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First impressions - Getting back into Steam

This is only an issue if there is a pending update being downloaded at the very instant the connection drops as far as I am aware.

Restarting steam isn't required if your connection is lost, it should reconnect automatically when the connection returns. Any active games can stay active and I believe anything that is already prepared for offline mode can be run at this time.

I'll have to wait til later before I can tell you how I go with this information that's been given to me.
This is only an issue if there is a pending update being downloaded at the very instant the connection drops as far as I am aware.

Restarting steam isn't required if your connection is lost, it should reconnect automatically when the connection returns. Any active games can stay active and I believe anything that is already prepared for offline mode can be run at this time.

No, this issue occurs even when Steam is fully updated. You can test it out yourself by exiting Steam in online mode, disconnecting your internet and then starting Steam.

It's unclear whether CiV will require authentication before you can play when you're in online mode but without active internet. If it does, your only option is to stay in offline mode as much as possible if you're at risk of losing connection frequently.
No, this issue occurs even when Steam is fully updated. You can test it out yourself by exiting Steam in online mode, disconnecting your internet and then starting Steam.

Just tested it myself. I got:

- Half a second of "Connecting to Steam accout: [account_name]"
- Popup stating it couldn't connect to the Steam Network, prompting me whether to try again or go offline. I chose go offline, of course.
- About 5 more seconds of "Connecting to Steam accout: [account_name]"
- The Steam Client appearing before my eyes, stating "Steam is currently in offline mode" at the top.

I could also start Civ4 just fine.
Just tested it myself. I got:

- Half a second of "Connecting to Steam accout: [account_name]"
- Popup stating it couldn't connect to the Steam Network, prompting me whether to try again or go offline. I chose go offline, of course.
- About 5 more seconds of "Connecting to Steam accout: [account_name]"
- The Steam Client appearing before my eyes, stating "Steam is currently in offline mode" at the top.

I could also start Civ4 just fine.

At least you got it easy, I used Steam at a time when offline didn't work well.
At least you got it easy, I used Steam at a time when offline didn't work well.

Offline Mode was pretty buggy in the past, but they kept patching it and now it works fine.

For people who leave Steam in Offline Mode, if you have a working setup, you can simply avoid updating the Steam client.
Spoiler :
Well today, only a single day after installing Steam I have already run into the hung update problem

Our internet connection was dropped for some reason or other (commonly happens). The client wasn't in offline mode but it was still open and the menus could still be navigated. I quit the client and ran it again. This Update box appeared but obviously wasn't going to achieve anything with no internet connection so I pressed Cancel.

Pressing Cancel did nothing.
I tried right-clicking the taskbar icon so I could close it there. Nothing. When software has a UI that can become unresponsive like that, it may not be a huge bummer but it's a sign a system is not perfect.

After about a minute or 2 (didn't time exactly) it came up with Connection error and asked if I wanted to go into offline mode. I was starting to think more positively of Steam again for allowing me to do this.

So I press the button to go into offline mode.


The upper window in the image was on top of the lower one.
I don't understand fully the meaning of why I got those two messages. The one underneath might have even been hanging there from earlier.
In any case, at this point the Steam client is running its process but there is no system tray and no taskbar.
I clicked ok on the upper box.
This made the lower box disappear. I checked Process Explorer and the Steam process had been completely unloaded (terminated).

Ok, maybe that was bad luck. Let's try again.
Exactly the same thing happened. This time I timed it and it took exactly 2 minutes before it realised the connection wasn't going to work and asked me about going into offline mode.
This is already a big problem. 2 minutes is a long time for a UI to be 100% unresponsive and useless to the user. From there, exactly the same as before happened.

So, I'm stuck with a dud internet connection for a couple of hours or so perhaps. I can't connect to Steam online so its update hangs. I can't cancel it without actually going into task manager and killing it manually. Most importantly, once it does determine the internet is down and offers me offline mode, it doesn't even work. If I wanted to play civ5 right now (assuming I had it!) I would be a sad customer.

One thing I would like to remind people who will perhaps be critical of this post is that I had no way in advance of knowing when my internet connection would drop, so "Put it in offline mode" is not really sufficient as a solution. If you do know a way to completely get around this problem though, please, I'd appreciate finding out.

One problem STEAM has is that without an actual net connection, it still sees the router/modem as an internet connection if all wire-connections are connected. Unplugging the ethernet cable or disabling the ethernet card always works for me when this problem occurs. I actually lost internet last night due to storms, and it worked like a charm, till the power also went out.
Steam just had a few huge updates (UI + Mac integration) so the dust still may be settling from all that. It should be fine in a few days, if you're having issues updating.

When I installed Steam on a Win7 test-drive system, I was able to install, update, download+install+update Torchlight, and fire up my saved characters (thanks to Steamcloud) with almost no fuss. I was pleasantly surprised at the last one, since I forgot that Steamcloud was already rolled out.
Moderator Action: Your post was wildly off topic and contributes nothing to the discussion. Please make your post contributory or refrain from posting at all.
I would greatly appreciate it if no one tries to get this thread closed.

evrett37 is expressing a rather cynical view of Steam and that's his right. He even spun it in words that were similar to how I created the first post hence his opinion is in the context of this thread.

It's not a Godwin's law and if you have nothing to add to the thread's discussion please don't post.
PieceOfMind - Sorry for my poor taste above.

To keep this on-topic, it merits mention that if you run the game from a shortcut, and Steam's not open, Steam will silently run and your game starts up as normal. Might be easier if you'd rather avoid the startup windows for Steam.
Just tested it myself. I got:

- Half a second of "Connecting to Steam accout: [account_name]"
- Popup stating it couldn't connect to the Steam Network, prompting me whether to try again or go offline. I chose go offline, of course.
- About 5 more seconds of "Connecting to Steam accout: [account_name]"
- The Steam Client appearing before my eyes, stating "Steam is currently in offline mode" at the top.

I could also start Civ4 just fine.

Interesting. I just restarted Steam, downloaded the May 12th update, clicked 'check for updates' to make sure I was fully updated, then shut down Steam and unplugged my ethernet cable.

First thing Steam tried to do when launched was check for updates. For about a minute and a half it used an entire CPU (not sure why) checking for updates, then went idle (still checking for updates). Took several more minutes before the 'Updating' dialog box disappeared, and another 30 seconds or so before it was replaced by a 'could not connect' dialog.

A second test where I clicked 'Cancel' had no noticeable effect - it continued trying to update. I would've normally killed the process after the first two minutes or so of waiting for it to figure out that it couldn't update; there was nothing to allow me to jump straight into offline mode, and no feedback about what it was doing.
When I timed it, it literally took exactly 2 minutes before coming up with the "Connection Error" box. I'm thinking that length of time is hardcoded in.
The fact the Cancel button does absolutely nothing was one of my issues with it. As I said earlier, it is not good for a program to go 100% unresponsive just because it can't find an internet connection. For less tech-savvy users, it can't be taken for granted that they know how to open a process viewer and terminate the process.

For the Steam regulars, I have some questions.
1) How do you set games to install to a partition other than the one where Steam is installed? I have a games partition separate from C:.
2) I noticed that when I re-installed TF2 from disc that it still needed to update by downloading upwards of 1GB. How do I make sure that next time I install the game I don't need to do such a massive update? I'm assuming I can backup to disc or something like that. Can you backup to simply an ISO so I can keep it on my hard drive and not use the environmentally unfriendly :)p) DVDs as a storage medium?
3) Is there a way to simply backup the entire Steam installation, perhaps including all the game installations? I understand that one of the argued benefits of Steam is that you can redownload games as many times as you like etc. However, if I had more than a couple of games on Steam, it would be quite time consuming and download-demanding to expect that on reformating my hard drive or something that I'd have to download each game again. Do I only need to backup my steamapps folder or something along those lines?
Thanks in advance for any answers
For the Steam regulars, I have some questions.
1) How do you set games to install to a partition other than the one where Steam is installed? I have a games partition separate from C:.

I'm honestly not sure; you'd have to tell Steam to put the SteamApps directory somewhere other than where Steam is installed. I don't have a Steam install handy, so I can't look through it for anything pertinent.

2) I noticed that when I re-installed TF2 from disc that it still needed to update by downloading upwards of 1GB. How do I make sure that next time I install the game I don't need to do such a massive update? I'm assuming I can backup to disc or something like that. Can you backup to simply an ISO so I can keep it on my hard drive and not use the environmentally unfriendly :)p) DVDs as a storage medium?

It's built right in, AFAIK:


I can't promise anything since I've never used it, but this looks to be what you'd want. Back everything up, store elsewhere, reformat, restore.

3) Is there a way to simply backup the entire Steam installation, perhaps including all the game installations? I understand that one of the argued benefits of Steam is that you can redownload games as many times as you like etc. However, if I had more than a couple of games on Steam, it would be quite time consuming and download-demanding to expect that on reformating my hard drive or something that I'd have to download each game again. Do I only need to backup my steamapps folder or something along those lines?
Thanks in advance for any answers

Again, the built-in Backup should handle this.
Guys: portal is now free because steam is available for the mac too. Register steam and get a free copy of portal! :D

Even though the internet at my place is nto all that my download of 5GB that is portal is now at 60% at a rate of 3.5MB/sec. Pretty good if you ask me...
Guys: portal is now free because steam is available for the mac too. Register steam and get a free copy of portal! :D

Even though the internet at my place is nto all that my download of 5GB that is portal is now at 60% at a rate of 3.5MB/sec. Pretty good if you ask me...

:confused: Portal was only ~1300MB for me.

You can't install games to a separate location from Steam itself. If you want to install games onto a different drive, you have to migrate your entire Steam installation there.

Steam Support: How do I install games on a different hard drive or location?

Thanks! That's exactly what I needed to know.
When I timed it, it literally took exactly 2 minutes before coming up with the "Connection Error" box. I'm thinking that length of time is hardcoded in.
The fact the Cancel button does absolutely nothing was one of my issues with it. As I said earlier, it is not good for a program to go 100% unresponsive just because it can't find an internet connection. For less tech-savvy users, it can't be taken for granted that they know how to open a process viewer and terminate the process.

For the Steam regulars, I have some questions.
1) How do you set games to install to a partition other than the one where Steam is installed? I have a games partition separate from C:.
2) I noticed that when I re-installed TF2 from disc that it still needed to update by downloading upwards of 1GB. How do I make sure that next time I install the game I don't need to do such a massive update? I'm assuming I can backup to disc or something like that. Can you backup to simply an ISO so I can keep it on my hard drive and not use the environmentally unfriendly :)p) DVDs as a storage medium?
3) Is there a way to simply backup the entire Steam installation, perhaps including all the game installations? I understand that one of the argued benefits of Steam is that you can redownload games as many times as you like etc. However, if I had more than a couple of games on Steam, it would be quite time consuming and download-demanding to expect that on reformating my hard drive or something that I'd have to download each game again. Do I only need to backup my steamapps folder or something along those lines?
Thanks in advance for any answers

1. I use NTFS junctions (google it if needed - its easy)
2. You can use Backup feature which is in Steam app. I simply copy whatever I want to backup to another HDD (mostly I simply copy entire Steam folder which in my case is already over 400GB).
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