Why do people take it personally?

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I'm more disappointed with professional game reviewers than Firaxis. With the amount of bugs that Civ5 shipped with, it should at best gotten 85%. Throw in subpar AI, missing features like demolishing/selling buildings, the WORST game engine optimization (there's no way this game should run slower than Napoleon Total War or Crysis), and a barely functional multiplayer; this game should at best received a 75-80%, not the 90% it currently holds on metacritics.

I agree. It's frustrating because It feels like the pro-CiVers and the reviewers are just playing a totally different game, like I got the defective version or something. I come to the forums and say that I don't like the game, and I get argued up and down in expert debates so bad I actually start to believe that the game is good. But then I go play and I'm bored out of my skull until the game crashes in 1860:sad:
Definitely angry. Are you done projecting or should I tell you now that I don't even have the game?
I am.
I do get disgusted someone explaining in thread that someone who has bought product don't have right to complain or potential customers who bought earlier products from the same line don't have right to voice their opinion.

For me it's kind of easy since I didn't bought anything yet. I just walk away. But it's difficult walk since it's been journey of almost 20 years in the making. Couple of my friends bought the game also. It's kind of awful to see where the industry is going. Streamlined-whishy-washy-happy-graphical-and-easy-gratification-boxset-with-extra-downloadable-content-just-99,99$

BTW, I suggest someone should remove that buccaneering comment...
I take it personally because I feel conned. If someone pulled a bait and switch on me face to face I'd be mad... and I'm mad that it happened here too. I admit that I'm a sucker for letting it happen, but they won't get me again. That just leaves me with no expectations for the game in the future and it is as the person posted above... the end of the franchise to me. I've seen this happen before with too many games that I really liked.
We (the Civ series player base) expected alot more

This is part of why the people who like Civ take the complaining personally; the complainers love to set themselves up as speaking for the Civ series player base, which of course implies that anyone who likes the game is not a true fan of the series. Then there's the 'this game is dumbed down' complaint, which of course means that if you like the game you're dumb and like dumbed down stuff. Telling people that you speak for all true fans and that they're stupid and incompetent at playing is not a good way to get a good reception.
This is part of why the people who like Civ take the complaining personally; the complainers love to set themselves up as speaking for the Civ series player base, which of course implies that anyone who likes the game is not a true fan of the series. Then there's the 'this game is dumbed down' complaint, which of course means that if you like the game you're dumb and like dumbed down stuff. Telling people that you speak for all true fans and that they're stupid and incompetent at playing is not a good way to get a good reception.

I started my post by saying that I don't speak for everyone, although some of the community may share some of the same feelings:

First line of my post: "I don't want to speak for everyone here - but I know how I feel, and I think it may be similar (at least in part) to how others feel as well."

I specifically said, many times, that I do NOT speak for everyone - I respect your differing opinion, but please don't just pick out specific parts, and put spin on it in order to demonize someone.

I enjoy the game, but would like to enjoy it a lot more... if I vehemently hated it, I wouldn't be playing it, and would have said so in my post. I never said that by liking a dumbed down game, anyone is dumb. Believe me - I own plenty of outright dumb games, and I play them because they're fun.

I feel let down, like many others.
I've actually spent a bit of time thinking about this one... WHY am I so disappointed? WHY do I keep going back to the CivFanatics forums and Reddit/Civ if I've made up my mind that I don't really enjoy the current game? I think that, to me, the answer actually lies outside of the world of Civ. Two things, really:

I introduced my father to Civ2 in 1994. Since then, he's faithfully followed the series along with me; phone calls home have had a lot of "Sorry, Mom, we're gonna talk Civ for a bit..." moments since then. My brother-in-law plays Civ, as well.... So does my older uncle, two of my bosses, and two of my ex-girlfriends - all of these are people who don't normally play computer games. The Civilization games have always had a way of transcending the medium, and have changed many people's perceptions of what a simple "video game" can be, and do.

My Dad would not like ciV. I know how he likes to play the game, and so much of what he loves about civ is missing. I'd still love for him to get it and try it out, and he probably will, eventually. (Well, maybe - when I told him espionage was gone, he was REALLY disappointed - he's been working on perfecting an espionage-heavy tactic in cIV for the last nine months!)

I also feel that the "streamlining"/simplification of the gameplay is going to marginalize the audience of civ - which is fine, really, I guess. I've just always felt that the civ series would in some way be the redemption of videogames - that eventually enough people would say, "well, hey, of course gaming is a valid and respectable pastime - after all, check out Civ!" This version seems to borrow so much from gaming conventions it never before bothered with... as my Dad said, "What's a Steam?" or "Who's this DLC character?". As a longtime gamer, I'm a big fan of Steam, but I can see how it may really turn off people who only play games if they're called "Civilization".

So, yeah, I guess that about boils it down to "I need more things to talk about with my father" and "I need to worry less about what people think about how I spend my free time." I actually feel much better after writing this down! Thanks, CivFanatics forumites/therapists! :-D
I don't want to speak for everyone here - but I know how I feel, and I think it may be similar (at least in part) to how others feel as well.

We (the Civ series player base) expected alot more out of Civ V. The series, as a whole, was always progressive - mostly.
Civilization captured our minds, it kept us glued to our monitors for hours, and days at a time... a revolution in Strategy gaming.

You don't want to speak for everyone here, but then you continue by stating "We (the Civ series player base)" and phrases like "as a playerbase and community" and the royal "we". So, apparently you do intend to speak for the Civ player base. In which case, I'd like to say, you don't.

Am I disappointed in the AI? Yes. But I'm also very happy with a lot of other changes made (1-UPT, no tech trading, etc.). So your generalisations really don't apply to me and possibly others as well.
The game is a tedious joke. On Emperor, latest (last?) game: let's destroy Alex. Done. Let's destroy Siam. Done. Let's destroy China. Done. Let's destroy India. Done. Whole continent to myself, Reniassance era (I wasn't really trying.) Any pets need to be fed? Here, have some money, just help yourself from the pile.
You better believe I'm angry. And disgusted.
I kinda like the crusaderlike fervor this game conjures up here on the forums, some instances more fun than the game :)
Then there's the 'this game is dumbed down' complaint, which of course means that if you like the game you're dumb and like dumbed down stuff.

if you like the game you're dumb

What? If I say a game is cool, does that mean that the people who like it are cool, and like cool things? If I date a woman who I think is sexy, does it mean I'm sexy and like Sexy women?

I go crazy reading this stuff, I really do. Is this why people defend the game so strongly? Because the haters say the game is too simple now, and so the lovers think this is somehow a reflection on them as a person?
Well, it would have been nice to be told the game was subpar like many other games lately, i.e., a paid beta test (while they figure out how to make a better game with patches & expansions). It's my right as a gamer, or as long as I retain free will, to feel however I wish btw. What it boils down to: I can't stand playing the game. I tried, and have gone back to Civ4 (with mods).

It seems to me that many people here think that Civ5 being under par is a personal attack against their rights as gamers.

Now I really hesitate to make a claim like that, but I've been noticing some very disturbing trends that I just can't ignore any longer.

I've seen people here:
-Grossly exaggerating the shortcomings of the game
-Insulting the game developers
-Accusing the publishers of ripping them off
-Attempting to send a message that the game is unacceptable
-Making snide comments or insults against people simply for enjoying or trying to enjoy the game
-Celebrating when others don't like the game
-Nit picking on minor shortcomings to the extreme

And the list goes on. I think it's clear from the general attitude of the board that people aren't just disappointed but are angry.

So why is it so different here? What makes people think they deserve a good game from Civ5 or even a game at all? The gamer doesn't have any rights. You either buy/play the game or you don't. Why does there have to be so much personal emotion behind it?
You don't want to speak for everyone here, but then you continue by stating "We (the Civ series player base)" and phrases like "as a playerbase and community" and the royal "we". So, apparently you do intend to speak for the Civ player base. In which case, I'd like to say, you don't.

Twice in the post, I used the "I/we" pronoun(s)... coupled with the first line of my post, I don't see the mis-communication.

If I had said "I, the Civ player base", there would have been an equal amount of uproar...
"You're not the only person who plays!" - "It's not just about you!", etc, etc...
It seems that my literary compromise didn't fare as well as the problem I was trying to overcome.

It's a shame that we have to put labels and disclaimers on EVERYTHING we do nowadays... it's even more frustrating when the disclaimers get ignored.
Twice in the post, I used the "I/we" pronoun(s)... coupled with the first line of my post, I don't see the mis-communication.

If I had said "I, the Civ player base", there would have been an equal amount of uproar...
"You're not the only person who plays!" - "It's not just about you!", etc, etc...
It seems that my literary compromise didn't fare as well as the problem I was trying to overcome.

It's a shame that we have to put labels and disclaimers on EVERYTHING we do nowadays... it's even more frustrating when the disclaimers get ignored.

Stop reading my mind and telling me what to do! ;)
Agree 100% with the OP.

Buy the game or don't buy it, but stop whining and crying like little kids.

You're not entitled to anything, anf Firaxis owes you nothing. They make the game that they want, get over it.

Loving Civ 5 by the way.
Agree 100% with the OP.

Buy the game or don't buy it, but stop whining and crying like little kids.

You're not entitled to anything, anf Firaxis owes you nothing. They make the game that they want, get over it.

Loving Civ 5 by the way.

Enjoy the game or don't enjoy the game but stop whining about people supposedly "whining" about the game. Firaxis is not entitled to glowing reviews just because it is called "Civ5". If you don't like it, then get over it. :rolleyes:
Sure - just tell me when the delivery guy will be here with the pizza. And yes, you got the toppings right ;)

It'll arrive when they deliver it, and the toppings were already ordered. I didn't really have a good response for that one, so kudos, but it did remind me of the comment earlier in the thread about dying from eating at McDonalds for 20 years, with the Supersize Me movie, where chazomorphines are mentioned from eating excessive cheese: http://www.articlesbase.com/home-and-family-articles/why-are-you-addicted-to-cheese-339851.html

Disclaimer: It is abundantly clear from reading posted threads there is overwhelming unhappiness from us gamers about Civ5! :mad:
Enjoy the game or don't enjoy the game but stop whining about people supposedly "whining" about the game.

Exactly. Theres a difference between stating an opinion and using the functions of a forum and "whining". When someone incorrectly labels everything they dont want to hear as whining, by their own definition, they are whining. :crazyeye:
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