The West Tower

I think Slaze would be a great choice, exactly who I was thinking. My computer has been hit & miss lately or I would offer to help Slaze. Either way I'll try and help out anyway I can.
I have no problems helping out with playing the turns - but I'm going to need to know what to do, since I don't have the experience you guys have with micromanagement. As long as you are available to give guidance, it's not a problem.
I'll take over Mav with sunstzu's help. I'll need help maybe 2 turns around thanksgiving and then again as I'm moving end of Feb/begin March and then It would be nice to take the game down at christmas, like dec23-jan2, which is a pretty standard MP move anyway.
So we have been given maverics least we will make this a bit more interesting for a short while!!

Slaze you want to play turn teh Mav civ...lets log in and see the situation...
Interesting, How close is Astro at this point? (concerning Mav's back door) and what's the plan for the AMAZON stack heading for the middle?

Diplo is what I come back to most, what's going down south, quatronia is pressed for land with mavs 5 cities taking most of their southern penisula already (just north of quatronia's island) and cdz on the southern spoke with 2 cities to quatronia's one, quatronia must be bent their space has been cramped by mav and cdz.

We do have pyramids to play around with as spiritual. I thought it was funny we were in police state.

But 3 warriors on the home island for 3 cities at pop 4-5, how close is astro again

And i just thought of this now, that amazon stack was very axe heavy. There were like two chariots in the mav cities. If it heads to that center desert...
A big thank you to you guys for coordinating the take over! Awesome!

I think it would be real neat to have the Maverick turns published here the same way the Merlot turns are - if his majesty believes this is a good idea!

I feel like William Wallace... this cowardly alliance may eventually take us down, but they will pay for every inch of land they claim with their blood.

Astro is pretty close amybe in less than 10 turns maybe 15. Mav's civ is a mess. They settled the land but they are undeveloped, even capital is size 4!!!! I was hopping for at least a bigger city to run some scientists with representation.

We need to think what to do with the Mavs civ, my first thought is slave garnary and army everywhere and grow 1 city to run scientists.
Looking forward to some screenshots of the Mav territories :) This is good news!
It's "kind" of chaotic over in Maverick-land.. Geesh! I wonder what they've had in mind strategy-wise? Looking at our own lands compared to theirs is quite the difference..
Astro is pretty close amybe in less than 10 turns maybe 15. Mav's civ is a mess. They settled the land but they are undeveloped, even capital is size 4!!!! I was hopping for at least a bigger city to run some scientists with representation.

We need to think what to do with the Mavs civ, my first thought is slave garnary and army everywhere and grow 1 city to run scientists.

Completely agree with this assessment, Mavs is a mess and in severe military trouble. My approach would be exactly as Indiansmoke has said, slave granary and army everywhere and use one of their island cities to run scientists.

Slaze had a great point too about Q being essentially land locked. Mavs has opened a few new diplomatic routes I feel and that needs to be a high priority right now. We need to flirt CDZ with the idea of declaring war on Q considering the close borders and promise them help from Mavs in the invasion. The northern civs would be unable to launch a significant attack on CDZ due to the distance and the threat that they might meet our troops before reaching CDZ.
Another factor that we need to keep in mind, Amazon is a clearly split camp right now and it's beginning to affect their turnplay as I think we've seen with their non-attack / retreat from our territory. I think we can use this too in diplomacy to show that they're on the fall whereas we're ranked # 1 in most categories and on the rise.
I wouldn't call mav such a mess, they rushed out expansion and the consequences are brilliant, Q is choked. If Astro is 10 turns away that is decent time to build up defense (although island is pretty much starting from scratch there). I think because the south is how it is - Q vs CDZ -we can afford to limit our defense down there and look north or east( unless we can pull off some diplo). Overall, Mav just pulled off a REX, lets build it up and squeeze out a military rex when the window's right. GP farms are nice and dandy, but that move heads only to lib at this point, chem is too far and thus scientists have no military use/practicality (save the 1 we need for astro, which quite frankly, merlot could provide if needed). Just a general growth onto mines and storing pop in case of defense is what we need. I swear the've had optics for a handful of turns now, astro is coming.

Settling all GP in a substandard capital (like cut more crap moscow and exactly like the ones we have on this map) and sticking ourselves in Rep for Millennia just isn't good enough for what were facing. Spiritual lets us bounce around just fine but Police state may be what we need most of the time.

I've joined from Mavs, but won't have time to really contribute (kinda why we fell apart as a team). I'm largely dropping out of Civ/CFC nowadays. Hope you can at least do some damage now that you have control of two civs. :thumbsup:

Doesn't seem like Snaaty's been around here yet... Our game had three parts. Initially it was hyper-active in the forum and we focused on the Oracle-MC/Mids gambit. Sometime around Oracle it became clear that we were in total isolation against an alliance. The second part of the game was from about then to maybe 1000 BC. We still weren't entirely clear on the extent of the alliance, not having met everyone, and tried to strike a tech deal. First with MC, then with offers of a Machinery or Theo bulb. They feigned some interest (more likely were still divided amongst team factions), but ultimately it became clear that there was no way in and that we were falling way behind quickly. Around then, interest started dropping very rapidly. The rest of the game was largely played by obs alone, with limited strategic input from a few of us, and was about doing maxOF-settler-whip/regrow cycles and grabbing land on the star continent. We noticed culture-pressure between CDZ and Q long ago, and hoped to exacerbate it further. obs got some partial responses with probing PMs about that issue, but I'm not at all sure it's possible to turn one of them. CDZ seems significantly stronger as a potential ally to me personally.
1. short timer...I have been saying this from the start, if we take 1 turn every 2,5 days the game drags too long and eventually dies.
2. land contact between all team, so that early wars are possible. This gives different dynamics to the game than this island borefest.
3. No tech trading, tech trading is ridiculus and completely ruins the game. I voted tech trading for this game because I thought that is what everyone here wanted. It was a mistake from me.
4. Balanced teams....this is hard to achieve but this time I think the balance was as good as it will get.
Agree on all points, esp. TT and land contact. I was the only Mav voting against TT, unfortunately.
Another factor that we need to keep in mind, Amazon is a clearly split camp right now and it's beginning to affect their turnplay as I think we've seen with their non-attack / retreat from our territory. I think we can use this too in diplomacy to show that they're on the fall whereas we're ranked # 1 in most categories and on the rise.

Unless that "retreat" was caused by a communication from another team? They didn't have the odds to go after our city, and maybe they got a message that there are some sparsely defended maverick cities?

Or they may just be on an explore while they wait for backup?

Just getting a bit nervous about where that Amazon stack is heading. Do some crossbows need to tail them? Or would that be risky?

(Could they tail them anyway? Is the hub blocked by someone who is at war with us but peace with them?)
I wouldn't call mav such a mess, they rushed out expansion and the consequences are brilliant, Q is choked. If Astro is 10 turns away that is decent time to build up defense (although island is pretty much starting from scratch there). I think because the south is how it is - Q vs CDZ -we can afford to limit our defense down there and look north or east( unless we can pull off some diplo). Overall, Mav just pulled off a REX, lets build it up and squeeze out a military rex when the window's right. GP farms are nice and dandy, but that move heads only to lib at this point, chem is too far and thus scientists have no military use/practicality (save the 1 we need for astro, which quite frankly, merlot could provide if needed). Just a general growth onto mines and storing pop in case of defense is what we need. I swear the've had optics for a handful of turns now, astro is coming.

Settling all GP in a substandard capital (like cut more crap moscow and exactly like the ones we have on this map) and sticking ourselves in Rep for Millennia just isn't good enough for what were facing. Spiritual lets us bounce around just fine but Police state may be what we need most of the time.

The REX Mav did is a single player approach to REX, spam cities to get land without enough workers or units to support it. Cities are 1-2 pop without granaries and will take a long time to start producing medieval units. Lets hope that we don't have to face enemy units down there too soon.

Then there is the main island...what is going on there??? 4 pop cities, land unimproved no roads....

Lastly the economy. There is no single cottage so it will have to be specialist economy, but specialist economy with 4 pop cities??? When I say running scientist I it is for the purpose of teching fast as if we don't follow as fast as possible to astro and chemistry we will be even more hopeless. So Mavs have to contribute to tech in a way and scintists are teh only way I see right now.

That's why they're slow low on pop (whip). Not every city whipped this extensively but this is essentially a super high hammer economy (imagine it as working 5 and 6 hammer mines, this whip). Coupled with their choice of beginning the plains hill mines and you can see where they we're going, high hammers.

And I wouldn't jump ship so quickly on this either. At only 133 hammers to go, I think we just finish it. There are tremendous risks involved here, but if you start to crunch to numbers ( the other two cities on the island have the temples, both buildings are relatively cheap in the high hammer cities of their island). A spiritual temple makes profit with a forge and police state at 12.33 turns. I know the center is relatively weak and especially with the AMAZON stack and city that got planted somewhere in the desert, but we do have 3 chariot over there - it just couldn't survive a combined amazon + something else all at once. But then, what if we took those 3 chariot, and our whole merlot stack, and see if we couldn't remove the Amazon city from the map? We could get up to 5 chariots in 2 turns if we whiped those two pop 2 cities to one.
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