Sukritact's Events and Decisions

Firaxis should hire you as a contractor to work on Civ 6.
This is looking good! Two little UI suggestions:
  • In the tool tip, bullet points could be helpful (seeing how you had bullet points in the OP, I guess that's just an oversight in testing).
  • Would... it be possible to add in an option to display a header icon (similar to the city state box)? Then you random events could show fitting icons, if desired (e.g. the Eiffel tower in this case).
I'd love to see a Global Warming mechanic using this system! Perhaps base it off the amount of factories that exist in the world, if there are enough in the empire, your scientists may predict catastrophic events and ask you to either sell the factory or increase the maintenance cost.

Then the fun part is seeing whether or not their predictions came true (so if you prepared, perhaps you won't be affected). You could include things like Sea tiles providing less food, or resources disappearing.
I'd love to see a Global Warming mechanic using this system! Perhaps base it off the amount of factories that exist in the world, if there are enough in the empire, your scientists may predict catastrophic events and ask you to either sell the factory or increase the maintenance cost.

Then the fun part is seeing whether or not their predictions came true (so if you prepared, perhaps you won't be affected). You could include things like Sea tiles providing less food, or resources disappearing.
Outside the scope of this mod unfortunately. The way the mechanic is implemented isn't optimal for this in any case.

Though people could certainly try.
I think the greatest function of this mod is as a framework for other modders to work from. I know that Decisions and Random Events have enhanced tenfold my intentions with Piety and Prestige, and Sovereign Revisal - which do, and will, make active use of both systems, and I expect it may come to do the same for other types of mods for others.
You could put some catastrophic random events, that we simply can't do nothing, like earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, city burning (like Rome's and London's), volcanos, plague, etc.
You even could put somethig like "the Plagues of Egypt" ("I could have stretched forth My hand and stricken you [Pharaoh] and your people with pestilence, and you would have been effaced from the earth. Nevertheless I have spared you for this purpose: in order to show you My power and in order that My fame may resound throughout the world."), in which all the cities loses population, and for some turns, farms and pastures gives -1 food and rivers, lakes and oasis don't give fresh water.
And one even worst, exclusive to Brazil: When you begin the international games project, this happens: "7x1"
And one even worst, exclusive to Brazil: When you begin the international games project, this happens: "7x1"

Winning the International Games world project went horribly, horribly, horribly wrong.

Honestly, "ha ha, something bad happens to you and now you just have to deal with it" isn't something I'd like to see. There's no real strategy to them, just... ha ha, you get bad stuff happening to you. Many of these decisions and events seem to aim for a level of meaningful decision-making, some benefit for a level of tradeoff. What would be the gameplay purpose of these catastrophies, from a strategy game viewpoint?

How easy would it be to add decisions for modded civs? I have a lot of non-historical wacky civilizations installed.
Winning the International Games world project went horribly, horribly, horribly wrong.

Honestly, "ha ha, something bad happens to you and now you just have to deal with it" isn't something I'd like to see. There's no real strategy to them, just... ha ha, you get bad stuff happening to you. Many of these decisions and events seem to aim for a level of meaningful decision-making, some benefit for a level of tradeoff. What would be the gameplay purpose of these catastrophies, from a strategy game viewpoint?

How easy would it be to add decisions for modded civs? I have a lot of non-historical wacky civilizations installed.

Jfd would know
How easy would it be to add decisions for modded civs? I have a lot of non-historical wacky civilizations installed.

If these mods are ones created by yourself, then it's easy enough to add decisions support. Currently, 7 of my civs (Norway, Khazaria, Papal State, Great Britain, Carthage, Belgium, Switzerland) have internal support that you can take a look at.
I'm anxious to see what Unique decisions you've given the Iroquois, Shoshone, Aztecs, Maya, and Inca. I'm hoping there's minimal reference to resisting colonization.
I'm anxious to see what Unique decisions you've given the Iroquois, Shoshone, Aztecs, Maya, and Inca. I'm hoping there's minimal reference to resisting colonization.
None at all actually (though a few are a bit vague as a result); here's a preview.

Spoiler :

The Inca and Shoshone decisions that I'm showing here will probably be rebalanced; though the fundamental idea will remain.

If you've any ideas, feel free to present them, but no guarantee I'll actually implement them.
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