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CCM1 (epic mod)

For all these upgrade problems, did you have enough money to upgrade these units? For me, if you do not have the cash, the button for upgrading them disappears even if the unit is in a city with the proper building.
For all these upgrade problems, did you have enough money to upgrade these units? For me, if you do not have the cash, the button for upgrading them disappears even if the unit is in a city with the proper building.

Money is not going to be an issue in this mod. I mentioned in one of the post the things needed for any upgrade and that I had them. That included cash. I am near to going to the last age, so I have tens of thousands.

These are all either pedia errors or editor omission. An example is the Torp Boat. The pedia says it upgrades to Gnevnya SB-2, but the editor says it upgrades to a destroyer. So I thought I could upgrade as I have the tech for SB-2.

Sometimes it does not upgrade, even though the editor seems to say it can. This is due some of the "advanced" techniques used by Civinator. Mainly these are things he will change the pedia to reflect the actual action.
The "upgrade" in the editor is the unit that makes the previous one obsolete when available. The civilopedia automatically indicates the next unit in the upgrade chain that is available to your civilization. Neither necessarily means that the old unit can literally upgrade to the new one, only that whenever the new unit is buildable the old one is not. This is true regardless of whether the unit has the "upgrade" ability. As Civinator has said, many units only "half-upgrade" in the sense that they are replaced in the build queue (upgrades to, in the editor) but individual units are not actually converted (upgrade ability, in the editor). I think what is missing here is just a clarification in the pedia entries of whether the indicated upgrade is a literal upgrade or just a replacement.

A note to the effect of:

Trebuchets upgrade to Musketmen
Trebuchets are replaced by Musketmen in the build queue.
I found a rather annoying bug. It says mounties, the Canadian UU can attack multiple times, but at this moment, they can only attack once :sad:
Money is not going to be an issue in this mod. I mentioned in one of the post the things needed for any upgrade and that I had them. That included cash. I am near to going to the last age, so I have tens of thousands.

These are all either pedia errors or editor omission. An example is the Torp Boat. The pedia says it upgrades to Gnevnya SB-2, but the editor says it upgrades to a destroyer. So I thought I could upgrade as I have the tech for SB-2.

Sometimes it does not upgrade, even though the editor seems to say it can. This is due some of the "advanced" techniques used by Civinator. Mainly this are things he will change the pedia to reflect the actual action.
Thanks for the clarification. Could this problem be from all flavors of a unit not all being buildable at the same tech? Thus you cannot build the "in-between unit" in the upgrade line by lack of tech (which you normally can't build anyway) and cannot upgrade it to the next one. Maybe? Just a theory.

In a side note, does having literally tens of thousands of GP allow you to pretty much rush whatever? If so, that seems broken. Too much power!
The "upgrade" in the editor is the unit that makes the previous one obsolete when available. The civilopedia automatically indicates the next unit in the upgrade chain that is available to your civilization. Neither necessarily means that the old unit can literally upgrade to the new one, only that whenever the new unit is buildable the old one is not. This is true regardless of whether the unit has the "upgrade" ability. As Civinator has said, many units only "half-upgrade" in the sense that they are replaced in the build queue (upgrades to, in the editor) but individual units are not actually converted (upgrade ability, in the editor).

That is what I was trying to say. The pedia just needs to remove upgrade notification, when none is available. The pedia usually says what tech makes a given unit obsolete.

That is important information though, so we can determine the viability of the unit.
I found a rather annoying bug. It says mounties, the Canadian UU can attack multiple times, but at this moment, they can only attack once :sad:

Sorry to hear that, but not very as I have been at war with Canada for some time now.:p
In a side note, does having literally tens of thousands of GP allow you to pretty much rush whatever? If so, that seems broken. Too much power!

Some have mentioned that issue. It is not a concern for me at this point as all the core has every structure anyway. The rest of the towns, I just let them stroll along, maybe toss in a rush after a few turns, if I feel like taking the time or happen to look at it.

I am not going to go around rushing buildings all over the place as that is extra work and is not going to change the out come. I am just slowing grinding everyone down, while just open the next package in the tech tree and see what Santa has for me.:)
That is what I was trying to say. The pedia just needs to remove upgrade notification, when none is available. The pedia usually says what tech makes a given unit obsolete.

Well, that link is automatically derived from the "upgrades to" field in the BIQ. So there's no removing it without breaking the upgrade chain. But an obvious note should help with the confusion regarding ambiguous upgrades.

Also, units don't exactly go obsolete with a tech- they are only deferred by the availability of an "upgrade" unit. For example in C3C you can still build Spearmen in unconnected cities during the Middle Ages, even when you're building Musketmen everywhere else, because the Musketman is not available in that city.
The "upgrade" in the editor is the unit that makes the previous one obsolete when available. The civilopedia automatically indicates the next unit in the upgrade chain that is available to your civilization. Neither necessarily means that the old unit can literally upgrade to the new one, only that whenever the new unit is buildable the old one is not. This is true regardless of whether the unit has the "upgrade" ability. As Civinator has said, many units only "half-upgrade" in the sense that they are replaced in the build queue (upgrades to, in the editor) but individual units are not actually converted (upgrade ability, in the editor). I think what is missing here is just a clarification in the pedia entries of whether the indicated upgrade is a literal upgrade or just a replacement.

Weasel Op, yes this is the explanation. :) I agree, that the civilopedia here urgently needs clarification. Rhodie, who did a great job with the civilopedia and without his work the public betatest of CCM would have had a delay of at least 6 more months, here had the same problems to recognize the upgrading paths of the units.

For most ships in CCM I originally planned, that they can´t really upgrade so they will be on the map for a longer time. There are a lot “modern” ships which are in active service for 30 years and more. But as we had more CCM endgames it showed, that these outdated ships frequently slowed down AI amphibious operations and therefore there must be an upgrade for these ships, so may be not the next naval unit in the upgrade chain, but to a later one (which means the upgrade chain for ships will be no chain any longer, but the old way for upgrading units in C3C). But information here is necessairy.

I will see what I can do. After this weekend I have two more free days.
Well, that link is automatically derived from the "upgrades to" field in the BIQ. So there's no removing it without breaking the upgrade chain. But an obvious note should help with the confusion regarding ambiguous upgrades.

Also, units don't exactly go obsolete with a tech- they are only deferred by the availability of an "upgrade" unit. For example in C3C you can still build Spearmen in unconnected cities during the Middle Ages, even when you're building Musketmen everywhere else, because the Musketman is not available in that city.

Yeah we understand that you can still build units that their replacements require resource that are not in that box.
So there are two questions that of interest for a modder:

a) What let these letters dissapear?
b) What must be done, that these letters appear again?

Here is the problem... in your diplomacy.txt file, there is no line break between 2 of the sentences, so game does not see it. Adding a line break will fix it.

"My friend, we would like to offer you a deal...""We would like to propose a deal..."
"We wish to propose a deal..."

"Friend $LEADER0, We would like to offer you a deal..."
"We would like to propose a deal..."
"We wish to propose a deal..."

To correct, make yours like this:
"My friend, we would like to offer you a deal..."
"We would like to propose a deal..."
"We wish to propose a deal..."

To find it; which is near the bottom, just do a find (ctrl-F) for 'we would like to propose a deal' and it will take you there. It is under #USERPROPOSAL.

Three points for your consideration on game balance.

1) Monks and Artist can be made to have a lessor impact, but still useful, I think. Drop to around 100 for Monk and 200 for Artist. Change odds from 1 in 3 to 1/12 or 1/16.

2) SGL remove from scenario. I think the linear tech tree makes this fairly remote for all, but the tech leader. In C3C you have two main branches and even if behind you may be first to a tech.

You can here to degree, but after the first tier it gets more and more linear.

3) MGL remove the ability from all invisible units. They are too useful as it is now.
I'll add my vote to the "nerf-artist" list. I was lucky enough to get 2 in 2 turns, which I then sent to 2 newly conquered cities. BOOM, massive increase in controlled area...

About artillery: I've found that, the moment any sets "foot" in enemy territory, they loose all movement points. So the cavalry leaves them behind. Which means they never attack an enemy in enemy territory, cause the cavalry has allready been there and gone...

This, combined with their inability to bombard at range, and low defense (making them of little defensive use) means that, as they are, artillery units are pretty much useless. Apart from coastal arty, I'm turning all I get into shields to speed up production...

If you want to keep them as they are now, then I suggest lowering the attack value and raising the defence. Say, a cannon is 8/1/2; turn it into 2/8/2, and bombard=defense . This would at least make them a usefull defensive unit, and would reflect the folly of charging an artillery unit! (light brigade, anyone?...)
I think the intention was that you would leave them in towns for the most part. I think they get the bombardment ZoC thing. I used a few to attack with, if some units are close enough and are weak. Otherwise they are not of much use to me either.
Artillery never could keep up with lightning fast blitzkrieg operations to begin with, not back in the day at least. The cannons are very useful when attacking a tougher city, such as a Capitol. And if you save them for such a thing, it helps to use them.

Try sending them to attack a different city (with defensive guards); at the same time fast cavalry is attacking other cities. Why not do this? Better to use them then let them sit back.

Try sending them to attack a different city (with defensive guards); at the same time fast cavalry is attacking other cities. Why not do this? Better to use them then let them sit back.

They move too slowly for that. And aren't strong enough to defend themselves. I'd have to add defensive units to the mix. With just cavalry, I can do hit-and-run, or enter enemy territory deep enough to attack, either in that turn or the next.
I found a rather annoying bug. It says mounties, the Canadian UU can attack multiple times, but at this moment, they can only attack once :sad:

ANother problem that can get smoothed out is that Mounties don't require horses to build. Thats wrong but easily fixed
Hmm .. must have missed something here, have disbanded a great artist in a city that conquered (was oversea ... across oceans) like others here have mentioned and had absolutely no effect, did not expand at all). After that I look closer at the city and saw that culture is not growing at all even though have a positive growth for the city, it stays at 0/10 and has for quite some time. Still at war with the original owner. I like the effect but haven't figured out why working, curious is all. Might have something to do with not having maintain culture (or whatever called?) checked.
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