Hulfgar's Modpacks - Industrial and Complete Edition

Update for the Complete Edition :

Main mod (version 15) with artfiles sub-mods as self-installer

MP Modpack with IGE

List of changes/corrections :

Correction in the Mining Script : resources found will be correctly added to the player's supply.

New skins from Snafusmith for the following units :
BRDM2 Armored Car (Armored Infantry) : Peru skin used for all south american civs, Iraq skin used for Assyria, Babylon and Carthage, Soviet skin used for Mongols and Huns
2S1Gvozdika Mobil Artillery (for Russia, Poland, Huns, Mongol, China, Assyrya, Babylon, Carthage, Persia and Ethiopia)
CAC Boormerang as WW2 Fighter for NZ, Polynesia
Hanriot HD1 WW1 fighter, used for the Aztecs
Halberstadt DII WW1 fighter, used for Austria

HMS Dreadnought (used as Dreadnought generic skin)
SMS Elster (Torpdoeboat) used for the Patrol Boat

155mm De Bange Cannon (used as Coastal Battery)
French 75mm Field Gun
French 320mm Railroad Artillery

US WW1 Tank
Iroquois WW1 Tank
German WW1 Tank
English WW1 Tank
Celt WW1 Tank

Oil requirement for the AA Gun removed
There is one thing I ran into playing, could you perhaps limit ammunition/cannon/etc factories? I tend to especially late game build everything out of ocd and to get the build lists "cleaner" so I end up accidentally using up my coal. Or perhaps somehow find a way to hide certain buildings from build lists? Or alternatively implement a way of selling/demolishing buildings.
Hello Rambo
you can sell any building that has a maintenance cost.
Eventually I could merge the ammunition and cannon factories into 1 building, I will think about that.
Oh ok guess Im just to used to not being able to do it or looked for it once but could not find a way to do it...

But anyway yeah in early eras you would have to separate the two kinds of factories but in later ones the differences in manufacturing are so minimal it does not really make sense.... or you could make the requirements for one almost nothing if the other already exists so that they effectively share resources.
from memory in the city view you click on the icon of building or a right click. It's something like that
Good afternoon Hulfgar, love the mod. I was looking at some past posts on what you wanted to add to the mod, and was wondering a couple things.
1) When making the mortarman unit, did you know of or would it be easier converting this unit from civ4?
2) Have you considered doing away with the machine gun entirely and adding just a huge defensive bonus to infantry once the tech is discovered? I'm just trying to wrap my head around the crossbowmen upgrade line, as I like the idea of the culverin/ swivel cannon being the gunpowder upgrade version of the light ranged unit, leading to the mortars, which are used for light indirect fire In the infantry today. I just wish I could find a swivel cannon unit graphic, just these floating around that might work. (
3) trenches, is it possible to use the road mechanic with a different graphic that might provide a defensive bonus without a maintenance( or low) cost? Might be a quick and dirty solution for it.
Hello Saturas,

not in a near future because I don't plan to buy Civ6 for now.
hi is this mode only for multiplayer- I play only single player- is there no way to use it?
by the way do you any mod which is smilier to this one
Hello Omiman,

this mod is first for single player you need the version packed as self-installer

some parts of the mod are available as standalone mini mod, you can find the list of the mods I've posted here, but if you mean a complete mod with units and features
, no I did nothing smaller than this one.
Loading Time :
I've managed to cut by 50% the loading time but it's still longer than usual (about 8 minutes on my PC)

To reduce loading time need:
in file VictoryProgress.lua replace (see function GetPreReqs):
if (v == techID) then
found = true;

if (v == techID) then
Hello Rambo,

no update planned so far, I'm not playing Civ at the moment and I'm out of ideas for the mod.
If a bug is reported I will work on it of course.


no you can't bomb tile improvements, there is no way that I know to do it in Civ5 and since none of the most skilled modders did it I doubt that it's possible in Civ5.
And should somebody find a way to target land improvements and make of mission of it the AI would not know how to use it :/
I tried to like it. I played it for a month. But as I played, I came to realize that the Civ6 world is lacking something, but I can't put my finger on it. I went back to play Civ 5 today (with the your Complete Edition of your mods), and it became comfortable the minute I started to play. Granted, the graphics in Civ6 are impressive. But after awhile, it becomes boring to see the same things over and over. And in what universe can machine gun sink a battleship? Hulfgar, I have been using your mods for, well I'm not sure when. All I know, is that I have upgraded my PC three times in order to take full advantage of your mods. anyway, that's all I wanted to say. Take care and you do very impressive work. Thanks for the time and energy you (and many others I'm sure) put into your mods. Take care. Cheers.
Hello Eurirusty,

thanks for those kind words.
It's nice to know that the time that we have invested into the mod was not lost.

I wish you a lot of fun with Civ :)
Hey Hulf, just curious, are you still plugging away at this at all? It's still my favorite mod and one of the key things that keeps me plugged into Civ 5 over 6. Noticed there are still some units that don't have diverse appearances though. Any plans to update them? If you're struggling for ideas, I'd love to help.
Hello Metallifan,

first please excuse me for the delay to this answer.

no I'm not modding anymore, not enough time left for this.

One of the reason some units do not have an ethnic diversity is that there was no ethnic skins available.
But I've not checked the download era since last year so it may have changed now.

I'm glad that somebody is still playing the mod and has fun with it.
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