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CCM2 Epic Mod

Hi Civinator.
Congratulations on your CCM2 release; sorry it took so long for me to notice.

I have a late Christmas present for you.
I’ve made an Activate/Deactivate CCM.bat that will do your folder swapping automatically.
You’ll have to rename your files “Art_CCM”, “Sounds_CCM” and “Text_CCM” in your download folder.
I’ve made a working example in this download to see if you like it.

You should be able to reduce it to just one .bat that renames itself but I can’t remember how at the minute. You can also make your own (toggle capable) logo for the .bat.

EDIT: In feature #4; you said “The Hyperlink-bug is eliminated”. Does that mean that the Antal patch prevents the crash caused by resources having too many links to units?
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Hi Civinator.
Congratulations on your CCM2 release; sorry it took so long for me to notice.

I have a late Christmas present for you.
I’ve made an Activate/Deactivate CCM.bat that will do your folder swapping automatically.
You’ll have to rename your files “Art_CCM”, “Sounds_CCM” and “Text_CCM” in your download folder.
I’ve made a working example in this download to see if you like it.

You should be able to reduce it to just one .bat that renames itself but I can’t remember how at the minute. You can also make your own (toggle capable) logo for the .bat.

EDIT: In feature #4; you said “The Hyperlink-bug is eliminated”. Does that mean that the Antal patch prevents the crash caused by resources having too many links to units?

Oni Ryuu, thank you very much for your kind words about CCM2. :)

I have downloaded your bat-file and will compare it with the bat-file, that the two CCM2 betatesters elephantium and Jersey Joe wrote for CCM2 some time ago. Thank you very much for your efforts. :) May be the CCM2 worldmap can need a bat-file for swapping through the ancient City Sprawl and the normal City Sprawl graphics in the future.

The elimination of the Hyperlink-bug has nothing to do with the Antal1987 4-patch. The knowledge how to solve that problem came, as it is the case with many great enlightenments, by an error. In his great mod Worldwide, Anthony Boscia forgot to use the first box for needed resources for one of his units. As a result the civilopedia did show that this unit doesn´t need any resources, so in reality it did need a resource.

If you leave the first box for a needed resource empty for units, buildings and worker jobs, the civilopedia cancels all automated links for resources in that project. I reduced all units in CCM2 for needing only two resources and most buildings for needing only one resource and always only tickled the needed resource boxes two and three for units and two for buildings. To inform the player about the needed resources I had to draw separate entries about the needed resources in the civilopedia text boxes of the units /buildings. As those manual links don´t add automatically the unit or the building to the needed resource, these manual information links in the textbox don´t generate the Hyperlink-bug any longer.

I was astonished, that the mod didn´t loose quality by reducing the perequisites for units to mostly only two resources. Additionally I now had the room to do about 32 unit and building entries that could need three resources for units and two resources for buildings without triggering the Hyperlink-bug, because the links are below the critical number. At present in CCM2 I only neded to use the full number of possible resources for the worker job 'build railroads' and the railyard building.
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Error text\Pedialcons.text:WON_SPLASH_BLDG_Factory

Haddu, thank you very much for reporting the missing entry in the pediaicons file. :)

Attached is a new zip-file of the pediaicons file fixing the missing entry. Please replace the current pediaicons file with the new file or add with a text editor to your pediaicons file the entry:

art\wonder splash\TempleMount.pcx



  • PediaIcons.zip
    70.8 KB · Views: 212
Thank you, and thank you Anthony Boscia. That’s one less thing to cause a crash.

I reluctantly started work on this nightmarish workaround.
Spoiler :
Sour crude oil (Refining). For early oil units
Sweet crude oil (Black Ops). For oil units after Naval Overhaul and Mechanised Warfare

Goethite Iron Ore (Iron). For early iron units
Hematite Iron Ore (Steel). For iron units between Steel and Black Ops.
Magnetite Iron Ore (Black Ops)

Potassium nitrate can be industrially manufactured for WW1. So it doesn’t need to be required when you reach Mass Production; making that the maximum regression point for a modern era civilisation.
The batch files in folder A are simpler and will automatically add whichever terrain you want but only once. I can’t get the reset program (Original Terrain.bat) to work properly. You’ll have to reset the folder names manually.

The batch files in folder B will do everything you want when I get them working but I can’t make much sense of it just now. There’s enough information in the B batch files for someone to get it working but if you need me to do it, I’ll have to come back to it when I’m more capable.

If someone can get the ‘Original Terrain.bat’ working before me, then the rest is just cut and paste.
Hi, awesome mod! I really like that mountains are impassable by most units before roads are applied.. I have a question about the terrain though, why can't I settle cities on desert or tundra? Can I change it somehow? cheers
Error Civilopedia - art\civilopedia\icons\units\SlavicSpear-SM.pcx
The batch files in folder A are simpler and will automatically add whichever terrain you want but only once. I can’t get the reset program (Original Terrain.bat) to work properly. You’ll have to reset the folder names manually.

The batch files in folder B will do everything you want when I get them working but I can’t make much sense of it just now. There’s enough information in the B batch files for someone to get it working but if you need me to do it, I’ll have to come back to it when I’m more capable.

If someone can get the ‘Original Terrain.bat’ working before me, then the rest is just cut and paste.

Oni Ryuu, thank you very much for your work. :)

Hi, awesome mod! I really like that mountains are impassable by most units before roads are applied.. I have a question about the terrain though, why can't I settle cities on desert or tundra? Can I change it somehow? cheers

Fubss, welcome at CFC :band:[party] and thank you very much for your kind words about CCM2. :)

In the non public betatest of CCM 2 the settling in desert and tundra terrain was allowed. The problem was, that the game with these settings loved to place civs to start in tundra terrain, especially the civ played by the human player. It was no accident, that in a succession game shown by some of the CCM2 betatesters, the players had to start in tundra terrain - but they were lucky because there were a lot of food resources around their starting locations. Many other human players were not so lucky. To start in tundra without any resources around is really no fun. That´s why I disabled starts in tundra and desert terrain again, as I have done it in CCM1, too.

You can enable the settling on such a terrain in the editor in the terrain settings, but you can be sure, that you will doome some civs, frequently your own civ, with bad or very bad starting locations.

Spoiler :


  • Tundra.jpg
    135.5 KB · Views: 1,424
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Error Civilopedia - art\civilopedia\icons\units\SlavicSpear-SM.pcx

Haddu, thank you very much for your report .:) CCM 2 contains some immobile early defender units for minor tribes to defend special city locations in the upcoming CCM 2 world map. You will find these units in the editor starting with the Varangian Spearman. There are also some units included for the upcoming CCM 2 'Age of Discovery' scenario (mainly native braves and flintmen). These units are set to be not needed in normal CCM2 games. I considered to enclose these units in the current CCM2 download to close gaps that resulted by switching the ruler entries from PRTO_entries (units) to GCON_entries (concepts).

But you are right, the pediaicons entry for that unit is wrong. It thas the same pediaicons entries as the Polish Spearman.
Roman Trireme
Movement - 1
Haddu thank you very much for reporting another error. :) When looking at your report, in the first moment I thought, that the Roman Trireme would drive in the reverse gear with -1 :D. Now the unit is fixed to 3MV.
Supply Shipment - AI Strategies: Explore or Flag Unit?
Supply Shipment - AI Strategies: Explore or Flag Unit?

Haddu, the supplyshipment should be a mobile unit and therefore it cannot have the 'flag unit' tactics. One of the perequisites of that tactics is, that the flag unit is an immobile unit. It seems the current settings in CCM2 are sufficent for allowing that unit to do its job without the additional flag unit tactics.
Another unit do not take Supply Shipment
In multiplayer.
Option "E(s)cort Convoy" - missing. The unit.
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Greetings, Civinator! Great work, thank You!
Played a bit for Britain and Israel. Very interesting, but I mentioned some major (personally for me) issues: you cannot choose number of turns and victory conditions... that's uncomfortabIe so I had to open CCM2.biq in editor and fix it. Plus on the big 250x250 map the civs are still very close to each other as if there's too much people in a small room :) I'd rather wait for improvements and play the good old favorite CCM1 for some time more. Anyway, your work is brilliant.
>>2. Smaller mapsizes now also provide a demanding gameplay, even on archipelango maps:
The range of aircraft and ships was adapted to fit even to the smaller maps.<<

THIS is good, i always liked playing on smaller maps, had to edit the previous version to shrink ranges
Greetings, Civinator! Great work, thank You!
Played a bit for Britain and Israel. Very interesting, but I mentioned some major (personally for me) issues: you cannot choose number of turns and victory conditions... that's uncomfortabIe so I had to open CCM2.biq in editor and fix it. Plus on the big 250x250 map the civs are still very close to each other as if there's too much people in a small room :) I'd rather wait for improvements and play the good old favorite CCM1 for some time more. Anyway, your work is brilliant.

Izengrimm, thank you very much for your kind words about CCM2. :)

The biggest map size in CCM2 is 250 x 250 (62.500 tiles).
The biggest map size in CCM1 is 260 x 240 (62.400 tiles).

The change in the map size was done to reduce tundra terrain, that is not settleable without the 'forest-trick'. So 'good old favorite CCM1' holds less tiles for settling than CCM2. :D

The victory conditions in CCM2 are the same as they are in CCM1. The diplomatic victory was disabled as in CCM the rulers in the menues are not named due to the mult-ruler concept in CCM and an election of a ruler without name and another ruler without name is not funny. May be you give your vote to your oppenent in that special situation, as you don´t know who is who.

500 turns (as it is in CCM1) were sufficient for victory in every succession game and all CCM2 test games I am aware of.
>>2. Smaller mapsizes now also provide a demanding gameplay, even on archipelango maps:
The range of aircraft and ships was adapted to fit even to the smaller maps.<<

THIS is good, i always liked playing on smaller maps, had to edit the previous version to shrink ranges

SteamCiv, thank you very much for your kind words about CCM2 here and at another place in these forums. :)

I had very interesting and demanding games with the CCM 2 in the smaller map sizes 160 x 160 and 180 x 180. I have not tried yet a complete game with the smallest map size 130 x 130.
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