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managing sprcialists


May 9, 2014
hey, anyone knows if it's possible to prioritize certain specialists types in cities, for example if I want only merchants for food, but city still makes priests and engineers first, even though I have turned on emphasize food?

edit: typo in title, I meant auto managing specialists

and another question, what does it mean "+1 to maximum number of trade routes"? I noticed that max is usually 20, I used traits: negotiator I and II which gave +1 and +2 max each, then I used aerial I which gave +1 max, for total of 24. However when I picked negotiator III which was supposed to give another +3 max trade routes, it is still 24, so that I am confused, how it works actually?
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hey, anyone knows if it's possible to prioritize certain specialists types in cities, for example if I want only merchants for food, but city still makes priests and engineers first, even though I have turned on emphasize food?

edit: typo in title, I meant auto managing specialists

and another question, what does it mean "+1 to maximum number of trade routes"? I noticed that max is usually 20, I used traits: negotiator I and II which gave +1 and +2 max each, then I used aerial I which gave +1 max, for total of 24. However when I picked negotiator III which was supposed to give another +3 max trade routes, it is still 24, so that I am confused, how it works actually?
Hopefully there isn't a bug in the maximum trade routes calculation. I'll have to look into that at some point.

There's SOME way to emphasize specialists I think but I'm not in touch with that part of the game enough at the moment to comment in full.
Hopefully there isn't a bug in the maximum trade routes calculation. I'll have to look into that at some point.

There's SOME way to emphasize specialists I think but I'm not in touch with that part of the game enough at the moment to comment in full.
Yeah, there is global, that says how much trade routes can any city have.

So it seems like 24 is current max.
Yeah, there is global, that says how much trade routes can any city have.

So it seems like 24 is current max.
The global should be establishing the normal maximum to be then modified by the max trade route tag... hmm. Sounds like we have a bug. The max trade routes tag isn't supposed to give additional actual trade routes themselves, just expand the limit on them. It's not uncommon to pair with an increase in actual trade routes as well but it's not supposed to add a trade route of its own.
thanks, I just tested it in game, on left panel there are visible 24 trade routes with negotiator I and II traits and it shows +1185 food from trade routes, however when manually summing all food from trade routes on calculator, result is 1053 (base commerce of first route is 58.15 and then there are added all bonuses from civics and traits for commerce, food and production)

then, after adding negotiator III trait, left panel still shows 24 routes and +1617 from trade routes, and when summing manually with calculator, result is 1315

1315/1053 ~ 1.25 which matches mathematically to above base commerces
1617/1185 ~ 1.36 which means that overall increase in food was 36% instead of 25% as would be expected from summing above, I think it seems that +3 max possible from trait is applied, but left panel only shows up to 24 routes

update: better way to check actual current max can be commerce advisor, before adding negotiator III there were 4047 routes with 150 cities which is average almost 27, after it increased to 4495 which is average almost 30, so I think it works as intended but city screen shows only 24:)
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update: better way to check actual current max can be commerce advisor, before adding negotiator III there were 4047 routes with 150 cities which is average almost 27, after it increased to 4495 which is average almost 30, so I think it works as intended but city screen shows only 24:)
Ah... this would mean the city screen display is flawed in that it's referring directly to the global rather than to the actual new calculated variable. Not sure if that's in python or code but an easier fix anyhow. Thanks for looking this deeply into it.
I play quite a lot during day and it's enjoyable fun, if I can help by testing something specific, I would gladly do so during games:)

maybe I continue here instead of making new topic - it is related to city management and automation aswell. what can be reason that automated production does not make certain buildings which sometimes have very good stats? I noticed it mostly related to these enabled by civics, many good civics buildings exist that need to be manually created, like shrine allowed by prophets, squatter camps allowed by vassal levies, district office reducing maintenance, bailiwick reducing crime and maintenance. Same situation is with buildings that have any maintenance costs, many good ones exist that must be built manually and it's easy to miss it especially if these are already built in capital (alt selection for all owned cities always shows buildings constructable in capital, I wish it was possible to make certain building in all cities that don't have it yet), examples below, city governor would not make these if I didn't check chain of all required buildings and update queue every turn. Also maybe it could be possible that attempting to build something not currently allowed, would make queue with all required building before it? below two examples of awesome buildings that auto city governor is not making for some reason:

I do think there's probably some serious flaws at the moment in the city manager AIs, and if I'm not mistaken, most of the city governors rely on that core, though it may yet be they have their own flaws. It's a deeper segment of programming than the team is looking at mostly at the moment but it's worthy of a reminder we have some work to do there still.
hey, nice thanks:) I was thinking about great wall graphics several days ago (it was not generating in mod like in base game), I have never used github before, but just created account and https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/pull/865/files there is Sources/CvCity.cpp, I should somehow paste it into my game folder? can't find Sources directory on my computer, and I have game bought from steam, if it matters

and one problem that I encountered in very late game (transcendent era), exceeding value of about 20 millions science, culture or gold, changes value to negative and then research bar says 1 turn but nothing is researched, at certain point commerce exceeds 60 millions (trade routes between huge cities) and it's impossible to keep all values below 20 millions, could be problem mainly on eons/eternity speeds

sometimes in galactic or cosmic era having many techs selected in research queue could lead to all techs from this queue being researched at once even though it would take dozens of turns to research it normally

also, you did great work with optimising game, several years ago it was very hard to play in industrial-modern era due to several minutes turn times, nowadays significant slowing down is happening not earlier than transcendent era for me

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hey, nice thanks:) I was thinking about great wall graphics several days ago (it was not generating in mod like in base game), I have never used github before, but just created account and https://github.com/caveman2cosmos/Caveman2Cosmos/pull/865/files there is Sources/CvCity.cpp, I should somehow paste it into my game folder? can't find Sources directory on my computer, and I have game bought from steam, if it matters
Mod cpp files are available on github only - they don't come with base or SVN mod.

Here are instructions if you want do something on github.
thanks for link:)
I started new game with script "C2C_perfect world" and it's good one, has all terrain types, grasslands near seas and deserts in middle of continents, I like it:) two issues that I encountered, maybe you know how to solve it?

1. I can't build criminals in capital (only other cities), even though I have required civics and buildings in capital (exile practises, thieve's hideout in prehistory era)
2. I made build list *standard for prehistory economy which has stone gatherer and stone tool workshop, but running this in city seems to have no effect, when I click shift+alt on queue it adds *build list name but does not build anything (shows 2 milliard turns to finish), after leaving city screen and entering again queue has two empty rows and "counting sticks" (last item from *standard build list) even if there are no rocks gatherers built, and after this city builds something else randomly, do you know fix for it?

1. I can't build criminals in capital (only other cities), even though I have required civics and buildings in capital (exile practises, thieve's hideout in prehistory era)
Could be the actual crime level in the capital isn't high enough? Not certain on that one.
2. I made build list
Unfortunately, the build list doesn't really work at the moment (or it never was completed?). There may be ways to get it somewhat functional, but I couldn't figure it out last I examined it.
Could be the actual crime level in the capital isn't high enough? Not certain on that one.
I can't think of a reason on this other than potentially some refactor bug - crime level isn't a prereq for the state sponsored units to be trained.
thanks, update for above: ambusher and rogue units can be trained normally in capital, same for all later, so it's only with exile and thief
At this point, I'll just be able to say 'noted' and thanks for pointing to a possible bug.
Just so you guys know, I experimented a bit and... when you build exile practices you "can" build an exile for a turn and then it disappears mid-building. So it's like something updates that makes them nonexistant unit to train turn after it's built.
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