1000 Clues You Play Civ IV Too Much

1635:You think that age of Empires 3 is inaccurate since they include Cuirassiers as French-only units.
1636:You think that AOE 3 is inaccurate because the Skirmishers have guns and are white.
1637:You think that AOE 3:the Warchiefs is inaccurate because there are no Sioux and Iroquois,only Native America.
1640) You wonder if the US is trying to win a diplomatic victory since they built the UN

1641) You wonder how hard it would be to win a domination victory since their are so many capitals

1642) You wonder is Russia going to win a conquest victory in 2050?

1643) You wonder is God playing civ and we are the game and the game ends in 2012?
1646. You noticed the list was off by 3 (guilty).
1647.Playing Civ with girls is a pain; they don't know the rules, there's no time to explain! (A cookie to whoever guesses what song I got that from)
1648. You have accounts on more than 5 Civilization websites.
1649. When you're bored in class, you doodle a game of Civ on your paper.
1650. Your computer crashes and you don't know how to repair it so you kill yourself. :suicide:
In 1,650 items, I'll bet anything that these have been mentioned. Oh, well:

1651: When you see a building under construction, you think about its cost not in dollars (or Euros/pounds/yen/etc.), but in hammers.

1652: You think that if the federal government would just take ownership over everything already, our fiscal problems would be solved overnight.

1653: You believe that the Spanish HAD to defeat Montezuma just to save their hide.

1654: You believe that as time goes on, it slows down.

1655: When planning a trip, you try to figure out how many turns it will take you to get there.

1656: You think that "expansive" is a compliment, not an insult. It means that someone's health is in good shape, not poor shape.

1657: You think that Future Tech is the last technology anybody can research, and all it does is make people happier and healthier.

1658: You swear that the gladiators are still fighting in colosseums to this day.

1659: You honestly think that there is no way for any natural resource to run dry.
1647.Playing Civ with girls is a pain; they don't know the rules, there's no time to explain! (A cookie to whoever guesses what song I got that from)

The Lonely Island - We Like Sportz... Where is my cookie.
It's because whenever America asks for tribute we give it to them :(
1666: You sum up the current situation in Iran by saying "Supreme Ayatollah, our Civilization is descending into Anarchy!"

1668. You haven't heard about the situation in Iran because you've been in your room playing Civ.
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