Solver's Unofficial BtS Patch

Still, the saves won't be backwards compatible. You can load a 3.02 save with 3.13, but not vice versa.
okie dokie, as long as i can load the old saves after i'm patched it's all good :) thanks!
Does anybody know what the date/time stamp should be after the 3.13 patch has been applied, to verify?

Mine now says 9/21/2007 4:55 PM in
C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Assets
Are you gonna do a 3.13 Solver's Patch?

people have already noticed a couple of bugs

- Graphical Glitch where Culture isn't shown for buildings in the building menu
- Strange AI Resource trading where the AI will demand many of your own resources for 1 of their happy/health resources for example.
Seconded :mischief: *

*while it's called "mischief" I use the smiley as Bambi-eyes on this occasion.
That's interesting, can someone else confirm these problems? I wonder if it's a case of botched installs or not.
So you didn't install it yourself yet? Tsk, tsk, tsk... ;)

Anyway, I can confirm the culture display bug. For the other one I haven't played enough yet but the 3.13 thread has a couple of screens from different people.

(Oh, and I did a completely clean install (on a new system), it definitely isn't "botched")
seems to be quite a few people mentioning this around the forums. gonna install tonight and take a look myself :)
Hmm. I'll see later if I can reproduce those bugs myself, though I'm not quite in the mood today :)
Are you gonna do a 3.13 Solver's Patch?

people have already noticed a couple of bugs

- Strange AI Resource trading where the AI will demand many of your own resources for 1 of their happy/health resources for example.

i saw that trading behavior in 3.02 with solver's patch, so it's not entirely new. in 3.02, it happens only when my empire is bigger than theirs, and only for happy/health resources. i just figured it was the AI being clever, realizing i need their supply more than they need mine. they'll ask for a ton of stuff if i let them name a price, but then when i proposed a reasonable deal they'd usually take it.

the one 3.13 example i've seen on the forum so far (here), he didn't say whether his empire is bigger but he had three times as many resources as the AI did in the screenshot, so it probably is. maybe that helps you reproduce it when/if you are in the mood ;).
In my game I am way behind Hannibal who is the tech/score leader and he is trying to extort from me.
Wang Kon is way ahead in tech but very slightly behind in score and he is trying to extort from me.
The only reasonable deal happens if I offer a luxury for a luxury. All other reasonable deals are refused and the counter offers from the AI are the 5 for 1 variety. Including such absurdities as wanting my only iron as one of the five resources when I asked Wang Kon what he wanted for his fish.
A couple of turns later he offered me fish for just wheat!
Solver, it appears the 'patch' has reintroduced the dormant camping AI stacks which I found your patch had pretty much fixed. Can you fix it again? Napoleon has been doing it chronically in my new game. It's freakin terrible.
That shouldn't be the case. 3.13 has the same AI code that Blake also provided for this patch.

Thank you for looking into it, Solver. Bhruic posted an SDK fix to the culture/espionage points issue in the bug forum, just FYI.
Solver said:
Still, the saves won't be backwards compatible. You can load a 3.02 save with 3.13, but not vice versa.

A quick heads up to anyone in the middle of a game - despite what was said in earlier threads, 3.02 and 3.03 saves are not compatible with 3.13. The game crashes to the desktop if you attempt to load them.

I'll join those hoping for another unofficial patch Solver. While the culture display bug is only cosmetic, there are definite issues with AI resource trading that need an urgent fix. There's also the confirmed bug where spies are kicked out of enemy territory when war is declared, and there are a lot of reports of CTDs from the main menu. I don't know if the multiplayer reports are due to the usual mod problems that show up at patch time, but it looks like there might be an issue there as well.

Solver said:
That shouldn't be the case. 3.13 has the same AI code that Blake also provided for this patch.


I'm still in my first post patch game, and I've just watches an enemy stack sit next to one of my cities for about 25 turns. I think they were waiting for reinforcements, as they did at last move when a second stack showed up, but it wasn't necessary given the minimal defence in the city.
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