Holy Impossible !


Nov 28, 2005
Torquay, England
I have had my first Quest, for the Holy Mountain, and built the necessary temples etc. "Look at the Holy Mountain" showed me a peak on a tile entirely surrounded by black, located off my north-west coast. So I built a Galleon, loaded a Settler and a Missionary, and went exploring. Now look at the screenshot and tell me how I can complete the Quest as there is nowhere to found a city which can ever include my mountain within its borders, let alone be beside the mountain. Rotten stinking trick, I reckon.
And yes, that is indeed the Holy Mountain. I proved it in WB, adding an adjacent tundra tile and a city.


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Ive had it worse, a patch of land on the north blocked by tundra ice with no way in.
:lol: oh you can just put a city on one of the ice patches 1S and either 3E or 3W of the mountain and ones it has its 2nd border pop you win the quest - not that the city has any value after that ;)
Doesn't work: tried it. Borders won't reach more than two tiles out to sea.
Do you get Great Artists in the scenario (i haven't played it)? You could culture pop it, or if need be open the world editor and place a few GAs in the city. :D
Nice position for the mountain.
Well that is one way to guarantee the mountain remains Holy and not defiled by becoming a tourist trap or damaged by pollution generating factories ;).
This topic is awesome :lol:

I agree, try settling a nearby island and then culture bombing it.
Doesn't work: tried it. Borders won't reach more than two tiles out to sea.

Even if you build two or even three cities (sw, se, ne of the mountain) and culture bomb them? I'd expect the culture gap over the mountain to close then.

Of course, the reward for the quest definitely isn't worth spending so many resources on it, but I think it might actually be *possible* o fulfill the quest. Might tbe interesting to check, if you can stomach loading that save again. ;)
This quest sucks anyway.
I usually fail in the late classical era because the damn mountain is on another continent and another civ settles there.
I wouldn't have bothered with the quest (rather a puny reward for success) were it not that building religious buildings suited my plans. And no, I definitely will not bother to try the "surround" idea even in WB; dash it all, three settlers and at least one Great Artist ? Yerrch.
What gravels me most is that it was the first quest I'd ever had. If I ever get another, will it fizzle out in like manner ?
culture doesn't go more than 2 tiles over sea. I've had legendary culture cities with nought but the FC, on a oner-island
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