Your LVP(Least valuable player) awards in different sports


Ancient CFC Guardian
Oct 25, 2000
Corporate USA
You know, they always make a big deal about the MVP in basketball, football, baseball, and all the other sports but I think we should give attention to the LVP(least valuable player) in each league. This is a player who has gone beyond just plain suckage and has made extra efforts to deflate the team, destroy chemistry, and otherwise demoralizes teamates and fans.

I only follow the NBA closely so for the NBA, I will have to nominate Stephon Marbury for the LVP award in the NBA.

What do you guys think about the NFL, MLB, MLS, and hockey?
NFL LVP - Edgerrin James maybe?
NBA LVP - I think Marbury is getting jipped by the organization, I'll go with Gilbert Arenas.
NFL - Al Davis
MLB - Manny Ramirez before being traded
NBA - I'm not sure, but the Suns players need to stop being little whiny sissies. Wa waa we don't have our fun coach anymore. Well, you lost him because you couldn't win and you couldn't win because you couldn't be bothered to play a lick of defense. So blame yourselves and give your a current coach a chance. /rant
Aussie Rules - Rhyce Shaw. Gets given the ball, runs it down to the attacking half, and kicks it straight to the opposition. Every single time.
NHL: Sean Avery
NBA: Starbury
NFL: Mark Bulger
MLB: Barry Zito
PGA: John Daly
Football(soccer) David Beckham?

Yeah that's true, except for in Europe. People are generally more aware of his limitations here.

I second Azale on the Al Davis thing.

I'll have the third the Al Davis for the NFL. But, a close second (at least for the Rams) would be offensive lineman Ritchie Incognito. He's not incognito, has the worst mouth in football, and offensive is a good description for him. The should change his name to the original mr. stupid penality

If he's not cut at the end of the season, then I'll just stop watching the Rams, period.
Well i admit, he is a good player to have if you want to sub him in on the 70th or so minute, which is what i bet exactly milan will do.
NFL: Chad "Ocho Cinco" Johnson
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