Attitude Icons

holy crap, i can't believe i actually got this to work again.

maybe i'm not such a techno-idiot.... NOT.
Yes I am. I put the lines into the file. I wasn't sure if I should have put spaces after the previous line.

Also, he says to decompress the file into the folder or something? What does that even mean?

You thought you didn't know computers....
I suck at computers. But I managed to figure it out.

I think its pretty simple if you follow these steps:

1) Open up your SEARCH function and find the file
2) A bunch will end up popping up -- choose the one in the BTS subfolder
3) Open it up with Notepad
4) Find the lines with "search" function within Notepad
5) Cut and past those lines (don't use any spaces)
6) Open up the zipped file and put it in your Custom Games folder (it mentions the particular folder at the beginning of this thread)

Then you should be good to go
I've tried to use it with BtS too, but doesn't working up to now (also tried way of agoodfella)

however, the font-files were updated with BtS, so you need to update these two files from the archives too (or ask me, I've already done, but cannot test them atm)

in my tests I've no interface in game (also no screens for F#-keys), so I've commented out line by line from bottom to top and after disabling the line "att = unichr(ord(unichr(CyGame().getSymbolID(FontSymbols.POWER_CHAR)+4))+iAtt)" by this way, my interface was back again... any ideas where's the problem?
My guess is if you lose the interface, your python is not written correctly. You should always use tab and not the spacebar, everything pretty much has to be perfect, and indented perfectly in order to work.

My first try, I lost the interface, then re-made it exactly as the OP stated, and it'll work... Now with BtS, should use turlute's method. Just copy and paste, make sure not to copy extra spaces and you should be fine.
thx, a few minutes after my post I've found the wrong space ;) ... but it still wasn't working, so I've downloaded MainScreenMod (by NeverMind), but same result... he told be about the other existing tga-file in which I saw the new position of the icons... I've modified both tga-files from BtS myself for such mods and now it's working fine

if somebody need the new tga-files, here they are: Download
First post :)

I've made it work with my BtS 3.02 and i'd like to make my file available to everyone that has problems.

Just place it on: Documents > My Games > Beyond the Sword > CustomAssets > python > screens

File here
Here is a fix for BtS

In after the lines:
											szTempBuffer = u"%d: %s" %(gc.getGame().getPlayerScore(ePlayer), gc.getPlayer(ePlayer).getName())
										szBuffer = szBuffer + szTempBuffer

Add this:
#attitude icons - start

										if not gc.getPlayer(ePlayer).isHuman():
											iAtt = gc.getPlayer(ePlayer).AI_getAttitude(gc.getGame().getActivePlayer())
											szTempBuffer = u"%c" %(CyGame().getSymbolID(FontSymbols.POWER_CHAR) + 4 + iAtt)
											szBuffer = szBuffer + szTempBuffer
#attitude icons - end

And decompress the attached file into CustomAssets/res/fonts/

I simply can't make it work :confused: i did everything you listed, but when i play the game and meet new civilizations, all i see are 2 neutral faces, no name and stuff :confused: any idea why? maybe i need the GameFont file? i only put the GameFont_75 one in fonts folder...
I'm looking for a way to have Python point to a gamefont file exclusively to grab those attitude icons, and nothing else. I'm using the Gods of Old mod fused together with Next War mod, and the GoO gamefont file contains the icons for the seven religions.

I don't know how to open these files and copy the smilies into them (something about managing the alpha channel of the graphic file...). So instead of the game looking to gamefonts, I would like to specify a file like "attitudeGameFonts.tga" as the file that holds the smilies - and have the game continue looking to GameFonts.tga for all other icon needs.

More specifically, I would like to write:

CyGame().getSymbolID(AttitudeFontSymbols.POWER_CHAR) + 4 + iAtt)
instead of:
CyGame().getSymbolID(FontSymbols.POWER_CHAR) + 4 + iAtt)

How can I specify that the smilies are in a different tga file?

Thanks all!
I've posted my copy of GameFont_75.tga - it is the Gods of Old file which of course includes both the GoO religion icons and the corporation icons.

Could someone who is familiar with the attitude icons paste those into this tga file? I cannot figure out how to work with the so-called alpha channel and it seems the system MUST point to this file to grab all icons (meaning I can't have a second font file from which I grab only the smilies for attitudes).

I will appreciate your doing me this quick favor - thank you in advance!


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I've posted my copy of GameFont_75.tga - it is the Gods of Old file which of course includes both the GoO religion icons and the corporation icons.

Could someone who is familiar with the attitude icons paste those into this tga file? I cannot figure out how to work with the so-called alpha channel and it seems the system MUST point to this file to grab all icons (meaning I can't have a second font file from which I grab only the smilies for attitudes).

I will appreciate your doing me this quick favor - thank you in advance!

Got it. For those of you watching along at home, here's a link to a post that was the first clue in figuring out how to do this:

Good luck!
I upgraded to Windows Vista, installed Civ 4 and BTS and now the Attitude Icons appear as random numbers.

Can anyone help?

does the attitude icon for this replace the open trade route icon?

if so anyone know how to have both
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