What do you miss the most from Civ4?

What do you miss the most from Civ4BTS?

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Voted Leonard Nimoy, because I don't really miss any of the listed features, maybe except some good mods but they will come.
why clog this forum with repeated "What do you hate most about Civ V" polls and threads?

I don't hate Civ5.... I have played it for over 100 hours since it's release.

I'm simply curious as to what people miss the most from Civ4. I could have just as easily asked "What do you miss the most from Civ 3" but since most people had played Civ4BTS most recently I thought it was a better question.

It is possible to miss something without hating the game ;)
I miss having fear from other Civs.
I miss the Civs different personalities.
I miss being friends with certain Civs throughout the game.

In terms of AIs and Diplomacy there was clearly a regression. I will say that Civ5 + Civ4BTS AIs would be what we were all waiting for.
The hex system seemed like it would be a good match for the globe view......I'm surprised and even a bit disappointed that they left it out.
I'm having trouble missing any of these things

Religion- Didn't work right. Only two reasons to bother with it, micromanaging diplomacy and holy city cash cows. Which were a fix for the broken expansion penalty system. I'm sure they'll include it in expansions. Wonder how they'll do it.

Espionage- never thought they really got it to work right. Even in some of the better mods.

EndGame Win Movies- I don't miss the movies. I do miss the better endgame info screens. Since Civ I I've been enjoying the little replay map where it will show you conquering the world.

Wonder Movies- always skipped over them.

A Specific Civilization- 18 civs in Civ V, 18 in vanilla Civ IV. Endless mods.

City Specific Happiness Management- Oh god no. What a pain in the butt.

Tradeable Technologies- Meh.

Corporations- They got it to work OK in RoM. Didn't even have it in the vanilla Civ IV. It was BtS, right? It was broken in that expansion.

Unlimited Strategic Resources- Nope, I'm liking this better.

Civilization Starting Techs- couldn't care less

Bottom Right Scoreboard- I like the new UI much, much better. Even better than the improved UI in RoM. There are a few tweaks I would make. But I sure don't miss the old one.

A Civ4 Mod you used- RoM, obviously. Zappara's working on it.

The Music- to be honest, I don't like either. Sounds like elevator music. There are a few tracks in a few Civ V civs I've heard that I like, but nothing to write home about. Where's the Herbie Hancock from Civ II? They should hire the guys who make the music for Katamari Damacy.

The Diplomacy Overview Screens- I prefer the less quantitative approach. The leaders themselves look much better.

Global View- thought it was a novelty.

Civ4 Style City Micromanagement- Nope.

Needing to build Roads to Resources- it was tedious. Getting rid of road spam is one of the great unsung improvements in Civ V.

Square Tiles- Hex > win

The Civ4BTS AI- Alright, here's what everybody's whining about. I'm not seeing it. Sure, it's not brilliant, but neither was Civ IV's. Civ IV AI on offense? SoD. Civ IV on defense? Throw everything available at the stack of doom on the second turn, if successful then churn out units in every city, if unsuccessful watch every city fall.

Post-Game Line Graphs/Summary- this I miss.

Post-Game/Hall-Of-Fame Map Replay- this I miss.

Stackable Units- Don't miss it a bit. If I did, I'd use the stackable unit mod.

The Research Tree Layout- There are only slightly less techs available in vanilla versions. Not a lot to miss.

Permanent Alliances- is that gone? Didn't notice. I guess I don't miss it that much.

Leonard Nimoy- I like the new guy better. Like I said elsewhere, he actually seems interested in reading the lines. Nimoy sounded like he wanted to get out of the studio ASAP to grab some lunch.

So there you go. The only thing I really miss is the endgame. And that's not really a big deal.
technical layout for nowadays low end pcs were better in civ4

in civ5 dx9 with standard 1024x768 too big menues and graphic only good with higher comp parts

otherwise I chose music, I can hear not much in civ5 really or is music good in there?
I voted Post-Game/Hall-Of-Fame Map Replay but miss Post-Game Line Graphs/Summary and Post-Game/Hall-Of-Fame Map Replay equally. The whole Post-Game thing is poor in V.
That's in there - "Civ4BTS AI" - Maybe I should have called it something different, like "Computer and Difficulty Level"

Except I don't think the AI in BtS was that good either. It's something else or a combination of things that makes it easy (unless you go house rules, like no Horsemen/CC/etc.).
Im just waiting for the Civ4 mod for Civ5 and Civ5 mod for Civ4.
Relates to Nimoy, but I don't like the way the quotes work. If you close the new tech or wonder window, the quote stops playing. In Civ 4, the quotes kept playing. I really like listening to the quotes, but don't like having to wait for the quote to finish to close the window.
I don't miss anything from Civ IV...because it's still installed on my computer and I still play it.
I don't miss anything from Civ IV...because it's still installed on my computer and I still play it.

yeah, I don need anything like civ4 becuz civ4 you still will have for all time

so why looking what could be in civ5 which is in civ4 already?

so you can play both civ4 and 5 or let one of it be it or even both if yu don like any of them loool or yu like both
yeah, I don need anything like civ4 becuz civ4 you still will have for all time

so why looking what could be in civ5 which is in civ4 already?

so you can play both civ4 and 5 or let one of it be it or even both if yu don like any of them loool or yu like both

I'm sorry, I don't understand you.
Me too! There's no reason to miss anything from Civ IV, just go play it...

Do you work for Firaxis PR? ;) I'm going to be interested in seeing your post history after I reply ;)

The obvious (to most) context of this is what is top on your wishlist for things you wish they included in Civ5.

If you are going to go play Civ4BTS (as I still do, in the multi team democracy game - see the link in my sig) then I can just as easily ask you this:

What is it about Civ5 that you wish someone would Mod into Civ4?

If you think both games have reached a nirvana like perfection then awesome - you are one happy guy! I would suggest that most people have a little something they miss. Not saying Civ5 is a bad game. Not saying you cant play Civ4. If you took the best of both games what would you bring into Civ5 from Civ4? Obviously you wouldnt touch anything and love everything just the way it is.

I envy you your contentment with absoultely everything! :)

So many things I miss... Among them, the Health System (which made cows and wheat minimally valuable), the research tree layout, a cultural victory that was not broken... and, of course, Leonard Nimoy!


Mad Hab
What is it about Civ5 that you wish someone would Mod into Civ4?

Good question!

- 1UPT
- strategic resource limits
- social policies
- natural wonders
- barbarian encampments instead of random spawning
- zones of control
- empire wide happiness (The civ V system that keeps ICS to a minimum)
- city- states
- cities being able to bombard enemies
- puppet governments in conquered cities (this was a great addition)
- ranged units actually firing at range
- nuclear missiles being able to completely destroy a city (instead of just reducing it to one population)
- diplomacy features (research agreements, pacts of cooperation and secrecy, "do not build near my border")
- the advisors (not necessary, but fun. I loved them in II)

There may be more, but that's a quick list.
Right now it might be vassals - and that's not even an option!
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