[MOD] Fall from Heaven II

I'm trying to play my first game with my new pc using Windows Vista, but after I launch the game crashes. I have installed all patches and the game works properly until I launch a new game. Any idea?
I've tried to install the previous version 034, but with that one things are even worse, screen stays black when I launch the game. Time to reinstall Windows XP?
Any help is appreciated, thx!
FYI - playing as Cassiel, founded my first city (Midgarb), than my second (Midgar) - is it intentional that the names are so similar? No huge deal just odd.

I'm a bit confused. Why when installing this, did it show up in my mod as folder Fall From Heaven 2 instead of Fall From Heaven 2 040 like I'd expect from my last install of Fall From Heaven 2 034?

What can I delete and what shouldn't I? Now that I've installed the new version as well as Patch A, should I re-install the old media pack or wait?

Color me confused.

This will be the last version (but there will be changes in patches) so it's just FfH2. You can delete any other mod folders if you like, they are not needed. I'm not sure about the media pack.
Patch "d" is linked in the first post. It wont break save games and fixes the following issues:

1. Fixed an issue that could cause upgrades to allow a unit to get bronze and iron weapons.
2. Fixed an CtD caused by collateral damage against units with a negative strength (thanks to Snarko!).
couple of small things ...

game = not just a ship in a bottle The Ship in a bottle

the marksman unit is an archer unit but can only be upgraded to from a recon unit ... if this intentional is there a way to give the Marksman unit access to Mobility II and is there a way to retain the CoE Mask ability ...

and CoE desperately needs a unit with a medic Promotion and a cure disease ability as it is I have to sample the other religions and 'collect' priests ... which works but makes CoE seem a bit lackluster

and I was thinking that the Nox Noctis and Dies Diei bonus effects (invisible unots and all invisible units revealed, respectively)are a major advantage late game ... maybe too much of an advantage ... maybe they could be restricted to Civs who own them and utilize the parallel religion as a state religion ... ???

I noticed that in the notifications that pop up when one of my units does defensive strike damage it doesn't make use of the names that I give to my units ... I had a marksman named midnight (he was originally a nightwatch, turned Assassin to retain his religion to assure the Mask ability, but only turned into an assassin to be turned into a marksman, I was really hoping for the Mask ability to carry over ... wah wah wah ...) and the notification said while defending your midnight killed a balseraph something and the next line said defensive strike. your marksman did 30 something% damage ... kinda threw me off

what exactly does the precision Promotion do ?

I miss Gaelan ...

random as always, and I am ...

thanks guys ...

finally weekend! ;)
Since Tuesday I looked forward to test the new FfH version (and to play the new scenarios).
Unfortunately I experience a crash each time I load one of the scenarios, teh application crashes (I did some turns in the current game before trying to load the sceanario).
I installed patch D.
Anyone know any solution or hint to this issue?
Until then I will continue on some standard games...

I am suffering some issues with this... I'm fairly sure that upon download, I have not got any unit graphics. The game crashes when I start a standard game and it goes to 'Init Graphics', and sure enough when I look in 'Assets' and 'Art', the only folder in 'Art is 'Movies'. Have I downloaded incorrectly, or stored it poorly (in Program Files/2KGames/CIV4/Beyond the Sword/Mods)?

finally weekend! ;)
Since Tuesday I looked forward to test the new FfH version (and to play the new scenarios).
Unfortunately I experience a crash each time I load one of the scenarios, teh application crashes (I did some turns in the current game before trying to load the sceanario).
I installed patch D.
Anyone know any solution or hint to this issue?
Until then I will continue on some standard games...


Im working on this. For most people playing 1 turn before loading a scenairo works, but its definitly still an issue. I spent 8-10 hours on it yesterday but havent gotten to the bottom of it yet.

I am suffering some issues with this... I'm fairly sure that upon download, I have not got any unit graphics. The game crashes when I start a standard game and it goes to 'Init Graphics', and sure enough when I look in 'Assets' and 'Art', the only folder in 'Art is 'Movies'. Have I downloaded incorrectly, or stored it poorly (in Program Files/2KGames/CIV4/Beyond the Sword/Mods)?

It sounds like you don't have BtS 3.17 installed. That patch is required to play FfH.
Once again suggesting that the magic spheres be balanced a bit more.

Body is by far the most useful tree at t1 (haste), and at t2 has regeneration which is pretty powerful.

I use the air t1 spell (fair winds) infrequently, but I always get it so that I can get Maelstrom (which really needs to have it's range reduced. make it a superciricle instead of a 5x5 box please!) and summon air elemental, which is almost a substitute for a navy (and defense against privs) if you have the summoning trait.

I haven't found "Wither" useful at all at entropy t3, but maybe I'm using it wrong.

I never use "Charm" if I have "Blinding Light" instead, but I suppose it has its uses and works somewhat more often.

Please inform me when I am supposed to use the Earth t2 spell, 'stoneskin.' I have never found a reason to do so. It only applies to the caster, and what use would a magic user have for it? It's ridiculous that stuff like this is in t2 while the all-powerful 'haste' is in t1.

(Just so I can complain about haste some more) Why not limit the haste spell to only effecting units that have not yet used movement points?? Why not??? Otherwise it actually matters if I cast the spell at the beginning of the turn/end of the turn. If I move a unit into an enemy forest square- he's done. I shouldn't be able to simply send an adept into the same square, haste both of them, and retreat to safety. When my entire army has a movement rate of 1, adding haste doubles their movement speed across enemy territory. That would be like all of my units suddenly becoming cavalry in vanilla civ. This is a great mod, but gamebreaking concepts like the haste spell simply don't belong. It should be relatively useless just like all the other t1 spells.

One more unrelated thing- does anyone else notice that the dwarves always seem to get crappy starts on erebus maps? I have not seen a game where the dwarves started off well at all. In my current game, at about turn 600, the luchuirp still have the same pop 1 city that they've had since the beginning. It's a large Erebus map with cold climate, medium sea level, 19 players, epic game speed.

Also, are there any plans to add the missing spell types into the game (creation,force,dimensional) or are they gone for good?

FYI - playing as Cassiel, founded my first city (Midgarb), than my second (Midgar) - is it intentional that the names are so similar? No huge deal just odd.


Haven't played as Cassiel yet, but I haven't seen those city names (except Midgar) in my games either. Most likely you just added a 'b' to Midgar and it named the next city Midgar.
Patch "e" is linked in the first post. It doesn't break save games and fixes the following issues:

1. Added the Black Tower scenario.
2. City Split and Soverign City events ("Minister Koun" events) can't trigger in scenarios anymore.
3. Fixed an issue in Into the Desert which reversed your starting civ (if you picked Malakim in FoC you started as Calabim and vise-versa).
4. Update to the Fall of Cuantine scenario.
5. AI teammates won't build Gilden or Alazkan if they have a human on thier team in the Splintered Court.
6. Into the Desert (Calabim) now requires you to raze all Empyrean cities, not just Varn's Empyrean cities.
7. Fixed the issue where getting the tech for a religion after already founding it founds a 2nd religion.
8. Perfect Sight can now be learned by Archer and Recon units (and archers can learn sentry 2).
9. Fixed an issue in the Momus that can make the game unwinnable if the player teams up with Beeri.
10. Hellfire now has valid terrain types.
11. Fixed a WoC error when workers with str are trying to move to a plot blocked by an enemy (thanks to Snarko!).
12. Supplies can now be used to build stables.
... Body is by far the most useful tree at t1 (haste), and at t2 has regeneration which is pretty powerful.

I disagree ... I find haste to be nearly useless unless I'm using a unit with blitz ... as it ends after the first turn and doesn't affect my undead units (and I like 8 chances to dominate my enemies 10 if I'm really feeling it) ... but haste never really works for me I guess ...

... I use the air t1 spell (fair winds) infrequently, but I always get it so that I can get Maelstrom (which really needs to have it's range reduced. make it a superciricle instead of a 5x5 box please!) and summon air elemental, which is almost a substitute for a navy (and defense against privs) if you have the summoning trait.

fair winds is like haste for naval units and it lasts a few rounds ... great for outmaneuvering an enemy or making a quick escape, and for being the first to circumnavigate the globe (terra map) to get the +1 movement to all of your civilizations naval units ...

... I haven't found "Wither" useful at all at entropy t3, but maybe I'm using it wrong.

nah, I'm not a big fan of the new entropy magik tree ... I've never really liked the rust spell, the pit fiend is a little weak for my tastes and wither is good for slowing down the xp progress of enemy I just never have any use for it myself other than to build the tower of necromancy ...

I would like to suggest a t3 entropy spell 'Possess' ... turns an enemy unit into a barbarian deamon version of that unit ...

Please inform me when I am supposed to use the Earth t2 spell, 'stoneskin.' I have never found a reason to do so. It only applies to the caster, and what use would a magic user have for it? It's ridiculous that stuff like this is in t2 while the all-powerful 'haste' is in t1.

it's great for protecting your mages from assassins ...

and I've noticed that fireballs are no longer promoted to flying and I cant throw fireballs out over water anymore ... I hope this is an oversight because I have been using fireballs to protect my cities from attack from sea since version 0.23 and this would make fireball a much weaker spell ... I always imagined wizards in Amurite towers overlooking the sea throwing coordinated fireballs and the ships of invaders ... and now the fireballs plop to the ground and roll towards their targets, falling into the sea with a pfft, that is if you could navigate the ocean terrain ...
Hello Kael

Thank a lot for all the work you have done, I have a small question, I can not access right now the to scenario screen even with the patch e.
Is this screen opened to us ?
FYI - playing as Cassiel, founded my first city (Midgarb), than my second (Midgar) - is it intentional that the names are so similar? No huge deal just odd.


You probably accidentally hit "b" when hitting Enter, which is why your first city was named "Midgarb" instead of "Midgar."
I disagree ... I find haste to be nearly useless unless I'm using a unit with blitz ... as it ends after the first turn and doesn't affect my undead units (and I like 8 chances to dominate my enemies 10 if I'm really feeling it) ... but haste never really works for me I guess ...

fair winds is like haste for naval units and it lasts a few rounds ... great for outmaneuvering an enemy or making a quick escape, and for being the first to circumnavigate the globe (terra map) to get the +1 movement to all of your civilizations naval units ...

Both are perfectly useful spells (haste and fair winds) I'm just saying that if I'm at war, and I'm mobilizing an army, there's almost never a good reason to NOT haste the entire army. And in fact, there's rarely a good reason to not take the mage along with the army so he can continue hasting them.

Fair winds is useful, effects all naval units, and lasts multiple turns- but 1 pt of movement doesn't mean nearly as much on the ocean.

Haste is vastly more useful provided that your army isn't comprised entirely of undead- the fact that it lasts 1 turn is negligible when you can just keep casting it as long as you have 1 adept with the spell in the stack. Haste being a t1 spell, this is much easier to do than it should be.

nah, I'm not a big fan of the new entropy magik tree ... I've never really liked the rust spell, the pit fiend is a little weak for my tastes and wither is good for slowing down the xp progress of enemy I just never have any use for it myself other than to build the tower of necromancy ...

I've been lovin the pit beasts so far! I didn't even realize until late in the game that they get to survive an extra turn for each unit they defeat. For non-summoner civs, I'd imagine this is crucial. As Tebryn Arbandi it's pretty negligible, and there are certainly better summons out there.

(re:stoneskin) it's great for protecting your mages from assassins ...

Thank you! I was actually serious with that request. Now I know when to use it, although it still seems like it will get minimal use against the AI.

You're right though- mages clearly need a spell to help them avoid assassins.

and I've noticed that fireballs are no longer promoted to flying and I cant throw fireballs out over water anymore ... I hope this is an oversight because I have been using fireballs to protect my cities from attack from sea since version 0.23 and this would make fireball a much weaker spell ... I always imagined wizards in Amurite towers overlooking the sea throwing coordinated fireballs and the ships of invaders ... and now the fireballs plop to the ground and roll towards their targets, falling into the sea with a pfft, that is if you could navigate the ocean terrain ...

Did they update this? I've been using fireballs for coastal defense quite frequently. Not anymore though. Air elementals, man. Air elementals.

Thanks for your input! :)
Patch "f" is linked in the first post. It will break save games and makes the following changes:

1. Fixed werewolf conversion/upgrade chances.
2. The Black Tower- you can now pick the civ for cities correctly.
3. The Splintered Court- winning now correctly gives you the trophies.
4. Fixed an issue that could cause the Pallens Engine or Aduria Chamber to show up twice in the build lists.
5. Fixed a CtD when map trading.
6. Removed the Armored Cavalry tech (Knights and Shadowriders moved to Warhorses).
7. Warhorses tech requires Iron Working and Horseback Riding (instead of Stirrups)
8. Stirrups tech requires Archery and Horseback Riding (instead of Trade, Archery and Horseback Riding), cost reduced from 1600 to 800.
9. Archers can be upgraded to Horse Archers.
10. Axemen can be upgraded to Chariots.
11. Chariots gain -25% attacking into forests and jungles, and can be upgraded to Knights.
12. Champions can be upgraded to Knights.
13. Knights strength dropped from 11/9 to 11/7.
14. Added the Herne world unit (Kuriotate only, starts with centaur, hero and blitz).
15. Centaur Guard unit removed.
16. War Tortoise is now a Knight UU for the Lanun (instead of a war chariot UU).
17. Clan of Embers can't build Horse Archers or Knights anymore (used to be Ogre and Orge Warchief UU's).
18. Ogre is now a Champion UU (you can't upgrade clan axemen to champions/ogres anymore).
19. Stoneskin Ogre is now a Phalanx UU.
20. Ogre Warchief is now an Immortal UU.
21. War Chariot unit removed.
22. Auric Ascended's defensive strength changed from 3 to 30.
I ne
Well, it WOULD be, if assassins weren't immune to the first strikes that stoneskin grants.

hehe, I never actually read the pedia entry ... I didn't know it even offered a +3 first strike bonus ... I was more or less considering the defense bonus ... that makes stoneskin a pretty good offensive spell too ...

... Did they update this? I've been using fireballs for coastal defense quite frequently. Not anymore though. Air elementals, man. Air elementals.

I don't know, it only seemed to be the case in the Momus scenario I was playing ... they were back to normal in the Radiant Guard scenario ..

do the scenarios change if you loose ? ... I lost the Momus and the next time I loaded it it was a different map, which only seems strange because it had been loading the same map with different resources before I let the game record the loss ... or does it depend on the game you access the scenarios from ?
Is it coincidence? I found that the name for the pirate civilization "Lanun" is actually mean the same in Malay Language(refers to Piracy):confused:...actually nothing but just out of curious.
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