FfH2 Bug Thread


- Edain can upgrade Axemen to Ogres, despite unit desc says they can't be upgradet to (savegame: Notice axemen in Edains cities, check the "can research" info - end turn - see at least 2 Axemen upgrade to Ogres, check the "can research" info .. he just researched ironworking)

edit: .. just found in CIV4UnitInfos.xml ...


- Ogre Upgrade path is broken: should upgrade to Ogre Warchiefs, but do not do so


Are you sure this isn't some kind of modmod? I can't open the save.

Best wishes,

I've updated the compilation of bugs thread up to patch n, post 3649. Here is the link:


I'm trying to decide if I should start a new thread with n or continue this one. Patches n and o seem to fix most of the CtD's and WoC's. However, a lot of the lesser items remain. So I don't know if I should continue this thread and delete the fixed items, or start a new one.

For now, I've taken a middle path, identifying the items fixed in n and o in bold. Let me know that you think would be most useful, see if we can get a majority (unless I get explicit direction from Kael of course.)

Don't psot on the bug thread, let's leave that for bugs - post how you want the compilation on that thread!

Best wishes,

The game crashes for me on the change of turns 400/401. I've tried reloading an earlier save, but it crashes every time.
It's not the same type of crash I am used to, being the loading crash.

Anyhow, I can't seem to copy the technical details. All I can copy is this:

AppName: civ4beyondsword.exe AppVer: ModName: cvgamecoredll.dll
ModVer: Offset: 0003c5e0

I also get a reference to some .txt file in a Temp folder in my local documents - I'm not really understanding much.

Help? :(
Treasure chests cost maintenance. They can cost you 3 coins a turn if they're outside cultural borders which usually outweighs any reward they might eventually give. This isn't an important bug but it might be possible to fix it without much effort.
Are The Cult scenario bugs fixed? Like, being able to use amphibious units to get across the water when you aren't supposed to, or lots and lots of weirdness with the scripted events not happening at all, or the descriptive text not happening, or the gargoyles not spawning, etc. etc.?
The game crashes for me on the change of turns 400/401. I've tried reloading an earlier save, but it crashes every time.
It's not the same type of crash I am used to, being the loading crash.

Anyhow, I can't seem to copy the technical details. All I can copy is this:

AppName: civ4beyondsword.exe AppVer: ModName: cvgamecoredll.dll
ModVer: Offset: 0003c5e0

I also get a reference to some .txt file in a Temp folder in my local documents - I'm not really understanding much.

Help? :(

... And the game crashes instantly when I try to start the scenario The Splintered Court.
... And the game crashes instantly when I try to start the scenario The Splintered Court.

For the crash game, do you have a (loadable) save from before the crash occurs? If you do, post it and I'll see if I can figure out what is wrong.

Agreed that The Splintered Court crashes from the scenarios' menu. It does work if you load the worldbuilder save.

That is, for me, go to

D:\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Fall From Heaven 2\Assets\XML\Scenarios\

There is a file called 'The Splintered Court WorldBuilder Save'. Double click on the file and you can play the scenario.

Best wishes,


Thank you for looking at my issue. I had hoped you would see something obvious and could repair things quickly (and tell me so I could do the same next time).

It is certainly not worth you (or anyone else) spending hours trying to correct this game. I am still learning the ins and outs of FFH2, and have clearly lost this game. I am more concerned I will get this in a game where things are getting better, and was hoping to learn how to correct things myself if this recurs.

I am very inexperienced with the WorldBuilder (never used it before now), and don't see either in the manual or in some quick poking around on the web how I can delete individual units. Is there a good source of information on how to do this you could point me to (or if it is very simple tell me how)?


Thank you for looking at my issue. I had hoped you would see something obvious and could repair things quickly (and tell me so I could do the same next time).

It is certainly not worth you (or anyone else) spending hours trying to correct this game. I am still learning the ins and outs of FFH2, and have clearly lost this game. I am more concerned I will get this in a game where things are getting better, and was hoping to learn how to correct things myself if this recurs.

I am very inexperienced with the WorldBuilder (never used it before now), and don't see either in the manual or in some quick poking around on the web how I can delete individual units. Is there a good source of information on how to do this you could point me to (or if it is very simple tell me how)?


I think on the regular Civ boards there are some guides. I learned it mostly by trial and error.

The key is that you delete a unit by right clicking the unit type in a square; left clicking adds the unit.

Best wishes,

Doesn't that delete a random unit of that type? How do you get a particular one?

I don't know any way to delete a particular unit, it deletes essentially from the bottom up. It is best for eliminating a class of units. This is one of the reasons why I often give up when large stack is identified as the problem.

To test a particular unit, save the game as a worldbuilder save. Unfortunately, many 'bad' saves will crash. If it doesn't, load as the player that you wnat to examine. You can try deleting specific units then the old fashioned way, by clicking on the unit and hitting the skull and cross bones. Then, resave the game, laod as the normal player, and see what happens.

Unfortunately, this system is far from fully reliable. Loading a new game in the worldbuilder doesn't save a lot of information (like the use of world spells) so the game may proceed differently.

Sorry, it is the best I can do. However, I think I have a pretty good track record! :)

Best wishes,

I have been noticing that the "loyalty" promotion does not seem to work as advertised (or perhaps not at all). For example, even though patch "n" now grants the loyalty promotion to the Sons of the Inferno unit in Acheron's city, that did not stop me last night from going to that city with Coraline and Gibbon in tow, both promoted to "Mind III", and dominating eight or so Sons of the Inferno units into my army. It was probably just luck that I dominated each one last night on the first try without losing my "Mind III" promotion (usually not all of the dominations work on the first try, which is why I save up all my promotions to re-promote to "Mind III" when I lose it), but the "loyalty" promotion did not seem to have any effect on my ability to dominate these units (and last night was not the first time I was able to dominate units promoted with "loyalty"). In fact, I had a tougher time just dominating the normal axemen and archers in Acheron's city than I did dominating the Sons of the Inferno units (again, probably just a question of luck). Not a big deal, but getting an army of those all-powerful level-3 spellcaster units usually means that I have won the game.
View attachment 254043

This should be it.
I can upload an earlier as well, if you would like?

Game doesn't crash for me!!

Are you running patch n (as oppsoed to m)? N fixes some of the most notorious crashes.

Anyway, here is a save on turn 401.

Best wishes,



  • Perpentach AD-0401.CivBeyondSwordSave
    841.2 KB · Views: 62

I also have a crashing n patch. I have a save game from turn 422 and an auto-save from 424. The auto-save crashes immediately when I load it, the other crashes when the game reaches turn 424. I'm thinking that perhaps somebody is building something that crashes it? The crash is completely repeatable (at least for these two saves, I haven't tried continuing from earlier saves), in other words, I'm stuck. Anything to do?
Version N (full download):
For some reason, when there are more than one defensive combat in different places of the map in the interturn, only one is shown, the others are skipped but you can still read the log; although in case of many combats you can miss some important informations regarding combat results.
note: quick combat is turned off.

Yes, I concur, I do not see all the battles taking place. For example, I had a captured wolf and a supply train. A griffon attacked my supply train (wolf was next to it). The next round I could not find my wolf anymore, so apparently the Griffon got it, too.

Attached (I hope) is the auto-save that crashes immediately it loads. Perhaps somebody could check whether it crashes in their computer, too.
I think I found a glitch where if a member of the over/undercouncil is killed, they can no longer vote(obviously) but they still count as a member. If enough members die, it can make it impossible to pass anything, since there might only be 3 living civilizations of a 8 member council, so there is no majority even if there is a unanimous yes vote.

And Dain the Caswallan still has horribly messed up AI, being unable to decide on a religion and switching every 10 turns, making changes as wild as AV -> Order -> FoL and back to AV again.
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