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How about Power of Reefs: Works Boats can build Forest Preserves on coast tiles around Australia.

Or Work Boat with that ability could be their unique unit.

IRL the Great Barrier Reef is very damaged due to dredging, pollution and agricultural run-off. The UN is being bullied into not declaring it critically endangered. There are not many other notable reefs.

Would it be possible to have a UP that increases immigration from the Old World (like America in game) and increase production, food and culture? The power of the "Worker's Paradise". IRL the immigration post WWII gave a lot of stability to Australia and increased Australia’s standing as a peaceful, multi-cultural nation (pity things are a bit different nowadays :sheep:).

Another idea - Australia was "built on the sheep’s back" - it exported a ton of wool back to the UK and bought finished articles in return. Maybe extra commerce from pastures?
IRL the Great Barrier Reef is very damaged due to dredging, pollution and agricultural run-off. The UN is being bullied into not declaring it critically endangered. There are not many other notable reefs.

Would it be possible to have a UP that increases immigration from the Old World (like America in game) and increase production, food and culture? The power of the "Worker's Paradise". IRL the immigration post WWII gave a lot of stability to Australia and increased Australia’s standing as a peaceful, multi-cultural nation (pity things are a bit different nowadays :sheep:).

Another idea - Australia was "built on the sheep’s back" - it exported a ton of wool back to the UK and bought finished articles in return. Maybe extra commerce from pastures?

Extra commerce makes nearly no difference. UP should let people feel the difference.
I don't know if you are soliciting suggestions, but I threw together a half-decent proposal for Australia a while back. It might give some ideas or inspiration.

For the purposes of this suggestion, I am assuming Australia spawns as a Vassal of the major colonial power on their continent (probably English or Dutch).

Name: Australia
Trade: *****
Production: ***
Culture: ***
Growth: *
Starting Situation: ***
Leaders: John Curtin

  • By far the best option.
  • Art exists for this leader already.

UU: Light Horse – Replaces Cavalry, retains ability to get defensive bonuses. Starts with charge promotion.
  • Explanation: While there are a number of choices for UU that could be chosen to represent Australia, few are actually unique. The Australian Light Horse presents a truly unique unit - capable of fighting as regular infantry, taking a position as mounted infantry and charging enemy lines as cavalry.
  • I know there are art files for the Light Horse somewhere.

UB: Convict Gaol – Replaces Jail. +5% production, +5% commerce.

  • Explanation: Represents colonial era Australia. Also allows them to maintain competitive in terms of industry despite such a low population.
  • I dont know if appropriate art files exist, or even if they are needed.

UP: Power of Commonwealth - Gold from Trade Routes increased by 25%.

  • Not totally sold on this. It's a good fit, but it seems a little dull, to be perfectly honest.
UHV (Pick 3 of the following - I would recommend the first three for the sake of gameplay):
Control at least one city in New Guinea, one city in Fiji and two in New Zealand by 2000 AD

  • Ahistorical
  • Explanation: Australia controlled New Guinea for over 50 years, and both Fiji and New Zealand nearly joined the federation at its birth.
  • Every civ needs a good expansionist goal

Gift X military units to other civilizations by 1950

  • Approximately Historical
  • Explanation: Australians fought in many major wars in which their troops were placed under foreign rule.
  • I like this one because it is just so different from any other UHV.

Be the first to discover Refrigeration & Mass Media.

  • Historical
  • A pretty standard UHV. These tech UHV's are usually reasonably difficult, but not boring.
Achieve independence from foreign rule by 1901 (Or 1950 if spawning in 1901)

  • Historical
  • Kinda boring and generic.

Have X Gold by 2010
  • Approximately Historical
  • Also pretty boring.

Preferred Civic: Commonwealth
Start: 1855 AD (When Self Rule had its roots and nationalism was kicking off) or 1901 AD (When Australia Federated). Pick whichever one is more balanced.
Starting Location: Canberra
Flip Zone: All cities on the continent belonging to their master.
Sounds good, but +5% production is practically nothing, I believe. Could perhaps be a bit more powerful?
In that case a +hammer bonus would be better.

Another UHV could be tied to allied contributions (just as the gift X units):

- Contain Japan to only have cities on their core area
- Gain X attitude points to US (trade, OB, gifting units, common wars etc) by 19XX
I don't want to play this, because it spawns too late. 1900? Only 120 turns left. And late game lags too much on my computer. I don't play Latin America civs although I wanted, because of lag.

I'd rather make it an ancient civ, native people and Polynesians didn't make themselves active players in real history, so why don't we give them a chance in DoC?

Besides, RFC is about civilization, not nation. Culture of Australia and Canada are still English/French and little native nowadays.
I think the idea of spawning as vassal is intriguing. Australia can spawn as early as 1788AD, in the time when the Australia continent is still mostly empty. The challenge here is to develop great nation right from the scratch that is half as big and half as populated as the Empire of Great Britain by 1901 AD when they need to break free from England.

In this case, off course, Australia can not spawn if Human is England.
I think the idea of spawning as vassal is intriguing. Australia can spawn as early as 1788AD, in the time when the Australia continent is still mostly empty. The challenge here is to develop great nation right from the scratch that is half as big and half as populated as the Empire of Great Britain by 1901 AD when they need to break free from England.

In this case, off course, Australia can not spawn if Human is England.

Why are do you want another conditional spawn!!!!!!!!!!!!
relax, why so angry??? it's just a suggestion. No offence but if you can't control your emotion if a moderator saw this he could infarct you. besides, Brazil is not the only C-Spawn civ here. Thailand, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Italy, and Iran are also C-Spawn. Moreover, I'm not the one working in this Australian civ, so the term "Why Are You Making" is incorrect :)
Canada and Australia weren't 100% indepedent from Britain and gained their indepedence peacefully. So a conditional spawn seems logical. Canada and Australia spawn if England is shaky, unstable, collapsing or dead during the spawning date. Human player (who will be stable or solid) can release these civs at will after the spawning date. It seems really good IMO.
I think the conditional spawn idea is good, only except the fact that I'm working based on 1.11 version.

I hope I can solve the FPK packaging problem asap. Whole progress has been stuck because of it.
You don't have to pack the art files to make them work. If you just place them in the art folder thet will work fine. So you can continue on the other things.
Exactly, SVN art also isn't packaged. It's mostly a storage space and game start speed consideration.
I think the color (#002B7F) or (0,43,127) will looks better for Australia rather the Yellow one...
I think the color (#002B7F) or (0,43,127) will looks better for Australia rather the Yellow one...

I'm testing with Gold and green one, copied wikipedia's one.


I think the color can be changed easily when the test finished nicely. (Gold, Green) and (Blue, White) sets are candidates, but I'm minding about the blue and white set is already used in other civs.
Perfect, waiting to play.
Sorry for misunderstand-able writing. I meant to say that I solved my problem with adding flag and color for Australia.
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