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Bombing Missions

BTW that was on C3C 1.22. Communism is an oft looked over govt just because it comes so late in the game. It's a shame. You can still keep up with the science output (least I could) if you want....up till the mid Modern Age. Demos and Reps will be getting 4 turn tech while Commie govts are stuck at 6-7 turn techs (unless you're deficit spending). Plus you get the bonus of no longer being limited to your core production wise. Although being a bit slower in tech pace shouldn't hurt that bad. You're military is going to generally be bigger and you can go to war indefinately. If they are building the space-ship, just detroy it...MUAHAHAHAHA :)

I just switched to commie to see how it works. Also because im in the final stage of the game and I will be in war for the rest of the time.
My economy did get a hit. But when the "new" cities (I took them from the arabs) are getting productive, the Polic HQ will reduce their corruption, so in the long run Commie could be better. Not now though.
The thing I don't like it the 'wip citicen'. I'd rather pay my citicens.
The whip citizen does suck if you have to use it on your own cities.....but if you're a player who keeps AI cities (as I sometimes do) it's a way to get foreign pop down quickly and have less to worry about culture flips. IIRC pop is one of the main factors when the city flips to the opposing civ, less pop=less flip. If pop doesn't effect it though.....well......you got those improvements built pretty quickly now didn't ya?
Also, @ Theov, it's going to depend alot on your size. If you've got 20-30 cities you won't see much gain. More cites and and you will start to see a bigger difference. Besides it all comes down to this. Would you rather have 8 cities making a Tank in 2 turns. Or would you like to have 30 cities making a tank in 4-6 turns.....also getting the SPHQ up will help alot. If you would could you post a save after you have the SPHQ built. I'd like to do a bit of research.....and I don't have any game right now that's past the Middle Ages :(
This thread explains bombardment probabilities, although the chances of hitting unit vs. improvement vs. population have changed in C3C. Land bombardment will destroy walls in towns (or do buggy stuff if the walls come from Great Wall), then units, then population or improvements. Sea bombardment will destroy coastal fortress, ships, air units, land units, then population or improvements. Air bombardment will destroy units (air units, then ships, then land units), population, or improvements. I don't believe anyone has determined the percentages if there is a choice of what to hit.
The whip citizen does suck if you have to use it on your own cities.....but if you're a player who keeps AI cities (as I sometimes do) it's a way to get foreign pop down quickly and have less to worry about culture flips. IIRC pop is one of the main factors when the city flips to the opposing civ, less pop=less flip. If pop doesn't effect it though.....well......you got those improvements built pretty quickly now didn't ya?
I read about it, but I haven't used it yet. (just forgot)
I've added the save, after the SPHQ was build. (find it at the arab continent ;) )

View attachment Mursilis of the Hittites, 1792 AD.SAV
Also, @ Theov, it's going to depend alot on your size. If you've got 20-30 cities you won't see much gain. More cites and and you will start to see a bigger difference. Besides it all comes down to this. Would you rather have 8 cities making a Tank in 2 turns. Or would you like to have 30 cities making a tank in 4-6 turns.....also getting the SPHQ up will help alot. If you would could you post a save after you have the SPHQ built. I'd like to do a bit of research.....and I don't have any game right now that's past the Middle Ages :(
I understand that. :)
I've only switched to Commie after I took 2 big continents.
You're most welcome. Communism has always had a small base of people that use it. (Or at least it seems that way to me) Those that haven't used it like to say it's crap. Or they have used it, but didn't have more then 20 or so cities. Of course it's crap when you have a small civ, Fascism is for the smaller warring civs. Commie is for the big-dogs. The ones who own their own continent and are looking to acquire another one. :)
You're most welcome. Communism has always had a small base of people that use it. (Or at least it seems that way to me) Those that haven't used it like to say it's crap. Or they have used it, but didn't have more then 20 or so cities. Of course it's crap when you have a small civ, Fascism is for the smaller warring civs. Commie is for the big-dogs. The ones who own their own continent and are looking to acquire another one. :)
I'd say it's good when you have 3 'cores' in your empire. (1: palace, 2: forbidden palace, 3: Secret Police HQ)
I've found a good use for the 'force labour' - I whip some early temples and granaries. Which saves money - which I can't put into buillings - that's bad - but on tech and happiness - that's good.

I'll see what happens if my 3rd core is fully developped and I switch back to Repo. (as experiment)

See my Info/Gov threat: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=268659
I might have missed something.
You're most welcome. Communism has always had a small base of people that use it. (Or at least it seems that way to me) Those that haven't used it like to say it's crap. Or they have used it, but didn't have more then 20 or so cities. Of course it's crap when you have a small civ, Fascism is for the smaller warring civs. Commie is for the big-dogs. The ones who own their own continent and are looking to acquire another one. :)

If so, then why do high level AW players stick to monarchy?

When I played unmodded games I found communist was the way to go when making war. I mentioned that on another thread here and the abraxan/theov know-it-alls said I was full of ****.:lol:

Thanks for your posts above. :)
meisen, I'm going to hazard a guess that you're talking about this thread. If I'm wrong, my apologies, and bear in mind that the rest of this paragraph is based on that guess. I don't see any reason to rehash that whole argument, but I don't think I ever knocked Communism, or claimed that you were full of anything with regard to any claims that you may have made about Communism's suitability as a wartime government. I'm pretty good about not making any claims one way or another about Communism, because I haven't used it yet.
I think it boils down to spacing and play style. Before I adopted tighter spacing and Republic as a favored government, Communism was my late game war government. The ability to have decent production in outlying cities was irresistable. I would only stay Monarchy if I was going for space. With Republic and tight spacing, Communism doesn't work well, you have to re-engineer your whole country, and the corruption gain isn't worth the headaches involved. I think there's nothing wrong with Communism if you are Religious and leaving a Monarchy. Any other traits, the long anarchy is extremely painful. Just end the blood feuds, and you won't need Communism.
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