

Thank you for the report.

"Kriegsmarine raids.
1 coastal sub sinks a British heavy cruiser
U Boats sink 2 British subs
1 Destroyer sinks a British aircraft carrier
1 Destroyer sinks a British destroyer
1 Light Cruiser sinks a British Light Cruiser AA C Class
Admiral Scheer bombs Liverpool no effect."

Good results from these raids.

"Week 42 1939

The campaign in Norway begins.
The Deutschland, the Admiral Hipper, and the Blucher, bombard Oslo.
The city has 2 infantry divisions.
We launch an amphibious assault on Oslo and take the city with 0 loses and garrison 2 infantry in the city.
We land 1 light division & 1 mot inf div south of Bergen.
We move the Blucher & Hipper move west of Bergen.
We attack a Norway coastal defense ship with a U boat we lose the sub we then attack it with a destroyer and sink it."

Guess it will take some time to occupy all the cities there.

Luftwaffe bombs London.
22 bombing runs lost 3 bombers to AAA none lost to fighters.
Marketplace destroyed
Library destroyed
Courthouse destroyed
2 population killed
[A waste of bombers]

However its always interesting to hear if strategic bombing pays off or not.

"Paris Falls!
We hit the city with 8 artillery barrages.
27 bombing runs we kill 2 population and destroy the barracks the city is still intact.
We take the city
We lost 2 Panzer3 1 panzer2 1 MOT INF DIV in the attack.
We garrison the city with 1 88 1 infantry 1 MOT INF DIV."

A fast campaign in France!

Thank you and welcome back.

Germany Emperor 2.4

Week 44 1939

I look around the world a sec and see that France has captured Tripoli and Japan has captured Guam.

The Campaign in France.
We destroy 2 infantry division,2 mot inf div,1 DCR, and 1 DLM . We lost 1 panzer 2 in the process .
We send out 3 army groups 1 to Brest, 1 to Bordeaux, and 1 to Lyon.
Re-base 9 bombers to Paris.

The Campaign in Norway.
The Army in Norway moves north.
We will send a transport to speed up this Campaign.

Britain lands 2 infantry divisions west of Lille.
Italy captures Corsica.

Week 45 1939

Brest falls.
We attack Brest with 2 artillery barrages.
We storm the city and take no losses.
We destroy 5 ships in Brest.

We sink 4 Heavy Cruisers off of Bergen 0 losses.
Stuka kills 1 fortress in France.

We Declare War on the Soviet Union!
We can not attack them at this time but we have strong defenses.
We hope for the Soviets to destroy themselves on our defenses.
We Re-base many bombers to the eastern front.

Soviet attack
The Soviet Navy destroys the Finland's coastal defense like it was nothing!
They take 0 losses!
The Soviet Fleet now roams the Baltic.
They bomb me and we shot down 5 Soviet bombers.
They charge with 1 tank unit and we destroy it.

Week 46 1939

The Norway Front
We take Trondheim 0 losses.

We bomb Soviet cities.
We do little to no damage to the Soviets and lose 3 bombers to fighters.
We will Re-base these bombers to France next week.

We have lost too many bombers we shift production to refresh our bomber pool with ju88s & ju87s.

France losing ground.
We bomb Lyon 9 times and take the city with no losses.
We take Bordeaux with 0 divisions lost and we catch several ships and a bomber in port.
[The army at Bordeaux is very weak right now.]

Soviet attack.
We shot down 2 bombers

Week 47 1939
We bomb the Soviet Union we shot down 3 fighters we take 0 losses.
We move 1 army group outside of Marseilles and 1 outside of Toulouse.
We move a small army group into the Soviet Union south of Liepaja
4 Infantry divisions
1 German Security division
1 Panzer 3 Division

U.S. Navy bombs French Coast.
Soviets bomb us we shoot down 8 bombers & fighters.
Soviets attack.
The Soviets take the marsh SE of Koningsburg and the hill SE of that.

Week 48 1939

Blitzkrieg in France.
We take Toulouse with 0 losses.
We take Strasbourg with 0 losses after a heavy air attack. [Stukas uber alles!]
We take Marseilles with the loss of 1 panzer 3 division and catch a French battleship in port.
We now have all of France under our control.
We will now focus on Russia.

The eastern front.
We kick the Soviets out of Germany.
We destroy 3 infantry 2 tanks.
We take Liepaja with 0 losses.
The Soviets have 10 Infantry divisions and 1 Cavalry outside of Iasi.

The German Army,Luftwaffe,and Kriegsmarine.

8 German Army HQ
57 German Infantry
7 German 88
3 Panzer 2
13 Panzer 3 E
3 Fortress
2 SS Infantry
3 Slovakia Infantry
11 German Security Division
37 Garrison
2 Light Division
32 Special Fortress
1 Hungary Infantry
1 Marine
1 Worker

9 Ju 88
24 ME 109 E
10 Heinkel 111
8 Ju 87
4 DO 17

1 Transport
10 1939 Destroyer
18 Coastal Sub
17 Germany 1939 Destroyer
17 U-boat Typ VII
4 Light Cruiser
4 Heavy Cruiser
6 U-boat Typ IX
40 Minefield
2 Gneisenau Class
2 Deutschland Class
2 S-boat Flotilla
2 German Predreadnought

Merry Christmas.
Peace on earth.
End all war.

"The Campaign in France.
We destroy 2 infantry division,2 mot inf div,1 DCR, and 1 DLM . We lost 1 panzer 2 in the process .
We send out 3 army groups 1 to Brest, 1 to Bordeaux, and 1 to Lyon.
Re-base 9 bombers to Paris"

It seems like the new production-rules introduced with
version 2.3 will have marginal impact on the early campaigns.

"We Declare War on the Soviet Union!
We can not attack them at this time but we have strong defenses.
We hope for the Soviets to destroy themselves on our defenses.
We Re-base many bombers to the eastern front."

An interesting strategy!

"Blitzkrieg in France.
We take Toulouse with 0 losses.
We take Strasbourg with 0 losses after a heavy air attack. [Stukas uber alles!]
We take Marseilles with the loss of 1 panzer 3 division and catch a French battleship in port.
We now have all of France under our control.
We will now focus on Russia."

Again: A very fast campaign.

"The eastern front.
We kick the Soviets out of Germany.
We destroy 3 infantry 2 tanks.
We take Liepaja with 0 losses.
The Soviets have 10 Infantry divisions and 1 Cavalry outside of Iasi."

A slow respons from Soviet it seems.

Comment on the current strenght of German forces:

Overall a balanced force.
More Panzer units seems to be a priority to choose.

Merry Christmas

Thank you and welcome back with more reports.

"It seems like the new production-rules introduced with
version 2.3 will have marginal impact on the early campaigns."

I am new to this forum what are "new production-rules"?
A way to stop the Royal Navy from charging the mines.
In my game the Royal Navy only Charges the mines after they bombard them and they have 1 HP.
Give the mines 10hp and the British will never charge the them.:D
"It seems like the new production-rules introduced with
version 2.3 will have marginal impact on the early campaigns."

I am new to this forum what are "new production-rules"?

"1. Mobilization removed.

2. Draft removed.

3. German Panzer will no longer upgrade.

4. Increased cost for Armour."

From the the list of changes for version 2.3.

1 and 4 made it harder to fast create large numbers of armoured units.

"A way to stop the Royal Navy from charging the mines.
In my game the Royal Navy only Charges the mines after they bombard them and they have 1 HP.
Give the mines 10hp and the British will never charge the them."

It sounds like a good idea.

Week 3 to Week 24 1941: The conquest of Manchuria and the Invasion of the Japanese Homeland and European Continent.

Week 3 '41 The British land 10 Units near Kagoshima. The Japanese counterattack damaging 4, destroying 4 British units. Week 4 USA Lands 8 units South of Kitakyushu (on the native "oil") to cover the assault. The British attack and successfully conquer Kagoshima but raze the city. Two Tanks and ANZAC Infantry survive though damaged. Week 5 USA with a successful bombardment from the old BB TF attacks and takes Nagasaki with 8 additional Marines directly assaulting from Transports. The Japanese do not counterattack either USA landing forces and on the following week I take Kitakyushu using the naval bombardment to demolish the units and then attack using Marines or the most powerful undamaged units to take the city.
No counterattacks?! This will be the procedure for the rest of the Japanese homeland. I will continue to ferry units from China to Japan, Bombard the city until all units have just "1" for strenth and then attack and conquer. The British next try to invade Toyko without success. The last Manchurian city is conquered week 9. thus ends the Japanese "Empire."

Week 11 the Afgans declare war upon the USSR? Who can figure? The Brits, however, have started to move some of their forces in China West! I hope they do not attack the USSR because the Manchurian cities are still held very lightly (2 to 4 land Units and still under rebellion) and any determined assault by the USSR now will probably result in the USA loss of at least 6 cities. They are conquered Week 21.

In Europe: Week 12 and Week 13 The British and French successfully invade the Continent and take Antwerp, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Rimini and Venice(British) and Marseilles (French). Rome is razed week 17. Naples, Taranto and Budapest(by British across USSR?) are razed week 18 and 19. Week 20 Iasi is captured and Bucharest is razed.

Week 24 1941: The last remnants of the Imperial Japanese Army meet their ancestors as the British finish the conquest of Sapporo and Koshiro and then the British declare war on the USSR!

The AI seems to want to win by Domination. I hope my reinforced Asian position can handle the 100s of Soviet Tanks, over 1000 Inf, etc. The British Military is probably the strongest and the USSR 2nd (though on land I believe they are 1st) The USA is a distant 3rd since I never built a large army! Though I was going to end this playtest with the conquest of Japan, my curiosity has won; I will see this to the conclusion simply to see whether the British can ultimately conquer the world with USA financial support. Will the Nazis attempt to regain the offensive after Italy falls? Will they join an alliance with USSR? Since we are probably near the max unit amount, it will be interesting to see with the impending carnage if some other minors will get the itch. Technologically speaking the British are ahead of me by 2 or 3 "discoveries." The French, Swedish, Argentinian, Brazilian, Belgium, Chinese and Netherlands are a tick or two behind me. The USSR and Germany bring up the rear of the pack which will include all of the remaining Nations. I have based these estimates on the observation of units in the field. I have tried to finish tech in 6 turns but I was probably closer to 7 to maintain my Lend-Lease to Britian, France, USSR (when at war with the Axis,) Sweden and Brazil and all other minors at war with the Nazis or USSR (when not at war with the Axis.)

To be continued........................

Thank you for the report.

"Week 3 '41 The British land 10 Units near Kagoshima. The Japanese counterattack damaging 4, destroying 4 British units. Week 4 USA Lands 8 units South of Kitakyushu (on the native "oil") to cover the assault. The British attack and successfully conquer Kagoshima but raze the city. Two Tanks and ANZAC Infantry survive though damaged. Week 5 USA with a successful bombardment from the old BB TF attacks and takes Nagasaki with 8 additional Marines directly assaulting from Transports. The Japanese do not counterattack either USA landing forces and on the following week I take Kitakyushu using the naval bombardment to demolish the units and then attack using Marines or the most powerful undamaged units to take the city.
No counterattacks?! This will be the procedure for the rest of the Japanese homeland. I will continue to ferry units from China to Japan, Bombard the city until all units have just "1" for strenth and then attack and conquer. The British next try to invade Toyko without success. The last Manchurian city is conquered week 9. thus ends the Japanese "Empire."

I am still very surprised by the active play from Britain-AI in
this playtest.
For Japan-AI I think it will be close to impossible to make an effective
counterstrike versus your forces in the Japanese homeland.

"Week 11 the Afgans declare war upon the USSR? Who can figure? The Brits, however, have started to move some of their forces in China West! I hope they do not attack the USSR because the Manchurian cities are still held very lightly (2 to 4 land Units and still under rebellion) and any determined assault by the USSR now will probably result in the USA loss of at least 6 cities. They are conquered Week 21."

No logic at all in this type of declarations of war.

"In Europe: Week 12 and Week 13 The British and French successfully invade the Continent and take Antwerp, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Rimini and Venice(British) and Marseilles (French). Rome is razed week 17. Naples, Taranto and Budapest(by British across USSR?) are razed week 18 and 19. Week 20 Iasi is captured and Bucharest is razed."

Again: Britain-AI is a surprise here!

"Week 24 1941: The last remnants of the Imperial Japanese Army meet their ancestors as the British finish the conquest of Sapporo and Koshiro and then the British declare war on the USSR!"

That was not a good move though!

"The AI seems to want to win by Domination. I hope my reinforced Asian position can handle the 100s of Soviet Tanks, over 1000 Inf, etc. The British Military is probably the strongest and the USSR 2nd (though on land I believe they are 1st) The USA is a distant 3rd since I never built a large army! Though I was going to end this playtest with the conquest of Japan, my curiosity has won; I will see this to the conclusion simply to see whether the British can ultimately conquer the world with USA financial support. Will the Nazis attempt to regain the offensive after Italy falls? Will they join an alliance with USSR? Since we are probably near the max unit amount, it will be interesting to see with the impending carnage if some other minors will get the itch."

I agree. This is a very interesting strategic situation, seldom
reported earlier.

"Technologically speaking the British are ahead of me by 2 or 3 "discoveries." The French, Swedish, Argentinian, Brazilian, Belgium, Chinese and Netherlands are a tick or two behind me. The USSR and Germany bring up the rear of the pack which will include all of the remaining Nations. I have based these estimates on the observation of units in the field."

I am looking forward to hear how this turns out!

Thank you and welcome back with more reports.

Please make Finland's coastal defense stronger.
As I said in my play test the Soviets punched through them in 1 turn with 0 losses.
Give Finland mines.
One more thing please get rid of pollution. In my play test as Germany it is getting a little annoying.

PS Save the The Kyoto Protocol.
merry post christmas.

Allright I will playtest as France...That seems like it will be a challenging expirence. I will get back to you with report as to what happened...hopefully the AI doesn't have my tactic of kicking everyone off of europe and then facing russia.

Week 36, 1939
At this point in time I am fortifying all of France for the invasion of Germany that is imemenent. At this point I am bombing Germany's railroads to slow their advance and hopefully cripple them from attacking me frontally.

Though as I look into Africa at my towns that I own. I can't expand them past 1 citizen (in the desert region), a little infuriating but I think this is to simulate low population in Africa since there was little if no real production coming from this area, just support for military.

I have found that cavalry were of no use to me so I disbanded them to convert the shields into something more useful than a person riding a horse in an era of guns and bombs. It can be best described as suicide IMO.

I don't like how the French didn't have a variety of troops to pull from unlike the Germans did or the Americans or British. Is this how it was in real life? I guess it is seeing how they were defeated in WWII.

I have to stop here because I just had my wisdom teeth pulled about 9 hours ago, which was a barrel of fun.
I am very sorry but I accidentally overwrote the save file for my play test.
It was creepy playing as the nazis.
I will start a new play test as the United States.

1.Finland needs better coastal defenses.
2.Give mines more HP.
3.The Belgium garrisons on the French-Belgium border block the French from sending troops into the Low Countries.
4. The Norway-Denmark coastal defense ships are too strong, replace with Light Coastal Flotillas.
5. Cut off the tip of Denmark of the Swedes do not block the way to Norway.[They just put a destroyer there and do not move it.]
6.Give the Dutch better defenses.

7.New house rules.
Germany cant invade Low Countries until week 1 1940.
Germany cant declare war on the soviet union until week 20 1940.
Russia may not invade Poland.

This will help to simulate "the phony war".

So here is the last report in Germany 2.4 Emperor
half way through week 50 1939.

Week 49 1939

We will not waste time to destroy the maginot line forts our bomber are needed on the eastern front.

Narvik falls.
We bombard Narvik with the Scharnhorst, the Gneisenau, the Blucher, and the Admiral Hipper.
We take Narvik with 0 losses.[The Navy is key in this campaign.] Our Transport reaches Narvik we load 1 Light division 1 MOT INF DIV 1 Infantry division 1 panzer 2 division.The transport will reach Hammerfest next week.After we take Hammerfest we hope to move on Murmansk with our Arctic Army.1 Norway Infantry roams around Trondheim & Narvik.

The eastern front.
We Re-base all of our bombers to this front.
Our infantry advance and destroy 3 Soviet Infantry & 3 Soviet Garrisons.

Soviet attack.
Soviets almost re-take Liepaja we lost 1 inf div 1 German security div.

Week 50 1939
At this time we to make more infantry to garrison Soviet cities we find it very easy to take them but harder to hold them.

Arctic Army advances.
We take Hammerfest with 0 losses.
Norway surrenders.

The eastern front.

We take Brest-Litovsk with 0 losses we catch we destroy a fighter & capture a worker.

Knowledge is power so we plant a spy in the Soviet Union.
We investigate Vilnius
The city has 4 Soviet Infantry 1 Soviet garrison 1 artillery 4 fighters.
We bomb the city and destroy the 4 Soviet fighters on the ground 1 in the air and 1 Soviet Infantry.
We attack the city with 0 losses and destroy all but 1 unit the city will fall next week.

We bomb Riga and destroy 2 fighters and 2 bombers.
We attack Riga and lose 1 infantry.
I turned off the auto save LOL.:lol:
WWII-Global, Emperor difficulty, Soviet Union.
House rules: I use ground artillery only against Fortress units, as otherwise it is an overwhelming advantage to me.

Week 4, 1940:

Stalingrad has completely industrialized and is now producing heavy artillery in anticipation of knocking down Turkish fortifications. The Soviet Union will need access to the Mediterranean.

General modernization, industrialization, and foreign trade improvements made during the next two months.

Week 13, 1940:

The Japanese have razed Yenan. After much debate, we have decided to lend our support to our Communist brothers by securing their cities in the name of international peace. Chairman Mao may not appreciate this, but it is certain that our socialist brothers who labor under his rule will. We send our mobile units to Ulan Bator in order to prepare for a crossing of the Soviet/Chinese border near Lanchow. Estimated arrival: 6 weeks. We hope only that Lanchow can hold against the Imperial Japanese forces.

Week 17, 1940:

The Japanese capture Ansi. It is imperative that we secure the Communist Chinese cities as soon as possible in order to prevent more suffering. It occurs to us that if we had intervened earlier, great suffering could have been avoided and the great city of Yenan would still stand. No more will Soviet Russia stand idle when intervention could alter the fate of a people, especially a socialist people.

Week 18. We cross the new Soviet/Japanese border near Ansi on our way to Lanchow. The Japanese contact us and protest, and we reluctantly offer a Right of Passage agreement. Hirohito greedily accepts.

Week 19, 1940:

Excellent news from our tank research program. Two new tanks have passed trials and are ready for production. They are the T-34 tank and the KV-1. We have high hopes for their performance on the battlefield. All Soviet Tank Division production has been switched to the T-34s, and all Motor Rifle Division production is switched to the KV-1. We will use the heavy KV-1s to defend our cities, and the T-34s will become the fist of the Red Army.

Our motorized divisions enter the hills to the northwest of Lanchow with the intent to secure it before the Imperial Japanese can. The Communist Chinese military responds with a declaration of war. Soon they will see the wisdom of cooperating with Soviet Russia.

Week 20, 1940:

Our bombers hammer Lanchow, with sub-optimal results: only some of the garrison damaged, very few civilians killed. Our army, however, takes Lanchow without a single loss. Undamaged units move to the hills north of Sian in order to take it next week.

Week 21, 1940:

Our bombers move to Lanchow. There isn't enough time to wait for them to refuel for a bombing run over Sian, because three Imperial Japanese Type 97 tank divisions are moving westward past Lanchow toward Su-Chou. We must take Sian and beat the Japanese to Su-Chou. We asault Sian and take it, with the loss of a single Soviet Tank Division. There is now only one undamaged Soviet Tank Division. Unless our new T-34s arrive at the front sooner than expected, we may learn how Communist Chinese infantry fares against our Motor Rifle and Cavalry divisions.

We send some Motor Rifle divisions to clog the road between Lanchow and Ansi so that the Japanese tank divisions will be slowed down. The Japanese will soon learn that a Right of Passage Agreement can be a mixed blessing.

Week 22, 1940:

Our clogging of Japanese roads around Ansi seems to have worked. Our motorized forces close to within striking distance of Su-Chou, including five veteran Soviet Tank Divisions fresh from the factories of Moscow, Stalingrad, and Tankograd (Chelyabinsk). One of the new Soviet Tank Divisions destroys the radar installation serving Su-Chou. Furthermore, some new T-34 divisions have begun to cross the waste north of Su-Chou in an attempt to rendezvous with the army once Su-Chou has been taken.

Week 23, 1940:

We have taken Su-Chou with the loss of a single Soviet Tank Division. We have also connected Ulan Bator to Lanchow via road, which gives our new Chinese territory the benefits of our luxuries and industrial resources, as well as providing a convenient reinforcement route. However, the Japanese seem to have learned how to foul roads with their troops, as our reinforcement route is currently blocked by a Japanese Infantry division. Japanese control of Ansi is already a source of grief for the virtuous Soviet people.

Our forces move toward Urumtsi, but will not be able to strike next week, with the exception of a T-34 division and a Motor Rifle division.

Week 24, 1940:

Our Motor Rifle division and T-34 division next to Urumtsi each destroy two Communist Infantry divisions defending the city. The rest of our mobile assault force advances toward Urumtsi, which will almost certainly fall next week.

Week 25, 1940:

We take Urumtsi with no losses and move into position to take Tian Shou. Our homeland engineering corps have mostly completed the industrialization of Russia west of the Urals and have turned to building a rail network. There is currently a short trunk connecting Moscow, Tula and Voronezh, with a branch going from Moscow to Smolensk.

Week 26, 1940:

We take Tian Shou at the cost of one Soviet Tank Division. Our mobile forces enter the mountains north of Kashgar. Soon we will have secured the Chinese Communists from further violence at the hands of the Imperial Japanese forces.

Week 27, 1940:

Our mechanized troops advance closer to Kashgar. KV-1 tanks have started arriving at border cities, starting with the borders with Germany and Japan, where we have borders close to foreign cities.

Week 28, 1940:

Our military has developed new aircraft: the faster, stronger Yakovlev-1 fighters, and the modern Petlyakov-2 bomber, which should perform much better than our old DB-3 and SB-2 bombers.

We have taken Kashgar, and with this act Mao Zedong's futile and disruptive resistance to Communist Unity has ended. The Communist Chinese are happy to be Soviets, but they lament that their brethren in the rest of China have been denied the glories of a proletarian revolution by the greedy, self-serving bourgeois. We will be watchful for opportunities to remedy this problem.

We begin to move the Red Army toward Damascus. The Turks declared war on the Greeks a month ago, and it falls to Soviet Russia, as the only peaceful European power, to maintain peace in the region. Surveillance flights indicate that the formidable Turkish defenses are weak along their southern border, so perhaps a northward assault can crush Turkish resistance in one short month.

Week 33, 1940:

Our motorized forces are in place near Damascus. We declare war on Turkey, and our army rolls across Turkey's southern border, stopping outside the gates of Adana. 17 T-34 divisions, 6 Cavalry divisions, and one Motor Rifle division are at Adana, with another 9 T-34 divisions, 14 Soviet Tank Divisions, and 9 Motor Rifle divisions on the road behind them.

Interestingly, the British are moving 42 British India Infantry divisions west through the mountains near Kandahar, no doubt in order to assault Italian Ethiopia.

The Allies declare war on the Spanish.

Nicosia's borders expand, cutting off my reinforcement route from Damascus to Adana.

Week 34, 1940:

We direct the Damascus engineering corps to begin building a road around Nicosia's borders.

Our assault on Turkey begins with no air support. Our old SB-2 and DB-3 bombers are being dismantled for parts and scrap, and our new Pe-2 bombers are still en route to the Middle East.

We taka Adana with no losses. Our mobile forces then roll northward to take the heavily fortified city of Ankara, where we lose 3 T-34 divisions and 2 Soviet Tank divisions. Once Ankara falls, the unstoppable Soviet tide moves northward to take Samsun, at the loss of 2 T-34 divisions. A cavalry division scouts Istanbul, where we see an elite Fortress in place, no doubt the result of Turkey's war with Greece. We begin moving our eight Heavy Artillery divisions south from Kharkov. Istanbul will not be an easy mark. We move our remaining undamaged divisions into the mountains between Erzurum and Trabzon.

Week 35, 1940:

Five Pe-2 wings arrive in Ankara.

We take Erzurum, losing one T-34 division in the process. We take Trabzon at the cost of a single Soviet Tank Division.

The Turkish reputation for strong fortifications is well-deserved. If not for our superior mobile doctrine, we would have lost many more divisions. Istanbul may prove to be another matter entirely.

We stop our 8 Heavy Artillery divisions in the Caucasus - rather than run our artillery all the way around the Turkish fortifications, we will blow a hole in the Caucasian defenses and take our artillery through that hole, saving perhaps two weeks of marching time. We mercilessly pound the Turks, who no longer receive reinforcement and resupply from Erzurum and Trabzon. Miraculously, we manage to punch a hole in the battered Turkish line at the cost of only one T-34 division. Our artillery will be at the walls of Istanbul in a week.

We also complete the new Damascus-Adana road, reestablishing our reinforcement route into Southern Turkey. It's not strictly necessary, but unlike our new Caucasian route, the southern road is not subject to harrassment fire from the Turkish strongholds.

Istanbul receives infantry reinforcements from its Greek expeditionary forces. Two Turkish Infantry divisions attack our Cavalry divisions near Istanbul. They lose one Infantry division, and we lose one Cavalry division.

The British India Infantry divisions near Kandahar seem to have been given new orders, and begin marching back east to India.

Week 36, 1940:

We prepare for our assault on Istanbul. A sixth wing of Pe-2 bombers arrives in Ankara. Our troops arrive at Istanbul: Eight Heavy Artillery divisions, 16 T-34 divisions, 7 Soviet Tank Divisions, 10 Motor Rifle divisions, and 5 Cavalry divisions.

The Turks move 5 Infantry divisions toward Ankara from Istanbul.

Week 37, 1940:

Our Heavy Artillery damages the main fortress in Istanbul, but there is still at least one other. Our Pe-2 wings destroyed the Turkish battlecruiser in Istanbul harbor with no losses, but did not damage any of the fortresses. Our generals advise us to wait until next week to begin the assault, when it is likely that our air support can do some good against the Turk fortresses.

We butcher the 5 invading Turk Infantry divisions with no losses.

Our railroad network connects Vitebsk to Moscow to Kharkov to Stalingrad. We have two railroad crews working: one will continue east from Stalingrad, building a "Trans-Siberian Railroad." However, it will stay to the south of the great forests, taking advantage of the sub-Siberian plains for faster construction. The planned route will connect Stalingrad, Astrachan, Aralsk, Semipalatinsk, Kondo, Ulan Bator and Bulgan. Where it will go from Bulgan is currently an open question. The second railroad crew will keep working west from Vitebsk to the German border at Vilnius, and then will move southward connecting the cities along the border.

A third railroad crew is forming at Teheran with the intent to connect it to Aralsk via Mashhad.

Week 38, 1940:

Our artillery and bombers pound Istanbul mercilessly. The Turk's fortresses are badly damaged (1 hp apiece), and their troops scattered and disoriented (1-2 hp each). We launch our assault, starting with our elite T-34 divisions. We lose three elite T-34 divisions to the fortresses, but we take Istanbul and Turkey surrenders. Now we have access to the Mediterranean, and the Black Sea makes a mighty harbor for our warships. The Marat, the Krazny Kavkaz, the Chervona Ukraina, and the Krim steam to the Mediterranean in order to let the world know that Soviet Russia has arrived in warm waters.

The British India Infantry divisions have reversed direction yet again. They are cluttering the road to Kandahar and are preventing the engineering corps from establishing mines in the area near Kandahar. We will ask the British to remove their troops.

Week 39, 1940:

We contact the British, and they remove their troops from our territory. We shall see how long this compliance lasts. In the meantime, Persian engineering corps that have finished developing Baghdad and Damascus are sent to Soviet Turkey to develop the rich land there.

Note: At this point, I think that there is really not much that can defeat me.

The Allies don't present much threat: Germany has eliminated European France, and the resource-starved Free French in Africa can produce only infantry and cavalry. Britain is essentially paralyzed: their shipping from the British Isles is subject to German harrassment, their Mediterranean operations are hampered by the weak but not insignificant Italian naval operations, and their African territories are severed from their Indian land. Their rich Indian territories are productive, but they are sending all their units west to battle Italy's Ethiopian defenders. When the Japanese finish off China, British India will be in grave trouble - the single most damaging thing I could do to Britain aside from declaring war would be to allow their 42 Indian Infantry to pass through my land, because it would mean that they'd be caught flat-footed when Japan breaks through China and Southeast Asia. The U.S. has been a non-presence, no doubt engaged in Pacific struggles with Japan.

The Axis is a greater threat, but not much. Germany is powerful, but they don't yet have the more powerful tanks. At this point I could wipe them out of Europe in 20-26 turns. Japan has largely ignored the Pacific in favor of subduing the Chinese (which I consider to be a remarkably good strategy for the AI. The Pacific Islands are useful and strategically important, but the AI rarely uses them effectively. Right now Japan has taken all but four major Chinese cities: Chengdu, Chungking, Kunming and Nanning), but their units simply can't contend with T-34s. Italy, Finland, and the minor axis powers aren't worth mentioning; their units are totally inferior to T-34s, and Soviet Russia's industrial capacity dwarfs theirs.

In the worst case scenario, Germany would wait until it had researched an 8-hp armor unit, and then declare war on me. Germany and Japan would both ignore their other adversaries to attack Soviet Russia without mercy. This would be a challenge, but I think Russia's raw industrial might could prevail - in that case I would fight a delaying action against Germany with my 30 western T-34 divisions while I sent every other available unit to the east to smash Manchukuo, Korea, and Japanese China. The second worst case scenario would be a sustained, all-out attack from the U.S. and Britain. Since Britain has nearly no Pacific presence, and since Japan is a very effective naval screen in the Pacific, the Allied attacks would have to be via the Arctic Sea or the Mediterranean. In both cases they would be subject to German and Italian naval harrassment.

Some observations: Russia starts rather strong, considering that it's not at war with any major powers. The Soviet Tank Divisions it starts with are more than powerful enough to conquer Poland, Persia and Communist China (which I could and should have taken earlier). By the time Barbarossa rolls around, Russia should be very industrialized and have a very powerful military, which I'm not sure is historically accurate. On the other hand, I don't know a good way to keep such a massive civ from becoming very powerful in Civ. More cities = more power.

The T-34s cost only 180 shields. Is that different from 2.3? I had thought that armor costs were going to increase, but 180 shields still seems very cheap. I can easily afford to treat my T-34 divisions as disposable units and still outnumber my enemies (this is not unrealistic, but it's very powerful). I could also very successfully produce only T-34s and sweep across Europe, Asia and Africa. Then again, the Russian infantry is quite weak, so they wouldn't have the same options as the Allies or Japan/Germany to create a vast infantry army.

I plan to continue without any more wars of conquest, although if anybody declares war I'll pursue it hard. If no war breaks out with the Axis by week 30 of 1941, then I'll declare war on Finland to simulate Barbarossa. By then Germany should have some good armor units.
lol I played France for about 3 turns. Gave up and moved back to testing Germany lol because France is boring and I can't see how I could fight Germany and Italy, and then of all countries Russia (looking into the future).

Week 44, 1939 - Germany
Gold Per-turn: +19
Gold In Hand: 922
Time Left On Tech: Land/Air 1940 (32 Turns)

As Germany my main goal is to beable to pump out units like there was no tomorrow because coincidentally it would infact happen if I don't. Currently I have 6 Cities producing Panzar IIIe and I am working on upgrading the German army by adding a Bismarck C class and producing Heavy Cruisers and U-Boat Type IX and taking out British ships that keep bombarding the coast just outside of Bremen.

In the previous turns I had rolled up Polland in two turns and too Copenhagen in the first turn. Since then I have been moving troops to the Western Front against France and bombarding them with planes and artillery. I had just take Strasbourg
in the previous turn. I pounded the town into a pulp, with only an Aqueduct, the Strasbourg wonder, and pulverized the cities population to a measily 1. Currently the town is building a Factory and I am working on getting the town up to speed and very quickly.

I have just finished setting up deals with all my allies by asking for Passage Rights and giving them resources in return for money. Romania just signed on with me for Iron, Coal, Rubber, and Aluminum for 170 gold. Small price but I can't declare war on them and take the Oil. So why not fortify them for the onslaught of the future Russia.

Russia so far has not shown me any signs of agression, I have been giving about 100 - 200 gold offerings every now and then to keep them happy so I don't have a 2 front war which is hard enough to maintain against an overseas empire and France.

France wanting Strausbourg[/i] back has sent a stack of infantry, artillery, and punney tanks to attempt to take back what was theirs. Nothing my artillery can't handle.

Some Unit Counts:
Panzer IIIe: 3
Panzer II: 2
German Motorized Infantry: 3
German Infantry: 46
German Army HQ: 8
German 88: 7

U-Boat Type VII: 12
U-Boat Type IX: 8

Ju-88: 6
Ju-87B: 8
Me-109: 25
Heinkel-111: 15
Do-17: 8

My army is by no means big, but I use it efficiently ;) . Remember this is only Week 44, 1939, and Germany is just begining to take off industrially. My plan is to have Bremen make Flak units because Herman Goering needs more anti-air to kill every plane that is bombing that town, mercelessly.

You should probably turn it on because it is a very handy tool, specially if your like me and are careless about how you save.
For faster game play for me I turn off all animations because it allows for more turns and overall more fun. I mean a cavalry unit beats a Panzer IIIe is very infuriating to watch the attack take place and then find out that you wasted like 10 min watching all battles and movements take place.

How many of you do this too?
I think I will start a new play test as Germany.
Last time I think I cheated a little by reloading a few times.
NO reloading this time.
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