The Historical Basis for Catalonian Independence


Heroically Clueless
Oct 13, 2011
Heart of Etheria
Why is Catalonia not into being separate from Spain? :mad:
Silly Spaniard. Self-determination is for North Europeans and Balkanites.
Somewhere not in Spain! :mad:
I would have commented on that (my father loves Tintin, it's inevitable that something would rub off him to me), but the Catalan issue was a far greater priority. :mad:
Maybe the Catalans are eminently more sensible than Northern Europeans and know not to flee their mother country during a huge global recession with no thought of how to actually set up a new country. :)
Our mother country is none other than Catalonia! Catalonia Über Alles!
Maybe the Catalans are eminently more sensible than Northern Europeans and know not to flee their mother country during a huge global recession with no thought of how to actually set up a new country. :)

Our mother country is the Carolingian Empire and it hasn't been around for a while.
By that line of reasoning, my mother country is Claudius' empire in AD 45 or so. Let's not carried away, eh? :)
By that line of reasoning, my mother country is Claudius' empire in AD 45 or so. Let's not carried away, eh? :)

No. Your mother country is the Kingdom of England that hasn't been around since the 18th century.
Well, if we're going to claim long-dead historical counterparts, given my home location, it would have to be Alfred's Wessex in the ninth century.

Shall we drop this line of reasoning though? Not every throwaway comment should be taken as an insult to your family.
Well, if we're going to claim long-dead historical counterparts,

You talked about mother countries, that's to say, countries that gave birth to the modern nation. In that sense, England is to the UK what the Carolingian Empire is to Catalonia.

given my home location, it would have to be Alfred's Wessex in the ninth century.

No, it doesn't because England does not exist. There's only the UK and you are all British, remember?
No, it doesn't because England does not exist. There's only the UK and you are all British, remember?

I'm not going to discuss this any further with you.
Where is the County of Barcelona?? County of Barcelona free from "x" of Catalonia Now!
No, it doesn't because England does not exist. There's only the UK and you are all British, remember?
Don't be mad. Even though you're Spanish you can still be Catalan.
Maybe the Catalans are eminently more sensible than Northern Europeans and know not to flee their mother country during a huge global recession with no thought of how to actually set up a new country. :)

The Welsh will rise up and overthrow the tyranny of England!

Then Scotland will be free, Ireland will be unified, and the Falklands will be returned to Argentina! It may not happen today, or tomorrow, but it will happen!
The SNP won't be successful until the Welsh secede from the UK? Alex Salmond will be disappointed!
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