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[RD] LGBTQ news

You may or may not like JK Rowling, but she has had great courage to test the boundaries of this law (police confined today no action will be taken against her), and for that I commend her.
You may or may not like people who say racial slurs, but they have great courage to test the boundaries of the law, and for that I commend them.

Or something like that?
I shared this new law in the UK politics thread. Not a positive development in my opinion. Whatever side of the debate you are on, better to have the debate than to create an environment where certain views are silenced (explicitly or indirectly).

You may or may not like JK Rowling, but she has had great courage to test the boundaries of this law (police confined today no action will be taken against her), and for that I commend her.

As others have pointed out however, many won’t have the resources or legal backing that she has and will likely self censor in future, creating a narrower discourse. And narrow discourse leads to stagnation and lack of ideas. A sad fate for the country that led the enlightenment.

I've found that those that vociferously defend the rights of bigots to spout hate speech are, more often than not, bigots themselves.

Is there a particular reason why you think trans people don't deserve basic protections given to other characteristics?

Or am i supposed to continue this kayfabe of discourse and break my spine in an attempt to give you, yet again, the benefit of the doubt?
Billionaire reactionary has "great courage" to be terminally online? What a ridiculous thing to suggest.
It takes so much courage to hate trans people, with the backing of the british government, which i suppose tells us all we need to know about @Nick723 and their stance on trans people

It's almost as if he hates us! Moderator Action: Warned for trolling.
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I shared this new law in the UK politics thread. Not a positive development in my opinion. Whatever side of the debate you are on, better to have the debate than to create an environment where certain views are silenced (explicitly or indirectly).

You may or may not like JK Rowling, but she has had great courage to test the boundaries of this law (police confined today no action will be taken against her), and for that I commend her.

As others have pointed out however, many won’t have the resources or legal backing that she has and will likely self censor in future, creating a narrower discourse. And narrow discourse leads to stagnation and lack of ideas. A sad fate for the country that led the enlightenment.

For context, JK Rowling recently crossed the line into Holocaust denial.
Not that I don't believe it, but do you have a source for that?
I wouldn't say holocaust denial but she did try to downplay the fact that trans people were targetted vis a vis the nazis persecution of transsexuals and engaged in holocaust revisionism
More specifically,
The bravery I was referring to was due to the fact she could have easily ended up in prison, but chose to press on anyway. Privileged or not, few would choose to take that stand. This doesn’t mean I support her rhetoric on X in terms of the content.

For example, whilst I love Ally McCoist (lesser known internationally, but well known in the UK), he couldn’t bring himself to name the anti-catholic songs he no doubt will be singing for fear of reprisals. As such, we don’t know where the law stands in relation to these.
The bravery I was referring to was due to the fact she could have easily ended up in prison, but chose to press on anyway. Privileged or not, few would choose to take that stand.
Being the first guy at the wedding party to down a fifth of Henny and cannonball off the second floor balcony into the buffet is “brave” in some ways but most would call it “very stupid, and embarrassing”
This doesn’t mean I support her rhetoric on X in terms of the content.

For example, whilst I love Ally McCoist (lesser known internationally, but well known in the UK), he couldn’t bring himself to name the anti-catholic songs he no doubt will be singing for fear of reprisals. As such, we don’t know where the law stands in relation to these.
pivoting to attacking Catholics now, eh? Truly you are a whirling dervish
The issue obviously was not resolved on state inception or we wouldn’t have so many unanswered questions about what to do with Julian Assange, and busking painters would be allowed to draw SpongeBob on the back of a kid’s hand.
Always funny when Americans go on and on about unlimited free speech as if Chelsea Manning didn’t go to prison. As if Julian Assange wasn’t still in prison.
The bravery I was referring to was due to the fact she could have easily ended up in prison, but chose to press on anyway. Privileged or not, few would choose to take that stand. This doesn’t mean I support her rhetoric on X in terms of the content.
Nick. I would genuinely be amazed if Rowling sees even a day in prison for this. The laws are different for the obscenely rich. This is why Musk can publicly admit to smoking ketamine very loudly on twitter free from the fear of consequences.
Smokable ketamine. And they want us to think trans people are destroying society. Guys it’s the ketamine smokestacks. You’re doping the planet, brah.
I'm pretty sure Nick is British
I was not singling out any particular forum user, as I am sure that would be frowned upon by certain unmentionables. I was just pointing out a tendency.
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