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Best Way To Defeat the Right?


Nov 16, 2003
Dunedin, New Zealand
Is to elect them?
Trump and BoJo got elected and not so good at the governing part.

Scomo in Aussie appears to be screwing up but very partisan media there.

Erdogan and Bolsonero no comment.

I've mentioned the general failure of the left espicially the woke left but it seems doing nothing and let the right defeat themselves might be the best strategy.

Who knew a political philosophy devoted to greed, selfishness and a lack of empathy would have trouble attracting ethical or effective candidates.​
Who knew a political philosophy devoted to greed, selfishness and a lack of empathy would have trouble attracting ethical or effective candidates.

You know I could say the same thing about the Left but that triggers people. So instead, I'll just admit that the Right is the greater of two evils, however the Left elects leaders who are disingenuous at best and never actually implement Leftist policies. In other words, here in the West there is no such thing as a lefty leader, just lefty people.
Sure, let's go with that.
Left? Right ? Who the hell gave You a compass ?!
One might try being positive about shared moral values rather than insulting people.
I saw a post on reddit (it largely focuses on former/recovering anti-SJW, though it has scant activity) that goes in more detail and more diplomatically. In paraphrase, the poster states that shaming and insulting people only makes them more defensive and more apt to dig their heels into the ground. Thus people aren’t swayed by fact as much as emotion. The most effective way the Redditor stated in engaging with an anti-SJW (and for this topic, the right) is to approach the with open curiosity and ask them questions about what’s underlying their beliefs and how they arrived at them, without being confrontational and/or argumentive. As the Redditor stated “you catch more flies with honey”.

Another post another Redditor posted stating more positive interactions with liberals/leftist helps dispelling the stereotype of the always offended terminally online keyboard warriors.
I saw a post on reddit (it largely focuses on former/recovering anti-SJW, though it has scant activity) that goes in more detail and more diplomatically. In paraphrase, the poster states that shaming and insulting people only makes them more defensive and more apt to dig their heels into the ground. Thus people aren’t swayed by fact as much as emotion. The most effective way the Redditor stated in engaging with an anti-SJW (and for this topic, the right) is to approach the with open curiosity and ask them questions about what’s underlying their beliefs and how they arrived at them, without being confrontational and/or argumentive. As the Redditor stated “you catch more flies with honey”.

Another post another Redditor posted stating more positive interactions with liberals/leftist helps dispelling the stereotype of the always offended terminally online keyboard warriors.

Yep it's about personal interactions.
The best way to win is to have actual coherent values rather than spending 90% of the time talking about how bad the other guy is.

Also maybe good candidates might be a good idea. Biden and Harris are embarrassing.

The right is like the a$$**** brother and the left is like the lil b**** brother who tries to make everyone like him and commiserate about what a jerk his bro is but when you give him a chance he doesn't really achieve much.

The left comes off as disingenuous, weak and not learning from history. Midterms in the US not looking good.
Anyway it doesn't really matter to the rich and powerful who rules. It's in their interests to pit dumb pundits against each other while they consolidate more and more power either way.
Anyway it doesn't really matter to the rich and powerful who rules. It's in their interests to pit dumb pundits against each other while they consolidate more and more power either way.

This is exactly what's going on. How this isn't obvious to anyone who pays any sort of attention mystifies me. The masses less so because the overwhelming majority of American voters are low information partisans.

The US electorate gave the Dems a unified government and they can't pass a voting rights bill even though the gerrymanders and voter suppression are an existential threat to them at the federal level. They are getting blocked by members of their own damn party. If it weren't Sinema and Manchin I've got to think there are at least 10-12 others who would be willing to jump on the grenade.

Edit - I'd also like to add that they are allowing the unelected Senate parliamentarian to gut their own bills even though they are under no obligation to do so.
Not by adopting the rights policies half-heartedly.
You might get in when your right-wing predecessor is particularly venal and incompetent but the right make more convincing selfish bleeps than the left and you've surrendered the argument to them.
I saw a post on reddit (it largely focuses on former/recovering anti-SJW, though it has scant activity) that goes in more detail and more diplomatically. In paraphrase, the poster states that shaming and insulting people only makes them more defensive and more apt to dig their heels into the ground. Thus people aren’t swayed by fact as much as emotion. The most effective way the Redditor stated in engaging with an anti-SJW (and for this topic, the right) is to approach the with open curiosity and ask them questions about what’s underlying their beliefs and how they arrived at them, without being confrontational and/or argumentive. As the Redditor stated “you catch more flies with honey”.

Another post another Redditor posted stating more positive interactions with liberals/leftist helps dispelling the stereotype of the always offended terminally online keyboard warriors.

No offense, but this is how small children pick which table they're going to sit at a lunch. There is no "recovering" """anti-SJW""" (read: socially maladapted individuals who shouldn't be trusted to operate heavy machinery or own firearms); just losers on the wrong side of history who want to be gracefully allowed to sit at the cool kids' table and will instantly double down on their own toxic beliefs the moment they're mildly inconvenienced.

The most effective way a person can engage with an """anti-SJW""" is easy: ignore and belittle them. They're losers. Who cares what they think? Like small children, an """recovering""" SJW needs to be properly disciplined. You do not discipline the child by simply giving him a sweet treat on days he doesn't use a slur.

This is exactly what's going on. How this isn't obvious to anyone who pays any sort of attention mystifies me. The masses less so because the overwhelming majority of American voters are low information partisans.

The US electorate gave the Dems a unified government and they can't pass a voting rights bill even though the gerrymanders and voter suppression are an existential threat to them at the federal level. They are getting blocked by members of their own damn party. If it weren't Sinema and Manchin I've got to think there are at least 10-12 others who would be willing to jump on the grenade.

Edit - I'd also like to add that they are allowing the unelected Senate parliamentarian to gut their own bills even though they are under no obligation to do so.

If the Democrats didn't have Sinema, Manchin, or the parliamentarian (a position nobody has ever heard of until this year), they would find another scapegoat. The Democratic Party is controlled opposition, pure and simple. It's a great gig because no doubt 2022 is going to be gangbusters for fundraising in inverse proportion to the number of seats they're going to lose.
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The most effective way a person can engage with an """anti-SJW""" is easy: ignore and belittle them. They're losers. Who cares what they think? Like small children, an """recovering""" SJW needs to be properly disciplined. You do not discipline the child by simply giving him a sweet treat on days he doesn't use a slur.
That's cute and perhaps a lil cathartic to say such things but these people were a factor in getting Trump elected, you could call Trump the ultimate anti-sjw.

You can't just ignore the deplorables because you think they're beneath you, just ask Hillary Clinton.
That's cute and perhaps a lil cathartic to say such things but these people were a factor in getting Trump elected, you could call Trump the ultimate anti-sjw.

You can't just ignore the deplorables because you think they're beneath you, just ask Hillary Clinton.

Trump wasn't elected because tens of millions of Americans are sensitive little children. They elected Trump because they disliked the way things were and Democrats fielded the most unlikeable human being on Earth: zero charisma and she was telling people actually, everything is fine. People get so hung up on culture wars nonsense and seem to fundamentally forget that, actually, the Obama administration sucked. And Clinton and almost everyone else in the field besides Sanders and Trumps were promising just to be Obama but slightly different.

It is, though, with typical American self-victimization that some of these people retroactively assign the culture war to their voting decision in the vain hope that their fellow, similarly disinterested countrymen don't look too deeply into the implicit and explicit economic promises the culture war nonsense was the superstructure of. It's basically a "be nice to us or the next day of the storm will be a day of the rope".
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