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SimCity 5

It´s amazing what PC games has become. Complex programming monsters where the 80% of the companies effort is dedicated to avoid cracking and the other 20% is a crappy game totally conditioned by that 80%. What has happened?

It's a lot of effort for no reward as well - I don't know of any PC games which haven't been cracked at all!
GW2, a number of other MMOs, Diablo 3 doesn't have a very good server simulator for its pirate version yet either apparently. So much of SC is on EA's servers that a pirated version or an offline crack is unlikely to happen anytime soon, if ever. Its still far more likely than quite a few people actually purchasing the game and more likely than most people who do still playing it nearly as much as any other SC game.
Well, as for me: I have just installed and played SC4 for 5+ hours.
So the SC5 launchday had a bright side. :D

Btw, the actual gamelplay of SC5 look quite nice. I like the Anno-like commodity chains. But... It comes all tumbeling down due to the map size. That and Origin 24/7 online requirement are really dealbreakers for me. :(

Shame, because the game mechanics themselves seem quite promising...
I was having a chat on the chat with West India Man about the good ideas in the game, and one of the good ideas is the idea of greater interaction between cities.

In an RPG.net review about an unrelated game, the reviewer brought up "heartbreakers", mechanics that are extremely good ideas but buried underneath a very bad game. The system of interaction sounds like it would be extremely fun if it was somewhat like a Paradox game.

Namely, load up save and set up an MP game and invite friends to join and we could build a region together and, if we want, load the save up in SP and play it on our own.
Isn't his schtick being an angry fat man?

EDIT: More happy screensohts that I found!

New feature: City roll backs to hours ago because EA lost your save.
Spoiler :

This also happened to someone who was livestreaming to 4000+ people XD

Also sometimes it just won't let you claim cities.
Spoiler :
Well, as for me: I have just installed and played SC4 for 5+ hours.
So the SC5 launchday had a bright side. :D

Btw, the actual gamelplay of SC5 look quite nice. I like the Anno-like commodity chains. But... It comes all tumbeling down due to the map size. That and Origin 24/7 online requirement are really dealbreakers for me. :(

Shame, because the game mechanics themselves seem quite promising...

The maps are too small, you mean? That doesn't sound like too much of an issue, it could easily be fixed. Then again, this is EA we're talking about...
I've just talked with a friend who bought the game for half off (had one of the deals from one of the online shops that cut the price by a bit, along with some credit from that place he saved up), and his reaction seems mixed. He said the multiplayer aspect was fun and a number of the new concepts were great - when they worked properly - but he did say though that if I wanted to play singleplayer SimCity then I should just stick with modded SimCity4.

Issues with servers and DRM and all that aside, apparently the ridiculously small city sizes as well as the regional gameplay is what really kills gameplay - you have no freedom to be creative with your city, and you're essentially forced to do the multiplayer regional whatever. I've heard some people say that those unhappy with the new style of regional aspect should just deal with it because this is a whole new game and this is a new age of more interconnected gaming and whatever, but single player gameplay has always been an integral part of SimCity, so I dunno why they needed to put an MMO element into it.

My friend also said the recording of each individual city, while nice, was pointless, and not worth the trade off for the smaller city size to handle these sims. As he put it, "I don't care if John Sim is out of work." And as someone on another form said, "This is Sim City, not The Sims City".

So... yup. Don't want to be all negative, because I still think the new SimCity has good ideas, but I guess I'll just wait a couple of years when this thing is at least 66% off. SimCity 4, in the meanwhile, will never age.
The maps are too small, you mean? That doesn't sound like too much of an issue, it could easily be fixed. Then again, this is EA we're talking about...
The problem is that a big part of the game design relies on these small maps.

The game is deliberately designed that way so you HAVE to build several specialised cities and interact with other players. It is a bit like in cities XL, but there some cities could just not aquire some ressources becauses they were not on the map, instead of limiting the player by artifical boundaries.

And the sad thing is that I think it also serves as a justification for the always-online DRM - or maybe it was just build around that purpose in the first place... :(
User reviews on Amazon and Metacritic are hilariously bad. I'm holding onto a tiny bit of hope that this much negativity might convince EA to push out a patched-in offline mode. Still extremely unlikely though.

And I'm disappointed to see so many people disappointed after buying the game. By that I mean it's a pity that so many are sucked in by the hype and still pre-order games without any reliable information. I really hope a lot of those dissatisfied customers are asking for (and getting) refunds.
I'm having lots of fun with SimCity. The cities are a bit small, but its not crippling and the game is very enjoyable. Me and my friends got a very nice region going. I think multiplayer is very important for this game and the game does a lot of things right. Its clearly a vanilla release, but the core is solid.

I can see why hardcore SC-fans can be disappointed, but I'm think I'll play this more than I have played earlier SC games.
Until the ALWAYS reliable EA servers go down, amirite?
The maps are too small, you mean? That doesn't sound like too much of an issue, it could easily be fixed. Then again, this is EA we're talking about...

I read somewhere that the limitation is the number of agents/sims that the game can reasonably track and that the small map size is a away to prevent you from having more than about 250k people in your city for that reason.

So it sounds like they're actually tracking every single citizen in your city in terms of movement, location, activities, etc. or at least a significant number of them. If that's true then the city size won't increase because the game just wouldn't be able to deal with it unless you had an overclocked wundermachine.
Until the ALWAYS reliable EA servers go down, amirite?

The servers suck and there's some major bugs. But I judge the game by how I think it will be after a few patches.

Unreliable servers is usually just a problem the very first few days.
Also sometimes it just won't let you claim cities.
Spoiler :

Betrayed by EA Games again. Apparently 6-7 years is how long it takes me to forget the lessons Spore taught me. :shake: Hopefully this time it'll be double that amount of time.
Not as far as I know Chairman, I think that particular tentacle is just a character of Nerf Now.
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