongol mod, I mean book :), to be created.The Warlord one by Fraxis was somewhat superficial :(

8. When an animal is to be eaten, its feet must be tied,
its belly ripped open
and its heart squeezed in the hand until the animal dies;
then its meat may be eaten;
but if anyone slaughter an animal after the Mohammedan fashion,
he is to be himself slaughtered.
The Great Yasa of Ginghis Khan

Genghis Khan disliked Dhabihah. Followers of some other religions are also prohibited from consuming meat slaughtered in the fashion described in the link above. The Rehat Maryada of Sikhism states that in Sikhism, "consumption of any meat killed in an ritualistic manner" is strictly prohibited therefore prohibiting both halal and kosher meat. The Kshatriya of Hinduism are prohibited from consuming meat killed by Muslims. Anyway, Mongols need to live by Mongol ways.

And our way did we live! While in Russia our troops were busy with the siege of Moscow our Middle Eastern troops under Tolui bypassed Independent (Ayyubid) Jerusalem and met with Baibars. As the first Sultan of the Bahri Mamluk dynasty, Baibars made the meritocratic ascent up the ranks of Mamluk society. Conventional history holds it that he took final control after the assassination of Sultan Sayf al Din Qutuz, but before he became Sultan he was the commander of the Mamluk forces in the most important battle of the Middle Periods, repelling a Mongol force at the legendary Battle of Ain Jalut in 1260. Guess what? There was no batle of Ain Jalun in 1260! As you can see it's already 1264 AD and Baibars payed us some tribute :pat:

Don't you like his blue eyes? What our Prime minister Yelü Chucai didn't like is that we are bleeding 16 gold per turn and have only 161 gold! We have so few troops and cannot even hire Mercenaries when they finally become available, duh! Tolui was asked to pillage as much as possible in Independent Arabia to replenish our coffers. We also demanded some tribute from China:

Just listen to this coward! "Sure: Kick a civilization when it's down" :rolleyes: You are the highest score civ, for crying out loud, how can you pay a tribute to the lowest score civ (us)? That's what Fear Factor can do with people. I remember, in Persia, one of our Mongols took a man captive but had no sword to kill him. So he ordered the man to lie down on the ground without moving while he would get a sword. The man was so terrified that he actually lay there until the Mongol came back and cut his head off.

So anyhow, our troops pillaged Arabia and approached to the Muslim Holy City Makkah. It was protected by some Archers and 3 Missionary. Nobody opens borders with poor independents so they cannot send their Missionaries anywhere!

The city looked even more curious inside:

Instead of Jerusalem Arabs built Dome of the Rock in Makkah. Tolui was very tempted to keep city, which cannot be razed by mortals anyway. It had a Great General settled there (probably the legacy of Khālid ibn al-Walīd). There was also "The Sacred Mosque", Al-Masjid al-Ḥarām, being the largest mosque in the world it could accommodate up to four million Muslim worshipers during the Hajj period, which would really elevate some financial burden our poor Mongolia was feeling at this stage. But the initial Genghis Khan order was clear -- no cities can be left behind. So Eternal Blue Sky helped us to replace Makkah with the city ruins.

Meanwhile in Russia Genghis Khan ordered his troops to regroup. Mobile Settlers representing the base of our Golden Horde -- Sarai -- where instructed to sleep at the banks of the river Volga. Everyday challenge for our four Keshiks was not only to fight Russians but also protect our Settlers. Building no city was a clever strategy in a long run. Russians could not decide what would be their target, they would not focus on one particular city and instead were busy with building settlers and colonizing Siberia. Mongols, on the other hand, established a firm foothold on the banks of Volga and resorted to hit and run tactics. Our troops would scout Russian land to locate some Russian city with weak defenses and then attack.

I still cannot understand why Mongols are affected by Russian "General Winter" UP :D. I mean, here in Mongolia we have winters just as harsh as there in Russia. We, Mongols, did everything different than our enemies. In Europe and Persia, the campaigning season was summer, after the seed in spring and before the harvest in autumn. We had no fields to plow; we carried our food with us (cattle, horses, goats); our campaigning season was Winter, we invaded Russia in December! Frozen soil = best ground for fast movement on horseback. Rivers were frozen and thus no obstacle anymore. So, if anything, General Winter should be our General, but he wasn't... During one of the missions to scout Russian lands a disaster happened :cry::mad::gripe::wallbash::aargh:

Our great Genghis Khan, who was 120 years old in 1282, was killed by Russian Pikeman! Sometimes I feel like life must have Shift+F8 button! What do we do now? Does the history of Mongol people end with Genghis Khan? Looks like Russian history just started after that victory:

How could :strength: 6 Combat-2 Pikeman kill our :strength: 10 Combat-4 Keshik :mad:? Well, I mean, it can happen, but why did it happened? Why now, when we already are in such a bad shape? Was it Muslim curse after destruction of Makkah? Was it Russian revenge and a bid to rewrite the history? Should we just give up? I wonder what would the people who come after us, lets say in 21 century, what would those people do now?
I think the great Khan would still be followed. While no longer amidst the mortals of earth, he would now be considered an ascended divinity in the eternal blue sky. Mongols would keep fighting until the bitter end!
So, does your LH change to Kublai when the GG Genghis dies? If not, I'll put that on the thread
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