New civ : Australia

Agreed. I'm fine with the inclusion itself, though it's not a civ I'm that excited for, but how can they keep releasing these euro-centric civs when other cultures are so underrepresented. Should've waited with this one so we can have other, more unique civs sooner. Lame.
It's not just that is Eurocentric, its Anglocentric. They could have added a Spanish Colony for a change if they really wanted ANOTHER colonial nation, but NOPE, Australia is the 6th or 7th biggest market of the game so they gotta pander.
Also if they wanted a proper coastal city based nation in that area they could have gone for the Indonesians so it's even a waste of good abilities and assets.... just.... it just annoys me so much...

Edit: Also, I just noticed that, Scythia not withstanding, there is now as much European Colonial nations as there is Asian nations.... christ...
A more proper term than Eurocentric is probably Western Civilization which got its start in Europe and spread via colonialism which is why modern countries including the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand count. Europeans essentially replaced the native populations there. Other colonial areas in Asia, Africa, and Central/South America Europeans either integrated into the native population or never had much of a presence at all long-term. So yes, Australia is another Civ in the same genre of Eurocentric.
I feel like they intend to keep adding mechanics like that. Wouldn't be surprised if in some expansion a unit was added that could do it in some way. I like it, anyways. It's not a passive thing like it was in Civ4, but there's probably going to be a bunch of abilities out there in a while that can do it, allowing for culture wars.

They also steal a little bit of Japan's bonus for fighting on coastal tiles (although it's limited to just their UU)
Man, I hope they fix the AI to take more cities, since they get double production if they've liberated a city in the last 20 turns. Would love to get me some sweet liberation bonuses (and then just go back and capture the city that was just liberated for fun)
I am very surprised that Australia is launched so soon. Now we will no longer have the continental mass of Oceania empty on TSL maps.

With the inclusion of Australia, we can certainly wait for Canada, Mexico and Argentina soon.
Yes, all arguments against those are completely out the window now. Heck I'd say Canada and Mexico even had more cause for inclusion other than filling out the map
I am very surprised that Australia is launched so soon. Now we will no longer have the continental mass of Oceania empty on TSL maps.

With the inclusion of Australia, we can certainly wait for Canada, Mexico and Argentina soon.

I'm definitely not anti-modern nations, even if it does strike a bit as target market pandering, but I hope they get this phase out of the way with DLC packs and hand the reigns of the franchise over to someone other than Ed Beach. From my understanding, he is a freak about European history and its starting to reflect too strongly in the balance of Civs. If they replace him with a different director for expansions, I hope its someone dedicated to diversifying the options and not another guy from a privileged demographic pushing out the same stuff. The fact that Australia and Brazil come out before Persia, Inca, Maya, Mongolia, Khmer, Thai, Mali, Ethiopia, any number of other African civs, any number of native North American, just screams....whiteness. I expect more
can anyone sum up the UA and the Digger? And what tech gets the Outback Station?
I usually play world maps, so this is one of the better civ additions. Just need Canada and some more African/South American civs....
... having said that - the addition is pointless if the game continues to suck.
Between the water combat bonus and the district yields on high appeal tiles, it sort of reminds me of Japan and a little of Brazil. Remember, some districts increase the appeal of adjacent tiles.
Australia before Inca, Ottomans, Mayans, Persia, Mongols, or historically unique or relevant civs?
A more proper term than Eurocentric is probably Western Civilization which got its start in Europe and spread via colonialism which is why modern countries including the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand count. Europeans essentially replaced the native populations there. Other colonial areas in Asia, Africa, and Central/South America Europeans either integrated into the native population or never had much of a presence at all long-term. So yes, Australia is another Civ in the same genre of Eurocentric.

Then let's be real. There's Persia, Egypt, Arabia, the Ottomans, India, China, Japan, the Mongols, Aztec, Inca, Maya and then you're out of non-European/Western powerhouses in history (I might have forgotten one or two, but you get the point). Truth is that most truly dominant nations were European, simply because history has sped up all the time (after all, that's why the time in Civilization flows as it does) and because Europe has had a technological advantage ever since the renaissance.

I understand the demand for other nations, and I certainly don't intend to say that I don't want that, but truth is that if you'd rank civilizations on the power they had in the world, you'd probably have a more eurocentric/western lineup than you have right now.
can anyone sum up the UA and the Digger? And what tech gets the Outback Station?

UA: More yields from CH, TS, Campus, HS if on high appeal tiles.
Digger: More strength on coastal tiles, more strength outside of friendly territory.
Outback Station and Guilds, improved at Steam Power (and maybe one more but I didn't remember all I read from the tooltip in the first look video because I didn't bother pausing long enough for that).
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