• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

seeking opinions: buy now or wait?

I bought it knowing it would need work because I wanted to be playing during the beginning of this iteration's life-cycle. I wanted to see the silly exploits (like the horse economy) and watch the game take shape as each patch and DLC is introduced. That's fun to me even though it means putting up with some bugs and balancing issues. On the other hand, if you don't have the patience for that maybe you should wait a while.
Wasn't a big fan of Civ V, really don't like 1 UPT, and thus was taking a wait and see approach on this. Districts sounds interesting, but overall in reading the feedback I'm glad I didn't buy on release and at the time have no plans to buy it in the near future. I gather that the main two reasons I disliked 1 UPT so much in V are still there and maybe worse... poor AI giving little feeling of danger, and tedium.

I'll probably pick it up at some point if its on sale and I'm bored, but part of me wants to hold out until the return of a real Civ game... VII ?.......

Please don't post here if you've purchased and want to tell me how I'm missing out and need to give it a chance, blah blah blah. I'm seeking like-minded individuals in my protest against this new Civ regime. End this 1 UPT experiment and return stacks to us.

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Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
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It's intertesting hearing comments like I have played it for 100 hrs and find it disappointing. There are some games where you might finish the whole game in around 50-60 hrs and never play again. With Civ games they are good value for money. I played 800 hrs of Civ V and already 160 for Civ VI and yes it isn't perfect and actually has many flaws at present BUT it is still fun and you know that it will continue to improve over the coming months and years. In five years people will be saying this is the best Civ game by a long mile. :) when everyone is trying out CivVII and complaining about the AI compared to CivVI.....recommendation..get it now!!
How can anyone answer that for you ?
Its got much more to do with your situation than with the game.

If you're a 40 year old making 40$ an hour in a developed country, you buy it right away regardless the chances you might not like it because 60$ doesnt matter to you and you liked the series before.
If you're a 16 year old slaving for 4$ a day in a developing country, you cant afford it.

Wherever you are in between is the primary factor in your decision.
I used to buy many games in the past as soon as they were released, primarily for their multi-player parts. Rarely would I consider the AI because I tended to believe AI is hard-code logic without variations, one could anticipate their next move. (In fact, the Random Personalities is a good implementation to remove expected trait). This observation of mine applies to virtually any game with a Single and Multi player components. And then, I seldom played the Single player sorties.

But as time goes by, my interest drops. Having said that, the great trend towards mobile platforms is also attributed to my unwillingness to buy new titles. As a result of that, I spend less on games, and my budget to buy games changed dramatically from several hundreds to just below hundred each year now. To me, CIV 6 costs me just less than a hundred dollars, and I consider paying for a computerized board game, Unless my expectations are wrongly set which I believe is not, I find my decision to buy it the day when it was released is nothing more than correct.

If you look back to the history of CIV 5, when it first came out, lots and lots of negative feedbacks which after so many years now, those feedbacks are proved to be unnecessary and some are even wrong. The people on the forum then speculated and whined about this and that. I still recall people complaining about the fog of war and the presentation of the map being too artistic! In retrospect, the fog of war represented by clouds is conceptually relevant to the idea of "God Simulation". These complaints just showed that they are childish and unable to adapt to changes, real changes.

The outfit of CIV 6 is another real changes, not to mention the core, otherwise, no existing fans will be interested in buying it. About the AI, no AI is perfect. As someone has pointed out before, unless a giant AI engine is deployed, otherwise, the AI won't satisfy the whole population of gamers. But doing so, the game will demand huge resources from the CPU and each turn may take long long time to hop from one to another. So I excuse that also. In CIV 6, the CPU gets as hot as it does in CIV 5, so I take it in, no complaints. All I concern about is the fun I can get out from it.

If one waits, it takes a long time to get something like BNW, but will you feel it's like 'End of the World' without an expansion like BNW? I don't and again I dont see the necessity to wait! I can find the joy in the game in its current state very well! Just exploring its very new features, and finding the different combinations and the RPG like elements in the game itself may take you more than a few months, in fact. At least, this happens to me. I have plenty of time when I am on leave and having a cup of good English Tea with Scottish Shortbread while playing the game in a Cafe is quality of life! Other times, I go flashing some custom ROMs to my old smartphone, or chatting with my friends on facebooks...enjoying life.

Why wait? Make good use of the time to get to know the new game playing style and enjoy the fun while the developers make new improvements. Play it casually takes just a few hours and your attitude affects your disappointing the game. Try to play it well is not easy at all. For example, move your first settler to other tiles at the beginning and the outcomes will be entirely different. In fact, the developers need our feedbacks too. So get it now and let us know what you like and what you don't like. The game is out, that's a fact and cannot be reversed anyway and more importantly, it is a good game, very good game in fact! And stop complaining, people complain things like a habit one of these days, get rid of this bad habit please and that is for your own good after all.
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Personally, I almost never buy a game preorder or just after launch. It's waiting for patching, Steam sales, and mods, in my book. But we have different tastes, different lives, etc. so that's not the right approach for everyone either.

I think what matters more than whether you actually buy it or not, is whatever you do just have fun and don't look back. Your biggest enemy is your own expectations.
In fact, playing against a human player is completely another story. Try that.
No challenge at all, dull AI , wars with no sense, leaders spamming.... wait , game is just bad at this state, firaxis should be more careful releasing a good product with such AI.... im disappointed
Wasn't a big fan of Civ V, really don't like 1 UPT, and thus was taking a wait and see approach on this. Districts sounds interesting, but overall in reading the feedback I'm glad I didn't buy on release and at the time have no plans to buy it in the near future. I gather that the main two reasons I disliked 1 UPT so much in V are still there and maybe worse... poor AI giving little feeling of danger, and tedium.

I'll probably pick it up at some point if its on sale and I'm bored, but part of me wants to hold out until the return of a real Civ game... VII ?.......

Please don't post here if you've purchased and want to tell me how I'm missing out and need to give it a chance, blah blah blah. I'm seeking like-minded individuals in my protest against this new Civ regime. End this 1 UPT experiment and return stacks to us.

Moderator Action: Do not troll other posters by purporting to tell them where, when or what they can post.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889

I find it strange that people come up here and tell the forum about your buying or not buying the game, it is entirely non-productive and really, no one cares about your decisions. There are supporters in the community and I trust the number is huge.

While the troll polluted the forum by spreading negative atmosphere, the so-called 'linked-minded'' motive is to cause damage to the fame of the product which should be condemned. If you do not like it, just keep it to yourself and save yourself from inflicting stain to your own character. What these protectors has done simply shows that their lack of depth and in-sight and the stained character of jealousy.

Excuse me for being rude, but I just want to say, I have bought the game also, and enjoyed it enormously. If you are jealous about this and can't help with your own attitude, I suggest the forum to execute appropriate actions against your troll.

Moderator Action: Please do not accuse another poster of trolling--that is also trolling under our rules. And please do not request or suggest moderator actions in the public thread. If you believe a post or a poster is a problem, please use the Report function and let us handle it.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
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Still wait until they release the finished version with engaging diplomacy and challenging AI combat (without having to give AI huge bonus).
While the troll polluted the forum by spreading negative atmosphere, the so-called 'linked-minded'' motive is to cause damage to the fame of the product which should be condemned. If you do not like it, just keep it to yourself and save yourself from inflicting stain to your own character. What these protectors has done simply shows that their lack of depth and in-sight and the stained character of jealousy.

Excuse me for being rude, but I just want to say, I have bought the game also, and enjoyed it enormously. If you are jealous about this and can't help with your own attitude, I suggest the forum to execute appropriate actions against your troll.

Polluted the forum by spreading negative atmosphere? Part of the point of a game forum is to discuss both the points you like AND dislike about a game. Unless this forum has entered a Brave New World era where "a gram is better than a damn," I'll express my dissatisfactions when I have them.

The point is not to "cause damage to the fame of the product" lol... I wouldn't be here if it was, I'm not a troll. I have 167 posts in 11 years on this board. You have 49 posts in two months? I'll let others do that math on that and try to figure out if there is a troll here who it may be...

Moderator Action: Do not respond to accusations of trolling with counter-accusations of trolling. That too is trolling.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889

The point was to express my displeasure with the current state of the franchise and get a gauge of how many others were in a similar boat. Ultimately the goal is to have some hope that the franchise may at some point be steered back towards Civ's roots. Right now the franchise is catering to the expectations of the hordes that latched on to Civ V through Steam. Civ 1->2->3->4 was a pretty natural progression, there was a good cohesiveness from one game to the next. Civ 5 took a pretty radical turn and Civ 6 has seemingly stayed on that path. I was open to the changes in 5 but after playing it found they just don't work well, and simply make Civilization less fun in my opinion. From all I've read, Civ 6 has not only not fixed those issues, but they have become worse.
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If you do get it, I recommend also using the AI+ mod (over in the Mod Components subforum). The AI actually becomes ok-ish with it (which it didn't with the fall patch).
Thanks for the replies, all. I've decided to hold off until Firaxis cleans up their mess. Much obliged for the feedback.
If you already thought the game was a mess, I'm confused as to why you even asked for an opinion? Surely the opinions of a few other people can't convince you that you thinking the game a mess is you being mistaken?

For what it's worth, I enjoy the game, but I don't tend to waltz through Deity-level AI games and win. A lot of people who do express frustration at the AI, others are waiting on mods (as CiV AI was improved with mods). It's like Torchlight all over again. I love Torchlight, but I can't play it now without mods. Does this mean the game is worth it for the mods, or should you hold off because mods shouldn't have to make a game worth buying. It's up to you.

That said, I played Torchlight and Torchlight 2 without mods fully before using mods, and the same went for Civilisation 5 and now 6. Each game on its own was worth the price of admission (though I only got CiV when G&K was released).
How can anyone answer that for you ?

By giving me as honest and thorough feedback as you can. If a bunch of people tell me what they like and don't like about the game or why they feel it's worth picking now or waiting I can make an informed decision about the game and whether or not I think it will be a worthwhile purchase.
I am in the similar situation and decided to wait. Why pollute my experience of civ6 with bugged incomplete version? Will get it when it becomes more complete. I am probably going to spend a lot of time on the game anyway, I will survive without the least worthwile initial fraction of that time.

Besides, I am really disappointed with Firaxis - while I can accept the way complex strategy games are released nowadays (release version is basically incomplete product to be expanded afterwards), in this case what is particularly bad is the incredible incompetence of Firaxis at caring about the main problems of the franchise, despite lessons of six years! with civ5 and beyond earth.
I can understand bugs after release, a lot of them. I can't understand how after six years of the entire community almost begging Firaxis for better artificial intelligence it seams they have learned absolutely nothing in this regard.

For a huge part of the loyal fanbase, AI was the main problem of civ5. Well surprise, not only the problem is bad as terrible as before (despite whole engine being changed lol), as a bonus we get ridiculous diplomacy.
I say wait. If you've gone this long without buying it, waiting any longer will be no big deal. Wait for patches to improve things.

I bought it at the start, and I have no regrets. I have over 100 hours in, and found it to be an entertaining game. But I'm currently playing another game, and I will come back to Civ6 when there are more changes.
I am in the similar situation and decided to wait. Why pollute my experience of civ6 with bugged incomplete version? Will get it when it becomes more complete. I am probably going to spend a lot of time on the game anyway, I will survive without the least worthwile initial fraction of that time.

Besides, I am really disappointed with Firaxis - while I can accept the way complex strategy games are released nowadays (release version is basically incomplete product to be expanded afterwards), in this case what is particularly bad is the incredible incompetence of Firaxis at caring about the main problems of the franchise, despite lessons of six years! with civ5 and beyond earth.
I can understand bugs after release, a lot of them. I can't understand how after six years of the entire community almost begging Firaxis for better artificial intelligence it seams they have learned absolutely nothing in this regard.

For a huge part of the loyal fanbase, AI was the main problem of civ5. Well surprise, not only the problem is bad as terrible as before (despite whole engine being changed lol), as a bonus we get ridiculous diplomacy.
I'm confused as to why you think the AI would be any better given the entire engine change (AI is learned behaviour; new engines and technological bases tend to work against that).

I'm also confused at your ability to take one issue with the game and use it to state that the game as a whole as representative of Firaxis' incompetence, despite the obvious fact that this game stands head and shoulders above CiV on release. This is not a high bar, no, but the fact is that they didn't repeat their older mistakes.
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