COVID-19 virus thread (formerly Wuhan coronavirus)

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My wife hasn't cleaned a toilet since 2004 iirc.

Maybe perhaps but it's a "boy" job. Her words.

I always sit on private toilets.
Is a habit I got used to as little kid when I used the toilet for secretly reading books during late evening.
We had to sleep and keeping the lights on was forbidden. And my elder brother, in our shared bedroom, did not play along with violating that rule.

I mentioned the incredbly good job made by Taiwan.
there is an article that talks more about it.
It's a good reading to compare qhat our countries are (not) doing:

Here also an article showing how, according to that reporter, South Korea, Singapore, HongKong, Macau, Taiwan did a good job.
(South Korea having in my eyes really bad luck with that one superspreader in that religious sect causing an uncontrolled start of the spreading)

I miss in the real headlines the good news
starting with China !

As reported:
China had yesterday only 24 new cases.
half of those new cases diagnosed yesterday in China where coming from people that travelled into China !!!
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A few thousand? A few hundred thousand deaths would be a miracle.
See, that's the type of hyperbole that worries me. If it never hits that point the alarmists wind up with egg on their face while a dope like Pence looks like he managed something responsibly. The complaints about the hollowed out CDC look unwarranted and rightwing goobers will feel justified for trimming the fat. They'll likely look for other places to slash and burn.
I hate washing my hands all the time. I have eczema on my hands and washing them dries them out but worse it strips away all the lotions (some of them prescriptions) that I use so I have to reapply right after. Guess we'll have to do it though. I've been washing them after working out (usually I just wait and go shower later) and before eating which I didn't do all that often before.

Michigan announced their first two confirmed cases last night and declared a state of emergency right away. Both victims of the virus had traveled internationally. Still debating this trip to San Fran. My wife is leaning no, I'm leaning yes.
Non medical remedies (e.g. isolation, quarantine, travel limitations, etc.) will not stop the virus, it will slow it down.

The above is absolutely wrong. Those remedies are the only thing that will stop it. There are no "medical remedies".

The mindset of people has to change and avoid behaviours and actions that will increase the spread of virus.

And this is right and should have been done weeks ago all over the world. Now, because it has spread and because containment and eradication of the epidemic is not been done in sync, it will be absolutely necessary to tighten borders, restrict travel, and impose quarantines to all people coming from those countries that have not contained it it, in order for the first to go back to "near-normal".

Don't give me the "it can't be done". It can and this time it will, because it must. Borders won't be totally sealed, no one is calling for that, but traffic must be very much lowered and kept low until this is finished. Together with the ongoing caution in countries like Taiwan, it will allow for a return to "near-normal" soon enough. Daily life, production and trade will go back to normal, international tourism and travel will not anytime soon. What cannot be allowed is unrestricted border crossings, no quarantines and no care as was done in most countries before this showed up. It was inviting disaster, for a long time when this happened...
I'm a bit obsessed with hand washing, usually wash them at first opportunity after handshake or touching door handles, etc.
NM got its first three case today. Travelers returning from Egypt and NYC. Two are from a nearby county and one from Albuquerque. All likely went through the Albuquerque airport.
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The above is absolutely wrong. Those remedies are the only thing that will stop it. There are no "medical remedies".

While this is factually accurate it is also very likely to be temporary. Develop a vaccine, vaccinate the old people who are likely to be severely impacted by the virus, and it just runs its course and fades into history.

That is far and away not the best course, but it is the most likely course because neither the political system nor the economic system can bear up to the wiser courses of action that you described, unfortunately.
A nice site:
Here graphs on the Genomic epidemiology of Covid-19.
Schermopname (447).png

On the site you can nicely zoom in in the map and then track how it did spread
@Hrothbern Nice. Care to give us a summary of what it says? :)
So after thinking about this a lot, I finally understand why I'm not really worried about this virus. It's not because I don't think it's a threat, because it certainly is. It's more because I'm adopting a "whatever happens, happens and there's nothing I can really do to stop it" attitude. I mean, humanity has survived every major crisis it has faced and there's no reason to think we won't survive this as well. And even if we don't survive, well we won't have to worry about that because we'll all be dead.

It's certainly a threat, but not even on the borderlines of existential threat to humanity. Has it actually proven fatal to anyone who was not already past child bearing age yet? You can't eliminate a species by picking off the most elderly specimens.
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