Geographically (In)Accurate Maps...


Oct 1, 2011
... Or at least civs starting out on lands that resemble their real-world counterparts in your games.

This looks suspiciously similar to the Japanese Home Islands, for example:

Spoiler :
I don't have a pic, but I got in a game with 2 landmasses connected by ocean, with me, as Carthage on the western end of the southern landmass. East of me on the same chunk of land was Egypt. On the slightly larger northern landmass was Rome, who was east of Byzantium and South of Germany.
Why is Ghandi Blue and Yellow?
Why is Ghandi Blue and Yellow?

The Green Gandhi is Good Gandhi. The Blue one is Gandhi's evil twin... Snake Gandhi!

Now, go on, share with us any maps you may have encountered that are in the spirit of this thread.
Seeing as there's only 7 civs present, I'm assuming that for some reason, somebody decided to put in two Gandhis. With one Gandhi being obilerated.
Seeing as there's only 7 civs present, I'm assuming that for some reason, somebody decided to put in two Gandhis. With one Gandhi being obilerated.

*whistles innocently*

He did it!

Spoiler :
Not quite like this, but on an Earth map (Not TSL) I had Russia where Russia is IRL and some others which I can't remember quite close to their RL positions too

This isn't really surprising. Civs have start bias, so Russia is very likely to start near tundra and that seems like a good place for tundra.
I once had a Earth Map where I was Germany in Russia's place and Russia was in Germany's place. Made WWII a whole lot more interesting, as now I was invading Russia easily, and none of my soldiers froze to death!
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