Realism Invictus

Bonjour Hian,
I've updated my to the last SVN version but when I load Realism Mod and it finally appears (after an hour or so) it says Realism in top right corner yet all I get is the vanilla version. The Realism Mod and the 3.25 version are both locatet in my My Games folder under documents. Is there something I can do about this problem?
Bonjour Hian,
I've updated my to the last SVN version but when I load Realism Mod and it finally appears (after an hour or so) it says Realism in top right corner yet all I get is the vanilla version. The Realism Mod and the 3.25 version are both locatet in my My Games folder under documents. Is there something I can do about this problem?

Don't you put it in your CustomAssets folder instead of Beyond the Sword/Mods/Realism ?

This may be your problem.
If not, I don't know...
Since SVN revision 4849 (or lower) the RI planet generator has a bug. The game always shuts down when i select it and start the game. But if i take a different one it works. What could be the reason for that?
kind of a weird bug. I have a permanent alliance with Roosevelt and he decided that he wanted to "liberate" to me New York and Philadelphi, cities in which I have no culture.
what openings do you guys use for realism invictus. worker first? settler first? hunters cabins and sawmills first? I have been playing around with different openings and not sure what is the correct way to play. trying to make my play more efficient as the computers' bonuses are so difficult to cope with
what openings do you guys use for realism invictus. worker first? settler first? hunters cabins and sawmills first? I have been playing around with different openings and not sure what is the correct way to play. trying to make my play more efficient as the computers' bonuses are so difficult to cope with

Depends on opening. If you're having deer/fur resources or the food is scarce = hunters cabin.
If you're having many farm resources = worker ASAP and research agriculture.
If you're having many pasture resources = 1-2 warriors for scouting first, then worker while teching animal husbandry.

If start is pretty much medicore, build warrior first for scouting. It can be used to steal worker from neighbour (if you have any).

I only build settler first if I reload the game from the beginning so that I know where to put city. (Kinda cheating IMO).
what openings do you guys use for realism invictus. worker first? settler first? hunters cabins and sawmills first? I have been playing around with different openings and not sure what is the correct way to play. trying to make my play more efficient as the computers' bonuses are so difficult to cope with

There's a thread for this over at the RI subforum:

My opening build and research order depends on the surrounding. Mostly I built 3-4 warriors in the being for scouting, huts, early promotions and getting in contact with civs. Sometime I steal a worker but only when war will inevitable anyway or I have the politician trait. I usually delay building my settler for some time. Sometimes my second city is a Barbarian city that I conquer with heavily promoted archers and militias (anti-Barbarian promotions, cover promotions, then city raiders). Capturing Barbarian cities also gives you valuable cash which you'll need for additional cities and upgrading. I try to have my research as high as possible until I can afford it no longer. Before I build my first city I usually build the Pyramids to get that really useful great engineer. I'd recommend to keep a strong military to avoid early AI attacks. The problem with AI attacks is that once a war has been fought - though you may win easily - the relations between your and the other civ will be strained which impairs your chance for open borders. Open borders are vital in the first part of the game, until Renaissance.
interesting thanks for the input.

in other news, the Pen Huo Qi doesn't appear to be working properly. no ranged attack like it's supposed to have
I can assure you, it has and has happened multiple times in my games. And its not isolated to just city states. It can be anything.... but then I also start with >20 civilizations.
to be clear: These are not SELECTABLE, but the randomizer CAN give them out.

Normally it can't, that's exactly what I'm telling here. I play a lot of random maps and not once have I seen an unplayable civ placed on a map. I think (but I didn't test it) if you use unrestricted leaders, you may get this as a side effect. But normally, non-selectable civs shouldn't be placed on random maps.

So... archers on a forest hill. That's not fun. What are you supposed to do about an enemy stack that marches into your territory within the first ~100 turns with one or two of these, without horses? I can't get more than a 0.60% success rate against them, and that's after suicide 10+ melee/recon/archer units into them. Attack with 20/30/40 units just to deal with 5 guys on a hill?

IMHO there needs to be more early game archer counters for those of us unlucky enough not to get any horse.

As long as they can't come down there without being slaughtered, you're fine. A single spearman can kill an archer on a flatland. So just keep a lookout near them.

Since SVN revision 4849 (or lower) the RI planet generator has a bug. The game always shuts down when i select it and start the game. But if i take a different one it works. What could be the reason for that?

Don't know - it works fine for me with latest revision, and we didn't even change anything in RI planet generator for quite a long while. Try clearing the game cache.

in other news, the Pen Huo Qi doesn't appear to be working properly. no ranged attack like it's supposed to have

Why do you think it's supposed to be ranged? It is a flamethrower, and flamethrowers aren't ranged, they're close and personal. :devil:
what openings do you guys use for realism invictus. worker first? settler first? hunters cabins and sawmills first? I have been playing around with different openings and not sure what is the correct way to play. trying to make my play more efficient as the computers' bonuses are so difficult to cope with

Settler first, sometimes two, depending on what leaders I use. You have just enough time most of the time to get two, as long as you're willing to sacrifice Dosh and Research for an early city advantage, which can lead to snowballing fast.

Walter, I've done it without unrestricted leaders, it still happens. I don't have the latest SVN though.
Well, it says that the Pen Huo Qi has 1 range in its tooltip description... But I will just ignore that if it's not supposed to have it :)
The RI planet generator works fine if I don't make a tick at "Lock Modified Assets". But if I make a tick there, the game shuts down. So the bug is NOT since SVN 4849...
This is no fatal bug, but maybe it's easy to fix.
RI planet generator tends to have a ton of plains, and most of the grassland is covered by jungle. WAD? Kinda makes sense regarding making agriculture and resources super important for cities to grow, but makes the nations like Zulu and Austronesia feel so powerful in comparison.

Just saw the SVN notes for r4860.

Discovered that building the French Infanteria causes the game to crash. Switched it to another distinctive unit and the game is perfectly fine.

Not sure what is wrong with the unit? Graphically I can add them into the game but building them instantly crashes.
The helptext for the special Indian Elephant unit says it doesn't need Elephants, but you can't actually build them without. Not sure which way around it is supposed to be.
I'm exploring and enjoying the new vaccine system. Just got to Medicine. One note, since I know you sometimes prioritize historical context over game balance: Medicine is a Renaissance tech (admittedly late Renaissance), though both Antiseptics and Anesthesia are Industrial developments (mid MCMth century), although there was some progress in Anesthesia in the Eastern Hemisphere about a century earlier.
Walter, I've done it without unrestricted leaders, it still happens. I don't have the latest SVN though.

Then you clearly must be doing something different, because it doesn't happen for me, nor for most other players (seeing how you're the only one to ever mention it). Try to think of something that you could be doing in a non-standard way.

Well, it says that the Pen Huo Qi has 1 range in its tooltip description... But I will just ignore that if it's not supposed to have it :)

Yeah, I'll go ahead and remove that range. It was confusing (though it didn't affect how the unit was working). It had range defined, but no ranged attack. :)

The RI planet generator works fine if I don't make a tick at "Lock Modified Assets". But if I make a tick there, the game shuts down. So the bug is NOT since SVN 4849...
This is no fatal bug, but maybe it's easy to fix.

Actually I have absolutely no idea on how to fix that.

RI planet generator tends to have a ton of plains, and most of the grassland is covered by jungle. WAD? Kinda makes sense regarding making agriculture and resources super important for cities to grow, but makes the nations like Zulu and Austronesia feel so powerful in comparison.

Yeah, it results in pretty realistic terrain. Different types of maps will always give advantage to different civs anyways.

Discovered that building the French Infanteria causes the game to crash. Switched it to another distinctive unit and the game is perfectly fine.

Not sure what is wrong with the unit? Graphically I can add them into the game but building them instantly crashes.

I will check it. Some time ago someone was reporting the same with Polish infantry, and I couldn't find anything being wrong with it, so I just went and replaced it altogether in the end.

The helptext for the special Indian Elephant unit says it doesn't need Elephants, but you can't actually build them without. Not sure which way around it is supposed to be.

Will check and fix the confusing tip. It is likely an artifact from earlier on.

I'm exploring and enjoying the new vaccine system. Just got to Medicine. One note, since I know you sometimes prioritize historical context over game balance: Medicine is a Renaissance tech (admittedly late Renaissance), though both Antiseptics and Anesthesia are Industrial developments (mid MCMth century), although there was some progress in Anesthesia in the Eastern Hemisphere about a century earlier.

Yeah, but you should also remember that building the structures themselves takes some time, and they might not be a #1 priority, and also that Medicine tech is off the path of the rest of the tech tree - so in effect, any given civ will likely get those advances effective much later than late Renaissance. In general, medical advances become available a tad earlier than they historically appeared, because players are supposed (and advised) to implement them on an "as needed" basis.
What is the new population metrics idea in SVN 4865? Sounds interesting.
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