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Thank for Siam Civilization


Jun 18, 2010
Nontaburi, Thailand
Sawatdee Krab (Hello in Thai Language)
I am a one who live in thailand which named Siam.
I am thai people. I am just 20 years old.
I like civilization IV very much. That bring me like more history of many civilizations, cities and nations. Now I study Polical Scicene and interest in history.
Thank for selecting Siam to one civilzation in my favorite game.
Even I hope King Narai be the leader because he is the king who had good relation with many foreign nations such as China, Dutch, Portugal, Japan, Persian, Ryuku and France in reign of Louis XIV. You can found many foreigners' ruined villages in Ayuthaya, a Siam ruined capital, such as Japanese' village, Portugal village or Dutch building in Ayuthaya historial sites. He was a king who open relation with many foreigners and also annuanced to a free religion city even most of Siam people are Travada Buddhist. But there are many Christian missionaries from Portugal and France in Siam
and Muslim people from Cham (Ancient kingdom at the lower part of present Vietnam) , Java, Persian and so on. Siam kingdom welcome to many foreigners to settle, spread their religions, be Siam mercenaries or officers and trade with rice, the main food of siam people, ivory, fur, animal parts, tin, lead, some of gold resource and another agriculture goods.

OK. If you choose Ramkhamhaeng. That is fine. "Thai"/ "Siam" Main steam history studies said he built the first stone inscription which was sculptured Thai alphabet and noted about details about Ramkhamhaeng family, war with another city, Sukothai (His Capital) details, short informations about agriculture, irrigation and trading.
In case of the first stone inscription, nowaday some Thai historians question about it that this inscription might bulit by King Rama IV, a king of Rattanakosin period,who found the first stone insciption.
King Rama IV reign was about 150 years ago during Britain and France Colonization that had coming in India, Burma and Indochina where are parts to traveling to China.
Siam is in this area too. So they think this might be bulit in Rama IV period for bring up the Siam civilization to be greater to preventing Western colonization in order to bring up babarian state become civilize by becoming their colony. But this tissue is the conflict of "Thai"/ "Siam" history. In this reason, I think this is one problem to bring him to CIV V leader. I advice you should not tell Ramkhamhaeng bulit Thai alphabet becuase of history conflict.:eek: Then I will tell you more about why I support King Narai.

Second, I would to tell you that Sukothai, which is a capital , is look like a independent city in southeastasia. Surely, there are Thai people had lived in Sukothai Empire and been rulers but in the reign of late Sukothai (King Praya Lithai), Ayuthaya (another Thai people kingdom) had appeared. Ayuthaya kingdom was built by King Uthong in the south of Sukothai kingdom. Ayuthaya near sea than Sukothai.
Two kingdoms had war together. Sometimes be friendly by two royal kingom member meriage. Ayuthaya had bring Sukothai to a vessal absolutly in the reign of King Barumbatrilokkanan. Then Ayuthaya is only one Thai kingdom. Sukothai became to Ayuthaya' s city. Importantly, Portugal was the first western nation who contacted with Siam. Then Portugal made trade agreement with Siam and settled in Malaca.

Third, In the reign of King Narai, there was a golden age of Siam. Many foreigners became to Siam. There is VOC in Ayuthaya. Britain came to make trade agreement with Siam. France too. In this reign, King Narai sent Siam envoys two times to King Louis XIV. The first time, the ship were sinked. The second was succeed. You can see the picture about Louis XIV with Siam envoys in Versailles palace. In this reign, King Narai had war with Chang mai, capital of Lanna Empire, which is in the north of present Thailand. This war , I am not sure that Narai won , wasn't it? :crazyeye:
Narai even sent one Britain officer to be a leader of Marid port where is the city near Andaman sea for trading administration with foreigners. Nevertheless this city had been attacked by sea pirates many times.:(
Moreover, Narai allowed France christian missionaries spreaded in Ayuthaya and gave lands to them to a mission and village.

So I think Narai may be well-known in World history than Ramkhamhaeng because foreigners' note such as LaLubear who noted about many details of Siam in Ayuthaya period : people live, foods, agriculture, customs, equipments, monks, using elephants, politics and also siam punishments. You will know Siam more by this. I understand Thai Grammer is very difficult and no many man learn Thai language. I might help you about information. I prefer Narai than Ramkhamhaeng but even the CIV producers do not change. I will help you about Siam informations. :)

I advice 2 ways of my opinion concept of Siam

1. Leader : Ramkhamhaeng

Unique Ability : Way of river and croping life
because- thai people in sukhothai live near a river and mainly plant rice.
Seriously, until ancient to present thai people always eat rise mainly.
Planting rice is the key way of life of thai people's culture.
I think this may up + 1 Food and +3 healthy

Unique Unit : Royal War Elephant
Not Naresuan’s Elephant becuase King Naresuan was a king in Middle Ayuthaya period.
I think this word be more suitable. Siam king and some higher generals usually use the war elephant to lead the troop or fight with enemies. In Siam history, one War elephant must have many solders : first is a king, general or rifle/ small bombord solider who sitting on and equip weapons, second is a solder who control a elephant sitting in front of a king or general, third is a solder sitting behind "first" who put weapons from weapon rack to a "first", and lastly is soliders who protect elephant feet for hitting by cutting, traps or fire. Lastly part I am think it may be 4 soliders per one elephant's foot. One elephant has four feet so there are 16 soliders protecting there.

Unique Building "SareadPong" or "TamnopPraruw".
Many kings of Sukothai including he oftens bulid it for Irrigation.
It look like a building in type of a small dam and canel.

Traits "Emphasizes city growth"
I think like that because a environment of Siam is offer to croping for food.
I told the key of Thai people espacially in the old time is agriculture.
They can increase food productivity by improving Irrigation and clearing forest or jungle
for croping land. Following the Ayuthaya law, King allowed people to land anywhere by clearing that area to be croping land because Ayuthaya want to increase people more and more to be a soliders to conquest another kingdom and mainly to clear many foreset or jungle which were many and many in Siam. I think Siam king want to have more people to be farmers to gain more crop, be soliders and be workers to build canels and irrigation or clear forest/jungle or do any jobs for serving the kingdom like hunting for fur, ivory or lumbering or fishing and so on.

2. Leader: Narai

Unique Ability : Way of river and croping life
I think this is the root of Thai custom.

OR : Land of Diversity
I think this is for Narai who welcome with many foreginers to settle and trade with
Also welcome foreginers to be royal officers. I told Narai welcome many massionaries and agree tham to settle and spread. Also he assigned one musilm ruler to be the first of Siam Adviser to the King on Islamic Affaires. Narai had one favorite name "Constantine Falcon ", a greek , he became a general of soliders and had his fort at Bangkok.
After the Coup de'tat to Narai by Pra Praee Raya, he killed Falcon and expeled many foreigers because many foreigners had been Siam higher officers. That was dangerous for Thai officer in Siam.

Unique Unit : Royal War Elephant
Because the elephant troop is the key troop for Siam army

Unique Building : Hook elephant corral. (Paneand Krong Chang)
์Not same the first one because Ayuthaya location is fertile than Sukothai.
Irrigation building that Ayuthaya built was still buling canals.
But the interesting buliding is Hook elephant corral. It likes the stable for only elephants. Elephant tamers usually hook wild elephants to control and shepherd them to the corral. Then they will be trained to be war or working elephants. Hooking elephant is oftens show for a king or important foreigners for entertainment.Sometimes elephant tamers found white elephants, rarely found. They believed white elephants is holy and must catch for only king. It bring that king more lucky and powerful to another king in southeast asia. I think Hook elephant corral may be a good choice.
It may up happiness to city and add more experience to Royal War elephant.

*** But I like CIV V idea about Wat, That sound good, too.
I advice Wat may up Culture point, Hapiness point
If you choose Wat, I will agree you idea, too.

Traits : Emphasizes commercial growth
because Narai did many contact and agreement about trading.
He was a mechantism. Controling buying ivory, rice, gun with only officers who represented a king. In the of Narai, Siam had Dutch trading company (VOC) in Ayuthaya,
Britain trading company in Ayuthaya and Pattani even Bratain company had a problem.
I remembered that Narai declared war with Britain about problem of Marai port and the pirates that I told. I think Narai tried any ways to be wealthy.

Thank for reading. You can discuss it for suitable points
Very interesting. Thank you for sharing all of this. I do not know what would be good to represent Siam, and you know more so I will agree with you. :)
Sawasdee krab. ^^

Sabaii dee mai krab?

Thank you for posting that. Welcome to Civ fanatics forums as well. :)

I am also very excited about Siam being included in ciV. My girlfriend is from Thailand and she is very excited too. In fact, I will be headed over in September to work and study Thai for a year. Perhaps we can play a little ciV. :D

Anyway, thanks for the history lesson. I found it perfectly understandable. Good job.
I do think Siam was an interesting choice, and probably deserved to be in Civ, but i'd still prefer Spain, the empire on which the sun never set.
You know, I must admit I was kind of angry at first when I learned that empires like Siam and the Iroquois were in the game while civilizations like the Mongols and Spanish were left out, but this sounds rather interesting. Perhaps it'll be a good chance to learn about some interesting new cultures. I never used Spain or Mongolia, anyway.
I love Siam. I am so happy it got in, my favorate civ so far. Also, thanks for all the info, all of its very interesting. Also, what are we going to call Ramkhamhaeng? Ramkie?
I do think Siam was an interesting choice, and probably deserved to be in Civ, but i'd still prefer Spain, the empire on which the sun never set.

Spoiler :

It is Britain, not Spain, who receives the privelage of never-setting suns as her National Ability! :p
Ethnic Thai poster here. I'd rather see the Incans in the same but this is fine, too. After all, not all civilizations in the game in the past were chosen on the basis of having ruled a vast empire.
Pretty sorry that I didn't post this topic myself. I think your essay are 'a bit' long. I could help you by telling my opinion instead. I am born Thai. Thailand is my homeland and you could imagined how elated I am when heard Siam is in. (Look at my sig.)

Me too, Thinking that Narai should be Siam's best choice. He making Siam to been know to European and, eventually Western Hemisphere. At the fall of "Prasat Tong" Dynasty. There are Portuguese, Hollanda , French, British , Japanese and Chinese in Ayutthaya. The most influental foreigner in Narai's Reign is http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantine_Phaulkon A greek man which killed in Prasat Tong fall.

Ramkamhaeng is still good choice. He isn't not only famous on making ancient Thai alphabet, But he are making the territory of the Sukhotai kingdom, or probably Thailand history, to its greatest extent. And he are using "Por Pokkhong Look" or "Father govern children" which he solving people's problem by himself.

And Giganerd. Could you make your objection smaller?
Siam is a good representative of South-East Asian nations which haven't found much recognition in Civ up till now. The only one featured were the Khmer in Civ4. I hope someone will mod Vietnam and Shrivijaya some time later...
Me too, Thinking that Narai should be Siam's best choice.

I was under the impression that Firaxis uses Ramkhamhaeng rather than later royals to lower the risk of the game being banned in Thailand due to Lese Majeste laws. Firaxis probably avoided depicting Japanese royals for similar reasons.
Yes. Thai and Japanese law about royal family is very strict. I would cry instead of happy if I know that Thai Government banned ciV from store. You know, Thai make "The commiting lese majesty" as the first section of every constitution. It would be best for Firaxis to not to have any involvement of Rama Dynasty or Noble. You could know that Thai ICT (Forget full name) ever block YouTube because there is a video which ridicule the King of Thailand. They may didn't care about who they're dealing with. So be careful though. Because ICT could easily throw ciV out from Thailand.
Sawasdee krab. ^^

Sabaii dee mai krab?

Thank you for posting that. Welcome to Civ fanatics forums as well. :)

I am also very excited about Siam being included in ciV. My girlfriend is from Thailand and she is very excited too. In fact, I will be headed over in September to work and study Thai for a year. Perhaps we can play a little ciV. :D

Anyway, thanks for the history lesson. I found it perfectly understandable. Good job.

Pom sabaii dee krab (means I am fine)

I hope you will have a great time.
Yes. Thai and Japanese law about royal family is very strict. I would cry instead of happy if I know that Thai Government banned ciV from store. You know, Thai make "The commiting lese majesty" as the first section of every constitution. It would be best for Firaxis to not to have any involvement of Rama Dynasty or Noble. You could know that Thai ICT (Forget full name) ever block YouTube because there is a video which ridicule the King of Thailand. They may didn't care about who they're dealing with. So be careful though. Because ICT could easily throw ciV out from Thailand.

How bad if it will be like this. Thai ICT can block everythings as long as they think that things which is suitable for Thai people. Anyway I introduce CIV V producers to not do or put anything about Charkri history in the reign of Ratanakosin (King Rama I - the present). OK. if in the expansion, you might put new leader to CIV V. I advice you to not put any Charkri King for preventing ICT banning. You might put Narai or Thai politician like Pridi Pranomyong, the 1932 Siam Revolutinist, who was the key man about the first, second and third constution. Or Field Marshel Prek Piboonsokkram, the another 1932 Siam Revolutionist, who campamigned Thai culture by Thai Nationalism.
He announed "Siam" to "Thailand".During War World II and Japan Empire invaded Southeast asia, he was Thai prime minister . In that Pridi Pranomyong againsted with Japan Occuption by organizing Free Thai Movement (Seree Thai) to intelligenced Japan with USA and United Kingdom.
I am Spanish myself and I have no qualms of Siam being on this game instead, for it was one of the biggest, more cultured Empires of its time and region along with the Khmer. Now, the thing that mightily pisses me off is the presence of the Iroquois, which could barely be called a civ and was put mainly so the Americans can play "American natives vs cowboys" on the game :/
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