Extra Traits for C2C


C2C Supreme Commander
Mar 13, 2006
Ah, Realism Inviticus? Yeah, they had two positive traits and one negative trait (cruel, arrogant, etc.) for each leader. Are we going to be adding negative traits?
Would be really nice. The dark ages of personality^^

Furthermore I think Carthage dark ages must be destroyed implemented!
Would be really nice. The dark ages of personality^^

Furthermore I think Carthage dark ages must be destroyed implemented!

Disagree about Dark ages, like very much the idea of negative traits from RI.

A well thought-out set of negative traits would make LH choice a much more important choice, as right now it isnt all that much as important with the Culture System. I would also like to see a Civilization power, ala CiV, but that would probably require more work.
I would prefer if the traits were chosen as you develop. In fact something like that "bonuses at the end of era" suggestion. In fact I would go further. While developing the RoH and my tech trees I have discovered that a few joiner type techs are needed that fit the trait/culture thing.

For example:-
- "Culture 1 - the way we do things around here" describes how hominids, apes and some birds pass information on to their young
- "Culture 2 - shelter style" defined by where you are on the planet, climate and geography

There are many others which I have not yet sorted out names and attributes for. This could lead to you selecting your base culture (African, European, etc) as you go. It needs more thought and may not work on a tech tree as short as C2C is in the prehistoric era. ;)
I asked on the rife forum and they said they will release dynamic trait because they will move on civ 5 and don't want it to go to waste, I don't know when they will release it but it seem like it is working great.

Spoiler :

Maybe you should look at python trait, it can make the traits more varied.

i see your point but historically every nation has different unit and even the same units were not the same
Hydromancerx i thing this mod is very special and has some things that will make this great mod even greater.for example
leader drawbacks
Leader drawbacks
In addition to two positive leader traits, each leader now has a drawback, reflecting his/her weaknesses. Just as ordinary traits, these can dramatically affect your playing style – and you will find that most AIs keep them in mind when formulating their strategies as well… Most of drawbacks act as direct opposites to certain positive traits. Note that, in rare cases, it is possible for a leader to have both a positive trait and its anti-trait! The leader drawbacks in RI are as follows:
 Anti-clerical: -1 happiness from temples. Local clergy offers no support to these leaders. Temples are mostly useless for them.
 Barbaric: -25% culture. This leader never got any formal education, and sees little point in all this fancy stuff “civilized” people do.
 Arrogant: -20% espionage. This ruler sees other rulers and civilizations as vastly inferior to him, and often dismisses spy reports that show otherwise.
 Cruel: +20% XP needed for unit promotion. This ruler often treats his subjects as his little playthings, especially at times of war – much less soldiers survive to actually see the promotions for ridiculous feats he demands from them.
 Excessive: -10% gold. The extravagant lifestyle of this leader and his court puts a real strain on the state budget.
 Fanatical: -25% Great Person birth rate. This leader judges the people based on their piety first, and their other merits later. Some of the more controversial but talented people choose to avoid his court.
 Foreign: -25% worker speed and worker production. This leader rules a people different from his own. While the higher classes in the society are more open-minded, this can be a problem for simpler folks.
 Idealistic: -20% production for all military buildings. This leader doesn’t believe in violent means of solving the conflicts, with obvious implications on his military.
 Isolationist: -25% foreign trade route income. This leader believes in self-sufficiency up to the point of shutting off his borders to outside influences.
 Megalomaniac: -20% wonder production. Why settle for second best, if you can have it all? This leader already sees himself as the ruler of the world, and spends additional effort to commemorate himself with ridiculously huge projects.
 Populist: +25% civic upkeep. This leader owes his success to popular support, and he has to spend extra to keep it.
 Revolutionary: -2 relations with other leaders. This leader came to power violently and thus lacks legitimacy in the eyes of other world leaders.
 Schemer: -40% Great General emergence. This leader can’t stop himself from trying to stab every back turned to him, and views everyone else with inherent mistrust as well. This often leads to purges in officer corps in an effort to put out the conspiracies to overthrow him – real or imaginary.
 Temperamental: -50% great general emergence inside civ borders. This leader will sack any general he sees as overly cautious. He is a firm believer of “offense is the best defense” dogma.

So the negative traits from Realism Invictus are ...

- Anti-Clerical = +1:mad: from Religious buildings.
- Cruel = 20% more XP needed for Unit Promotions
- Arrogant = -20% :espionage:
- Idealistic = 25% Slower Production of Military buildings.
- Revolutionary = -2 to Diplomatic Relations
- Megalomaniac = 20% Slower Wonder Production
- Barbaric = -25% :culture:
- Isolationist = -25% Foreign Trade Routes, 25% Slower Production of Trade buildings
- Fanatical = -25% :gp: Birth Rate
- Populist = +25% Civic Upkeep
- Executive = -10% :gold:
- Foreign = -25% Worker Speed, -25% Production of Workers
- Temperamental = -50% Great General Emergence Inside Cultural Borders
- Schemer = -40% Great General Emergence

These all seem like good 3rd traits to have to help balance the leaders.


On your list you have ones like "Agrarian" which means the same thing as "Agricultural" which is a trait we already have. In the 2nd quote above are the traits I would want to use for the 3rd "negative" trait.

The traits we have are ...

- Aggressive
- Agricultural
- Charismatic
- Creative
- Deceiver
- Expansive
- Financial
- Humanitarian
- Imperialistic
- Industrious
- Nomad
- Organized
- Philosophical
- Protective
- Scientific
- Seafaring
- Spiritual

Personally I think we should eliminate redundant traits like Agrarian. We should add a 3rd trait which is the negative trait such as Cruel or Isolationist. Any other trait such as Hunter-Gatherer can be added to the normal first 2 traits.

EDIT: On a side note perhaps we should try to incorporate Crime/Anti-Crime into the traits too.
Anti-clerical is not as simple as +1:mad: per temple (or other religious building) in C2C because

1) Not all religions have just one temple some have more and some have less.
2) happiness from temples only comes from those of your state religion.
3) not all temples provide happiness in the first place.
Given the enhanced traits I actually liked to see a new feature on the horizon that would play along with the large variety of traits:
heiritage system/political party leaders/priest caste leaders.

I'll explain what I mean:
some of you may have seen quill18 who recently brought C2C to youtube commenting on Crusader Kings II.

The only aspect that game has and civ lacks is having a royal family (has any mod done this for civ before?!) or, possibly in later eras a government of political leaders related to parties etc -- so..... by making choices on marriage/politics you could "breed traits" (if your pick sons with let's say military genius, they might give better stats in war but also they may get pathologically cruel and make people unhappy and less creative -- at one time you might have to give the crown to the secound son who will boost the economy better --> which would lead to a rebellion of the followers of the elder son etc [see what happened after Charlemagne died]) - you could also pick minor leaders as governours for provinves (what would be the cities in civ) and specialize them further.

The heritage system could work over events and might have it's own quests like marry a 'european'/'asian'/... princess (+X relations +1 trade route for every existing traderoute to that country). It would open up several new heritage/diplomatic wonders.

Heritage/Political/Religious leaders could bring the element of Realpolitik/Tagespolitik to the game, aside the civics, which also give their own significance. Imagine a conservative leader in a socialist environment. That spells disturbance.

Or the other way around: a communist leader and a conservative military --> see US backed coup d'etat in Chile

And of course some may say it would destroy the "good old feeling of civ"
Although I liked to play god, maybe god in civ must at some time be sacrificed on the altar of progress. I think this could be the right moment.
And by the way god in civ had to suffer already when revolutions were implemented. He didn't cry or bleed. Maybe he even liked it.

I also suggest to make it a game option for Joseph^^ :deal:
I'll explain what I mean:
some of you may have seen quill18 who recently brought C2C to youtube commenting on Crusader Kings II.

I have been hooked to CK2 his Let's Play. I have been seriously considering buying the game just so I can take apart the game for features to convert into C2C. I know I really want to add the Grand Tournaments as a wonder and Militia Training Grounds as a new building. I also have been trying to think on how to apply the raising Leveys feature.

I also have been wanting to add Castilian as a culture just because of those videos.
This one
Populist = +25% Civic Upkeep
seems a bit excessive considering the higher costs involved with Civics already. +10% might suffice.

I have been hooked to CK2 his Let's Play. I have been seriously considering buying the game just so I can take apart the game for features to convert into C2C. I know I really want to add the Grand Tournaments as a wonder and Militia Training Grounds as a new building. I also have been trying to think on how to apply the raising Leveys feature.

I also have been wanting to add Castilian as a culture just because of those videos.

i got cracked version, its sh1t ..
I assume you removed the redundant traits like "Agrarian" before converted them. Because "Agrarian" is the same as the C2C trait "Agricultural".

I need Koshling/AIAndy to inform me, if the AI will need info on these before i need to even start something like this.
I need Koshling/AIAndy to inform me, if the AI will need info on these before i need to even start something like this.

If traits are just fixed things a civ gets from the get-go, then there are no specific decisions to be made based on them (except implicitly in terms of how they potentially adjust the priorities of other things). The AI should be just fine with that. If you add some mechanism whereby traits chnage over time AND the player can influence how they change, then yes, AI would be needed.
If traits are just fixed things a civ gets from the get-go, then there are no specific decisions to be made based on them (except implicitly in terms of how they potentially adjust the priorities of other things). The AI should be just fine with that. If you add some mechanism whereby traits chnage over time AND the player can influence how they change, then yes, AI would be needed.

Well actually both are in my mind, but for now just the first part of your paragraph will take effect, then later with all the talk from AIAndy/Hydro/DH and you about changing traits over the era periods, if i think i am thinking correctly now.;)

So in short will it be OK to put a Villain trait in. Sounds like it is in your first part.
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