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I've only received 5 orders.

Once earthquakes stop trying to kill me, I'll either pump out a sad little update or kill this.
oh :) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :) sending orders nao
I've only received 5 orders.

Once earthquakes stop trying to kill me, I'll either pump out a sad little update or kill this.

Please don't kill this. :(
You all right man?

Not the most fun of weekends, I'm all good though.

I'll try to get the update done by tomorrow or the day after. Any who wants to try to get orders in tomorrow, earlier the better.

Link to video.

156 Imperial Age, Sixth Moon, Third Quarter​

’Good show little sis, you may make a decent captain yet.’
Moe (RenaofArc)​

The Crier​
‘It seems Skal orcs have become tired of their flatlands and moved north. Unfortunately for our little dwarven friends, the orcs decided that the best way to survive the harsh Skal mountains is to take goods from caravans. Without goods coming over from Yedi Tepeli, the dwarves in Kranlik and half-orcs in Ucuncu have to rely on trade from Zmier. Hopefully the half-orcs in Zmier will take pity on their northern cousins, or things may get interesting.

‘Some of you may have noticed that bandits seem to have quieted down. No? Well they have! In a number of provinces, including this most beautiful capital region, bandit gangs seem to have up and vanished! Could this most ancient and respected career path be waning in popularity? Will we soon see our best and brightest find other professions rather than whacking folk in the head until coins come out their ears? Exciting days my friends, these are exciting days.

‘Of course, banditry is still a strong and growing industry in other provinces. For example, Zieplo! I’ve just heard reports that caravans supplying local and imperial soldiers at Fort Vorat have been massacred by bandits. And the worst kind of bandits, those that strike with near military precision, get in or out before anyone can spot them, and burn all the goods and bodies rather than stealing anything!’

Company Reports​
The Baron's Fabulous Knights
Spoiler :
’Long Wind Caravans graciously appreciates The Baron’s Fabulous Knights mercenary company’s ability to fulfill its contractual obligations. In accordance with company policy, referring to ‘plunder and loot’ document chapter 2-A subsection 9-D, all vessels acquired by contractors from hostile entities during the course of regular operation hours will be considered property of Long Wind Caravans as payment to compensate psychological distress of employees. In other words, take your gold, the ship’s ours. Thanks!’
Long Wind Caravans secretary, paying the Baron.

The Baron’s Fabulous Knights once again took to the overseas shipping contract, guarding the same vessel as before. And once again, the corsair appeared midway through the voyage, though this time it wasn’t content with simply shadowing the merchantman. The corsair closed in during the night in attempt to catch the traders unaware, but the Knights were prepared, and silently got into position before the pirates boarded. The raiders had greater numbers, but were not well trained or armed, and with the Knights catching them flat footed, the fight was heavily one sided. Half the raiders were killed aboard the cargo ship before they tried to retreat back to their own vessel, but the Knight’s pressed their advantage, pursuing the pirates onto the corsair. To a man the pirates were cut down, though the mercenaries took their own losses, with one of the new recruits, Pol, falling with an axe through the skull. Long Wind Caravans claimed the corsair, though they did throw in a sizeable bonus for the mercenaries as thanks.

-70 gold for 4 recruits, 3 medicine
+18xp, +15 gold, +10 worn equipment, 1 standard equipment degrades to worn, -1 hp each for Kenia, Phraan and Sigurd, -.05 morale for Pol dying from pirate skirmish
+100 gold, +2 reputation, +0.1 morale, +6 relations with Long Wind Caravans
Specialist: +1 reputation
-13 gold upkeep

Borderland Voyageurs
Spoiler :

-13 gold upkeep

The Dirty Dozen
Spoiler :
’By order of Clanmaster Mavi, the western roads are from here on closed to official trade and transport, and all private travels are advised to go elsewhere. Anywho choose to go west do so knowing that they have no protection from the Confederacy or the Empire. At least until someone can clean up the mess.’
Confederate guard, warning travelers away from the western road.

The Dirty Dozen lost their bid on the Yedi Tepeli - Odrodzi caravan job to Lucid Grow, but managed to win two other contracts.

The first contract was another caravan gig along the dwarf and half-orc settlement roads. Rumours had been spreading of orc raiders straying further north, and the Dirty Dozen found the rumours to be true. An hour outside of Kranlik a half dozen hulking orcs struck the caravan. They sprinted down the hill side, flinging javelins before laying into the melee with wicked swords and axes. The mercenary party was mostly made up of recruits, with the exception of their acting team leader Gorin Barkskin. The fight was a bloodbath, with four of the recruits dying along with most of the caravan before Gorin grabbed the last recruit and surviving caravaneers and fled. After getting word of the orc raid to officials in Yedi Tepeli, the Confederacy issued orders to close the western road out of Yedi Tepeli until the orc menace can be properly dealt with.

The Dirty Dozen also took a contract from the self-proclaimed 12 Heads bandit gang. The mercenaries attempted to investigate the 12 Heads, but soon found the information trail dried up quickly. All interactions with the gang were carried out by an intermediary carrying written instructions, and inquiries with the local guard garrison revealed that their were no prior reports of a ‘12 Head’ gang. The company carried on anyways, tracking down the targeted bandit encampment and ambushing them while they slept. The mercenaries managed to kill a handful before the rest scrounged together a defense. The ensuing melee was greatly in the Dirty Dozen’s favour, and they managed to take down the rest of the bandits without any casualties thanks to some on-site healing by Airas and Cieplak.

Upon returning to the company office, a courier delivered a package to Captain Pepper containing the contract payment, and a letter of thanks. Questioning the courier revealed little, as he said he had received the packaged from another courier outside of Skal.

-110 gold from 11 recruits
+8xp, -5 standard equipment, -0.2 morale for Dunin, Kahveci, Kornel, and Tomasz dying, -1hp for Polat from orc skirmish
+31 gold, +48xp, +5 worn weapons, +5 standard weapons, 2 standard weapons degrade to worn, -1hp each for Lech and Albin from bandit skirmish
Polat gains friend: Gorin
Uysal gains enemy: Albin
-1 reputation, -.04 morale, -4 relations with Birlik Confederacy for failed contract
+100 gold, .16 morale, 3 reputation, 7 relations with 12 Heads for 1 contract
Specialist: 3 worn equipment upgraded to standard
-26 gold upkeep

Higher for Hire
Spoiler :
’Now how does a bum like that get to meet the Duchess? I don’t even get to see her much, and I’m her bloody bodyguard!’
Guard outside of Duchess Tsaryova’s chamber.

Higher for Hire did not undertake any contacts, but they were not idle. Hothgar and Charlo took time off to rest and recuperate, though Hothgar did make efforts to meet with the Duchess Tsaryov to build some rapport. Despite her busy schedule, she did allow a small meeting with the mercenary. Though they didn’t have time to discuss anything of real substance, Hothgar managed to not mess anything up, and indeed the Duchess seemed to enjoy his company.

While the two injured members rested, other half of the company, along with a pair of new recruits, once again trekked up the mountains to follow Redpantos’ map. With the scout leading the way, the party found their way to the spot marked on the map. It had led them to a hidden outcropping in the steep mountainside, where an orderly, military style camp had been laid out. Redpantos hid and observed for a time, picking out two sentries, and coming to the conclusion that the camp was meant for over a dozen others who were no doubt out making trouble elsewhere. The sentries were not wearing any uniforms Redpantos recognised, but they also carried themselves with more discipline than ordinary bandits. The party decided they could take on the sentries if needed, and began approaching the camp. They got into an ambush position, then called out to the sentries to see if they were hostile. They indeed were. With trained reflexes the sentries immediately began loosing arrows at the mercenaires. Garth managed to close in with cover for from Redpantos and the recruits, though unfortunately Ferano Whitewalker took an arrow through the throat before Garth could kill the sentries. The party looted what they could from the camp, then retreated before the main body of the mystery soldiers could return.

The company soon learned upon returning to Dv’gav that supply caravans heading to Fort Vorat had been massacred, no doubt by the mystery soldiers.

-40 gold from 2 medicine, 2 recruits
+28 gold, +21xp, +1 mint equipment, +4 standard equipment, +2 medicine, -0.05 morale for Ferano dying from mystery soldier skirmish
+2 relations with House Tsaryov
-13 gold upkeep

Lucid Crow
Spoiler :
’What ‘bout those two? Just some girl and a tiny wun! Easy peasy!’
Bandit, 30 seconds pre-incineration.

Lucid Crow once again found itself losing contract bids to competeing companies, in particular the Dirty Dozen, who took both the Bandit and Yedi Tepeli - Ucuncu caravan jobs. Though it may have been fortunate they lost the other caravan job, as the Dirty Dozen mercs were hit hard by orcs during that gig. Lucid Crow did manage to take home the Ordodzi caravan guard contract, beating out the Dirty Dozen thanks to their previous interactions with Long Wind Caravans. Natalia and Zolo took care of the job while Urahara rested and the new recruit, ‘Sterling,’ got yelled at by Lubbock. The caravan hit a small bump when it had to roll over the corpses of three burly highwaymen who thought they could intimidate Natalia and Zolo into handing over the caravan.

-70 gold for 6 medicine and 1 recruit
+13 gold, +6xp, +1 standard equipment, +2 worn equipment from bandit skirmish
+50 gold, .05 morale, 1 reputation, 3 relations with Long Wind Caravans for 1 contract
-4 medicine for healing
Specialist: +5xp for Sterling
Story Bonus: +2 reputation
-13 gold upkeep

The Polud Irregulars
Spoiler :
’Can’t wait to tell the bosses about this! This is the easiest job I’ve ever had!‘
Lew, strolling calmly while four days walk away Allana is run through with a spear.

The Polud Irregulars expanded their ranks with 4 new recruits, then undertook two contracts, breaking up the company into a team of veterans and a team of rookies. The veterans pursued the 12 Heads contract to go hunt some bandits. The 12 Heads contacted, directed and paid the mercenaries via third party couriers, never giving them a real look at their employers. The sellswords found their way to the bandit hideout in the woods near Kur Is. The four mercenaries set up positions around the camp, then Algoreth and Allana opened up with arrows and blasts of magic before Klaus and Jelen rushed in. The bandits outnumbered the Irregulars, but were not as well armed, nor were any of them as experienced or skilled as Algoreth or Allana. The fight was not an easy one, with the Irregulars suffering serious injuries, but they did manage to kill or drive off all the bandits. After looting, they limped back to Kur Is to rest before heading back to the office.

The new recruits meanwhile took a simple caravan job, and were lucky enough to run into no trouble at all. Very lucky, given that three of them didn’t even have weapons. They all agreed that their new career path was a good choice, at least until they returned to the office and saw their employers passed out in blood-soaked beds.

+6 gold from 3 worn equipment
-40 gold from 4 recruits
+27 gold, +44xp, +3 standard equipment, +3 worn equipment, -12hp from bandit skirmish
Algoreth gains enemy: Allana
+4xp for calm stroll
+100 gold, +.15 morale, +3 reputation, +8 relations with 12 Heads
+50 gold, +.05 morale, +1 reputation, +4 relations with Long Wind Caravans
Specialist: +7 gold
-13 gold upkeep

The Redshirts
Spoiler :

-12 gold upkeep

The Ryghre Honourable Companye of Gentledwarven Mercenaries (For Hyre), Inc
Spoiler :

-10 gold upkeep

The Sea Worgs
Spoiler :

-4 gold upkeep

Spoiler :

-13 gold upkeep

Spoiler :
’Two skinny ones look easy enough to put down. Big guy might be a problem, but I think we can take them!‘
Man who could not take them.

The Silverwolves had a fairly straight forward half-moon, with both of their contracts concluding without any major difficulties.

Gire led the two recruits, Kasyanov and Garenth, on a tax collection job in Skala. A group of locals got it in their head that they could take on the three mercs, and rushed them with clubs. While the townsfolk may have been able to overwhelm the recruits, Gire was a different matter. Kasyanov and Garneth took a good beating, Gire was able to fight off the ruffians, and the contract was completed without further obstructions.

Captain Serverian and Samantha undertook a caravan guard job, and only ran into a small bit of trouble regarding a handful of wolves that kept trying to sneak into camp and steal food at night. The pair never had to actually fight the animals, who instead simply fled at first sight of the mercs.

-30 gold for 3 medicine
+6xp, -2hp from townsfolk brawl
+66 gold, +0.05 morale, +1 reputation, +3 relations with Rohnian Empire
+82 gold, +0.1 morale, +2 reputation, +5 relations with Vorel Royal Family
Specialist: +0.1 morale
-12 gold upkeep

Sobol Solutions
Spoiler :
’I really shouldn’t be surprised by you anymore.‘
Trademaster Jagielkar, paying Sobol.
Having taken time to heal up, Anton Sobol was ready to go back to work. He took a highway caravan job, despite Trademaster Jagielkar’s warnings that the highway could be dangerous for a lone man. Sobol collected his payment smugly when he returned to the Trademaster, having not only guided the caravan along its journey, but also single handedly blasting apart a pair of marwolves that had somehow found its way through the mountains into Polud. He did take care to hide his wounded leg under his cloak from Jagielkar though. That would be just embarrassing.

+20xp, -10hp from marwolf skirmish
+75 gold, 0.1 morale, 3 reputation, 5 relations with Rohnian Empire for 1 contract
Specialist: +1 reputation

Stunties and Skinnies
Spoiler :
’Well, looks like you folk caught us! The gigs up! Fair is fair, you win!‘
Criminal guardsman, surrendering to the Stunties and Skinnies.

The Stunties and Skinnies undertook two contracts, the stolen goods recovery job issued by the Court of Guilds, and a caravan guard gig.

The company didn’t want to spark any fires recovering the stolen merchants’ goods, and so Feyet and Hellsing met with the captain of the Imperial Guard to talk over the issue. They assured the captain that they were not going to take any violent action, and that they would not arrest the guardsmen. The captain agreed, and assured the company that the responsible guardsmen would receive appropriate punishment, should the mercenaires find any stolen goods on them and not harm the guardsmen.

While Feyet and Hellsing dealt with the guards’ captain, Joejoe and the recruits found were Imperial guardsmen went on their off time, then took some gold and partied. They gambled and drank with the soldiers, and soon enough the sellswords had built enough rapport to get information on where to get cheap black market goods. They got pointed towards the right soldiers, and soon a meeting was set.

The party set up positions around the meeting place, then surrounded the guards when they arrived. They were oddly cooperative, and readily agreed to to hand over the remaining goods and sign documents assuring they wouldn’t cause any further trouble. Over the next day dwarven and Imperial gods oversaw the return of the stolen goods, and the criminal guards were confined to barracks. The company was paid, and everything to have worked out just fine, until after a few days all the merchants who had filed reports of stolen goods went missing.

The caravan job was fairly straightforward, with the mercenaries on duty getting a chance to showcase their skills. A small bear, likely young and half starved, risked attacking the caravan. It was quickly taken care of by FeyFey’s fast shooting and the coordinated attack of Larry, Curly and Moe.

+60 gold from selling 5 worn equipment, 2 fishing boats
-80 gold from 1 mastercraft equipment, 2 recruits
+18xp for peaceful resolution
1 standard equipment degrades to worn, +10xp for bear skirmish
+82 gold, +0.1 morale, +2 reputation, +5 relations with Court of Guilds
+55 gold, +0.05 morale, +1 reputation, +3 relations with Court of Guilds
Specialist: +2 standard equipment
Story Bonus: +3xp each FeyFey and Feyet
-21 gold from upkeep

Spoiler :
’Oh thank you good sirs! Them bandits were up to no good at all! Wait, what? I can’t join the army, I can’t even lift a spear up! I’m 72! Wait!‘
An eager new recruit in Princess Godlewska’s army.

The Swellsword horde split up to handle two jobs. The first group of a dozen mercs went to Rybi Ogon to both protect it against bandits and recruit more moderately-able-bodies for the Princess’ army. The bandits turned out in larger numbers than expected, no doubt word had spread of the town’s vulnerability. The dozen Swellswords put up as good of a fight as they could without anything even vaguely resembling proper weaponry, but they took heavy casualties. The bandits weren’t much better armed, and in the end their cowardice overwhelmed their greed and most fled. The townsfolk appreciation faded quickly when they realised that Swellswords wanted to carry on with the Princess’ recruitment, but they had no fight in left them to resist, and the mercenaries managed to scrounge up some only slightly-crippled bums and even a couple injured bandits.

With other sought after caravan guard jobs taken by competing companies, the other twenty-six Swellswords, headed by Captain Muncel, took on a contract issued by the 12 Heads. Dealing entirely through third party couriers, the company was directed towards a bandit camp in the woods near Nalesnik. Muncel tried to organise an orderly ambush, but seconds after splitting his men apart they broke into a charge. The confusion made by the screaming rabble achieved much of the same effect, and the handful of bandits were completely overwhelmed initially. They were able to scrounge together a defense for a while, taking down a couple of the flailing Swellswords, before being swamped and beaten to death with blunt swords.

-60 gold for 6 recruits
+15 gold, +24xp, +3 standard equipment, +2 worn equipment, -0.2 morale for 4 recruits dying, -8hp from Rybi Ogon bandit skirmish
+25 gold, +40xp, +5 standard equipment, +5 worn equipment, -0.3 morale for 6 recruits dying, -10hp from bandit skirmish
+50 gold, +1 morale, 2 reputation, 5 relations with Rybi Ogon
+50 gold, +.05 morale, 1 reputation, 3 relations with Imperial Family, -3 relations with Rybi Ogon
+100 gold, +.15 morale, 3 reputation, 7 relations with 12 Heads
Specialist: +3 reputation

The Terrible Trio
Spoiler :

-16 gold upkeep


New Rumours
Spoiler :
From a prostitute in Orak:
He talked more than he plowed, just wouldn’t stop the whole time. Almost fell asleep, and would have if he had been yapping about something normal. He kept saying these creepy things, like seeing faces in the river. He said he saw things moving up the river, black and sleek. He said he had felt the water grow thick and war as they passed. Gave me shivers, he did. Wish he had just let me do my damn job…

Old Rumours
Spoiler :
From a human ‘sailor’ in Dv’gav:
Aye, I was aboard the Stampede, first mate I was! Alright, second mate. Okay, Okay! I was deckhand. I was still onboard though! We set out of Odrodzi for Dv’gav, hauling some heavy as hells dwarven metal. Fine stuff I’m sure, but I swear to the Mother we were halfway under just out of the bay. Said to the captain it would be the death of us. Hah, I was mostly right! Not for me though, ol’ wiley one I am! we got hit by a storm midway, big black nasty one. Got turned around, and smashed up against the east coast. Where? Blast if I know! Somewhere by the damned forests, had to trudge through those dark woods, dodging beasts and bandits for a day just to get to Temho. I won’t be going back, no way, but if any of you fools think you can get through those woods, you find a nice boat full of fine dwarven steels…

From a human shepherd in Mal’kiv:
So, I was out tending the goats, as I do, you see, and then I saw! Something shiny, out across the field. Thought it might be some coin, a nice shiny silver, or even a gold! I was so close to it, and it was much bigger than coin, what could it have been? I was just reaching out, when a damnable horak swooped down, nearly took of my head! It grabbed the shiny, and that wasn’t enough, it took one of the goats! Flew off with a bale of earth in one claw and my goat in the other! Flew south, towards the hill lands. Ain’t got no coin to hire one of those fancy mercenary companies, and the guard don’t care none for a lowly goat herder. If only I had been just a second faster…

From a halfling caravaneer in Sasiedzi:
Have you checked the lists? So, did you see it? Right here, look! We should have nearly five pounds more, and this isn’t the first time. Look at this one, and this one, and this one! A pound here, a pound there, who knows how long this has been going on… No, the buyers haven’t made a fuss, few even really notice the difference. Find out where it's going? No, it would cost more to do that then just ignore it. Who knows, maybe someone is skimming off the top in Yedi Tepeli or Odrodzi, or maybe the soldiers in Forts Wlozy or Ucho need some extra wine…

From a dwarven hunter at Fort Midor Ish, during deportation interview:
Yeah, yeah, you need a statement. Just like the like the Temple Rangers or the Imperial Consul. I’ll probably need to give a couple more back in Skal, eh? Alright, alright. I was hunting, er, poaching. Where else can you find so much unowned, untamed land outside of the Mar? Well, yeah, but Swit is so boring! And you know what Swit doesn’t have? Rachs. Yeah, that’s what I was hunting after, a wild rach. Big leathery bastard, stalking the forests north of Ak Ie. Why? Gold? No, there’s no way I could take any of the remains out of Polud, the damn rangers would have hanged me. But the stories my friend, the stories. I would be known across Rohnia…

From singing halfling boy in Auksas:
Old man on the hill,
we all call him Sill.
Potions he does brew,
all he eats is stew.
If you take a spill
you can go see Sill.
Fix you good as new,
then he’ll feed you stew!

From an Imperial guardsman in Paznokcia:
I thought the corporal was a lying arse, but I saw it myself, I tell ya. That orc band we skirmished with last quarter? No, the other one, the one where sergeant Privich got cut in half. Yeah, that one! Did you see their bandleader? Yeah, and did you see what he was wearing? That was some of the most incredible plate I’ve ever seen! Must be from a forgemaster, dwarven most likely! If only we could’ve nabbed him, but I don’t much look forward to running into that band again…

From a half-elf prospector in Fort Usta:
’One of them mercenary gangs found gold in them hills, and now everyone one and their dog is up there, poking around for the good stuff. And they’re finding it too! Hundreds of coins worth of raw gold is flowing out, free for anyone to go pick out of the ground. Or, if you’re an utter bastard, free to be taken from the cold dead hands of those that did the actual work to get it out of the ground.’

From a fisherman in Skala:
Biggest river eel I’ve ever seen, that one was. Nearly took me arm off, and sure as hell took my boat. Bigger than my little dingy she was, I didn’t have a chance. My fault though, can’t blame the old girl, I felt the pull was too strong, but I got greedy, must of tore her mouth up. Too bad I didn’t have a bigger boat though, could have squeezed enough oil outta her to give half o’ me old platoon some of them speedy potions…

From a huntsman in Tanuc:
Never seen hunting like this before round here. In the past quarter alone I’ve nabbed ten does and four bucks. Every day! I don’t even have to go out for long, the boys and I are almost always back to the old lady by noon. Some kind of miracle it is, praise the Mother and Father. Course, some of the older folk say it’s the spirit of the forest coming back, or something coming from the trees, or some other superstitious rubbish. All I know is that I hope it keeps up, we’re making a killing…

From a Trade League merchant in Cieply:
I was expecting two shipments by now, one from Pocalunki and one from Usciski. Only the Pocalunki one came and went. Been two days since the expected arrival date. That means either pirates got him or the dumbass sunk himself. Don’t got the gold to send someone after him, so I hope he just sunk himself…

’The were from one of the Princess’ armies, I’m sure of it. They dressed like it, spoke like it, and carried themselves like soldiers, not bandits. They said there was a ‘toll’ for crossing the bridge now. Sod on that! The Imperial taxman said nothing about it. Damn soldiers are just doing whatever they want now, and the Princess’ aren’t giving two sharts, and the Imperial bureaucrats don’t want to get their fingers dirty. Can’t rightly hire anyone to go up and kill Royal Family soldiers, but if some ruffians who didn’t mind pissing off the Princess’ some went up and took them out, I wouldn’t complain, and they’d make a pretty penny from all the coin those bastards have cinched…’

From a dwarven miner in Adatekni:
Not the first time he’s gotten himself lost in the mines, but I’d wager this is definitely the longest. Call the guards? Why in blazing hells would I do that? He’s an arsehole! I hope he stays lost in there, or better yet eaten by a troll or rocksnake. Means less competition for me, that bastard can forge like all demon. Let’s just pray he meets a real one down there…

From a dwarven guardsman in Tirmik:
Ever seen a mountain horak? Sure, they’re smaller than a plains horak, but they stick together, live in the cliffsides like wild pigeons. Real pain to climb up to ‘em, but the nests are just full of stolen shiny goodies. Of course, it’s not like it’s just the climb that’s difficult, but the damn horaks will be coming at you the whole time, and working together too! They might only be a bit bigger than a wolf, but when you have a dozen of them swarming around you on a cliffside, it’s down right terrifying. Why am I telling you this? Well, I saw a new flock of them settling up the mountain and - wait, where are you going?

Ziemno Contracts
Spoiler :
Dv’gav to Malenkaya Caravan Guard
Employer: Count Drugov (House Tsaryov)
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 50 gold on completion
Danger: Very low, some disorganised bandits and mild wild beasts.
Description: Guard caravan from bandits and wild beasts.

Skal - Charkov Island Shipping Guard
Employer: Trademaster Golab (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown: 5+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: low, chance of sea creatures or pirates.
Description: Guard trade ships between Skal and Charkov Island. Pirate attacks have been slowly rising.

Dv’gav to Temho Caravan Guard
Employer: Count Vetrov (House Tsaryov)
Requirement: Renown 5+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: low, some bandits gangs and dangerous wild beasts.
Description: Guard caravan from bandits and wild beasts.

Fort Piesz Patrol
Employer: Viceroy Bosko (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown 10+
Payment: 100 gold on completion
Danger: low, dangerous wild beasts and some monsters.
Description: Patrol the surroundings of Fort Piesz in place of Imperial soldiers.

Bandit Headhunt
Employer: Count Vetrov (House Tsaryov)
Requirement: Renown 5+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: low, 4~7 bandits
Description: Better armed and organised than expected bandits have been encountered in the eastern woods. Count Vetrov wants them taken care of, as well as any information on where they came from, and where they got their equipment.

Cieplo Raid
Employer: Duchess Tsaryova (House Tsaryov)
Requirement: Renown 15+
Payment: 100 gold
Danger: medium-low, caravan guards, possible Council of Houses or Imperial patrols
Description: Duchess Tsaryova suspects that the bandits that attacked her resupply caravans were either sent by Cieplo nobles, or straight-up were Council of Houses troops. She wants a mercenary company to retaliate and hit caravans supplying Fort Slyuz in Cieplo.
Friendly Forces: House Tsaryova skirmisher Tapac will join the mercenary company for the turn.

Bandit In-Fighting
Employer: The 12 Heads
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 100 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, 6-12 bandits
Description: A bandit organisation, the 12 Heads, is hiring mercenaries to remove a rival gang near Malenkaya.

Cieplo Contracts
Spoiler :
Protection in Dv’hav
Employer: Loboda Family
Requirement: Renown 0+, one sellsword with fortitude at least 4
Payment: 25 gold on completion
Danger: very low, possibly gang violence
Description: A junior member of the Loboda family has been tasked with expanding the protection business into a new district, and the senior members want to make sure he isn’t in too much danger.

Criminal Bounty in Dv’hav
Employer: Duke Kulyk (Council of Houses)
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 25 gold on completion
Danger: very low, possibly gang violence
Description: A junior member of a ‘protection’ family is making a ruckus amongst some town merchants, and the Duke wants to send a message by kidnapping the kid.

Dv’hav to Pivnich Bere Caravan Guard
Employer: Duke Pavlenko (Council of Houses)
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 50 gold on completion
Danger: very low, some disorganised bandits and wildlife.
Description: Guard caravan from bandits and wild beasts.

Dv’hav to Mal’kiv Caravan Guard
Employer: Duchess Yatsenko (Council of Houses)
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 50 gold on completion
Danger: very low, some disorganised bandits and wildlife.
Description: Guard caravan from bandits and wild beasts.

Skal - Charkov Island Shipping Guard
Employer: Trademaster Golab (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown: 5+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: low, chance of sea creatures or pirates.
Description: Guard trade ships between Skal and Charkov Island. Pirate attacks have been slowly rising.

Mine Clearing at Pid Horyhk
Employer: Duchess Yatsenko (Council of Houses)
Requirement: Renown 5+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, dangerous subterranean creatures and monsters
Description: New caverns were recently broken into for mining expansion, but unfortunately this resulted in lower level mines being overrun by monsters, and Duchess Yatsenko needs the mines cleared. Most of the monsters are trolbits, dog-sized, long legged insects that generally congregate around trolls, though no trolls have been spotted so far.

Bandit In-Fighting
Employer: The 12 Heads
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 100 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, 6-12 bandits
Description: A bandit organisation, the 12 Heads, is hiring mercenaries to remove a rival gang near Mal’kiv.

Skal Contracts
Spoiler :
Yedi Tepeli - Odrodzi Caravan Guard
Employer: President Buker (Long Wind Caravans)
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 50 gold on completion
Danger: very low, small chance of wild beasts or orc raiding bands.
Description: Guard caravan from orcs and wild beasts. Most avoid the busy road.

Skal - Charkov Island Shipping Guard
Employer: Trademaster Golab (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown: 5+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: low, chance of sea creatures or pirates.
Description: Guard trade ships from Skal to Charkov Island. Pirate attacks have been slowly rising.

Highway Caravan Guard
Employer: Trademaster Jagielka (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown 10+
Payment: 100 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, chance of wild creatures, disorganised bandits, and marbeasts.
Description: The stretch of highway from the Zmier border to the Polud border is long and often unguarded, meaning it is easy picking for bandits and marbeasts.

Marwolves Near Fort Ucho
Employer Governor Piatek (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: 5+
Payment: 85 gold on completion
Danger: low, 1~3 marwolves.
Description: a small number of marwolves have been harassing soldiers and travellers near Fort Ucho. They have proved to be difficult to catch and deal with, so the garrison has turned to sellswords. The beasts may be few, but any marbeast can be deadly.

Tax Evasion in Yedi Tepeli
Employer: Governor Pitaek (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown 5+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: low, 5~10 guard dwarves may fight back
Description: A small clan of dwarven traders in Yedi Tepeli have been refusing to pay imperial taxes. The Birlik government has not interfered in the matter, and the governor is looking to hire mercenaries so as to avoid sending imperial troops into the dwarven city. The clan may fight back if they believe they have a chance of winning. This contract will likely result in decreased relations with the Birlik Confederacy.

Orc Scouting
Employer: Clanmaster Mavi (Birlik Confederacy)
Requirement: Renown 5+
Payment: 100 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, possible orc raider bands
Description: Orcs have been encountered in the mountains north of Kranlik, far from their usual territory in the southern steppes. They have grown aggressive and have begun attacking caravans. The Confederacy wants mercenaries to scout the orcs’ positions and strength before they take military action.

Polud contracts
Spoiler :
Kur Is - Har Ryuj Caravan Guard
Employer: President Buker (Long Wind Caravans)
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 50 gold on completion
Danger: very low, chance of wild animals or disorganised bandits
Description: Carvan guard along less traveled routes.

Highway Caravan Guard
Employer: Trademaster Jagielka (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown 10+
Payment: 100 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, chance of wild creatures, disorganised bandits, and marbeasts.
Description: The stretch of highway from the Skal border to the Swit border is long and often unguarded, meaning it is easy picking for bandits and marbeasts.

Fort Kir Tsuk Patrol
Employer: Priest-lord Takayam (Temple of Hikar)
Requirement: Renown 5+
Payment: 100 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, chance of marbeasts
Description: The Polud elves frequently make use of foreign mercenaries to fill holes in their border forts’ garrisons.

Fort Midor Ish Patrol and Customs
Employer: Priest-lord Takayam (Temple of Hikar)
Requirement: Renown 10+
Payment: 125 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, chance of marbeasts and bandits
Description: The Polud elves frequently make use of foreign mercenaries to fill holes in their border forts’ garrisons. Midor Ish also uses foreigner mercenaries to inspect and deal with other foreigners passing into Polud.

Poacher Headhunt Near Hon Kesh
Employer: Priest-lord Takayam (Temple of Hikar)
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: very low, unorganised poachers
Description: More illegal hunters from Swit have crossed over into Polud, killing wild creatures deemed holy by the Temple of Hikar. Sellswords are been sought to kill the poachers to scare off future incursions. NOTE: This will likely lower relations with the Rohnian Empire.

Caravan Raid
Employer: 12 Heads
Requirement: Renown 5+
Payment: 100 gold + loot on completion
Danger: meidum, sizeable caravan guard (6~10)
Description: A caravan heading north from Swit is carrying taxes levied by a local lord through Polud to Skal. The 12 Heads want this caravan destroyed. They say all recovered goods are up for grabs.

Swit Contracts
Spoiler :
Nadgarstek - Varis Caravan Guard
Employer: President Buker (Long Wind Caravans)
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 50 gold on completion
Danger: very low, chance of wild animals or disorganised bandits
Description: Caravan guard along less traveled routes.

Highway Caravan Guard
Employer: Trademaster Jagielka (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown 10+
Payment: 100 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, chance of wild creatures, disorganised bandits, and marbeasts.
Description: The stretch of highway from the Pogrzeb border to the Polut border is long and often unguarded, meaning it is easy picking for bandits and marbeasts.

Ruin Archeology Near Varis
Employer: Professor Colak (Imperial Archeology Association)
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: low, chance of wild beasts or bandits
Description: A recently uncovered ruin northwest of Varis (r33) is to be studied by the Imperial Archeology Association. The professor and his team wish to hire protection for the expedition, as the area is wild and untamed.

Escaped Livestock Near Auksas
Employer: Auksas Communal Fund (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 50 gold on completion
Danger: very low, chance of wild beasts or bandits
Description: Farmers awoke to find their livestock had escaped from their pens, and are lost somewhere east of Auksas. The town has put together a fund to pay sellswords to help round the livestock up and fight off any attracted wildlife.

Caravan Hit
Employer: ??
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 150 gold, loot on completion
Danger: medium-low, highway caravan guards
Description: A hit contract has been anonymously offered for taking out a highway caravan travelling from south from Polud. This will likely result in damaged relations with the Rohnian Empire.

Bandits Near Sidabras
Employer: General Sikora (Rohnian Empire)
Requireminet: Renown 0+
Payment: 50 gold on completion
Danger: very-low, 3~6 disorganised bandits
Description: A small party of poorly equipped bandits is harassing travellers near Sidabras, and the Imperial General has handed off the responsibility to sellswords rather than divert troops.

Bandit In-Fighting
Employer: The 12 Heads
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 100 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, 6-12 bandits
Description: A bandit organisation, the 12 Heads, is hiring mercenaries to remove a rival gang near Varis.

Zmier Contracts
Spoiler :
Rowniana - Druhy Hon Caravan Guard
Employer: President Buker (Long Wind Caravans)
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 50 gold on completion
Danger: low, chance of wild animals, disorganised bandits or orc raiding bands
Description: Caravan guard along less traveled routes.

Highway Caravan Guard
Employer: Trademaster Jagielka (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown 10+
Payment: 100 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, chance of wild creatures, disorganised bandits, and marbeasts.
Description: The stretch of highway from the Kosz border to the Skal border is long and often unguarded, meaning it is easy picking for bandits and marbeasts.

Troll East of Rownina
Employer: Governor Peszek (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 100 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, 1~2 hill trolls
Description: A troll, or possibly two, have been sighted by highway caravans east of Rownina. The trolls are straying out of their caves, and the Governor wants them removed before they get too ambitious and attack the caravans.

Shipwreck South of Rownina
Employer: Trademaster Golab (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: low, possibly wild animals or bandits
Description: A cargo ship washed ashore south of Rownina. The recovery team wishes to hire private security, rather than divert troops.

Lost Caravan Near Fort Paznokcia
Employer: Trademaster Golab (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: low, likely 3~8 orc raiders
Description: An imperial highway caravan has gone missing enroute to Fort Paznokica. Trademaster Golab believes orc raiders are to blame, and wishes for mercenaries to locate and secure any remaining goods or personnel.

Bandit In-Fighting
Employer: The 12 Heads
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 100 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, 6-12 bandits
Description: A bandit organisation, the 12 Heads, is hiring mercenaries to remove a rival gang near Fort Golonka.

Kosz Contracts
Spoiler :
Highway Caravan Guard
Employer: Trademaster Jagielka (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown 10+
Payment: 100 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, chance of wild creatures, disorganised bandits, and marbeasts.
Description: The stretch of highway from the Polnoc border to the Zmier border, following the border forts along the mountains, is long and often unguarded, meaning it is easy picking for bandits and marbeasts.

Heartland Caravan Guard
Employer: Vorel Royal Family traders
Requirement: Renown 10+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: very-low, small chance of bandits
Description: The Vorel traders have a fairly easy trade route, sticking only to the farming settlements surrounding Kuzun, and so only hire those they need and like.

Kuzyn - Padly Strom Caravan Guard
Employer: Vorel Royal Family traders
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: low, chance of bandits, wild beasts and marbeasts.
Description: Caravan guard, some marbeasts occasionally slip past the border forts to harass the Padly Strom area.

Gold Hills Takeover
Employer: Princess Prchalova (Vorel Royal Family)
Requirement: Renown 10+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: low, good chance of poorly-armed prospectors fighting back
Description: The Vorel Princess has had enough of peasants and migrants taking Kosz’ gold, and wants a mercenary company to assist her troops in taking over the Gold Hills. She doesn’t want her own soldiers seen roughing up any prospectors, so the mercs will take care of the actual removal while her troops move in after to secure the location.

Vorel Retainer Corruption
Employer: Governor Kurek (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown 10+
Payment: 100 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, possible squad of hostile Vorel soldiers
Description: Rampant reports of Vorel soldiers disrespecting Imperial personnel and merchants is rife in Kosz, and the Governor is needs the reports investigated. He wants to hire mercenaries to investigate a Vorel retainer squad in Skala to see how valid these reports are. NOTE: This may lower relations with the Vorel Royal Family

Bandit In-Fighting
Employer: The 12 Heads
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 100 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, 6-12 bandits
Description: A bandit organisation, the 12 Heads, is hiring mercenaries to remove a rival gang near Padly Strom.

Spoiler :
Highway Caravan Guard
Employer: Trademaster Jagielka (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown 10+
Payment: 100 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, chance of wild creatures, disorganised bandits, and marbeasts.
Description: The stretch of highway from the Polnoc border to the Swit border is long and often unguarded, meaning it is easy picking for bandits and marbeasts.

Cieszyc - Samotna Caravan Guard
Employer: President Buker (Long Wind Caravans)
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 50 gold on completion
Danger: low, chance of wild animals, disorganised bandits or orc raiding bands
Description: Caravan guard along less traveled routes.

Pogrzeb - Rozbita Shipping Guard
Employer: Trademaster Golab (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown: 5+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: low, chance of sea creatures or pirates.
Description: Guard trade ships between Pogrzeb and Rozbita. Pirate attacks have been slowly rising.

Cult Gathering Protection in Tanuc
Employer: Pan Krys Novak (Krysa Cult)
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: Low, locals or town guards may try to interrupt
Description: Krysa Cult members in Tanuc wish to hold a small ceremony, but are concerned that other locals or town guards may try to break up the meeting, and so have put together a small collection of gold to fund mercenary protection.

Rozbita Trade League Discussions Protection
Employer: Samotna local traders/Rozbita Trade League
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 50 gold on completion
Danger: Very low, possible gang violence.
Description: Local halfling traders in Samotna are holding talks with Rozbita Trade League representatives about possible future business. They fear that talks may be interrupted by goons hired by either Imperial state traders or other third party traders.

Lost Patrol Near Fort Udo
Employer: Governor Bialik (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 100 gold upon completion
Danger: medium-low, likely monsters or marbeasts.
Description: A five man patrol of Imperial Guards has gone missing in the caves near Fort Udo. The Governor does not want to waste more troops, and so will hire mercenaries to locate the patrol, or their remains.

Bandit In-Fighting
Employer: The 12 Heads
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 100 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, 6-12 bandits
Description: A bandit organisation, the 12 Heads, is hiring mercenaries to remove a rival gang near Tanuc.

Rozbita Contracts
Spoiler :
Pogrzeb - Rozbita Shipping Guard
Employer: Trademaster Golab (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown: 5+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: low, chance of sea creatures or pirates.
Description: Guard trade ships between Pogrzeb and Rozbita. Pirate attacks have been slowly rising.

Polnoc - Rozbita - Stracil Shipping Guard
Employer: Trademaster Golab (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown: 5+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: low, chance of sea creatures or pirates.
Description: Guard trade ships between Polnoc, Stracil and Rozbita. Pirate attacks have been slowly rising.

Rozbita Islands Shipping Guard
Employer: Chairwoman Halama (Rozbitan Trade League)
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: low, chance of sea creautures or pirates.
Description: Guard trade ships sailing between the three Rozbitan islands. Pirate attacks have been slowly rising.

Stok - Cieply Caravan Guard
Employer: Chairwoman Halama (Rozbitan Trade League)
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 50 gold on completion
Danger: very-low, some wild animals and disorganised bandits.
Description: Caravan guard along less traveled overland routes.

Usciski Tax Collection
Employer: Governor Kaczor (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 60 gold on completion
Danger: very low, possible riots
Description: Tax collectors in Usciski have been thrown out by local townsfolk. The Empire does not wish to divert troops or inflame the situation, so has turned to hiring private security for the collectors.

Skitter Crab Near Cieply
Employer: Craftsman Dvorak
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 50 gold + mastercraft equipment on completion
Danger: low, 2~5 large Skitter crabs
Description: A craftsman in Cieply has heard of a small group of skitter crabs, man-sized land crabs with long spindly legs and solid carapaces, have been seen south of Cieply. He believes he can fashion the carapace into beautiful and hardy tools, including equipment a mercenary could make use of.

Bandit In-Fighting
Employer: The 12 Heads
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 100 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, 6-12 bandits
Description: A bandit organisation, the 12 Heads, is hiring mercenaries to remove a rival gang near Stok.

Polnoc Contracts
Spoiler :
Highway Caravan Guard
Employer: Trademaster Jagielka (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown 5+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: low, chance of wild creatures, disorganised bandits, and marbeasts.
Description: The stretch of highway from the Kosz border to the Pogrzeb border is shorter and safer than most highway routes, although marbeasts and monsters do occasionally slip out of the mountains.

Polnoc - Rozbita - Stracil Shipping Guard
Employer: Trademaster Golab (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown: 5+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: low, chance of sea creatures or pirates.
Description: Guard trade ships between Polnoc, Stracil and Rozbita. Pirate attacks have been slowly rising.

Malyport - Pochlanian Shipping Guard
Employer: President Buker (Long Wind Caravans)
Requirement: Renown: 0+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: low, chance of sea creatures or pirates.
Description: Guard trade ships between Polnoc and Rozbita. Pirate attacks have been slowly rising.

Imperial Royal Family Conscription Enforcers Needed in Nalesnik OR Trojki
Employer: Princess Krakowska or Princess Jaworska(Imperial Family)
Requirements: Renown 0+
Payment: 50 gold
Danger: very-low, possibly rioting townsfolk
Description: The Imperial Princesses are competing to gather private guard conscripts. Some townsfolk ignore the summons, and so they are hiring mercenaries to collect the conscripts. Note: this contract is actually 3 separate contracts, though the Princesses will not employ a company already taking a contract by another princess (in other words, you may only take one a turn).

Imperial Officer Protection
Employer: Governor Czarny (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown 10+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, unknown assailants
Description: A number of Imperial junior officers have been killed in their off-time, their pulverised remains found strewn throughout their homes. With troops already spread thin, the Empire is hoping to fill bodyguard vacancies with mercenaries.

Caravan Raid
Employer: 12 Heads
Requirement: Renown 5+
Payment: 100 gold + loot on completion
Danger: meidum, sizeable caravan guard (6~10)
Description: A caravan heading north from Trojki to Fort Graniea is carrying the townsfolks’ taxes to Princess Jaworska. The 12 Heads want this caravan destroyed. They say all recovered goods are up for grabs by the mercenaries. Warning: if caught, will reduce relations with Imperial Family.

Spoiler :
Polnoc - Rozbita - Stracil Shipping Guard
Employer: Trademaster Golab (Rohnian Empire)
Requirement: Renown: 5+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: low, chance of sea creatures or pirates.
Description: Guard trade ships between Polnoc, Stracil and Rozbita. Pirate attacks have been slowly rising.

Orak - Tirmik Caravan Guard
Employer: Grand Guildmaster Kaner (Court of Guilds)
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 50 gold on completion
Danger: very-low, some wild animals and disorganised bandits.
Description: Caravan guard along between Orak and Tirmik.

Balta Supply Garrison
Employer: Grand Guildmaster Kaner (Court of Guilds)
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 75 gold on completion
Danger: low, some wild animals, monsters and bandits.
Description: Caravan guard between Cekic and Fort Balta.

Fort Balta Patrol
Employer: Grand Guildmaster Kaner (Court of Guilds)
Requirement: Renown 10+
Payment: 100 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, likely monsters or wild beasts
Description: The garrison at Fort Balta is constantly needing replacement patrols, and will hire mercenaries to fill in gaps if need be.

Imperial Soldiers Kidnapping
Employer: Grand Guildmaster Kaner (Court of Guilds)
Requirement: Renown 10+
Payment: 100 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, possible confrontation with Imperial soldiers
Description: Following the merchant murders, the Grand Guildmaster wants Imperial soldiers to interrogate. He wishes to hire a mercenary company to kidnap at least 3 soldiers for his investigators to interrogate. Warning: If caught, will reduce relations with Rohnian Empire.

Bandit In-Fighting
Employer: The 12 Heads
Requirement: Renown 0+
Payment: 100 gold on completion
Danger: medium-low, 6-12 bandits
Description: A bandit organisation, the 12 Heads, is hiring mercenaries to remove a rival gang near Tirmik.

The contracts and rumours sections are not complete. While all contracts and rumours listed are available, additional contracts and rumours will be added tomorrow.

As always, check stats for mistakes, then PM or email me. I’ll fix them when I can.

Newly hired sellswords can be used the same turn they are hired. They will also cost upkeep the same turn they are hired, in addition to the recruitment cost (if they die the same turn they are hired they won’t cost upkeep).

Orders for update 4 are due Sunday, April 24th. As before, remember that I am in JST, and late orders will lose any conflicting bids.
Update 3 Company Stats

The Baron's Fabulous Knights (HunterG24)
Spoiler :

  • Pochlaniac Polnoc
Captain: Baron Bryonne Fabelhaft, Sweet Talker
Reputation: 11
Morale: 0.3
Gold: 234 (-13)
  • Rohnian Empire: 56
  • Imperial Family: 53
  • Long Wind Caravans: 11
  • Rybi Ogon: -4
  • Worn Equipment: 12
  • Standard Equipment: 4
  • I Have No Name and I Must Scream, Advertiser Lvl 1
  • Baron Bryonne Fabelhaft, Human Footman , Equipment: Standard, XP: 32, HP: 12/12, Frt: 4, Mob: 4, Arc: 2, Feats: Tough II, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 0
  • Mannheim, Human Militia , Equipment: Mint, XP: 17, HP: 6/6, Frt: 4, Mob: 5, Arc: 3, Feats: Tough, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Albrecht, Human Militia , Equipment: Mint, XP: 18, HP: 6/6, Frt: 4, Mob: 5, Arc: 3, Feats: Tough, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Reinhard, Human Militia , Equipment: Mint, XP: 19, HP: 6/6, Frt: 4, Mob: 5, Arc: 3, Feats: Tough, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Jurgen, Human Militia , Equipment: Mint, XP: 19, HP: 6/6, Frt: 4, Mob: 5, Arc: 3, Feats: Tough, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Hugo, Human Militia , Equipment: Mint, XP: 17, HP: 6/6, Frt: 4, Mob: 5, Arc: 3, Feats: Tough, Friends: Mannheim, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Kenia, Elf Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 4, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 3, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Phraan, Elf Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 4, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 3, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Sigurd, Human Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 4, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 3, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1

Borderlands Voyageurs (Tito)
Spoiler :

  • Rownina, Zmier
Captain: Garala, Vagabond
Reputation: 7
Morale: 0.2
Gold: 197 (-13)
  • Rohninan Empire: 5
  • Druhy-Privy Joint Band: 23
  • Standard Equipment: 3
  • Worn Equipment: 3
  • Taerun, PR Officer Lvl 1
  • Garala, Half-Orc Hunter , Equipment: Mint, XP: 36, HP: 8/8, Frt: 5, Mob: 8, Arc: 4, Feats: First Shot, Wolfpack, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 0
  • Borcas, Half-Orc Skirmisher , Equipment: Mint, XP: 15, HP: 4/4, Frt: 4, Mob: 6, Arc: 3, Feats: First Shot, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Brana, Half-Orc Skirmisher , Equipment: Mint, XP: 15, HP: 4/4, Frt: 4, Mob: 6, Arc: 3, Feats: First Shot, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Aggo, Half-Orc Skirmisher , Equipment: Mint, XP: 15, HP: 4/4, Frt: 4, Mob: 6, Arc: 3, Feats: First Shot, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Kvan, Half-Orc Adept , Equipment: Mint, XP: 33, HP: 8/8, Frt: 5, Mob: 6, Arc: 6, Feats: The One, Healer, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 5
  • Mogrun, Half-Orc Recruit , Equipment: Unarmed, XP: 5, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Dreema, Half-Orc Recruit , Equipment: Unarmed, XP: 5, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1

The Dirty Dozen (ShadowtheShrimp)
Spoiler :

  • Skal
Captain: Duncan "Pepper" Durant, Encouraging
Reputation: 6
Morale: 1.03
Gold: 121 (-26)
  • Rohnian Empire: 0
  • Birlik Confederacy: 6
  • 12 Heads: 7
  • Standard Equipment: 5
  • Worn: 15
  • Boulin Ironbeard, Dwarf Blacksmith Lvl 1
  • Duncan "Pepper" Durant, Half-Orc Footman , Equipment: Mastercraft, XP: 47, HP: 9/9, Frt: 9, Mob: 7, Arc: 6, Feats: Tough, Tank, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 0
  • Connor, Human Skirmisher , Equipment: Mint, XP: 21, HP: 4/4, Frt: 3, Mob: 6, Arc: 3, Feats: Forester, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Airas, Elf Acolyte , Equipment: Mint, XP: 21, HP: 4/4, Frt: 3, Mob: 3, Arc: 6, Feats: Healer, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Gorin Barkskin, Dwarf Militia , Equipment: Mint, XP: 19, HP: 4/4, Frt: 6, Mob: 3, Arc: 3, Feats: Cave Delver, Friends: Polat, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Brodzki, Human Skirmisher , Equipment: Standard, XP: 17, HP: 2/4, Frt: 1, Mob: 4, Arc: 1, Feats: First Shot, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Polat, Dwarf Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 10, HP: 1/2, Frt: 3, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: Gorin, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Cieplak, Elf Acolyte , Equipment: Standard, XP: 17, HP: 2/4, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 4, Feats: Healer, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Uysal, Elf Acolyte , Equipment: Standard, XP: 17, HP: 2/4, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 4, Feats: Healer, Friends: N/A, Enemies: Albin, Upkeep: 2
  • Albin, Human Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 7, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 3, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Lech, Elf Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 7, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 3, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Oskar, Dwarf Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 1, HP: 2/3, Frt: 3, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Pawel, Dwarf Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 1, HP: 2/2, Frt: 3, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Seweryn, Human Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 1, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 3, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Waclaw, Human Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 1, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 3, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Maria, Human Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 1, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 3, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Lucyna, Human Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 1, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 3, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Ksenia, Human Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 1, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 3, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Edyta, Elf Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 1, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 3, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Witalis, Elf Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 1, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 3, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Wiktor, Elf Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 1, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 3, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Leslaw, Elf Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 1, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 3, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1

Higher for Hire (Massive Attack)
Spoiler :

  • Dv'gav, Ziemno
Captain: Hothgar Zuleyn, Vagabond
Reputation: 5
Morale: 0.2
Gold: 143 (-13)
  • Rohnian Empire: 0
  • House Tsaryov: 12
  • Otenk: 2
  • Worn Equipment: 3
  • Standard Equipment: 10
  • Mint Equipment: 2
  • Medicine: 2
  • I Have No Name and I Must Scream, Blacksmith Lvl 1
  • Hothgar Zuleyn, Human Hunter , Equipment: Mint, XP: 40, HP: 8/8, Frt: 4, Mob: 9, Arc: 4, Feats: Lonewolf, Forester, Friends: N/A, Enemies: Maestro Charlo L'bourbon , Upkeep: 0
  • Garth Gravelkinder, Dwarf Footman , Equipment: Mint, XP: 47, HP: 7/9, Frt: 8, Mob: 5, Arc: 4, Feats: Tough, Tank, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 5
  • Maestro Charlo L'bourbon , Elf Adept , Equipment: Mint, XP: 40, HP: 7/8, Frt: 4, Mob: 5, Arc: 8, Feats: The One, Sailor, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 5
  • Guy Redpantos, Human Skirmisher , Equipment: Standard, XP: 19, HP: 4/4, Frt: 1, Mob: 5, Arc: 1, Feats: Lonewolf, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Jillian Stamos, Human Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 8, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 3, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1

Lucid Crow (<nuke>)
Spoiler :

  • Odrodzi, Skal
Captain: Uruhara, Mystic
Reputation: 5
Morale: 0.15
Gold: 68 (-13)
  • Rohnian Empire: 0
  • Birlik Confederacy: 0
  • Long Wind Caravans: 9
  • Marboar tusks: 1
  • Worn Equipment: 1
  • Lubbock, (?) Drill Sergeant Lvl 1
  • Uruhara, Human Wizard , Equipment: Mint, XP: 112, HP: 22/22, Frt: 6, Mob: 8, Arc: 14, Feats: The One, Forester II, Mountaineer, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 0
  • Natalia, Elf Mage , Equipment: Mint, XP: 59, HP: 14/14, Frt: 5, Mob: 5, Arc: 12, Feats: The One, Forester, Urban Crawler, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 10
  • Zolo, Dwarf Militia , Equipment: Standard, XP: 16, HP: 6/6, Frt: 4, Mob: 1, Arc: 2, Feats: Tank, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Sterling, Half-Elf Recruit , Equipment: Worn, XP: 6, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1

The Polud Irregulars
Spoiler :

  • Fort Midor Ish, Polud
Captain: Algoreth, Sweet Talker
Reputation: 6
Morale: 0.3
Gold: 176 (-13)
  • Rohnian Empire: 50
  • Temple of Hikar: 56
  • Long Wind Caravans: 4
  • 12 HEads: 4
  • Standard Equipment: 4
  • Worn Equipment: 3
  • Jane, Accountant Lvl 1
  • Algoreth, Human Hunter , Equipment: Legendary, XP: 40, HP: 4/8, Frt: 10, Mob: 14, Arc: 10, Feats: First Shot, Lone Wolf, Friends: N/A, Enemies: Allana, Upkeep: 0
  • Klaus, Dwarf Militia , Equipment: Mint, XP: 25, HP: 2/6, Frt: 6, Mob: 3, Arc: 3, Feats: Tough, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Jelen, Dwarf Militia , Equipment: Mint, XP: 25, HP: 1/6, Frt: 6, Mob: 3, Arc: 3, Feats: Tough, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Allana, Elf Adept , Equipment: Mint, XP: 40, HP: 2/8, Frt: 4, Mob: 4, Arc: 8, Feats: Healer, The One, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 5
  • Iwo, Half-Elf Recruit , Equipment: Unarmed, XP: 1, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Lew, Half-Orc Recruit , Equipment: Unarmed, XP: 1, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Eliska, Halfling Recruit , Equipment: Unarmed, XP: 1, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Vera, Halfling Recruit , Equipment: Unarmed, XP: 1, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1

The Redshirts (nightsky)
Spoiler :

  • Dv'gav, Ziemno
Captain: Red, Mystic
Reputation: 1
Morale: 0.05
Gold: 51 (-12)
  • Rohnian Empire: 0
  • House Tsaryov: 8
Stash: Specialists:
  • Scarlet, PR Officer Lvl 1
  • Red, Human Mage , Equipment: Standard, XP: 54, HP: 14/14, Frt: 3, Mob: 5, Arc: 7, Feats: urban crawler I, healer, arcane battery, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 0
  • Crimson, Human Adept , Equipment: Standard, XP: 29, HP: 8/8, Frt: 2, Mob: 4, Arc: 4, Feats: healer, arcane battery, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 5
  • Garnet, Human Acolyte , Equipment: Standard, XP: 14, HP: 4/4, Frt: 1, Mob: 3, Arc: 2, Feats: arcane battery, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Ruby, Human Acolyte , Equipment: Standard, XP: 14, HP: 4/4, Frt: 1, Mob: 3, Arc: 2, Feats: arcane battery, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Merlot, Human Acolyte , Equipment: Standard, XP: 14, HP: 4/4, Frt: 1, Mob: 3, Arc: 2, Feats: arcane battery, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Cherry, Human Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 10, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1

The Ryghre Honourable Companye of Gentledwarven Mercenaries (For Hyre), Inc (Hodad MD)
Spoiler :

  • Yedi Tepeli, Skal
Captain: Borngwen, Vagabond
Reputation: 3
Morale: 0.1
Gold: 75 (-10)
  • Rohnian Empire: 0
  • Birlik Confederacy: 5
  • Worn Equipment: 1
  • Standard Equipment : 8
  • Frerin, Blacksmith Lvl 1
  • Borngwen, Half-Elf Hunter , Equipment: Mint, XP: 35, HP: 5/8, Frt: 4, Mob: 8, Arc: 5, Feats: Forester, Mountaineer, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 0
  • Fror, Dwarf Skirmisher , Equipment: Standard, XP: 20, HP: 2/4, Frt: 3, Mob: 3, Arc: 1, Feats: Wolfpack, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Gror, Dwarf Skirmisher , Equipment: Mint, XP: 20, HP: 2/4, Frt: 5, Mob: 5, Arc: 3, Feats: Wolfpack, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Mim, Dwarf Militia , Equipment: Mint, XP: 20, HP: 4/4, Frt: 6, Mob: 4, Arc: 3, Feats: Brothers in Arms, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Nali, Dwarf Militia , Equipment: Mint, XP: 20, HP: 4/4, Frt: 6, Mob: 4, Arc: 3, Feats: Brothers in Arms, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Loni, Dwarf Acolyte , Equipment: Mint, XP: 20, HP: 4/4, Frt: 5, Mob: 4, Arc: 4, Feats: The One, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2

The Sea Worgs (dasvan)
Spoiler :

  • Fort Midor Ish, Polud
Captain: Dalas Mooseblood, Watchful
Reputation: 1
Morale: -0.05
Gold: 62 (-4)
  • Rohnian Empire: 0
  • Temple of Hikar: -3
  • Standard Equipment: 2
  • Longboat: 1
  • Jack, Muscle Lvl 1
  • Danny, Doctor Lvl 1
  • Dalas Mooseblod, Dwarf Footman , Equipment: Mint, XP: 35, HP: 10/10, Frt: 8, Mob: 4, Arc: 4, Feats: Tough, Sailor, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 0
  • Joh Moose Blood, Dwarf Recruit , Equipment: Mint, XP: 2, HP: 2/2, Frt: 5, Mob: 3, Arc: 3, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Barry the Orc, Half-Orc Recruit , Equipment: Mint, XP: 2, HP: 2/2, Frt: 4, Mob: 4, Arc: 3, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Drustan, Human Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 2, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 3, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Dana, Dwarf Recruit , Equipment: Mint, XP: 2, HP: 2/2, Frt: 5, Mob: 3, Arc: 3, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1

Shadowdancers (Angst)
Spoiler :

  • Kuzyn, Kosz
Captain: Sargal, Sweet Talker
Reputation: 3
Morale: 0.15
Gold: 142 (-13)
  • Rohnian Empire: 50
  • Vorel Royal Family: 58
  • Worn Equipment: 1
  • Kran, Dwarf Drill Sergeant Lvl 1
  • Sargal, Human Adept , Equipment: Mastercraft, XP: 35, HP: 8/8, Frt: 6, Mob: 8, Arc: 8, Feats: Urban Crawler II, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 0
  • Morgun, Dwarf Warrior , Equipment: Mint, XP: 60, HP: 7/18, Frt: 11, Mob: 5, Arc: 5, Feats: Tank, Tough II, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 10
  • Saphaleh, Elf Acolyte , Equipment: Standard, XP: 20, HP: 1/4, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 4, Feats: Arcane Battery, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Ront, Human Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 11, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 3, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1

Silver Wolves (Seon)
Spoiler :

  • Nos, Kosz
Captain: Serverian, Haggler
Reputation: 7
Morale: 0.55
Gold: 426 (-12)
  • Rohnian Empire: 8
  • Vorel Royal Family: 10
  • Endurance Potion2: 2
  • Standard Equipment: 2
  • Worn Equipment: 2
  • Mr. Nameless, Entertainer Lvl 1
  • Serverian, Human Hunter , Equipment: Mint, XP: 32, HP: 8/8, Frt: 4, Mob: 8, Arc: 4, Feats: Wolfpack, First Shot, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep:
  • Samantha Goodwin, Elf Acolyte , Equipment: Mint, XP: 17, HP: 4/4, Frt: 3, Mob: 3, Arc: 6, Feats: The One, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Gire, Human Militia , Equipment: Mint, XP: 15, HP: 5/5, Frt: 4, Mob: 5, Arc: 3, Feats: Tough, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Chion, Human Skirmisher , Equipment: Mint, XP: 17, HP: 4/4, Frt: 3, Mob: 6, Arc: 3, Feats: Wolfpack, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Melon, Half-Elf Skirmisher , Equipment: Mint, XP: 17, HP: 4/4, Frt: 3, Mob: 5, Arc: 4, Feats: Wolfpack, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Vodka Vodkavich, Dwarf Militia , Equipment: Mint, XP: 17, HP: 4/4, Frt: 6, Mob: 3, Arc: 3, Feats: Tough, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Kasyanov, Human Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 4, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 3, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Garenth, Halfling Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 4, HP: 2/2, Frt: 2, Mob: 1, Arc: 2, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1

Sobol Solutions (NinjaCow64)
Spoiler :

  • Pochlaniac, Polnoc
Captain: Anton Sobol, Boastful
Reputation: 16
Morale: 0.2
Gold: 219 (-0)
  • Rohnian Empire: 10
  • Imperial Family: 0
Stash: Specialists:
  • Andrea Molska, Human Advertiser Lvl 1
  • Hugo Slowinski, Human Doctor Lvl 1
  • Anton Sobol, Elf Wizard , Equipment: Legendary, XP: 125, HP: 12/22, Frt: 12, Mob: 12, Arc: 21, Feats: Urban Crawler III, The One, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 0

Stunties and Skinnies (RenaofArc)
Spoiler :

  • Cekic, Stracil
Captain: Feyet, Haggler
Reputation: 8
Morale: 0.35
Gold: 249 (-21)
  • Rohnian Empire: 5
  • Court of Guilds: 13
  • Standard Equipment: 4
  • Wayland the Hammery Hammerer, Blacksmith Lvl 1
  • Feyet, Half-Elf Hunter Militia, Equipment: Mastercraft, XP: 66, HP: 14/14, Frt: 8, Mob: 10, Arc: 8, Feats: First Shot II. Tought, Sister in Arms, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 0
  • Larry, Dwarf Militia , Equipment: Standard, XP: 20, HP: 4/4, Frt: 4, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: Brothers in Arms, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Curly, Dwarf Militia , Equipment: Standard, XP: 20, HP: 4/4, Frt: 4, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: Brothers in Arms, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Moe, Dwarf Militia , Equipment: Standard, XP: 19, HP: 4/4, Frt: 4, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: Brothers in Arms, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Joejoe, Dwarf Militia , Equipment: Standard, XP: 21, HP: 4/4, Frt: 4, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: Brothers in Arms, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • FeyFey, Half-Elf Skirmisher , Equipment: Mint, XP: 23, HP: 4/4, Frt: 3, Mob: 5, Arc: 4, Feats: First Shot, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Hellsing, Half-Elf Skirmisher , Equipment: Standard, XP: 21, HP: 4/4, Frt: 1, Mob: 3, Arc: 2, Feats: First Shot, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 2
  • Bill Nye, Elf Adept , Equipment: Mint, XP: 33, HP: 6/8, Frt: 4, Mob: 4, Arc: 8, Feats: Healer, The One, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 5
  • Nickoli Tesla, Elf Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 6, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 3, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Degrasse, Elf Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 6, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 3, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Bucktooth Willy, Dwarf Recruit , Equipment: Standard, XP: 4, HP: 2/2, Frt: 3, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Elliana, Half-Elf Recruit , Equipment: Worn, XP: 3, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1

Swellswords (Double A)
Spoiler :

  • Pochlanian, Polnoc
Captain: Muncel Molotov, Watchful
Reputation: 19
Morale: 0.05
Gold: 244 (-27)
  • Rohnian Empire: 0
  • Imperial Family: 4
  • Long Wind Caravans: 5
  • Imperial Archeology Society: 15
  • Rybi Ogon: 2
  • 12 Heads: 7
  • Decrepit Equipment: 6
  • Worn Equipment: 7
  • Standard Equipment: 8
  • Waclaw Krlov, Half-Elf Advertiser Lvl 1
  • Zosia Krylov, Half-Orc Muscle Lvl 1
  • Valentyn Wasylyk, Entertainer Lvl 1
  • Muncel Molotov, Half-Orc Militia Acolyte, Equipment: Legendary, XP: 29, HP: 8/8, Frt: 12, Mob: 11, Arc: 11, Feats: Tank, The One, Friends: Radmilo Svetleachni, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 0
  • Gradimir Novy, Human Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 7, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Rade Klima, Half-Orc Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 6, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: Klonimir Prohaska, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Slavoj Stiedry, Half-Elf Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 7, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Radmilo Svetleachni, Half-Orc Recruit , Equipment: Mastercraft, XP: 6, HP: 2/2, Frt: 6, Mob: 6, Arc: 5, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Klonimir Prohaska, Dwarf Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 6, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Vladimir Tiutchev, Dwarf Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 7, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: Vukan Voronoff, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Vukan Voronoff, Half-Orc Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 6, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Velizar Kovalsky, Elf Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 6, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Radousek Slutskiy, Halfling Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 6, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: Alina Zhtomir, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Ljubodrag Tiutchev, Half-Elf Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 6, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Derwan Kovalsky, Half-Orc Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 6, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Braslav Torbica, Half-Orc Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 6, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: Bogdan Podolan, Upkeep: 1
  • Zbyszko Sergeyev, Half-Elf Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 6, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Zlaticek Kovach, Half-Orc Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 6, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Gojslav Masur, Half-Orc Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 7, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: , Upkeep: 1
  • Bogdan Podolan, Dwarf Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 7, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Miroslav Litvinchuk, Half-Elf Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 6, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Velek Karbashewski, Half-Orc Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 6, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Zlatomir Okilj, Halfling Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 6, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Alina Zhtomir, Human Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 6, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Vedrana Janovcik, Dwarf Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 6, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Zbyna Prchal, Elf Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 7, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: Bogdan Podolan, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Ruza Cabarkapa, Halfling Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 6, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Mlada Topolski, Half-Elf Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 6, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Mateja Volyn, Half-Orc Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 6, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Antoni Nowak, Half-Orc Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 4, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Aoi Maslank, Half-Elf Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 4, HP: 1/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1

The Terrible Trio (Lonelylurker)
Spoiler :

  • Ziemno, Dv'gav
Captain: Shazar, Encouraging
Reputation: 0
Morale: 1
Gold: 13 (-16)
  • Rohnian Empire: 0
  • House Tsaryov: 0
Stash: Specialists:
  • Nameless, Raceless Doctor Lvl 1
  • Shazar, Elf Adept , Equipment: Mint, XP: 25, HP: 8/8, Frt: 4, Mob: 4, Arc: 8, Feats: The One, Healer, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 0
  • Roden, Human Hunter , Equipment: Mint, XP: 25, HP: 8/8, Frt: 4, Mob: 8, Arc: 4, Feats: Lonewolf, First Shot, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 5
  • Graz, Dwarf Footman , Equipment: Mint, XP: 25, HP: 8/10, Frt: 8, Mob: 4, Arc: 4, Feats: Tank, Tough, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 5
  • Hudec, Half-Orc Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 1, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Jagr, Half-Orc Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 1, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Baranowski, Half-Elf Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 1, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Cukier, Half-Elf Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 1, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Jurewicz, Halfling Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 1, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
  • Kasperek, Halfling Recruit , Equipment: Decrepit, XP: 1, HP: 2/2, Frt: 1, Mob: 1, Arc: 1, Feats: N/A, Friends: N/A, Enemies: N/A, Upkeep: 1
Great update Decamper! Now to take care of business...

Thank you for not dropping this even though I didn't send orders. :)
Bit late, but added a few new contracts and a rumour.
I just realised that looking over the stats again I should have a lot more gold than I currently do.
I just realised that looking over the stats again I should have a lot more gold than I currently do.

Can you point to where I messed up?
Can you point to where I messed up?

Last turn I had 224 gold, yet this turn I have 219 gold despite not spending any of it and getting 75 gold from a contract. Sorry for not articulating this earlier, I have a nasty cold atm.
The stats in the thread and in my sheets say you had 124 gold for turn 2. Maybe you misread..?
there's no way you coulda gotten that much gold off of two contracts
The stats in the thread and in my sheets say you had 124 gold for turn 2. Maybe you misread..?

Oops sorry I misread :blush:. I'll blame that on the flu also.
No problem.

Reminder: Orders are due today. You have 14ish hours to get them in before being considered late and losing all contested bids.
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