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The questions-not-worth-their-own-thread question thread XII

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There's a fantastic parasite that can help you lose weight. It's called a girlfriend. They're also good for teaching you how to live with a very small income and destroying your will to live.

I hope she doesn't read this or I'm in a lot of trouble.
There's a fantastic parasite that can help you lose weight. It's called a girlfriend. They're also good for teaching you how to live with a very small income and destroying your will to live.

I hope she doesn't read this or I'm in a lot of trouble.

Not to be confused with a wife, which has the opposite affect on your weight (and hers).
There's a fantastic parasite that can help you lose weight. It's called a girlfriend. They're also good for teaching you how to live with a very small income and destroying your will to live.

I hope she doesn't read this or I'm in a lot of trouble.

If that's true than why are you with her?
What I typed above is called a joke. If I hated her, I never would have knocked her up or gotten engaged.

Still, the principle is correct. All women just want to keep a brutha down.

Go gay.

It's so much better...
I am taking an online course, but that doesn't seem to be very helpful to me. And my high school only offers French, Spanish, German, and Chinese as foreign languages. So does anyone know any (trustworthy and good) Lithuanian classes in the St. Louis Metro area?

Moderator Action: This seemed a more appropriate place for your question
I would ask a better source than an online forum of people from around the world, when only a handful might be familiar with St Louis.

I would ask your local library, your local schools (high school, counselors, tutoring programs, local community colleges, etc, etc). Talk to teachers, counselors, administrators, librarians, other students, anyone that looks like they work in education.

I would look up that Rosetta Stone software, to see if they have Lithuanian as an option.

Hell, I would try Google and the yellow pages while I'm at it.
Why do you want to learn Lithuanian?

I broke up with my gf a few days ago (4 days now) and there's a Lithuanian girl I like, and I'm fairly certain she likes me too. And I thought it would be kind of romantic if I asked her out in her native language, Lithuanian.
You're welcome.

And yeah thanks. But I want to learn like the whole language and how to pronounce the words and what-not. I'm learning an entire language just so I can ask out one girl. That's just so sweet, don't you think.
And yeah thanks. But I want to learn like the whole language and how to pronounce the words and what-not. I'm learning an entire language just so I can ask out one girl. That's just so sweet, don't you think.

Not really. It strikes me as a tad obsessive. On the bright side, I'd be happy to learn that you've dropped your Twilight interest now that it won't get you laid. Right?
Not really. It strikes me as a tad obsessive. On the bright side, I'd be happy to learn that you've dropped your Twilight interest now that it won't get you laid. Right?

Y3ah, pretty much. And if things don't work out between me and this Lithuanian girl. I know someone who has a crush on me and she's pretty hot too.
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