Ideologies that just annoy you.


Sep 15, 2005
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Everybody has at least on ideology that bugs the hell out of them. Here, you can rant about them. However I have a couple rules for this thread:
1. You cannot post about any paticular person on this forum.
2. You cannot argue with anybody. This is a place to come together and rant, not debate.

Anyway, the ideology that bugs me is feminism. I know, I know, they used to be very important and helped shape modern society. But nowadays whenever I hear about them they seem to follow three simple rules:
1. Men are disrespectful, evil, and dusgusting. They must be oppressed.
2. Any resource that offers advice about fashion, dating, or sex is evil and disrespectful towards women.
3. If a woman is a stripper or a porn actress, she is not there by choice, a man forced her to be there!

The thing that bugs me the most about feminists is the fact that they complain that men don't respect any woman they find attractive and think they're all sex objects, when in fact we do respect them! And they never explain where they got this idea, they just expect to be blindly believed!
The thing that bugs me about feminism is that every douchebag has their own stupid strawman definition of feminism.
It's based on 3000 year old science but its supporters think that old science is more reliable than modern
And any religious intolerant fanaticism
The ideology that people are there to serve the economy and not vice-versa.
Truthers - absolute morons.

There's something wrong with people that want to tear their country apart in its hour of greatest need rather than uniting and working together.

If you seriously distrust your government that much, stop complaining, pack your bags and move your ass to another country.
Fanatic islamism (literally and ironically pacifism) is an ideology. I hope he means that and not just Islam
Religion, Not Ideology
Is religion, or "religiousness" an ideology? If so then it's my pick!

If not then I go for creationism, this one really piss the sht out of me.
Also, their beliefs are mostly just a mixture of the admirable and the silly, but in my experience libertarians generally have a rather offputting attitude.
Any extreme ideology that don't accept anything from other ideologies.
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