• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Box Art for Brave New World being revealed

You guys are tripping, it'll be revealed within an hour or so. Look at the rate of likes.
New Zealand confirmed, Richard Seddon as their leader!! :p

Spoiler :

If you're right I will NOT be disappointed. They would be perfect for the tourism feature. (I really don't want to be getting excited about a facebook meme. :blush::rolleyes:)
Obsessing with pre-release hype => having high expectations => producing more ranters when expectations are not met. Just saying'. :)
If you're right I will NOT be disappointed. They would be perfect for the tourism feature. (I really don't want to be getting excited about a facebook meme. :blush::rolleyes:)

Well, it would only make sense to have Richard Seddon as the leader of a possible New Zealand civ...
New Zealand confirmed, Richard Seddon as their leader!! :p

Spoiler :

New Zealand, famous for it's communist agenda during the Cold War as it's clearly on the Order side of the box. :lol:

Oh well, good night everybody. I hope they'll gather up 10k votes by tomorrow morning.
Perhaps it's an alternate universe and communism spread to Oceania?
They need to stop this at 5k likes. Someone didn't put much thought into that 10k threshold. Currently at 4.88k and the likes seem to be coming in slower and slower.
oh are you sure about New zealand? I don't think so, it seems like lenine statue.

I also bet that no new civ will be released with this.
This gonna take a while, the rate is horrible...
Preparing to load Gn'K, I'll be back later for some speculative madness.
No, comrade. Just Ingsoc. You see, Oceania is at war with Eurasia. Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.

Hmm interesting. Both 1984 and Brave New World are dystopian science fiction novels. Coincidence? Or thoughtcrime?
They need to stop this at 5k likes. Someone didn't put much thought into that 10k threshold. Currently at 4.88k and the likes seem to be coming in slower and slower.

You forget the whole idea behind their plan. Nothing states it needs to be revealed today. If it takes until tomorrow, as long as you run off and tell your friends to like their FB page, their plan worked. Hell, it can never reach 10,000 and as long as it is still being talked about and hyped up, it was a success.
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