Got sick of Civ V, convince me to come back for Civ VI :)


Aspiring Sage
Oct 9, 2001
Tucson, AZ
Ok, I know the game isn't out yet... but I wanted to see if people thought that VI would be better than V.

I'm a veteran player all the way back to the beginning but I feel, as some do, that Civ IV was the best in the series. To be honest, I played the hell out of Civ V but really more for the achievements. The things I didn't like were the over-simplification (no more city happiness / health, no city-governor, removal of civics), the lack of modding capability (see how the GOTM is still a training game because assets can't be locked), and just a general dumbing down. In any case, I don't hate Civ V, I've just found better games like Eu4.

So, is Civ VI going to appeal to someone who loved Civ IV?
Play what you want to play. I'm not making money from the game, what you choose to do with your time doesn't bother me in the slightest
I'm a veteran player all the way back to the beginning but I feel, as some do, that Civ IV was the best in the series. To be honest, I played the hell out of Civ V but really more for the achievements. The things I didn't like were the over-simplification (no more city happiness / health, no city-governor, removal of civics), the lack of modding capability (see how the GOTM is still a training game because assets can't be locked), and just a general dumbing down. In any case, I don't hate Civ V, I've just found better games like Eu4.

So, is Civ VI going to appeal to someone who loved Civ IV?

I think so. Civ6 seems to put some complexity back into the game. Local happiness is back. City planning is more complex thanks to districts and terrain requirements. Static social policies are gone. Governments are back and you can mix and match civics cards to create interesting sets of bonuses. And, you can change these bonuses periodically depending on what is happening in the game. Combat is a bit more interesting where you can combine certain units together. So I definitely think that there are some good things that should attract civ4 players.
Examine the marketing that Firaxis has released and the media build videos. Either that convinces you or it doesn't. Firaxis doesn't pay me to defend and convince others of the value of their product. In fact, I would prefer that people who slightly suspect they won't enjoy the game not buy it, because that means fewer disappointed players spreading negativity on the forums.
I think so. Civ6 seems to put some complexity back into the game. Local happiness is back. City planning is more complex thanks to districts and terrain requirements. Static social policies are gone. Governments are back and you can mix and match civics cards to create interesting sets of bonuses. And, you can change these bonuses periodically depending on what is happening in the game. Combat is a bit more interesting where you can combine certain units together. So I definitely think that there are some good things that should attract civ4 players.
I like this. But I wonder if we'll have city governors again. It killed me in Civ 5 to still have to manage production in my backwater cities.
In fact, I would prefer that people who slightly suspect they won't enjoy the game not buy it, because that means fewer disappointed players spreading negativity on the forums.
I find gaming forums tend to be bastions of negativity. Simply why can't people be happy:goodjob:

Gamers seems to forget that games are ment to be fun;)
I'm a veteran player all the way back to the beginning but I feel, as some do, that Civ IV was the best in the series. To be honest, I played the hell out of Civ V but really more for the achievements. The things I didn't like were the over-simplification (no more city happiness / health, no city-governor, removal of civics), the lack of modding capability (see how the GOTM is still a training game because assets can't be locked), and just a general dumbing down. In any case, I don't hate Civ V, I've just found better games like Eu4.
City Happiness is back, and Civics seem to be back, even having their own tree, and are more fleshed out than before. Not sure about the governor or modding capability, but the latter will likely be present in some way/shape/form

It also won't be missing many features like religion or espionage like 5 was (the only one I know of is the World Congress for finetuning purposes, which will return in an EP or DLC), and most the returning features are more fleshed out
All data revealed and "streamed" seem to point that Civ VI is more a sequel of Civ IV than it is of Civ V (I'm talking about design, gameplay and even composer).

One could even say that Civ VI is Civ IV's sequel with a touch of Civ V.

So if you liked Civ IV seams reasonable that you'll like VI.
Guys, the OP asked a damn question! stop going off topic. jesus.

civ 6 having government options(those cards) and civic tree. Those make me most excited. unstacked cities seem more gimmicky. But whatever. I'll buy it at some point.
Civilization IV is a very simple land grab game, hard work without beuty or fun. Basically a soulless game ment for fanatics.

Sure Civilization VI have similarites to Civilization IV it also have the very good stuff of Civilization V without the big negatives.
Civilization IV is a very simple land grab game, hard work without beuty or fun. Basically a soulless game ment for fanatics.
Surely you jest. I loved just keeping my Civ to a certain size and building the hell out of all the awesome wonders.
Civilization VI allow you to build empires of pretty much every size.

Now wonders are actually outside the city which will make them feel more alive as well having other effects upon the game which very nice.

Civilization VI have an improved version of Civilization V culture victory which is very nice. Pre Civilization V culture victory was horrible.
All data revealed and "streamed" seem to point that Civ VI is more a sequel of Civ IV than it is of Civ V (I'm talking about design, gameplay and even composer).

Some elements are similar, but Civ VI seems to be closer to V than it is to IV.
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