Pillaging gives health after the patch


Aug 3, 2010
New patch will give numerous cool additions I'm excited about (more aggressive offshore settling by AI! AI liberates cities!) but today I noticed in practice how the new pillage system will affect sieges.

On my current game my Swedish divisions have surrounded Berlin and been laying siege to it for many years, waiting to bombardment to soften the city. Meanwhile I'm under constant shelling from German Frigates on their shores (I have a small weak navy so I couldn't bring it with me) and gatling gun positions.

I wished I could have had some extra HP from pillaging at that moment! Also the new system will bring that "living off the enemy land" historic feel too.
Fortunately Caroleans' March promotion gives them extra health, so it helped to reinforce my troops.

Also, I had some outdated crossbowmen I couldn't afford to upgrade to gatlings, but instead of disbanding them I sent them to start a small guerilla campaign in far German lands, pillaging resources. I was especially glad to pillage Coal strategic improvement as Germans have Ironclads in their fleet. :D

So the health from pillage will spice up following events:

Guerilla warfare
Viking raids!
also, burning your own soil in a desperate defensive battle for that extra health if in peril.. :)

Civ V G&K is such a fantastic game, can't wait for the patch..!
I also like this change very much. The thing i like the most about it is that it will make horse units more useful, because they can move after attack, so they can be very got at harassing your enemy.
It's also going to make the Danish UA a lot stronger and put them on par with a lot of the other top tier warmongering civs:clap:

:EDIT: Oops that's probably what you meant by Viking raids in the OP
It's also going to make the Danish UA a lot stronger and put them on par with a lot of the other top tier warmongering civs:clap:

:EDIT: Oops that's probably what you meant by Viking raids in the OP

Also in the patch notes is mentioned that AI will pillage a lot too, so that'll make them more deadly invaders too.
I'm just about to finish my first game playing Russia and I love my cossacks. (I accidently upgraded one to a landship and almost reloaded just to fix that mistake.:lol:) Once the patch adds pillage-heal, they are going to be deadly.
Also in the patch notes is mentioned that AI will pillage a lot too, so that'll make them more deadly invaders too.

I know, that might change city defense a little bit, right now you can hold off a pretty huge army with only a few bowmen. I think it's going to make deity and immortal tougher. Not only do you need to fend off those massive invasion forces but you also will have to repair all the pillaged improvements after they leave.

It will actually force people to fight unit to unit outside the city a little more in order to save their lands from being pillaged.
I think that pillaging should use up all movement points like going ashore does after the patch. Otherwise it'll just be broken pillaging 3 tiles with one unit in one turn, you'd be back to max health already.
I think that pillaging should use up all movement points like going ashore does after the patch. Otherwise it'll just be broken pillaging 3 tiles with one unit in one turn, you'd be back to max health already.

Yeah but the amount of times you can do that is limited by the number of tiles available to pillage. It sounds a lot less OP when you look at it from that angle.

Besides if they did make it consume all movement points then what would you do with the Danish UA, Pictish warrior and Sipahi?(I think they're the other unit with that ability but I always forget) Also what would be the point of adding this change since rather than using all your movement to pillage you could just fortify and heal instead? You may not get as many HP but you'd get the defense bonus so it'd really be a wash.
Also you'd be pillaging 2 tiles in one turn, because you have to use the other 2 move to well, move.

Except for the Spahi and Berserker, but thats a good thing! (And I suppose all Lancers and 5+ move guys...is that just Lancers?)
Also you'd be pillaging 2 tiles in one turn, because you have to use the other 2 move to well, move.

Except for the Spahi and Berserker, but thats a good thing! (And I suppose all Lancers and 5+ move guys...is that just Lancers?)
and any Mongolian mounted unit :)

It might actually make lancers a decent unit. You could attack then use the remaining movement to pillage heal yourself so they won't be so vulnerable in between turns.
Will the defenders be able to pillage and heal too? :D

Might be neat for one of those "Russian Winter" type retreats. Pillage your own improvements so they can't, use the healing your units get to cause as much damage to theirs as possible and when, or probably more appropriately if, they take your city they'll have to repair everything.
cavalry and lancers will be alot more durable, and make flanking worth the risk. hrrm sweden lancers might be realy scary now if they can pillage for hp
Vikings will be top tier ( finnaly :D )
celts will be absolute monsters at the start, fear the pic rush
Proparly see this as a broken game mechanic just like the instant heal promotion wich doesn't make sence in my opinion
tried it after the new patch, and now players pillage resources for sure when in war. This makes the game setting more realistic in sense of war.
Just played a game, and while I could pillage luxury and strategic resources, I couldn't pillage farms etc. Is this correct?
You can pillage everything, but roads do not give hp (or gold) to the pillager.

If you can't pillage things, you may have a bug. Can you reproduce it? There is a bug report forum.
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