The West Tower

IMO, we should take the gamble. Actually I'd take both gambles Slaze is suggesting. I mean, it's not like our situation could suck much more. If we play safely, we'll just delay the inevitable. If we can get the AP, we should have enough production to build up West Colony's defence up really fast.

And it would be really awesome to make at least one offensive manouver during the game. Heck, we could even try to slip a missionary across to Merlot side while we are at it. If both gambles would succeed then, we'd have a real hammer time... Sorry, couldn't resist it :D

Anyway, I believe that in our situation we should not play conservatively. Basically if we do, we'd just be sitting ducks. If we take risks and make unorthodox moves, we'll probably lose anyway due to extremely bad odds we have, but at least we'll go down in a style :)
There are are 2 issues on defending tha Mav mainland.

1. Quatronia can invade with galeys. So even if they send 2 maces the front city is gone. My guess is that they will be sending more than 2 maces pretty soon.

2. Sirious can come through land from the north part using 2 workers to road.

So my guess is that in the next 5-6 turns if not sooner Mav will be facing at least 4-6 units from Quatronia south and another 4-6 from Sirious north.

Chariots are useless for defence so if that happens in teh next few turns the mainland will be gone.

That is why I don't like what Mavs did at all, because the mainland is super fragile and will fall to a handfull of units while the home island is not in any good state .

So what can we do?

1. develope normally (granaries then army) and hope we get enough time
2. Give Merlot cash to Mavs and upgrade a few units ( This is super expensive and will put us even further back in tech)
3. Get units before granaries...
I personally feel Merlot War bonds are the best option.

With it, we have the best chance of keeping two relatively developed empires (albeit both poorer in the short-term).

If we developed Mav at the expense of our military, that leaves our new-improved lands wide open for stealing.

If we expand the military at the expense of developement, all future developements would be that much slower.

Since they have a military already in place, why not just modernise it while continuing to develop their land?

That leaves us with a better military position, without sacrificing future productivity.

Of course, that is just my humble opinion.
1. develope normally (granaries then army) and hope we get enough time
2. Give Merlot cash to Mavs and upgrade a few units ( This is super expensive and will put us even further back in tech)
3. Get units before granaries...

If Sirius just declared war, that sounds like we don't have time to wait for granaries.

As a fairly desperate thought -- if Quatronia have not declared war (just the phony workboat-killing war from the start of the game), and are having space pressure with their neighbours, is there any diplomatic way we can spark a war between them? Since we're "already defeated" (so far behind in tech as not to be a threat) that Quattronia can safely attack their other neighbour knowing they won't be attacked from the other front?
If Sirius just declared war, that sounds like we don't have time to wait for granaries.

As a fairly desperate thought -- if Quatronia have not declared war (just the phony workboat-killing war from the start of the game), and are having space pressure with their neighbours, is there any diplomatic way we can spark a war between them? Since we're "already defeated" (so far behind in tech as not to be a threat) that Quattronia can safely attack their other neighbour knowing they won't be attacked from the other front?

That is a thought, however if we send a letter to Quatronia asking this then they might just forward it to CDZ and get them really pissed off with us..

IMO we should send no diplo letters to anyone, we should go at it by ourselves and wait to se what happens. Everyone knows the situation and I am sure have opinions on how to deal with what, if they need us they will call for us.
So on our front things are getting tougher. We have an Amazon tririme that will propably pillage our 1 seafood and Amazon have settled a canal city that will allow their galleys and galleons to pass through there.

CDZ also declared on us and we are fearing an attack from that side as well.

My estimate of Amazon army on the canal is the mini stack that was camped on us + 1-3 crossbows. That city is on flat land so if we take both our crossbows (comming with galley) there we might be able to take the city if they have only 1 crossbow there.

On the other hand that will leave the CDZ front empty!
hi folks:)

how does it work for team mav? do you use their forum also, so i need to log in there also to hand over our strat issues?

putting our plan in short:

we wanted to settle quick the land we had available, which was almost done when i left, then grow on the main island, cottaging up our capital and run rep specs in all other cities. military we wanted to build with the whip overflow from settlers. no idea what was done exactly cause i resigned from the team and have been away the 4 weeks before that, but something we should have done in that regard. we should at least have grans/forges in our 2 main cities up... ...i hope.

-> we are playing a SE (or have been planning to do so), so feel free to go wild with the whip. simply farm everything on the central continent for quick regrowing. whipping grans (if not done already) should be next, then units if there is a direct threat.

-> if you are able to hold all the cities there, eco wise the mav empire should be up quick after assigining 2 rep. scientists in all cities
Hi Snaaty, we will use this forum so log in here to check screens of the situation in both Merlot and Mav lands and to contribute in discussions.

Regarding the strategy, I am a bit worried of whether we will get the time to develope cities in mainland before we are attacked...
I think we go all out with military in Mavs, we've got to hold on to that empire as long as possible. As far as Merlot, I'm all for going after the Amazon canal city.
I played around with some numbers a bit. These are the assumptions I made:
1) Rival Worst in soldiers (Merlot statistics) is Mavericks
2) Rival Best in soldiers is Amazons
3) Total soldiers from tech for the alliance is 62000.

From Best, Average and Worst we can calculate average soldiers of remaining three nations: 136000. Disregarding techs, our enemies (Amazons aside) have 74000 soldiers in average. This much is fact, now starts the guesswork of what this actually means.

We can also safely assume that everyone has a galley bringing the number down to 72000. Now accounting for the fact that every barrack and forge will lower the number and each city having at least a warrior, I'm willing to bet that less than half of that number is what we could be facing. If every unit in that number would be a Maceman, it would mean less than four Macemen in average per enemy (again Amazons aside). My guess would be much less. And it's also quite sure that both CDZ and Quatronia must have some defences in their mainland city. At least I wouldn't trust even a close ally in that kind of situation.

What concerns me a bit more though is the Amazons. On top of everything we already know (tech, GW, at least one barracks, trireme and at least one galley and the stack) they still have 84000 more soldiers. If there is any immediate threat it's the Amazons.

If your Majesty wants, I can start to keep track of what we know. The change in the numbers is actually what we should be looking for now. However some more numbers would be useful. Could we get also Maverick Info Screen for each turn? Power graphs for both Merlot and Mavericks every now and then would also be useful.
Oh yes, I forgot about that. Sorry. It might also be worthwile to keep track on the population in Demographics. Though it is a bit hard to solve the exact amount of population points from that especially if we don't know the exact number of cities our enemies have.
First le me welcome babybluepants as well!

On the soldiers analysis...

We are no1 in soldiers with 196.000
no2 is Amazon with 171.000

On top of us they have:
compass 4.000 soldiers
construction 4.000 soldiers
GW 10.000 soldiers
Tririme 3.000 soldiers

but we have much more pop... so assuming we have 10 more pop that is 5.000 soldiers.

Assuming again we both have 2 barracks and 1 forge they have 11.000 more soldiers than us from techs and wonders.

So the real difference is propably around 35.000 since a crossbow is 7.000 I am assuming that at the momment we have 4 more crossbows than them.

The question is if we will still have 4 more in 5 turns when we reach their canal city.....
Aivo, excellent work!

Indiansmoke, I believe we have to take the risk going after the canal city, it's too great of a strategic point.
I would finish the appo. it should be almost done with the next forest going into it.

the basic idea we had behind settling all of our peninsula was to go berserk with phants and catas and to take at least one neighbour down with us.

bad only that all neighbours decided NOT to settle next to us:lol:

basically i would still like to stick to the plan and try to do at least some damage. we dont need a lot of improvements, our SE cities are nicely "working" growing from 2-4 and getting whipped back to 2 (we should have grans for that). and teching construction and hbr for elephats would also be something to think about.

only our capital should get cottaged up and grow in my opinion. the rest i would simply whip and whip and whip and... ...well, whip:lol:

elephants, cbows and catas are an ugly combo btw, so i would like to see them in action...


some general overview over our old belongings would help also, to get a better idea of the state it´s in...

Capital and the bottom city just grew onto their plains mines. I'd take the chopping worker back off chopping and back to capitol to build the green mine, and roughly keeping the 1 worker per city theme intact. Within that, build farms on dye followed by green mines followed by brown mines followed by capital cottages. It looks like it was played real tight: whipping a little bit under the worker construction rate. Currently, it looks like some are about to outgrow the worker rate (which would have been whipped off - and looks like we should again whip something) but with mines there we should grow onto them.
Great King,

I would also like to ask permission to join the glorious lands of our colony to help where it is needed. I have not been very active so far as I have not seen the need to with such a great leader controlling our lands. What do I need to do to head over to the colony?

You humble servant,
Welcome Zorag!

@ Slaze...Mavs are in caste and police state now, caste would be nice with representation but I don't think we can get the needed production without slavery. So in 4 turns that we have cs, I suggest we switch to slavery, bureocracy and theocracy.

The question is whether to stay at police state or go representation. With libraries we can run 2 representation scientists which would not be bad...police state gives 7.5 hammers per whipped pop which is not bad either...
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