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A New Germany (Earth18)


Special Agent
Jul 4, 2002
Christchurch, New Zealand

Background Info

CivIV Version: Vanilla
Map: Earth18
Player Civ: Germany (under Frederick)

AI Civs: France (Louis), Spain (Isabella), Rome (Caesar), England (Elizabeth), Greece (Alexander), Russia (Catherine), Persia (Cyrus), Arabia (Saladin), Egypt (Hatshepsut), Mali (Mansa Musa), India (Asoka), Mongolia (Genghis Khan), China (Qin Shi Huang), Japan (Tokugawa), America (Roosevelt), Aztecs (Montezuma), Inca (Huayna Capac).​


CHAPTER ONE - Development & Expansion

As one would imagine, Germany was founded through the construction of her capital city of Berlin. It wasn't long after this happened when plans for a large empire emerged.

The initial idea was to take over as much of the region as possible without resolving to war. In addition to this came the plan to claim as many resources as the Workers could gather. One of the most important of the untouched regions at this time was Scandinavia. Located there is a supply of iron, aluminium, oil (offshore), and uranium. Some food resources such as deer/game can be found there also.

So, I started to build a Settler, which would be sent to Scandinavia as soon as possible. Another option was to build in Russia in order to give my empire a decent naval base, since Berlin isn't along the coastline.

My German Scout unit had reached as far as the Caspian Sea (or somewhere near there) when it stumbled across a goody hut, which contained a Settler. This lead to the construction of either Stockholm or Leningrad (which will later be renamed, after the eventual destruction of Russia's St. Petersburg). Where I sent this Settler and the one I was building has escaped me, but that doesn't matter. I now have my chief naval base in Leningrad (due to Stockholm's slower production speed). Later on this city gets to prove its worth when it comes to ship-building.

The expansion in Scandinavia was top priority at this point. The city of Stockholm being the oldest. Other cities such as Oslo, Bodø, Hammerfest and Murmansk soon followed over the years. I even took the time to build the city of Minsk. The reasons for this were...

1. To keep Russia from getting too close to Berlin.
2. It's a good strategic location for when I conduct my own Barbarossa, considering it's so close to Moscow anyway.

So, all of Scandinavia is now finally within my borders. No cities were built in Finland, but it wasn't necessary due to the borders expanding so far.

Meanwhile in the southern regions of Europe, I managed to build the Croatian capital of Zagreb. Because of the map size, this city became my first naval base of the Mediterranean Sea. It is also a good location for any future invasions of Rome and Greece...

Time goes by and my empire now spans from the French/German/Italian border to the Russian/Belarus/Ukraine border regions, from the northernmost point of Norway to Macedonia/Bulgaria. Basically covering most of Central & Eastern Europe, with Scandinavia as a bonus.

However, a handful of annoyances from neighbouring Civs were upon us. If you stay tuned for the next chapter, you will soon understand how Germany's style was slightly cramped...


To be continued...


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CHAPTER TWO - Ironing the Creases

As mentioned in the first chapter, Germany faced several annoyances in their expansion attempts. These annoyances can be summed up in a single word - "neighbours".

The borders of nations such as Greece, France and England had expanded far enough to be seen as a threat to the German cause. First in the annoyance list was the region of Istanbul. Greek borders had expanded from Athens so far that the location of Istanbul had been completely engulfed. Germany was then unable to build this city, which was to exist for 4 reasons:

1. A more reliable naval base than Zagreb.
2. Access to the Black Sea.
3. Strategic location for the invasion of any other Civs in Turkey.
4. Construction of the Hagia Sophia.

Ultimately, Greece stood in the way of these 4 tasks. Plans to sort this out were made immediately. Berlin and Zagreb were instructed to build strong military units (made up of Knights and various footsoldiers). Since Athens was their only city, this would be almost too easy to conduct.

On the other side of Europe, French borders had pushed further into Germany, engulfing such regions as the Rhine and Saar. To any WWII fanatics (like myself), this would've looked terribly familiar. France also had the Low Countries (Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg) under their control. A similar plan as the Greek campaign was considered, but not to be done simultaneously.

England wasn't much of a threat at this period, as their only annoyance involved sea zones. Their borders expanded clear across the North Sea and came close to taking a small portion of Norway (but didn't). Only a minor issue at this time, however. But when it came to gaining access to the Atlantic from the Baltic Sea later on in the game, this became a bigger annoyance. But that's another chapter...

Rome wasn't much of a threat at all, as their borders didn't expand too far from Italy. They did, however, have a small part of the Balkans, which is pretty close to Albania. This was to change soon though.

Russia, luckily, hasn't been able to expand into my empire due to the location of Minsk and Leningrad. However, Germany and Russia haven't been the best of friends throughout the whole game, shall we say. No wars have taken place with Russia (yet), but could easily happen.

After observing the European arena, it was decided that things would be a lot better if I were to 'unite' Europe under a German rule. The first area chosen to 'merge' with Germany... Greece.


To be continued...
CHAPTER THREE - The European 'Union' - Part One

Two sections of German units were poised at the Greek/Macedonian border. The first of which is given the command to storm south towards Athens and capture it, while the second section consisted of 2 units with city defense skills, and a Settler, with a one-way mission...building the city of Istanbul after the capture of Athens.

The signal was given - Germany invades Greece!

This invasion went fairly quick, due to the strong German units overwhelming the then out-of-date Greek army. Athens fell within a few strikes. The Greeks were destroyed! On hearing the news, the German Settler founded Istanbul. Phase One of Germany's 'unification' of Europe was complete.

In addition to these events, my army claimed the Greek supply of marble and iron. A nice bonus that will come in handy.

Around this time, a Great Engineer appeared in Berlin. I didn't hesitate to send him to Athens, as I planned on building the Parthenon and the Colossus as soon as possible (unfortunately, somebody else had already constructed the Oracle). The Parthenon was built almost straight away, then the unthinkable happened - another Great Engineer appeared! So the Colossus soon followed.

While some troops were left to take care of the Greek resistance in Athens, a majority of my invading army was then sent to Berlin for further instruction. The next phase of the plan was under way - the move to Paris.

Some troops were already waiting at the French border when the Greek campaigners arrived. It wasn't long after this when the signal to attack was given.

I sent some troops through the Rhine/Saar region to claim what was rightfully German, while on the way to Paris. Meanwhile up north, my troops were also moving in towards Paris through the Low Countries in a similar fashion to the WWII scenario. Only this time there was no Maginot Line.

There was a slight interference from a French unit outside of Paris, but this was swiftly taken care of. Eventually, all of my units were poised outside of Paris. My catapults were given the order to bombard first. Then came the attack phase. Unlike the Greeks, the French put up more of a fight this time. I suffered only a few losses, but in the end it became too much for the French resistance. Paris fell, as did the French empire.

The capture of Paris lead to some new opportunities. Since it was close enough to the coast, it became Germany's only naval base in Western Europe. It also spawned a supply of wine, iron and other important materials. However, there was now a major issue that wasn't present before the war began.

After the capture of Paris, borders from both England and Spain had expanded into France. The city of London expanded far enough to engulf virtually all of Northern France (including Normandy), which has a supply of dyes and wheat. From the south, Madrid's borders expanded far enough to take nearly the entire southern half of France. Rome's borders did expand into France, but only slightly.

It seemed that my work was far from over.


To be continued...


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CHAPTER FOUR - The European 'Union' - Part Two

With the sudden expansion of English, Spanish and Roman borders, it was decided to take care of the problem almost instantly after the fall of France. I wasn't prepared to invade England just yet, as I hadn't enough time to build any forms of transportation yet. So it was decided to take care of the European mainland first.

Since the wars against Greece and France went rather well, I thought it might be a good idea to invade Rome and Spain simultaneously. It would be a good way of proving that Germany would be strong fighting on two fronts.

I positioned my troops along the Italian border due west of Zagreb, and in central France. When war was declared, the armies moved into Roman/Spaish territory.

The units from Zagreb moved into Italy before heading south towards the city of Rome. In France, the units moved south together before splitting into 2 divisions - the first was ordered to move southwest towards Madrid, while the second was told to head to Rome through Switzerland.

All went well with the plans, but somehow a Roman unit slipped through the blockade and was heading towards Zagreb. The city at this time wasn't defended as well as it could've been, due to the sudden decision to attack. So I sent in some units from Berlin to assist in Zagreb's defense. The unit of choice was ordered to attack the Roman attackers. This land battle, so far, has been the only one within German borders.

Meanwhile, the war within Rome was going well. The city itself didn't take long to crumble from its German attackers. Rome eventually fell into my hands, but another Roman city remained in Sicily. My borders at this time gave me control of the northern half of Italy. My troops soon carried on towards Sicily to push the Romans into the Mediterranean Sea.

Over in Spain, however, things weren't going according to plan. The siege of Madrid was taking a bit longer than expected. Several attacks into it left me with quite a few less units than I'd started. However, Spain seemed to be just good defenders. They didn't appear to be making any attempts to conduct a counterstrike. So for a while I found myself just bombarding the city with Catapults, which were defended by units that would've been destroyed if they attacked the Spanish. What my Spanish invaders needed were reinforcements.

The siege in Sicily started during this, and the Romans there also put up a fight. With the city (eventually renamed to Palermo) built on hills and defended by Longbowmen, I lost a few units there also. But just like the Spanish, there was no sign of a counterstrike plan.

Finally, the construction of gunpowder units began in Germany! The siege of Palermo was soon assisted by Grenadiers. This did the trick! The Romans were pushed out of Europe. However, I soon discovered that they had settled in North Africa (mostly in Morocco). So during this time, I got my closest ally (at the time), Mali, to declare war on the Romans. This lead to them keeping the Roman Africans busy.

Madrid finally fell to my armies with the help of the Cannon, destroying the Spanish empire. This lead to even more resources becoming a part of Germany's arsenal.

After a while, I pursuaded Mali to make peace with Rome, then I did also. The reason for not totally obliterating them at this point was because Mali was close to doing so themselves, and I secretly wanted to be the one responsible for Rome's destruction. So I wasn't going to let Mali take the credit.

By the end of this double campaign, I now had control of about 95% of mainland Europe. There still remained the issue of England's borders within France. When the Spanish and Roman wars ended, I found myself in need of rebuilding and repairing units and cities. Any plans to invade England were delayed in order to re-buff Germany's muscles.

A plan for the invasion of England was drawn up. After which came the waiting...


To be continued...


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CHAPTER FOUR - The European 'Union' - Part Three

Time passed and Germany has entered the modern era. Along with the mass rebuilding and rearming came the upgrading of weapons. The resources of Scandinavia and Germany's recently-conquered territories were being put into use rather well.

At this time I found myself with 3 close allies:

1. Mali - As mentioned earlier, helped me out with the Roman campaign in North Africa.
2. Persia - Friendly to my cause, and a fair trader. Also a potential supporter in any Asian campaigns I plan in the future.
3. America - Much like the Persians, only a different continent.

During my rebuilding phase I had a Defensive Pact with all 3 of these Civs. Together we made quite the quartet.

While rebuilding my army, I took the time to make a foothold in North Africa by building the city of Algiers. This city, when needed, will become a strike base against Roman Africa. Plus, it is also near another supply of oil (which is unfortunately within Egyptian borders at this time).

Finally, after a lot of waiting (trust me, there was), I felt that I had enough units for the invasion of England. The first unit I positioned was a Carrier. This was stationed off the southern coast of Iceland, and was planned to conduct air strikes on English territories in Scotland and Ireland. For a while it was empty, as I didn't have any oil at this point. I was anxiously waiting for the ability to construct an oil rig for some time. When I finally discovered Plastics, the oil was mine.

This oil supply, by the way, was another reason for war with England. Placed in the North Sea, the English borders were right next to the oil rig. If they were to expand even further, I could've lost my oil. So I quickly started the building process of the Luftwaffe and the Panzers. Three of my Fighters were sent to the Carrier near Iceland.

Before I could send my Transports to their designated strike locations, the unexpected happened... The Aztecs attacked America! As a result of the Defensive Pact that I had with America, I suddenly found myself at war with the Aztecs. This campaign was taking an unforeseen, and yet interesting turn.

I learned soon after the Aztec attacks that America appeared to be a little underdeveloped compared to the likes of Germany. Therefore, as a close ally, they needed my support, and fast. However, due to the plans of invading England - and their empire being in the way - I was unable (at the time) to send troops to support America. But alas, I was able to sacrifice a few air units from the invasion army...the Icelandic Carrier. After being stationed near Iceland for a while, and only just being loaded with 3 Fighters, its course was changed and sent to the coast of Georgia (state).

On arriving in the American sea zone near Washington, the Fighters immediately started the air strikes on Aztec property. For the time being, this was the best way I could support the Americans in a time of need.

Meanwhile, back in Europe, the invasion army against England was ready. A Transport with 2 Infantry and 2 Artillery was sent near to where the Carrier used to be, for the invasion of Scotland. A Destroyer was sent with it. Another Transport was sent near the oil rig in the North Sea with its supporting Destroyer. This was also for the Scottish campaign.

The Baltic Sea task force was made up of 4 Panzer units, supporting Destroyers, and 2 Submarines. These were to land in the central region of England's main island, near York and Kingston upon Hull. From there, they were to cut off London from Scotland then move north. The troops in charge of taking London were stationed in Paris the entire time, and would break out once war was declared. From there, they would land near Portsmouth and Norwich.

Three Bomber units were stationed in Oslo, and were able to do air strikes on London and Glasgow. Once at least one of these cities were to fall to my armies, the Bombers were to relocate to the captured city to continue bombing the second city, and be in range of Ireland.

Before the war would begin, I checked all of the cities England had in the UK & Ireland. In the city that would be renamed Glasgow, I discovered that they had a Settler and a Galleon just sitting there. I suspected an escape attempt. If I were to prevent them from evading my army, I had to be quick about it.

Finally, the signal was given and the invasion of England commenced. My northern army landed in the Scottish Highlands and positioned themselves for the Glaswegian siege. The Panzer units from the Baltic landed where they were supposed to, but couldn't form the blockade straight away. In the south, London was almost completely surrounded.

The 2 Submarine units were sent into the English Channel towards Ireland, just in case the English Galleon made a run (well, float) for it. Sure enough, in the next turn England made a run for it. From Glasgow, the Settler-populated Galleon headed south, passing (what was to become) Dublin, making a break for the Atlantic. He would've headed past Northern Ireland, but my Destroyers were there. Lucky for me, my Submarines were waiting for them. Escape plan FAIL!

However, just as the war was starting up, I realised that England had already built a few cities in South America by this point. But the halting of England's escape plan wasn't a total loss though.

Back in England, London was severely hit by my troops (which included Marines, by the way), and was the first city to fall. The northern region of France was finally liberated! After this, the troops were sent towards Glasgow, which was nearly captured by this time. When this finally happened, the 4 Panzers were immediately loaded onto a Transport for the invasion of Ireland. The Battle for Ireland was over very quickly.

So England, much like Rome, has been pushed out of Europe. They now reside in South America.

With England finally evicted, the European 'Union' is a complete success! My plans for Europe at this point is to continue building a strong army within the continent, and turn it into a massive fortress.

In the meantime, however, the troops that invaded England have a new assignment - supporting America. As soon as they were able, the required units were loaded onto the Transports that delivered them in the UK, and shipped across the Atlantic Ocean. Destination: America.

As my ally, America allows me to land in their cities and unload my troops. Some of which have already arrived. The plan is mostly defensive. Keep the Aztecs out of American territory, including the liberation of cities they've already captured. As for the capture of Aztec cities, this will have to wait until a much stronger army is constructed and transported. With the ability to build Mechanized Infantry only just around the corner, the time of invasion won't be too long a wait.


To be continued...


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CHAPTER FIVE - The Afro-American War

While I was busy preparing my invasion army in Europe, those who could be drafted were sent to North America to support my allies against the Aztec threat. At the same time I was trying to make peace with the English, since they were no longer a threat in Europe. I did the same thing when I pushed the Romans into Africa. Mainly because I had no troops in the area to finish them off at the time.

Over a short space of time, some of the units I'd already sent to America had made their presence known to the Aztecs. They were able to defend my American allies rather well. Whenever any Aztec units entered American territories, my Panzers and Cavalry units were there to slay them. Yet at the same time I didn't have enough units to conduct a full-scale assault on Aztec land. The most damage I could do besides defending America, was bomb and/or pillage improvements and cities. If I had any more Panzers in the area, the Aztec cities would've been sieged already.

The original plan against the Aztecs was this:

1. Move in with a small, but strong army in each region of America to defend against Aztec attacks.
2. Heavily damage their war efforts either directly or from afar (i.e. Bombers/Fighters).
3. Bombard coastal cities with strong ships.
4. Reinforce these armies and ships with a stronger, and larger quantity of units to capture and/or raze Aztec cities in North America, and in Central America via an amphibious assault, eventually moving into Mexico from the north and southeast.

The plan didn't exactly work out like this, however. After several heavy hits on Aztec territories from my Bombers, Fighters, and Panzer attacks on vital resources, the Aztecs stopped the war against America! Therefore, since I was merely dragged into the Mexican-American war in the first place, I felt it would be a good time to make peace with the Aztecs myself, but cashing in on the deal in the process, taking what I could through the treaty.

In the end, no Aztec territories were captured by my units, as most of them didn't even set foot/track on American soil. However, once the war was over with the Aztecs, they were redirected to South America where the English settled.

Since I was unable to successfully make a peace treaty with England, I decided to use my American divisions of the German army against the English territories located roughly between eastern Venezuela and the northern coastal regions of Brazil. It was during this battle when I suffered the first Panzer loss of all the wars I've fought. But this loss was soon forgotten after an overall successful invasion. All English cities were razed.

However, to my disappointment, I discovered that the English also had a city along the west coast of southern Africa. A little out of range for the time being. Their impending doom will have to wait a little longer.

Meanwhile, in North Africa, the decision was made to vanquish the Romans permanently. In this war, which involved the destruction of 2 cities, was the first war to feature the German Helicopter units. We moved into Morocco from Algeria, destroying any Roman city we came across. After Rome's death, I built the city of Marrakech.

So now 4 Civs have been destroyed. All of which have been by the hands of German soldiers. There would've been 5 if I'd known about the English city in Africa. Without a doubt, you can probably tell where Germany's eyes are looking at going to next.

Or maybe you can't...


To be continued...


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...I plan on attaching the Savegame file so people can see it for themselves. :cool:

I've decided not to wait until 2050 AD to upload the Save file. The reason...Need a bit of a break. Besides, when I get back into it, I'll probably start a new game, knowing what I'm like.

So, here it is! Hope you like what you see, and enjoy the game from this moment on. ;)


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