[C3C] Delaying/Removing Military Alliances and Right of Passage? When?


Oct 30, 2022
I know several players were frustrated when @Civinator removed military alliances altogether from CCM. I like his rationale behind it. Those pop-ups do get annoying. However, I do think it removes some diplomacy strategy. For example, getting Civs to gang up on a runaway Civ. I am torn trying to decide what to do with it in my Mod. Keep it? Ditch it? Move it to later?

I am also thinking of delaying Right of Passage. It can be an exploit by the human player by agreeing to a Right of Passage, invade, and then declare war. But if military alliances are removed, you won't have the ability to march across a friendly neighbor Civ to invade another Civ (especially on large Pangea maps). I think @Theov was discussing this in his thread on non-tradeable techs. 🤔

MPPs are perfect at Nationalism right before the World War eras.
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