[RD] Clinton vs. Trump - USA Presidential race.

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When did the standard deduction get codified? My impression is that it was created later to make things simpler.

As well, it wasn't so much a 'fake' as a perverse incentive. If your deduction is already $4k, then you don't start 'saving' money until your interest payments on your mortgage are over $4k. Which, ugh, is ugly. Keep in mind, that it also actually does trickle down to renters, since most apartments are going to be bought or built using debt. Or, it would trickle down, but only once. Like I said, it creates a new steady state.

It really fooled the Boomers. It, along with reductions in the interest rate, allowed their houses to climb faster than economic growth for a long time. And so, nowadays, we think of 'the house' as a way to make money rather than merely a way to save money.
Which brings us to the problem of having Trump influence changes to the tax code. His only demonstrable interest is to add more bits and pieces that will be of no use to ordinary people but will directly benefit people like himself. His only proposed plan for anything that has actually been fleshed out beyond a handful of talking points is his proposal for changing the tax code, and his changes there amount to "give the 'middle class' a nickle to get them to go along while we exempt the wealthy from taxation entirely."

You don't need to convince me. I already said I agree with this when metalhead said it.

Exactly what Tim said. Your point is trivial enough to be meaningless.

I was discussing the one part of metalhead's post I disagreed with in a context independent of the overall topic's relation to Trump. So yeah, technically that makes it trivial, but there's no need to be a dick about it.
I was discussing the one part of metalhead's post I disagreed with in a context independent of the overall topic's relation to Trump. So yeah, technically that makes it trivial, but there's no need to be a dick about it.

Sorry I came off so terse.
Hey so what are tax deductions?

Yes I'm stupid
Tax deduction is a reduction of income that is able to be taxed, and is commonly a result of expenses, particularly those incurred to produce additional income. The difference between deductions, exemptions and credit is that deductions and exemptions both reduce taxable income, while credits reduce tax.

Trumps faults do not cancel out Clinton’s. Clinton’s faults will still be there absent Trump.
And Drumpf's rather larger ones would also be there absent Clinton. That ‘logic’ of yours -if it can be called that- works both ways.
Yep, the tax code's pretty dumb, IMHO should be replaced with a system where every ~25 years we simply rise up and behead the rich and take all their money.
This must be AIPAC's purpose all along.
Thoughts? Discussion? Anything? This is an RD thread.
Ha. No b------t, Jubilee was an awesome thing. It was when debt slaves became free for example.
How soon before Republicans declare TRUMP presidential victory ?
GOP really live in an alternate reality

The GOP declares debate victory for Mike Pence, 90 minutes before it starts

Our sincere congratulations to Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence, who, according to the Republican Party, emerged victorious in the sole vice presidential debate of 2016, despite it having not happened yet.

The GOP appears to have accidentally published its draft of a post congratulating Pence on his victory about two hours before the thing actually started. It's not uncommon for communications staffers to prepare statements in advance, of course. It is, however, unusual to make those congratulations live.

The American people have spoken from the future! They say this: Tonight's biggest loser is, Hillary Clinton.

How soon before Republicans declare TRUMP presidential victory ?
GOP really live in an alternate reality

That was hilarious. Trump threatens to run the country the same way he ran his business (criminal behavior, billion dollar losses) and the same way he runs his campaign (three laps of the clock short of amateur hour). And people wonder what there is to fear from this dingbat and his merry sycophant band.
Trump will be live Tweeting through the debate tonight. Who wants to bet that he comes out attacking Mike Pence before it is over?

"@weaksuckVP, why are you letting him say these nasty things about me? Loser!!!!"
I took that to mean Trump will be locked in a closet while a staffer live tweets the debate.

We'll know it's the real Donald if Tim Kaine gets a snappy nickname. Awkward Tim?
I took that to mean Trump will be locked in a closet while a staffer live tweets the debate.
I've gotten the impression lately that either Trump has once again declared himself king of his own hill or else yet another mass staff surrender to reality has taken place. I'm hopeful it will be TheRealIdiotDonaldTrump on the loose.
Will it be much more than "Wrong," "Wrong," "Wrong"?

Or, as it sounded to me, like Krempke on Big Bang Theory: "Wong," "Wong," "Wong."
If there was a live video feed of Alec Baldwin commenting in Trump guise I'd watch that.
Its clear that the GOP have Lost their minds, Hiltery

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moderator needs to settle kaine talking over pence

just let kaine win elegantly
I'm watching the VP debate, and I'm impressed with Pence. (less so with Kaine, but he's not bad) Can we flip the Republican ticket, please?

moderator needs to settle kaine talking over pence

Moderator needs a kill switch for the mikes, a needs to use it after the first warning, but they need a little leeway.
Mike Pence seems to think black cops targeting black people for oppressive policing can't possibly be affected by systemic racial bias. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that using race as a shield for people who quite obviously engage in disparate policing based on race isn't going to convince anyone that Trump/Pence has any clue about policing issues.

They're both pretty good. Kaine repeats talking points too much, Pence is weak pressing attacks against Hillary, Kaine is good at parrying them. But both are pretty much saying the exact same things the campaigns have been saying for months. Nothing new here at all.
"Trumps faults do not cancel out Clinton’s. Clinton’s faults will still be there absent Trump."

I agree.

For example, Politifact found that Trump had five times the false statements and five times the pants-on-fire statements as Hillary. This doesn't mean that Hillary's statements somehow evaporate.
Moderator needs a kill switch for the mikes, a needs to use it after the first warning, but they need a little leeway.

:( I made it for an hour but finally left because way too much talking over each other. Plus, too much talk and not enough illumination.
yea this definitely reads that the DNC locked Kaine into a room and said "memorize these quotes and facts"

he is full "Rubio" mode.

very poor debate performance on his part
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