April 2021 Update - Patch Notes Discussion

What is this timing push and how does it work?

Vietnam's timing push is built around their elephants. You beeline crossbow tech, grab a classical general, build some archers before you unlock the tech and then upgrade to elephants and murder your neighbor. The Voi Chien's ability to move after attacking combined with the great general movement bonus and Ba Trieu's insane movement and combat bonus on features makes them unkillable and far too strong for the era.
The thing is the bad reaction is a small subset of people on this forum which is itself a small subset of the players, overall reaction judging by Twitch / YT / Discords etc seems to be that the vast majority of people are overall quite happy with it as far as I can see.

I was specifically taking about bad reactions, not reactions is general. Most of peoples' negative reaction to the patch seems to be based around the idea that many of the civs would get "major" balance changes and the update video seemed to confirm that but Firaxis never said those were the biggest changes and that most everything else would be minor tweaks and changes.
I was specifically taking about bad reactions, not reactions is general. Most of peoples' negative reaction to the patch seems to be based around the idea that many of the civs would get "major" balance changes and the update video seemed to confirm that but Firaxis never said those were the biggest changes and that most everything else would be minor tweaks and changes.

I dunno. I kinda feel like if you didn't expect the distribution of change significance to fall on a bell curve, maybe it was more a problem with your expectations than with Firaxis.
Just finished my first game (deity Khmer culture) and I have to say, they are absolutely broken if they survive early game (easier to do when heroes mode is enabled).
Their faith generation is ridiculous now! A river holy site with 2 woods or 1 mountain is +3 faith and +3 food early on. The early game simply snowballs once the first holy site is down. +1 faith per citizen is double the theocratic legacy card AND it works with aqueducts rather than governors. Prasat is huge culture (and the extra relic slot is not missed at all).

It's always a tough call between reliquaries, work ethic, or feed the world. I tried work ethic and it worked great if you rush theology. Will try reliquaries next. (as always your main source of tourism is going to be Mt. St Michel + Basil and then national parks later on). Theatre squares are only optional IMO... when you generate 500 fpt or so it simply does not matter that you have no great works.

River goddess is a great pantheon (which is otherwise useless!) for this civ. Elsewise the adjacency pantheons should also work well depending on the spawn.

In short, they've gone from F tier to a solid B-A tier IMO. The only thing preventing them from being higher is the lack of early game defense and immediate bonuses before astrology.
I dunno. I kinda feel like if you didn't expect the distribution of change significance to fall on a bell curve, maybe it was more a problem with your expectations than with Firaxis.

Before the update video I wasn't actually expecting anything much, maybe some yield changes here and there, with the stuff Canada got being the upper end of the changes, not major reworks like Khmer, Mapuche and Spain. Personally, I'm more disappointed by the fact that things like the Mamluk upgrading into the Cuirassier being considered a "balance change" because it should have worked like that from the beginning of GS, not at the end of NFP. Firaxis did mention that units were getting reworked but not that those changes would count as part of a civs balance changes, which is poor communication.
The TSL huge earth map has locations for all civs and city-states (so you really need to make specific rosters to not have civs/CS spawning on top of each other).

It also includes the following natural wonders:
North America: Delicate Arch
South America: Galápagos Islands, Pantanal, Torres del Paine
Europe: Matterhorn
Africa: Sahara el Beyda, Eye of the Sahara, Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tsingy de Bemaraha
Asia: Mt. Everest, Ubsunur Hollow, Zhangye Danxia, Ha Long Bay
Oceania: Uluru, Great Barrier Reef

It also includes a greater variety of resources, with many luxuries being distributed across multiple continents now, probably to make it harder to gain monopolies for most luxuries. There are also major clusters of volcanoes on Kamchatka (4 volcanoes right next to each other), along the entire Andes mountains, and Mesoamerica. There are also many many reefs.
The text needs to be updated on that one too @Andrew Johnson [FXS] - still says Musketman.

Yes as well as their Chinese translation. Still says musketman in Chinese.

For some reason I only see Chinese translations in the diff file when searching for "LOC_BOOST_TRIGGER_REPLACEABLE_PARTS", which is weird. How about other languages? Are they just missing? Could be -- some texts are simply given as [COLOR_RED]TRANSLATION MISSING[ENDCOLOR].

+    <Replace Tag="LOC_BOOST_TRIGGER_REPLACEABLE_PARTS" Language="zh_Hans">
+      <Text>拥有3名火枪手。</Text>
+    </Replace>
There seems to be a new bug now, thankfully minor. When you get an alert for a governor promotion, after you make the promotion and return to the main screen, the alert is still there in the bottom right corner.

About AI not improving stuff, this only seemed to be a problem when monopolies mode was active, so it remains to be seen how they will react with/without this mode.
There seems to be a new bug now, thankfully minor. When you get an alert for a governor promotion, after you make the promotion and return to the main screen, the alert is still there in the bottom right corner.
Is this new? I'm not sure. I feel like I've seen this.
Meanwhile the Winged Hussar is an interesting case of positives and negatives. The research cost has jumped significantly (I think something like 6 civics, while it is hard to say the combat strength has raised enough in relation, especially with the added production and maintenance costs.
I think it is for the better considering before the patch once you reach the Industrial Era it would be outclassed by stronger units, but now it's on par with others.

Germany is a stealthy significant upgrade. While the rivers bias change should make a small positive difference, the U-boat change means they are going to be the only civ to realistically be able to pump out submarines rapidly, not needing to jump up the opposite side of the tree for oil like others. If naval games were impacted, this would be a massive boost. As is, it's good for humans on water maps for military, but you were already going to be amazing at that, so...
Not to mention now you can follow the river to the ocean where you can plop down a city to build those U-boats late game. :mischief:
It's not much, but it is a step in the right direction,
I think its a great change and the best change for a very long time. Its not about the size buit the quality. This was a snipe.
For Robert the Bruce, would it be too powerful to get +1 movement and +25% unit production whenever you join a friend or ally's ongoing war?
Nah, not really. I'd add some Bonuses for either Reconquerin or Liberating Cities because he was the true Braveheart, but I'd be content with this.
The TSL Mediterranean map includes the following natural wonders: Dead Sea, Pamukkale, Mt. Vesuvius, Matterhorn, Cliffs of Dover.
I have a weird problem. I've updated the game....I see some changes (both in the descriptions and in gae), like the Lavra works differently and peter gets 5 additional tiles rather than 8. But other changes are not there (in game or in descriptions) like the change to the Pairadiza or the changes to Kongo (mine still shows no +1 faith on relics/artifacts etc, and he still shows getting +50% great writer points)

Don't know what to think
They claimed that it would be 2/3rds of civs balanced which translates to 33 civs, but I'm only counting 27 in the patch notes. Am I somehow missing 6 civs somewhere, or?
According to my list only 10 of the 50 civs weren't altered at all:-

No specific changes to:
** Babylon
** Brazil
** Cree
** Egypt
** Gran Colombia
** Indonesia
** Phoenicia
** Portugal
** Scotland
** Sweden

It's a bit ugly but here's what I have for each civ - as expected it ranges from incredibly minor to major rework:-

Spoiler List of changes per Civ :

Civ    Changes
America    Rough Rider: Replaces the Cuirassier. Upgrades to Tank (was Modern Armor). Prerequisite tech is now Ballistics (was Rifling).
Arabia    Mamluk: Combat Strength increased to 50 (was 48). Upgrades to the Cuirassier (was Tank).
Australia:    - Stronger coastal start bias; Digger: Combat Strength increased to 78 (was 72).
Aztecs:    - culture from the Tlatchtli.
Byzantium    Tagma: Combat Strength increased to 50 (was 48).
Canada:    - Mines and Lumber Mills in Snow/Tundra now provide +2 Production rather than +1;  Camps and Farms in Snow/Tundra now provide +2 Food; Mounties receive an additional build charge for National Parks.
China:    Eureka and Inspiration when completing a World Wonder; UU cost reduced
Dutch    Radio Oranje: Domestic Trade Routes provide +2 Loyalty (was +1) per turn for the starting city. Trade Routes sent or receive from a foreign civilization grant +2 Culture (was +1) to the Netherlands.
England:    Redcoat: Combat Strength increased to 70 (was 65); Sea Dog: Ranged Combat Strength increased to 55 (was 50).
Ethiopia    Oromo Cavalry: Combat Strength increased to 48 (was 46).
France:    - The Garde Imperiale now replaces the Line Infantry.  Changes to UI
Gaul    UU upgrades into Man-at-arms
Georgia:    - Faith bonus from Protectorate Wars removed; Instead, combat victories now provide faith equal to 50% og the defeated unit's combat strength.; UU replaces man at arms and is stronger
Germany    U-Boat does not require oil; Tier 5 river start bias
Greece:    - Hoplite gains +3 combat strength; - (Gorgo) +1 combat strength for every military policy card in current government
Hungary    Black Army: Combat Strength increased to 49 (was 47).
Inca    Qhapaq Ñan (leader ability): Added +1 additional Production to Mountains when the game reaches the Industrial Era; [Gathering Storm] Inca Terrace Farm: Now gives +1 Housing (was +0.5); [Gathering Storm] Mountains (non-Tundra/Snow) are now a Tier 2 start bias.
India:    - Varu now upgrades into Cuirassier rather than Tank
Japan:    - The Samurai now replaces the Man-at-Arms and is available at Feudalism. Japan also now gets a Tier 3 start bias towards Coast.
Khmer:    Major changes
Kongo:    - No longer receives additional Great Writer points; - Relics, Sculptures and Artifacts now provide +1 faith.; UU upgrades into Man-at-arms and is stronger
Korea:    - Bonuses for mines/farms adjacent to Seowons now stack with each adjacent Seowon
Macedon    UU upgrades into Man-at-arms and is stronger
Mali    Mandekalu Cavalry: Combat Strength increased to 55 (was 49).
Maori    UU upgrades into Man-at-arms and is stronger
Mapuche:    Major changes
Maya:    - Farms get +1 production for each adjacent observatory;  Maya start bias adjusted to provide more hills; - Non-capital cities settled within 6 tiles of capital get free builder
Mongolia    Ordu: Now gives XP to Siege units; Keshig: Melee/Ranged Combat Strength increased to 35/45 (was 30/40). Costs 160 Production (was 180).
Norway:    - Berserker now replaces Man-at-Arms;  Combat Strength increased to 48 (was 40). -5 Combat Strength when defending penalty now only applies to melee attacks.
Nubia:    - Production bonus for ranged units reduced from +50% to +33%; - Nubian Pyramid now provides +2 food, +2 faith
Ottomans:    UU upgrades into Line Infranty; Grand Vizier: Added +1 Governor Title when Gunpowder Technology is unlocked.  [Gathering Storm] Niter is now a Tier 5 start bias.
Persia    UU upgrades into Man-at-arms and is stronger; reduction in Appeal bonus from UI
Poland:    - Jadwiga's abilities now function regardless of whether she has founded a religion; her cities just have to have majority religions; - Winged Hussar now replaces the Cuirassier, with stats adjusted to match
Rome    UU upgrades into Man-at-arms
Russia:    - Cities now receive 5 extra starting tiles rather than 8; - Bonus Great People points from Lavras now require religious buildings (Shrine for writer, Temple for Artist, Worship Building for Musician)
Scythia:    - Kurgan provides more gold, faith output increased by adjacent pastures and Stirrups, provides tourism with Flight;  Saka Horse Archer melee CS increased by 5
Spain:    Major changes
Sumeria:    - Gilgamesh now also provides +5 combat strength to allies when at war with a common foe, stacks with military alliances
Vietnam    Thành: No longer provides a Great General point.
Zulu:    - Buildings in the Ikanda now provide +2 Gold and +1 Science;  Impi now 45 CS
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