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24 Civs... on a Tiny Archipelago


Nov 23, 2014
Hello everyone. This will be my first story on the CivFanatics forums and I'm definitely looking forward to making it as I play along.

As the title suggests, I will be playing on a tiny sized archipelago map with all 24 civs from Civ 3 Gold Edition on it (I do not own Conquests). Surely this will be an interesting game, you know, everyone on tiny islands, wars in the ancient times, pure chaos... :mischief:

My random draw pulled the Iroquois of the civilizations available. Hopefully my starting island has horses on it so I can lay waste with a fleet of galleys and hordes of Mounted Warriors. :mwaha:

I'll be attempting to play each chapter up to a third of each era, so expect this to be done in 12 episodes, at the very least. Also, keep in mind that I'm a teenager, so cheesy writing and juvenile humor will be peppered throughout. :lol:

Prologue will be on my next post, table of contents below;

Table of Contents
(Present Day - July 13th, 2015)

It was past 5 in the morning. An entity known only as "The Bman" was sitting at his desk, typing on his laptop. He had tried to go to sleep for hours beforehand, but couldn't do it. Minute after minute of twisting and turning when he finally decided to just go back to his computer.

Suddenly, a mysterious vortex came straight from his computer screen, dragging him into nothingness as the rest of the world behind him followed. Screaming, watching as his vision blurred away and the space-time continuum completely shredded itself to pieces, The Bman saw people dressed in purple follow with him, and him in particular. He did not know any of these people, but as they gained numbers and stayed with him, he knew they were there for a reason. In minutes, his vision fell into blackness.

He woke up drowsy, thinking it was the Subway he ate the day before making him sick. But what he had seen after opening his eyes, he knew that sandwich had nothing to do with it;

"Lovely." Said The Bman. "I browse the web for two minutes and now I'm in The Flintstones."

Suddenly, the men and women dressed in purple cloths that he had seen while swirling through the vortex appeared, surrounding him.

"All hail to the new Chief of the Iroquois!" The crowd shouted.

"Chief?" The Bman responded.

"Yes." Said a man who approached him. "For years, we have looked for a leader to guide us. Our people have wandered the planet for ages, but in squabbling, petty groups that could never lead a civilization. A civilization... to stand the test of time. And we know you are the one to do it."

"Uh, well... alright." said The Bman in an unsure voice.

The man had carried with him a beaver pelt cap with deer antlers attached to it. He knelt down and presented it to The Bman as he anxiously grabbed it. Slowly, he put the cap on his head as the rest of the crowd bowed down to him.

"What is your name?" said the man.

Unwilling to give his real name (just like when he's on the internet), he quickly responded with the alias he is most known as among family and friends...

"The Bman."

"All hail Chief Bman!" shouted the crowd.

"I thought Hiawatha was your leader." The Bman told the crowd.

The crowd of people looked confused. Who was Hiawatha? Is that a type of bread? Or a river in the Congo? Either way, nobody knew who Hiawatha was. Then, The Bman himself realized that he himself was Hiawatha. Well, at least a virtual representation of him. This is Civilization III, after all!

The Bman was welcomed into the palace (or cavern, more like). As he walked to take his place on the throne, a woman walked over and handed him a strange device, shaped like a tablet.

"Greetings, new Chief. I am your domestic adviser. Our nation is at your command!"

Having experience from hundreds, if not thousands of hours playing strategy games, The Bman instantly knew his role. The first order of business was to know about the world. Playing around with the screen (which being caught up in the situation, didn't think of what year he was in), he hit a button which revealed to him a surprise; there were 23 other nations in the world! Not too many from what he's seen. After closing the screen, he had seen in front of him a person with a backpack and another with a shovel. Without a doubt, this must be an easy job to sit on a throne, moving people around and having all the free junk food and drinks he wanted, right?

Then it hit him. 24 civilizations to deal with including his own, an entire empire to manage, and a plethora of advisers bugging him every 10 minutes? Sounded bad enough when it sank in.

Then he saw the map...

"Oh crap."

"How do you expect 24 nations to survive on a tiny planet like this? And how do you expect me to lead a country with no resources in it!?"

From there he knew that his new job would be one wild ride...
Looks good so far. I'll eagerly await the next chapter of the chronicles of the valiant Iroquois nation! :)
Thank you! :) Next chapter will be up tomorrow, I'm going to try and update the story on a bi-daily basis.
(4000 B.C. - 975 B.C.)

The Bman issued orders for his people. First, he made his people build their capital city.

"Salamanca. Isn't it a lovely name?" the domestic adviser said.

"No. Call it Salamander. Like the amphibian." The Bman responded.

"Sir, we spent a long time compiling a whole list of city names. Can you ta-"

"Shut it! I'm the leader here!"

"As you wish..."

"Perfect... perfect. Now build me a temple in my name, I need to be honored the way The Bman should.""

Only two days in, and the advisers knew that their leader had gone mad with power. He named a city after an amphibian! From here, they wondered if the choice they made to make The Bman their Chief was a good one. And right now, they don't think so.

The Bman sent his scouts north to explore the area. All they found was grass, hills, snow, and trees. Tall trees. And a dark green dotted line across the land. Camping out on the hills to the north, something caught the scouts' eyes. Huts and campfires in the distance? Could there be more people on this island than just the Iroquois? Banking on the potential inhabitants being friendly, the scouts returned to provide information to The Bman.

"People? Other than our own? On this island?"

"Yes." responded the scout leader.

Right as the scouts returned to explore, a new figure came into the palace, carried on a golden throne on a platform carried by many men. He was clad in white garments and a cap also made from gold and animal pelt.

"Montezuma of the Aztecs has noticed your cute civilization."

"Don't call my civilization cute."

"Do you hear this little man? He will make a great sacrifice to the gods. But for now... we shall leave him in peace."

"Yeah, you better. I'll remember that word-by-word."

The Bman was strongly offended. Cute? Little man? Those are terms that would offend most any leader, but none more so than The Bman himself. Swearing to get revenge on the Aztecs for their faux-pas, The Bman ordered Salamander to build up an army... when the temple in his name was finished, of course.

"Friendly neighbors have taught us how to use weapons they like to call a 'bow'. Perhaps we could use this in our future war against the Aztecs?" said Sid Mei the Science Guy.

"Brilliant. This will give us a massive advantage over the Aztec warriors."

"The temple built in your name is completed, Chief Bman." the cultural adviser said.

"That's THE Bman to you!"

"The Celts have been destroyed." the foreign adviser stated.

"That's a very forward statement. And we never even met the Celts, so how would you know!?"

"There are a lot of things I know that you don't want to."

"Well, speaking of civilizations being destroyed, our military adviser has some archers on standby. I think it's time we pay our Aztec neighbors a visit..."

The military adviser sent out the archers to the Iroquois-Aztec border, bows drawn at Aztec warriors also lined up near the border.

"Ready... aim... fire!"

In one massive volley of arrows, the Aztecs lost hundreds of men, mostly in part from lack of armor. After the second volley, which killed another few hundred soldiers, the Aztecs broke ranks and fled from the battlefield, leaving whatever they had behind to give them less weight on their backs and help them escape.

The Iroquois troops continued to advance into Aztec lands, right outside of Tenochtitlan. Spearmen lined up in the roads of the city, shields drawn to protect against the arrows shot by Iroquois archers. After multiple volleys resulting in minimal Aztec casualties, the Aztecs charged and dealt heavy damage to the invaders. However, more Iroquois archers approached from the rear and took out the spearmen while they were busy on one front. The spearmen were killed, and the archers stormed Montezuma's palace, razing it to the ground.

"Sir, once again our magnificent armies are victorious!"

"Great, but... where's Montezuma's head?"

"He escaped to his second city, Teotihuacan, sir.""

"Damn him! Send the archers over there to hunt him down."

"Sir, our men are badly injured and they need to he-"

"NOW! Oh, and rename Tenochtitlan to The Bman City. I need my ego to be bigger than it already is."

"Right away sir."

"The people love you so much they offer to improve your palace!"

"So I don't have to live in a cave anymore? Alright! Have them do it!"

"Ah yeah, much better now."

"We have destroyed the Fledgling Aztecs, Supreme Lord."

"Great job, general. Supreme Lord? I can get used to that! Domestic adviser, tell the people to get to work on a giant statue of yours truly to commemorate this great victory!"

"Right away, Supreme Lord."

740 years later...

"That was fast."

"But you should have taken your time with it. That doesn't resemble me in the slightest!"

The Bman took the workers who built the statue southern mountains and personally tossed them from the peak right into the ocean.

"We're OK!" they shouted, shortly before being swarmed by sharks.

And so, with 3,025 years in the books, The Bman's reign of mischief and misadventures has reached it's halfway point. Maybe not through turns of the game, but on a yearly standpoint, we're halfway there (livin' on a prayer?).

"Advisers, how are you all doing?"

"Oh, just brilliant." they all replied.

"I've been bugging you for 3,025 years now, and I can bug you for another 3,025."

Game Notes:
Spoiler :

- The Colossus gives us extra commerce in Salamander though it won't be useful until a government change which may not be effective if we lack luxuries and population.
- We have absolutely no strategic (that we know of) or luxury resources on our island, so we will have to take them by force from another civilization.
- Only 22 civs remain. Whoever eliminated the Celts is going to be very strong.
- I'm building a galley in The Bman City to explore and discover the rest of the world. - I'm only building The Pyramids in Salamander to get a head-start on finishing The Great Library when I discover Literature.
- Early Golden Age? Not what I wanted.
Thanks guys. :)

Sorry for the massive delay, I should have set my expectations of updating lower. I'll definitely have the next chapter up sometime soon though. Expect updates on a weekly basis, at the least. My summer job has been hitting me in the face and generally I've been hooked on Civ 5 recently. :p

Stay tuned.
(Present Day - July 13th, 2015)

It was past 5 in the morning.

Funny how Civ3 has a way of doing that. I've got more than a handful of saves from around that time of night.

I've been hooked on Civ 5 recently. :p

Heresy! :mischief:

Good read, and probably a good idea to go after the Aztecs early rather than later. I don't know if you've discovered The Wheel yet, but I have a feeling there might not be horses on that island. Which could certainly keep things interesting.
Agh. Sorry for the lack of an update, with the forum being down for the past week I was unable to post anything.

Alright, alright, I haven't even played this save since the last chapter because of Civ 5. :lol: But I won't leave any of you hanging since a lot of you are interested, I'll have the next one up tomorrow night. :)
Just discovered this, it'll be interesting to see how aggressive the AI gets, and if they'll be able to put up a good fight.

I'm sorry if I missed it, what difficulty are you on?
Just discovered this, it'll be interesting to see how aggressive the AI gets, and if they'll be able to put up a good fight.

I'm sorry if I missed it, what difficulty are you on?


And again, apologies for yet another delay. Hang in there guys, I have the chapter played and the photos ready for upload, so it will definitely be up sometime soon, possibly tonight. :)
(975 B.C. - 530 B.C.)

Our Civilization's Golden Age has ended. So say our analysts...

"Aw, dammit! I should have known having that statue built wasn't as good an idea as I originally thought. Oh well..."

"That's the calmest he's ever been since he took his post..." the domestic advisor quietly said to herself as she left the palace.

"I heard that!"

After The Bman City completed construction of the first galley in the empire, the sailors set off to explore the world and meet the 22 other civilizations (R.I.P. Montezuma and Brennus) on the planet. Not too long after, the crew of the galley discovered a fourth city. But they instantly knew something wasn't right. The Iroquois only had 3 cities (Salamander, The Bman City, Viagra Falls) and the architecture was nothing close to the longhouses found across the empire. Instead, there were masonry houses with smooth, arched roofs. When the emissary party disembarked, the people of this new city - which they called Seoul - greeted the party with kindness and respect.

Suddenly, The Bman was warped out of his palace in a similar fashion to when he left reality and entered the world of Civilization III.

"What happened here?"

He was warped into the palace of the leader of this new, unfamiliar land.

"Friends gather from afar and the Korean people rejoice! I, Wang Kon, greet you!"

"Yo. Now if you excuse me, I have more important matters to attend to."

"Wait, would you not want to exchange knowledge and build a strong relationship between our empires?"

"Like what?"

"Trading technologies, maps, gold..."

"Fine. I'll give you a technology - or as I like to call it, a civilization advance - for Iron Working. Also, here's another cheap one for a world map."


When The Bman randomly teleported back to his palace (again), he gazed upon the map given to him by the Koreans and studied it. Of the major things he discovered, there was none more important to him than the new metal he discovered south of the capital city;

"Iron? Hell to the yes, baby!"

The Bman was so excited over a single resource that it took his advisors to point out the rest of the matters.

"So the new empires we discovered are irrelevant? How about the fact that Korea holds two cities instead of just one?"

"Oh ****, Entremont must have been the Celtic capital! And what is Kyoto doing here? Who do those bright pink cotton candy borders belong to?"

"I don't know. We'll have to find out..."

The Foreign Advisor walked in, bearing (semi) ill-tidings;

"The French have been destroyed."

"How do you even know this crap? You don't know who the French were!"

"I told you last time about myself knowing things that you would rather not. Unless..."

"Uh... no thank you."

S.S. The Bman continued to sail across the islands to discover new peoples, with the same results as the last diplomatic encounters occurring to The Bman; teleport to leader, want to go away, trade, grab map, leave. During the travels, the Iroquois discovered new civilizations;

Spoiler :

"You know you need a spoiler when you meet that many leaders. Oh, and that Osman guy was 'nice' enough to give us his world map."

Now if you excuse me, I'm sick of talking to stubborn leaders, and I need to hurl."

Some people didn't know whether it was from the feast he held the day before, or if it were indeed the weird teleportation to the new civilizations he met. Either way, he was nauseous for the next few days.

Three days later...

"Feeling fine now. Advisors, who is this angry guy in my palace?"

"That is Alexander the Great of the Greek Empire, sir. I would not suggest treating him lower than you."


"Greetings, Alexander."

"Yeah, sure, whatever..."

OK, confession time; I only did this because I find Alexander's angry face to be hilarious. XD

"Yeah, whatever, whatever. Get the hell out of my palace.

Once again, The Bman's sense of entitlement angers a leader. Unless Alexander knew prior about his attitude towards everyone else, but either way he probably would have been infuriated. Surprisingly, Greece and the Iroquois remained on good terms.

Two more leaders came into the presence of The Bman; Elizabeth of the English and Lincoln of the Americans.

"As long as I can listen to Def Leppard whenever I want, I'm good with England being here. Elizabeth doesn't look too bad wearing a white cloth, either. ;) But Lincoln... kind of creeps me out wearing a fur pelt."

The Iroquois exchanged maps with England and like that, only two civilizations' territories remain to be discovered.

"So whoever these red dudes are, they have Paris. But I couldn't care any less."

Game Notes:
Spoiler :
- All civilizations except for India and Babylon, we know where they are. I don't have a picture of American territory but I did trade for a world map in the game itself so I am aware.
- Iron means swordsmen. Swordsmen mean easier conquests. I'm planning on targeting Mongolia and Persia, as both are close and Persia has horses. Korea will likely follow.
- Salamander is building The Great Library. I've tried to postpone trading Literature or pre-requisite technologies so nobody else can build it.
- Rome, The Ottomans, and Greece look like the potential powers. Yeah, I know that sounds cheesy for being on a small island but they both have two cities and really good land.
Excellent update! But I have to point out that you wrote Bibracte was the Celtic capital, when the image shows Entremont :S

Also, how come you can trade maps before Navigation? I thought you were playing Conquests?
Excellent update! But I have to point out that you wrote Bibracte was the Celtic capital, when the image shows Entremont :S
Great, my Civilization IV habits are kicking in now. :crazyeye:
Also, how come you can trade maps before Navigation? I thought you were playing Conquests?
Play The World. I don't have Conquests yet but I definitely want to. If I can find it at a decent price, I'll likely order it online.
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