[Beta-test] v.45 beta 4

Oh man... The basic Katyushas are pretty ineffective, i've made 13 BM-13 Katyushas to defend my borders and to upgrade to BM-13-16 later, now is 93th turn and because of Mannerheim Line beta 4 is not going to be save game compatible, right? Im kinda upset =\

in RedDefinesUnits.lua find

 	[RU_T34_76] = RU_T34_85,

and add below

	[RU_BM13] = RU_BM13_16,
	[RU_IL2] = RU_IL2M3,
	[RU_IL2M3] = RU_IL10,

saves should be compatible, but not all changes are applied then, better start a fresh game before reporting anything with a new beta.

and remember, this is called "beta" for a reason.
I've changed the value this way for the unit cap, without cities lost/captured:

[FRANCE]	--> 34 units allowed, start with 34, 0	left, potential for ~35 more, max total = 69 (for human at deity level)
[ENGLAND]	--> 36 units allowed, start with 33, 3	left, potential for ~26 more, max total = 69 (for human at deity level)
[USSR]		--> 30 units allowed, start with 16, 14	left, potential for ~45 more, max total = 75 (for human at deity level)
[GERMANY]	--> 40 units allowed, start with 35, 5	left, potential for ~26 more, max total = 66 (for human at deity level)
[ITALY]		--> 34 units allowed, start with 29, 5	left, potential for ~26 more, max total = 60 (for human at deity level)
[GREECE]	--> 20 units allowed, start with 10, 10	left, potential for ~10 more, max total = 30 (for human at deity level)

you got around +20 at prince level, which is now the default level for the AI, unit production values have also be changed and will be slower for the AI.
And link to beta 4:


Updated change log

- Every nation use same value (5) for all flavors (testing purpose)
- Tweak score target for cities
- Make defensive Bastion and defend improvements only when they are under immediate threat
- Do not count Air units for Dominance zones (testing purpose)
- Air units should rebase out of cities about to be captured
- Fighters and Attack Aircraft should not bombard cities when they will have no effect on the defense and very small effect on improvements around.

- Add Urzahil's units icons
- Add Urzahil's German translation
- Add civilizations maps from JFD WWII Leader mod
- Add WWII 3D Leaders to authorized mods list
- Add ZiS-3 soviet Field Gun
- Remove all traits description as they are not all activated
- Change the text on mod initialization to explain the "version number" error: either trying to load on a mac, or using an obsolete version
- Update the turn processing text to show that the mod is updating values after the Barbarian turn
- Restore the "return to Main Menu" button (should not crash anymore)

Europe 1939-1945:
- Make improvements and road/rails visible for all nations at game start.
- Tweak initial buildings list in cities
- Remove Strasbourg for France, update Maginot Line position
- Remove some small soviet cities
- Move Munich, add Essen and Leipzig, remove Passau and Magdeburg for Germany
- Change some population values
- Add troops route out of U.K. in case of near complete conquest by Germany AI
- Add Operation Fallgelb for Germany (human and AI), available only if the Maginot Line is on the map.
- Always place the Modlin Fortress in Poland
- Set friend relation between USSR and Palestine/Egypt, to allow spawning of convoy to USSR via Suez
- Add Mannerheim Line for Finland and Oreshek Fortress for USSR
- Allow Operation Seelowe after succeeding in USSR invasion and if France is also invaded (or has fallen)

Balance :
- Update AI operational and tactical defines values
- Lower Mobile AA combat modifier vs Armor (from 100 to 25)
- Add and edit Army Formations from Artificial Unintelligence mod
- Tweak U.K. and Italy Order of Battle
- Tweak "MotherLand Call" military operation flavors and cost
- Change maintenance cost for roads (free) and rails (2 gpt)
- Tweak ratio between number of cities and total population for units supplied
- Barracks (+0.25 unit), Arsenals (+0.5 units) and Military Bases (+1 unit) can raise the total number of units supplied
- Positive (+1 unit per 100 gpt) and negative (-1 unit per -20 gpt) gold income change total number of units supplied
- Tweak the base supplied value for all nations, based on above change
- Difficulty level now affect the total number of unit supplied (for reference, the difference is around 20 units between Prince and Deity)
- Anti-Air artillery ratio can be set for the AI
- Add specific penalties to Air units under fuel restriction
- Add ranged penalty for land units under fuel restriction
- Tweak flavors values for some units
- Reset all UNIT_AI types for consistency

Bug fix:
- BM13-16 project reference is the BM-13 Katyusha, not the T-34...
- Set upgrade path for Katyusha and Sturmovik
- Add forgotten mobile artillery projects to Germany
- Fix Field Gun size
- Allow Greece to trigger allied victory
- Give French territory to correct player when the AI conquer Paris
- On Military operation, launch Paratroopers from a city and check that it's a friendly city (ie not captured)
- Remove Joffre project
- A bad reference to "close city" could make the map update fail and the following forced diplomacy was not called
- Sometime the mod was trying to upgrade an unit without reference (and failed, loosing any upgrade possibility for that turn)
- Tactical moves priorities should be correctly set from the config file (NewRules.sql) now

Crash fix:
- Prevent a crash that could occur on some computers when changing the number of resistance turns after capturing a city
- Prevent a crash that could occur on some computers when a defending unit is destroyed after capturing the last city of a civilization
- Fix rocket artillery graphical initialization that was causing random crashes when firing at large figures units (like infantry)
- Removed a file from the VFS that was causing a crash when going back to main menu
First, glad to have the go back to main menu! I hope it will work correctly.

I tried Russia first to see the new defence. I did pocket again all the Finish army before end of winter war. I will try other side next to see if the Finn take Leningrad easily.

As for the Rissian economy I did the folowing:

Every cities with production below 30 produce gold after making those buildings;

Factory, Bank, Barracks, Barricade, Land Factory.

Every cities with production below 10 produce gold after making those buildings;

Bank, Barracks, Barricade.

Chkalov, Smolensk, Murmansk are doing small air

Chelyabinsk do large air

Leningrad and Sevastopol have shipyards and do Naval Infantry

Moscow have an academy to do research.

Its early in the war but every one have much resources.

I did an observer mode and the Finnish didnt took Leningrad, the defence helped but it was close. They tried to go arround by the north and there was only 1 Russian infantry to hold them.


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It take 1 minute 35 seconds to process a turn with quick movement/combat on

With quick off it took 8 minutes 40 seconds. The winer time cunsummer was Germany and the date is june 1940.

Those planes movement take a lots of time and Germany have 15 planes already. Was there a module for faster plane?

Plane animation have to go to target then come back. I dont know if its doable but if you can cut the come back wich isnt necessary you will get half the time for each air attack.
Is seelowe launched before Paris fall now?

Typo in ScriptEuro1940.lua, find
if not (FranceHasFallen or (NorthFranceInvaded() and IsUSSRLosingWar())) then

change to
if not (FranceHasFallen() or (NorthFranceInvaded() and IsUSSRLosingWar())) then
I have all the package, BNW and G&K.

And you always have Elisabeth instead of Churchill ?

Or did you use the "return to main menu" button ?
Typo in ScriptEuro1940.lua, find
if not (FranceHasFallen or (NorthFranceInvaded() and IsUSSRLosingWar())) then

change to
if not (FranceHasFallen() or (NorthFranceInvaded() and IsUSSRLosingWar())) then

It work, was missing that nothingness between ()...
And you always have Elisabeth instead of Churchill ?

Or did you use the "return to main menu" button ?

Tried the return to main menu once and it worked well. I will have to try some more option like reloading a save. Yes, still still Elisabeth in the icon and in the save game name. Damn, she is still Queen of England!

Stoping for today, diner time and going out.
I think the air combat system need some kinds of improved. It is a bit stange that even you have 2 fighters divisions, you can't protect your bomber from being intercepted, just like you have no fighter at all (if opponent's fighter can intercept 3 times a turn). I think return to the original air combat system may be better. Fighter can intercept only once a turn, bomber suffer more damage for its lower combat strength, and units being bombard only suffer minimal damage for bomber can't concentrate on finding them to drop the bomb
Beta 3, R.E.D. Xtreme v 44, Data files v 5, National anthems v 1, Faster aircraft animations v 3, Quick combat & movement ON, Playing as USSR
Since autumn 1941 turns take 3-5 minutes to process and the game often crashes. There were no issues earlier.
I think the air combat system need some kinds of improved. It is a bit stange that even you have 2 fighters divisions, you can't protect your bomber from being intercepted, just like you have no fighter at all (if opponent's fighter can intercept 3 times a turn). I think return to the original air combat system may be better. Fighter can intercept only once a turn, bomber suffer more damage for its lower combat strength, and units being bombard only suffer minimal damage for bomber can't concentrate on finding them to drop the bomb
Changes are planned.

But I completely disagree to going back to original: attacking with Air units is still OP, and it was far worse with vanilla civ5.

edit :but if you want to try with one interception, just edit the NewPromotions.xlm file

Beta 3, R.E.D. Xtreme v 44, Data files v 5, National anthems v 1, Faster aircraft animations v 3, Quick combat & movement ON, Playing as USSR
Since autumn 1941 turns take 3-5 minutes to process and the game often crashes. There were no issues earlier.

does it crash when you move around the map ?

if so that'a a civ5 problem, try to zoom in before moving around and let a turn pass with quick combat off.
Report for another nightly observer mode run.

Runtime 2300-0800 resulted in 182 game turns, game is now August 1944.

deity difficulty
no alternate history
scripted events on
both defensive lines on

France fell and triggered the fall of france (vichy territory observed!). Russia is finished just a few cities in the far east of the map. Italy had taken the southern portion of Russia through the caucasus, germany had defeated greece. England is now under invasion and i doubt i can hold out. Game was still running this morning and only crashed when i touched the mouse to zoom out and try to move around, but i still think thats just my computer =)
Playing Britain.

Diety dificulty
both defensive lines on
scripted events on
no alternative history

It seem more close to history than ever now. I did chase the Italian early from Afrika but I got some practice and it was not easy. If the Afrika Korp was there I may have not done it. Still holding ground in England with only 4 Spitfires but a line of units from east to west south of Britain. Greece have only 3 cities left. As for USSR for once they will not win the game alone. In previous versions they where always well inside Balkans and pushing inside Germany before 1942. In deity mode a newby will get smashed real fast, I think the balance is good that side.

One thing tought, I may launch DDay sooner. Probably before the end of 1942 since it look easy to take a few cities north of France and not all of then are fortified and most of his planes are away in Greece and Russia. Oh and it would be nice to see what happen in Russia once its ally with.


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there is an operation that is called (could be called multiple time) when they have lost a few key cities, but the AI doesn't seem to want to send those units to the front.

not sure of what can be done there (easily I mean)
there is an operation that is called (could be called multiple time) when they have lost a few key cities, but the AI doesn't seem to want to send those units to the front.

not sure of what can be done there (easily I mean)

I dont know but at this point I wonder how I will reverse the tide. There as so many Germans everywhere and I have so few units in Russia. The Russian seem really beaten and disorganized. I will continue that game however to see what I can do. I am not sure in what state the Russian cities where after the Germans captured them, didnt the Russian moved factories and working population to the east before too late? I dont know very well that part of the story. If possible, when Germany capture some key cities lower the population for that city and raise it on another back in east Russia :D Anyway if Germany reach that far they are close to a win.


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